Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 166: deterrence

In the sky, three dragons vacated.

These are three Western dragons, from which they can clearly feel the martial arts, the sacred kings, the sacred kings, the night sacred gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night gods. India's throne seeks magic and pride the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 夜 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The strongest abandon the big Zhou Dynasty to their power.

However, at this time, the atmosphere of these three dragons and dragons was full of anger, and the powerful, like the general momentum, overwhelmed toward He Yiming.

The same powerful, insulting momentum permeates the body of He Yiming, when the momentum of the two sides meets in the void. Splashes of countless subtle electric light, and a fierce friction sound, there is a growing trend.

He Yiming looked coldly at the three dragons on the top of his head. He knew that the reason why these three guys did not immediately shoot was because they were jealous. If it is not here, but outside. The three of them have long been desperate to put themselves to death.

"Samod, you still remember me." He Yiming sneered.

The big eyes of Samedo’s eyebrows sparkled with fierce light. It resentfully said: “If you become a fly ash, I will never forget you.

Beside it, there are two dragons, one of which is full of red, and the other is full of golden light, shining in the light of the sun.

At this time, their daylight is also staring at He Yiming, and the undisguised murder is almost as essential.

The number of dragons is inherently pitiful, and now he is killed by He Yiming in one fell swoop. And two of them are juvenile young dragons. This is definitely an unbearable glimpse for the dragons. loss. Therefore, in their hearts, He Yiming has already hated it.

If it is not the strength of He Yiming, I am afraid that fighting here will hurt the life of the dragons in the Dragon Valley. They have long rushed to avenge their families.

He Yiming laughed loudly, and his smile was hearty and unrelenting.

The nose of Samod and others smothered the horrible dragon's breath, and their suffocation became more and more intense around the body. It seemed that they would be desperate to rush at any time. At any cost, he also wants to tell He Yiming to kill this place.

However, He Yiming’s laughter was a sudden stop. He screamed: “Samod. I killed you the dragon people, you are happy.

Samad snarled in anger, and the space around him was blurred and his wings were swayed. It seems that I can't stand it anymore.

However, He Yiming’s wrist was in one fell swoop, and the Kowloon stove suddenly appeared on top of his head. On the original slick stove wall, the vivid image of the nine big fire dragons emerged.

The scorching heat waves rolled in, and the surrounding land was dying in an instant. This heat spread to the surrounding, and it only spread in a flash.

However, when this distance reached ten feet, it suddenly converges and does not smash. The Dragon Valley is shrouded in it.

All the actions of Samad stopped suddenly. He witnessed the power of this artifact and knew that if the nine horrible fire dragons were released here, the entire Dragon Valley would be destroyed today.

A pair of giant eyes flashed an angry flame, and a bright red bloodshot was clearly visible. But the more so. The more he did, the more he did not dare to take the shot, and both lost. Even the result of the complete destruction of the dragons in the Dragon Valley is not something that it can withstand.

What do you want to do? "Samod's impatience."

Seeing the powerful pseudo-deity of the beast, the appearance of He Yiming’s inexplicable silence, he smiled: “Samod, I am coming from the East to Long Valley, of course, for revenge.

"Revenge?" Samedo's giant eyes flashed with sinister light. It said in anger: "You stole the eggs of our dragons and even said revenge."

"Shut up, He Yiming screamed, and broke the dragon's roar.

Although Samod was angry with the smoke, he did not choose to work directly here.

Perhaps it and the two dragons around it are not afraid of artifacts, but those dragons who have not been promoted to Shinto, in front of the artifact power, have no ability to resist.

"Samod. I didn't take your **** dragon egg and sing a cold voice: "Do you believe it or not?" If He did it, he would never deny it. ”

Samod stunned a little, and he carefully looked at the eyes of He Yiming, a gloomy road: "You said this now, it is already late.

He Yiming was dumbfounded. Road: "Yes, it's too late. It's already late when you hit the human city of Penglai Xiandao."

Samod snorted for a while, then he couldn’t understand it: "What do you say? Human city."

He Yiming squinted and sneered: "You don't want to say that the human city on Penglai Xiandao is not destroyed by you.

Samad did not hear his words at all, and suddenly shouted: "You found it for the sake of a human city being destroyed? From its voice, it is full of strong unbelief.

He Yiming’s face was cold, and he suddenly cried: “Samod, you ruin my home and kill my people. Today. He’s blood debt is paid, and you will destroy your home. Kill your people.

"You" you are crazy, Samoud has no image of violence: "The lives of some ordinary human beings. How can it compare with the great dragons? For the sake of some ants, "Song Erlong Valley hurts the great dragon life." You are really crazy and screaming and screaming, "Samod, in my heart, the life of humans and dragons is the same precious. Since you want to kill my people, then you have to do well. The preparations for the murder of the tribe were looming in the eyes of the red light, and the fierceness was revealed. His voice was the same as that of Samuel. It was also filled with the same crazy atmosphere: "Today's business is just a warning, I want you to be damn, arrogant. The big dead dragons remember that any of my tribes were hurt. I will kill a Western dragon by any means. I have to see if there are a large number of my people or how many dragons you have.

Samad and the other two dragons were silent, although the fierce colors in their eyes were not slightly different, and they became more angry. But there is a hint of faint fear in their eyes.

As the same Shinto strong, the three of them will not be afraid of He Yiming.

But for the threat of He Yiming, they can't be ignored. He Yiming is also a Shinto. Although human Shinto is generally not like a beast. But if you let go of your identity and attack a young dragon or a dragon that is not advanced, I am afraid that it is still a thing of stability.

Take one for one and look at the world. I am afraid that it is only He Yiming, this Shantou Qing can say it.

Is the life of the dragon family comparable to that of an ordinary human being?

He Yiming looked at the dragon in silence. He burst into loud voice, and the laughter was full of ridicule, threat and unbridled.

Within the Great Dragon Valley, no human beings have laughed here since ancient times. Even the Pope and the Dark Speakers of the past have come here with respect and respect, without any rudeness.

Like He Yiming, killing the dragon like this, and it is unreasonable laughter, this is absolutely unique. But even if they feel that they are guilty again. Only the biting of the teeth, hard to endure.

After a long time, He Yiming put away his laughter, and his wrist waved, and the huge Kowloon furnace suddenly shrank and merged into his body. Subsequently. He gently patted the horseback, and the white horse slowly turned and walked outside the canyon.

He Yiming’s voice came: “Remember, before the death of He’s body, any act that harms my people will be subject to the most severe retaliation. If you want to continue killing innocent people, then try it. Right

In a flash, He Yiming left the canyon on a white horse and headed for the distance.

The body of Samad trembled with anger. As a great dragon, human life is no more noble than cockroaches in their eyes.

In the West, Shenlong slaughtered the entire village. Even the fact that human beings have offended the dragon and the dragon attacked the city is a matter of repeated lives.

However, no matter in the heyday of the Shinto era or the age of the decline of Shinto, no human powerhouse dared to come to the Dragon Valley to threaten the entire dragon.

As for what is used to exchange the life of the dragon with that humble human life, it is even more ridiculous.

Therefore, in the past few years, the dragon has developed a arrogant arrogance. In their eyes. In addition to the Shinto strong people, there is no need to worry about anything in human beings.

However, the dragons who have been arrogant in the West for tens of thousands of years have encountered a more powerful and unreasonable guy today.

This makes all the dragons feel an irresistible anger and a hint of faint fear.

Is the glory of the dragons really going to fall with them?

"Dragon King, Samod. What should we do?"

The red dragon, Elbrera, gasped heavily and snarled softly.

It has already depressed its own voice. But it is still resounding in the air.

Samod looked gloomy and looked away from the direction of He Yiming. It slowly said: "He Yiming said. As long as he is alive, he will not allow us to kill his people, Samoide’s eyes. In the middle of the murderous murder: "Since this as long as we kill him, you can no longer taboo this person

The golden dragon king, Delight, took a long breath and said: "The words of Elder Samod are very correct. This is a must. Human beings are a genius. The scourge. For the prosperity of our dragons, they can not live in the world anyway."

The three headed dragons looked at each other and were faint. They all saw some kind of decision from each other's eyes.

Without speaking, it is like having a heart and soul. Their three-headed dragon has already flown into the sky. And quickly flew past the burning novel network.

The direction they are tracking is naturally the direction in which He Yiming left.

When their huge figure disappeared, a figure appeared in an inconspicuous corner.

Bao pig squatted in the direction of the dragon, said to himself: "He calculated the true standard." Turned to look at this beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket M Dragon Valley, it The body slowly began to make a strange change.

"Now, it’s my turn to be my grandfather."

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