Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 167: 2 ends

Dragon Valley. Some of the top sacred Western dragons slowly emerged from the cave or from the bottom of the lake.

Shenlong is a very powerful race, even if it is a dragon of the young body, it has the same strength as the innate power of human beings. Once the dragon grows up, it can easily reach the realm of the Supreme.

However, if the human sages want to overcome the adult dragon with their own power, the possibility is almost negligible. Even if it is a strong player of the five-powered level, it is not easy to provoke the dragon.

However, once human beings advance into the Shinto, even the dragons will retreat from the sacred sacred sects. They are all ants, not just humans, but even powerful creatures like the dragon.

Therefore, only after He Yiming and other gods left, these dragons carefully walked out from the hidden places.

However, when they thought that the enemy had gone, there was a huge amount of momentum from the bushes that was in no way inferior to other Shinto powers.

Then, a huge white figure instantly slammed into the sky.

This is an oriental dragon with a pig's face. It is more than 16 feet long, and a pair of antlers on the top of the head are terrifying. At this point, its a pair of smart eyes slid and turned, and the expression seemed unsatisfactory.

One of the biggest characteristics of Bao pig's temper is that it is typical of bullying and hard.

If it is a confrontation with Samud, it will definitely be bitter. However, when the gods of the realm of God are all gone, Bao pig is full of confidence and interest in bullying other dragons.

On the ground, halfway up the mountain, many Western dragons watched the treasures in the sky for two days. They couldn’t figure out how to hide such a horror creature in their own home. What’s even more terrifying is that The three great powers in the dragons did not even notice its existence.

Bao pig smiled, it looked at the many Western dragons below, and there was a fierce light in the eyes. Subsequently, it slowly opened a huge mouth.

Many of the dragons below were moving as if they were awake, and they desperately fled to the place where they thought they were the safest.

Although the Dragon is one of the most powerful races, there are absolutely no fools or nerds among the members of this race. It is a common dragon who is arrogant and does not dare to challenge the Shinto strong. What's more, at the moment, the sky is standing in the sky, not the weak human gods, but the oriental dragons who also have the sacred and noble blood.

When the pig had opened its mouth, but did not know what kind of dragons it would spit out, all the dragons chose to turn around and flee.

However, they did not escape the i1 because the pig has already called the answer.

1. The sound of the earth-shattering roar was released from the mouth of the pig, the sound of a; the power of a was huge, and even the surrounding sky showed a circle of naked eyes. .

"Booming one by one, one by one, one by one"

The whole mountain began to tremble slightly under the attack of this huge sound wave, and the calm lake suddenly raised a few waves of high waves. At this moment, Longhu seems to have turned into a ruthless sea, setting off a huge wave of sky.

All Shenlong's footsteps are stumbling. Hey, those who are repaired to a lower level, even if their eyes are closed, their bodies are inclined, and they fall directly to the ground.

They turned out to be stunned by this huge voice.

Bao pig glanced at his masterpiece, and let go of his belly and a hearty laughter.

I have been following He Yiming and others, and there are very few opportunities for Bao pig to shoot, because most of the things will be solved by He Yiming, so when it finally gains the qualification of the independent side, the joy of the heart Nature is hard to express.

Looking into the distance, there is no trace of the return of the dragon, Bao pig took a long breath, a more powerful sound wave impact once again to the entire dragon valley.

The incomparable hum of the 1st, 1111, 11th, like a tornado, has blown through the entire Dragon Valley, numerous flowers and trees have been broken, and the lake has poured over the valley.

What is truly terrifying is that the two mountains have begun to produce a slight resonance under the full impact of the sound of the beast.

These peaks have stood for hundreds of millions of years in the Dragon Valley, and have been captured by countless dragons. Although in the age of the Shinto, the dragon with great wisdom has been reinforced for the mountain. But after the decline of the Shinto, the sturdiness of these two peaks is far less than it used to be.

So in the roar of the pigs, they actually began to shake slightly.

All the dragons have changed their faces and their hearts are awkward. If the two peaks collapsed, then the Shenlong family would only be truly devastated.

Although Shenlong is powerful, before they have been promoted to Shinto, they are never able to counter the natural achievements of landslides with their own flesh.

However, it is even more impossible to expect them to go out and fight with the pigs.

Just because of the two huge and terrifying voices, I know that the guy outside is definitely a beast. Desperate with the beast? It’s not desperate, but it’s called death...

Come. Otherwise, when they return, they will collect the entire dragon.

Samad, Elbrera and Delight fell behind He Yiming and Baima Lei. They didn't immediately attack because it was too close to Longgu. If they fight here, one control is not. Ok, then the aftermath of the battle will spread to the Dragon Valley. Once they think of the partners in the Dragon Valley who have not yet reached the realm of the gods and beasts, they will forcibly suppress the intolerance of their hearts.

After a small half hour, He Yiming and Baima have already traveled quite a long distance. Although their degree is not slow, they can never catch up with the fast words. However, by this s·1, the three dragons are already starting to move.

This distance is enough.

However, they have not waited for them to take the shot, He Yiming is a gentle clip, the white horse thunder suddenly stopped.

He Yiming immediately turned around and smiled and said: "Three big dragons, why are you still sending farewell, don't you plan to return to Long Valley?"

Samothe said coldly: "Of course we have to go back, but before we go back, we have to return with a gift."

"What gift?" He Yiming asked with interest.

"Your head." Samod said in a word, its voice is full of grievances and anger. If you know that He Yiming would go to the West Dragon Valley and kill three dragons, then At the time of the Eastern World, he would rather fight with him for a loss, and he would not let him go.

The huge momentum started from the surging of the three dragons, as if they had been practiced for thousands of times before, and Samod’s figure had disappeared and disappeared into the place, and came to the rear of He Yiming, faint Sealed his retreat.

The other two dragons are slowly forced to come up, and their eyes are also flashing with a heart-rending light.

However, under this strong enemy, He Yiming did not have a slight nervous table. Now, he smiled and said: "His Samoth, you remember how many Shintos did He have when I met last time? ”

Samad was slightly stunned, its eyes suddenly lit up, and the anger sounded loudly: "The other two guys? Where are they?"

He Yiming listened attentively and whispered: "The time is almost up."

His words just fell, and in the distance, there was a huge roar. Although the sound waves are far enough apart, many powerful people are still faintly heard.

In an instant, the eyes of the three dragons became extremely ugly.

They finally understood why He Yiming was so confident, because he had already arranged enough backhands.

Samod screamed and said: "Dragon King, Elbera, you are going back. He has two Shinto partners, definitely attacking our Dragon Valley."

Jinlong and the red dragon looked at each other and raised their wings. They crossed a long mark in the void and went away in an instant.

For them, Dragon Valley is more important than anything else. In their hearts, Samad is a **** of pseudo-deity. The power that it possesses is not the unparalleled in the world, and it is not the humanistic Shinto of He Yiming.

Therefore, they are quite reassured by Samod. However, the only thing that regrets them is that since He Yiming has arranged for it, he must have considerable confidence in escape. I am afraid that Samodian may not be able to stay with him. It is.

Looking at the two dragons in the sky instantly turned into two small black spots, He Yiming sighed.

Shenlong is the most important to the safety of his companions. The greater the movement caused by the pigs, the more they can't wait to return.

A slight smile at Samad, He Yiming said: "His Lord Samod, your two companions have returned to Long Valley, don't you go back?"

In the eyes of Samad, the light flashes reveals a strong violent murder.

"He Yiming, you did something wrong today." Its nose spit with a breath of sulfur, saying: "You four together, maybe I can't help you. But now you are left. Two, do you think you can still escape from my hands."

He Yiming laughed. Road = "Can you escape. You may wish to give it a try."

His voice has just fallen, and the white horse thunder has been turned into a white light, far away from the original two dragons.

Samod was shocked. It really understood the limit of the white horse thunderbolt, but it was because of this that it made it more certain that He Yiming left both companions in the Dragon Valley.

The huge wings unfolded instantly, and Samoth’s figure had disappeared.

If it is chaotic, it is certainly better than a white horse, but what it is good at is "the space field, so it has absolute confidence, can catch up with this odious enemy, and finally put it under the claws. .

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