Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 169: Shenlong interception

A fierce, like a omnipresent murderous sky, and immediately I will be surrounded by He Yiming.

The huge dragon that has disappeared in front of He Yiming is like a ghost that doesn't know where it will appear, bringing endless fear.

However, He Yiming's eyes closed slightly, his ears swayed gently, seemingly listening to something.

The flash of the sky flashed, and the figure of Samud’s tall figure emerged from He Yiming’s back. Before it was completely congested, it had opened its mouth wide and a hot breath was sprayed out.

However, the degree of white horse thunder and lightning is undoubtedly faster than its breath. The white figure draws a beautiful arc in the void, so it is out of the hot breath.

Samod did not feel any surprise about this. After seeing the true degree of the white horse thunder, it no longer hopes to be able to fight.

With his wings crossed in the air, Samoud used his huge body as the sharpest weapon and took it to He Yiming. He Yiming’s face always has a hint of lightness, as if he had a well-thought-out smile.

Even if he saw the wind in front of him, the huge one could make him and the white horse slap the wings like a fly, and his face never changed.

The five-row ring in the hand throws toward the head, and the powerful artifact suddenly becomes windy and long, and instantly becomes huge like a dragon claw.

The multicolored light glimmered, forming a huge, sharp-edged wind wheel in the air, spinning and rolling toward the wings.

Samod’s eyes are condensed, and it will not forget how much he suffered when he played against He Yiming.

The Five Elements Ring and the Kowloon Furnace are among the most famous artifacts in the world. Although the body of the beast is tyrannical, it is impossible to compete with this artifact.

Humanistic Shinto, if there is no artifact, it is really difficult to fight with the beast. But if they are holding artifacts, then the situation will be completely reversed. 11(1,f\\}i1..."

A fierce air-breaking sound suddenly sounded, and Samad’s wings were not known when they had disappeared inexplicably. However, its action is not slow, lightly turned around in the air, has already caught up behind the white horse lightning. The huge body is flexible, and this boundless sky has become its best stage for performance. "Oh...

The huge noise rang in the body of Samad. The white horse thunder seems to have long anticipated the action of Samad. It was prepared to have a strong amount of lightning power in advance, before Samoth had not stopped. The government came out.

The dragon's body has been splashed with countless energetic sparks, which are the result of the power of lightning and the impact of its space around the space.

After losing the strange claws of the pig, the white horse's lightning has not been able to directly hurt its body.

However, at this moment, He Yiming did not hesitate to reach out and waved, the Kowloon furnace has been thrown out by his whole child. Once the artifact left He Yiming’s palm, the body of nine huge dragons emerged from the circumference of the stove. Their heads came from the side of the stove. The nine colors were the same, and the same powerful breath power was all toward Samad was sprayed.

Samad is not a fool, he can't hardly pick up the breath of these huge fire dragons anyway. Half-turned, and I don’t see any special movements, Samod’s disappeared.

He Yiming’s heart secretly sighs, and the space field is indeed one of the most powerful areas in the world. This way of going and going without a trace, the human defense is hard to beat.

He closed his eyes again, but there was a very subtle thing in his ear, even if the Shinto strong could not eavesdrop. "The left rear is five feet, attacking..." He Yiming's eyes are sharp and round, and the light flashes instantly.

Under his guidance, the five elements in the sky ringed like a whirlwind to the left and right side of the five feet to bombard the past burning novel network, at the same time, the white horse's thunder and lightning again, in the air through a light dragon, actually preempted I came there one step.

Samod’s figure has just emerged from the void, and he feels that the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big empire, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred Jiuzhongtian is the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts, Kunming, the night of the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment The Zhou royal family has a huge, unimaginable sense of crisis.

It seems to be completely bright in front of you, and the powerful lightning light flashes in the void to represent the light of death, re-filling its entire eyes. In the heart of Shenlong, why did the reaction of this white horse be so fast...

It has once again swayed the violent electric mans, and its own defensive power resisted the power of thunder and lightning beyond the surface of the body, and did not let it hit the body.

However, the feeling of the crisis is getting stronger and stronger. Its eyes are glimpsed, and suddenly it is seen in an arc, and suddenly there is a colorful glow. These rays are like the sharpest blade, and they are hard to pass through the protective cover of the body surface.

The strength of the high strength condensed a little, and it made the surface of the body slightly loose. Samad’s face changed slightly, and he immediately thought of the strange paw of the treasure pig, and also thought of the wolf howling when it was bombarded by lightning. The wings are flying, and its body suddenly flies upwards. It has already left the battlefield in an instant. White horse thunder and lightning raised the hoof in the void, and there was a hint of envy in the eyelids.

If it is limited to the limit, the white horse lightning even has to be above Samo. This is the biggest reason why Samoud has never been able to live after the two sides ran for a long time.

However, the pair of wings on the back of the Western Shenlong is not white. In the small dynamic range, the white horse lightning is far worse. Therefore, when encountering a winged beast, the white horse either escapes by virtue of the limit, or stands in the same place waiting for the opponent's attack.

Anyway, its lightning power is reaching its peak. As long as the other party wants to attack, it will certainly not be able to escape the counterattack of its lightning power. Samad turned around in the air, and the light on his body spread infinitely.

Just for a moment, within a radius of a hundred feet, there has been a layer of faint, almost transparent mask.

The mask that Shenlong originally used for protection has become a powerful space in the field after it has spread.

Huge pressure has been released from the space of the space. The feeling of the space has not been as violent and hot as the hot field, but it is like a mountain, and it is in their hearts. Unable to breathe the suffocation. The power attributes of each field are different, and the power of the waves is different.

However, within this space, the white horse thunder and lightning did not rush, but the power of the week, the powerful power of lightning to shake the surrounding space, a huge deafening noise.

In the fiery field of He Yiming, the white horse lightning has always been honest, and there has never been any intention to resist.

But when the releaser of the field was replaced by an enemy, its lightning power was truly reflected.

In a flash, the white horse's body has already slid a flash of light. The power of the thunderbolt is unyielding under the blockage of space power. Although it cannot spread out, it does not allow the space field to control the scope of lightning. Inside.

Samoth snorted, and it had long anticipated this result. The power of the beast can not be suppressed by relying on only one domain.

Facing the group of electric awns, the huge dragon claws suddenly lit up a huge light group. Subsequently, it was like a wave of He Yiming and Baima Lei.

Inexplicable, He Yiming’s heart is a tight one. It does not dare to neglect. The power of this pseudo-deity dragon is definitely a different kind. After releasing the field, the ability to use is really powerful. .

Between the wrists, the Kowloon furnace has fallen from the sky, blocking him and the white horse lightning.

A thrilling sound came from the Kowloon furnace, and a huge dragon body surrounded by it was cut off by an invisible sharp light.

How can the Kowloon Wei can be on the artifact, and He Yiming is no longer clear. Each one is a master of artifacts that has lived for more than 10,000 years. The power of possession is absolutely not under the ordinary virtual power.

But at this time in the field of Samed, one of them was unexpectedly cut off from it. If this hit is hit by himself, the consequences must be unimaginable.

His face changed slightly, his body fainted four latitudes, and the mysterious tortoise shell was already emerging. But this time the mysterious tortoise shell changed a lot, not only in the form of a tortoise shell, but in the face of a huge black shield that appeared in front of him and the white horse.

At the same time, the nine fire dragons screamed with anger, and the temperature on the Kowloon stove instantly increased to a daunting level.

The fire dragon that was caught in two pieces shook, and after the second half of the body was turned around the Jiulong furnace, it was already connected with the first half. Its spirit is full of fire, it is full of fire Splashing, I can't see any signs of being hurt. These abilities, in the life of He Yiming, seem to be only one hundred and eight.

Samoth’s movements suddenly became faster, and its two claws swung in a chain, and even the wings kept moving. Every time you wave and fan, there is a sharp attack wave in the void.

Although He Yiming tried his best to control the mysterious tortoise shell to block most of the offense, the Shenlong's air attack was more difficult than its instantaneous movement. Often a wave of hands, the inexplicable power has already appeared in front of you, it is hard to prevent.

Under the dexterous use of Shenlong, it is still inevitable that some fish that slip through the net will appear next to them. These forces, which have not gone without a shadow, have made He Yiming and Bai Ma quite busy. Eyes condensed, He Yiming seems to have made up his mind.

He gently shot the Jiulong furnace, and his body was suddenly a red man, and a field of red blood was instantly filled with every space. Pa: Today I promised to update the four chapters. I wanted to update the four grasses together, but now I can't look at it.

Bai He first updated the three chapters, and there was a chapter daughter who slept and then coded. Four chapters, to ensure that you will never eat.

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