Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 170: The fourth artifact?

Red, a huge, almost endless red spread in an instant to the space of Baizhang. Samad’s face was slightly condensed, and there was a sneer in his eyes.

A rumbling sound suddenly blew up in the sky.

"It seems that you have forgotten that the areas that cannot be controlled are in front of the real domain powerhouses and are vulnerable."

With the huge screams of Samad, the transparent space that had been a hundred feet long had already condensed in an instant, and the huge force rushed toward Samoud’s body and began to gather and solidify.

This process is quite quick, almost when the huge screams have not completely disappeared, and the power of the vast world has gathered quite a lot in the body of Samo.

At this time, the huge eyes of Shenlong had already been opened, and there was a cold resentment to the extreme. After He Yiming killed three Western dragons and released the final rumors, the grievances between them have reached a point where they can no longer be resolved.

However, before they completely eliminated the other party, they were all jealous and never dared to easily start to the other relatives and friends. However, if there is an opportunity to be able to slap each other to death, they will never let go.

Seeing He Yiming repeating the mistakes of the release of the hot field, Samood naturally should not miss this great opportunity. It does not hesitate to gather the space field and absorb as much as possible the power of the world. It is necessary to grasp this rare opportunity, otherwise it is definitely not a simple matter to kill the human Shinto with three artifacts.

In an instant, Samoth’s body turned into a huge unimaginable light group in the hot and brilliant red light, and it hit straight down. In its body, there is a strange, strange space debris like a wind blade.

This is a new type of combat skill that was developed after the last time he played against He Yiming and saw the protective force of the black turtle shell.

The toughness of the mysterious tortoise shell is definitely a deep experience. Samod, who has paid the price of a dragon tooth, is definitely not willing to suffer again. Therefore, it will deliberately use space power to form these small space cutting forces.

These forces naturally cannot damage the mysterious tortoise shell, but there is a considerable gap between the mysterious tortoise shells.

Head, limbs. Even the gaps on the tail of the mysterious turtle are enough to make these tiny space fragments a deadly threat.

There was a loud bang, and in the space power of a transparent color, Samod’s figure was looming, and it flashed through the blockade of the Kowloon furnace and the five-ring ring, crushing all the obstacles in front of it with unparalleled force. The power of the distracting hot field, and in the next moment saw the one person and one horse standing at the very center of the space. In He Yiming's body, it seems that there is a layer of black light slowly rising. This kind of power is already familiar with it. This is the last protective force of He Yiming, the artifact of the tortoise shell.

In Samoud’s countless space debris, which had already been eagerly awaited, flew out like a maiden, and they danced in this not-so-strong field, stunned He Yiming’s body and began to move toward it. Six places prepared in advance to fly. At this moment, Samod’s mood finally calmed down. Its huge dragon mouth finally pulled out a smile of a bar.

This is its true pressure at the bottom of the box, and it is also the most powerful combat skill he has learned on the ground of death against countless dead creatures.

Under the attack of countless space debris, even if it is a true pseudo-deity, it is impossible to use physical resistance.

The only way to break these forces is to have the same level of power. However, although He Yiming’s field strength is strong, it cannot be effectively manipulated. So it has absolute confidence that these deadly space debris attacks will surely break through the blockade in the hot field. Once these forces are allowed to enter from the gaps of the tortoise shells and pass through the body of He Yiming, then all this will be over.

He Yiming went to the West, not only killed three dragons, but also said that when one person changed his life, it really shocked and feared it.

If it can't kill He Yiming today, it's hard to guarantee that there is no second person in the future to threaten himself. As a result, the status of the dragons in the entire world will be seriously degraded, even with the final level of the same as other garbage races. And this is absolutely not allowed by Samad.

Therefore, in the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big, the princes, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神He Yiming's hot field, and when moving toward the advance goal, it will be a bit gratifying and relieved.

However, this feeling is only a moment of stagnation, Samod is now, he seems to have ignored what. Because it is seen in the eyes of He Yiming on the opposite side, it is not panic, nor is it a jaw-dropping, but a strong cold-ridiculous-satire. Samad was slightly stunned, and his eyes were abruptly stunned, staring at the white horse thunder. At this moment, it finally understood where it was wrong.

If He Yiming’s hot field is uncontrollable, then this white beast will have been as far away as it was last time.

However, at this time, the white horse's eyes not only did not have the slightest pain, but instead flashed a glimmer of light that directly penetrated into its heart. Samoden suddenly understood that He Yiming has successfully controlled the power of the entire field.

If this is not the case, this white horse thunder is also definitely not allowed to stay in this red field leisurely.

Sure enough, just in the moment when its thoughts just emerged, the field of He Yiming’s body was changed. The huge red power has been successfully gathered and compressed in an instant. In his body, even the air seemed to become sticky.

There are countless tiny pieces of space that simply cannot escape this sudden change. They were originally moving forward like bamboo, but at this time they suddenly stopped. Under the pressure of the incomparably strong and heavy field, all the space debris was shaken a bit, and finally it was completely burst.

Then, just as Samoud’s mind was a little loose, He Yiming’s field power spread again. But this time it did not spread beyond Baizhang, but only shrouded Samod’s body.

The breath of sulphur smells in the nose of Samad, which seems to symbolize the anger in his heart.

However, in its mind, I do not know why there is a hint of chill. He Yiming, he managed to control the power of the field...

Just before January, when it went to the East and fought with the four great powers such as He Yiming, He Yiming had the power of the field, but it was an uncontrollable fire system that was not enough to care about. field.

However, just after this short month, He Yiming has already controlled the power of this field. And it can control so much as you like. This kind of progress, such infinite potential, has a bitter taste in its heart.

However, this also makes it a murderous machine. Such an opponent can only be eradicated as soon as possible. If you let it go, then maybe a hundred years later, when he really advanced the pseudo-deity, no one can take his life anymore.

There was a glimmer of madness in the longan, and Samud’s mouth opened wide, as if he was preparing for a huge counterattack.

However, at this moment, it saw a glimmer of light.

That is the light that was released from He Yiming’s hands.

This light is not strong, because it is not from an artifact, but just a little light from the pattern of He Yiming's hand and some retro knives.

Just, when Samoud looked - the moment to the knife. Inexplicable, it sensed that "a strong, almost irresistible chilling gas has been uploaded from the knife. This kind of power full of killing has caused a slight tremor in its heart."

It tried to control his fearful feelings. It kept telling himself that this knife could not cause much damage to its body since it was not an artifact.

But in its heart, there is a sense of fear that seems to be facing death.

The wings of Samad slammed open.

At this time, it decisively believed in his feelings, even if it did not believe that a knife had the possibility of letting it be. But each is still planning to leave,

But at this moment, He Yiming moved, and he waved with a big knife.

Somehow, the wide-opened wings of Samadd paused in midair. Subsequently, it was rare in its eyes to reveal a horror.

The surrounding space turned out to be cut off by some kind of power, which has made it impossible to display the most powerful space power.

In its body, a strand of invisible thin thread like a spider web slowly wraps around its body. This is a horrible force, and it is also a force that seems to be attached to the bones. . What's more, under the entanglement of this power, it can't break free in an instant.

He Yiming’s big knife suddenly began to condense the power of the vast world, and Samoud’s eyes, which are struggling to break free, suddenly came out.

It is clearly sensed. At this time, it is not just the power of He Yiming to gather in the world. Even the big knife in his hand is doing this thing.

This knife, although it does not belong to the breath of artifacts, does not have the feeling of any artifact. However, since it is able to absorb the power of the heavens and the earth autonomously, it is naturally an artifact. The fourth artifact...

Samod’s heart was silently screaming, and this He Yiming’s body had four artifacts.

Then, the huge light rose from the sky and turned into an indestructible golden brilliance, which was overwhelming in an instant.

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