Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 230: Singular advancement

Although the dark clouds in the sky have become thin, but the distance is gone, it seems that there is still a long time.

He Yiming looked around and looked at the beaches, those who were curled up together, and the animals that were shaking, could not help but frown. He raised his hand and went to the dark clouds scattered over the island.

As his fingers moved, a little red light spurred the scorpion from his finger, and he broke through the void and rushed into the clouds. These red lights seem to have enormous power. Once they enter the dark clouds, they immediately detonate and blow up the clouds, blow up, and eventually return to nothingness.

It was only a quarter of an hour, and the dark clouds that still shrouded in the island J1 had disappeared. The strong sun-finished temple once again fell on the island.

As for the distant scattered clouds over the sea, He Yiming has never had the interest to disperse.

The animals looked at the sky with surprise, and suddenly they didn't know which animal called, and suddenly caused a chain reaction. Countless animals have once again rioted, but this time they are heading back into the jungle and returning to their nests.

Although this time the bio-chain on the entire island is full of vitality, as long as it is a few years later, it will regain its vitality. Bao pig and white horse thunder and lightning look at the sky, their eyes have an incredible color. Although they all communicate with He Yiming, they know that he has successfully promoted the pseudo-deity, but never thought about it. He Yiming turned out to be like a reborn, and he has such a power to change the world.

Looking at the suspicious look of the two companions, He Yiming smiled heartily: "Bao pig, thunder and lightning, wait until you are promoted to the pseudo-deity, you can do this." The two beasts are slightly stunned and immediately There was a strange feeling in my heart.

They all know that this is the time when He Yiming will be promoted, and the sentiment after the promotion has been transmitted through this kind of unspeakable way. Slowly, they are all quiet, and slowly realize the coming of He Yiming.

If you are facing other Shinto powers, even if He Yiming has a lotus flower, he can't teach himself how to attack the pseudo-deity. But for his companion companion, He Yiming only needs to rethink the experience in his heart, and he can let Bao pig and Baima Leidian experience a process of promotion to the pseudo-deity. Looking at the appearance of the two beasts, He Yiming's face swayed a happy smile. With the associated experience, the talent of Bao pig and white horse lightning, want to promote the pseudo-deity, but it is the problem of time.

Perhaps one year later, perhaps ten years later, or perhaps tomorrow, they may be promoted to pseudo-deity at any time. Looking at the distance silently, recalling his promotion process, He Yiming is also a little scared. Although his promotion cannot be said to be difficult and dangerous, it must not be said to be smooth sailing.

After this time, the **** medicine fairy liquid was swallowed, and He Yiming began to use the power of the soul to understand the power of the heaven and earth. This kind of sentiment is a very important process for the Shinto strong.

When the Shinto strong man is in the virtual state of God, he can feel the power of the heavens and the earth, and can mobilize the power of heaven and earth and form the power of heaven and earth. But a "virtual" word has already clarified all the problems.

What the imaginary gods feel is not the true source of heaven and earth, but the scattered power of the power of the earth that permeates the heavens and the earth.

Only by further understanding the power of the heavens and the earth, and truly integrating some of the power of the original source into oneself, this is the real footsteps of the pseudo-deity, and the formation of a world of the field with this source of power as the main body.

The reason why the pseudo-virgin strong can own the field, and the power in the field is far more powerful than the virtual god, because their control over the power of the source is far beyond the virtual power.

In the past three years, He Yiming's soul has touched the power of the heavens and the earth many times, and with his special physique, he is almost able to make the most intimate contact with all the original forces.

Numerous years of experience in these years have made He Yiming understand that the more attributes and complexities he has in his field, the stronger his power. If he can have a huge field that contains all the power of the whole world, then he can even reach the peak of the pseudo-deity before the promotion of the pseudo-deity.

At that time, it seemed that it was not impossible to go further and step into the true realm of the legend.

The reason why the Minhang of the Five Elements is called the first strongman of the Terran, and even the beasts of the false gods such as the White-winged Tigers do not dare to challenge him. It is not only because he has the five-row ring of the artifact, but because The field he possesses is the most basic field of the five elements between heaven and earth.

In the face of this field, the power of the rest of the pseudo-virgins will be greatly restrained. Even if the powerful light power released by the mask people is in the face of the five elements, it is the same.

Therefore, when He Yiming's soul has repeatedly contacted the power of the heavens and the earth, and after comprehending this truth, his greatest hope is that he can directly possess an all-encompassing and powerful field when he promotes the pseudo-deity. The more the field is like the real world, the more power he has. However, he finally said that this is just a wonderful but unrealistic luxury.

The more complex the power of the field, the more difficult it is to promote, and the more single, the less difficult it is to advance.

Nowadays, the pseudo-divine powers in the world, even if they are powerful, such as limp, have specially selected the power of a single system to master the power of the field. After the promotion of the pseudo-deity, they slowly take the flowers of the five elements of the reincarnation. Secret surgery gradually mastered and improved the remaining four departments. There is almost no possibility of success in order to climb the sky and climb the summit.

This time, after the soul and the power of the heavens and the earth have been in contact with each other, He Yiming has a faint sense of ambiguity - an opportunity for his upcoming promotion.

At that moment, He Yiming took the initiative and immediately began to mobilize the infuriating body and release it as much as possible. Every instinct is in contact with some kind of source of the outside world through the connection of the soul, and gradually blends. The strong man of the pseudo-deity does not only need the level of strength, but also the precise control of the power of heaven and earth, even their soul power must be strong to some extent.

The old-fashioned strongmen who have never advanced in the land of death, such as Zizilong and Baoyanzhu, are not talented, but because their natural soul power is much weaker than that of Minhang. Therefore, even if they try harder than a hundred times, they will never be able to break through the limits and promote the realm of false gods.

However, He Yiming is different. His soul and physical strength have been powerful enough to advance to a higher level.

This opportunity at this time is the most important step for him to move forward.

However, when his instinct began to blend with the outside world's original strength, the biggest trouble finally arrived. There are many sources around the world around him, and each one makes him feel hard to give up.

But his soul power and physical strength simply do not have the ability to support all the power of the heavens and the earth.

Therefore, his infuriating contact with the source of power gradually slowed down and stagnated at the end. If this situation is maintained, hey, waiting for He Yiming, will walk into failure.

He Yiming also wanted to give up some of the power of the source, but even more sadly, his soul and infuriating strength can not bear his wishes, he can only passively wait until the moment of failure.

But at this time, the main character of the rune on his shell was brightened. From the mysterious tortoise, inside the shell, there are countless various runes. He Yiming has been busy with the power of the heavens and the earth in the past three years, and he has deliberately and unconsciously neglected the rune. However, by that time, he understood the true power and power of these runes.

These runes know where they came from, but each rune represents a certain power. When He Yiming had no way to go, the endless culture of the infinite power was infused with all the different attributes of the heaven and earth, and integrated into the Dan Tian of He Yiming.

It is precisely because he has incorporated so many sources of heaven and earth in one time, so the power of the heavens and the earth will be exaggerated. The scenery like the end of the world is not the time when the ordinary virtual gods are advanced. The vision that will appear.

In this world, only the mysterious tortoise shell inherits the rune masters who do not know how many years, only the magical chaotic dantian in He Yiming can complete this almost incredible feat.

At this time, He Yiming’s body has endless treasures. All the power of the power of heaven and earth can be found in his dantian.

If he can release all these forces and form a big world that belongs to him completely, then he will be able to pseudo-deity and reach the legendary true state.

But unfortunately there is not much power that can be released by him. Unless his soul power grows to match all of his source power in his chaotic dantian, he will never be able to go any further.

The thoughts slowly returned, and He Yiming’s hand was placed on Dantian. He sensed the endless source of the heavens and the earth.

The darkness of the heart was a bitter smile, and such an unusual experience for him did not know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

However, since he has been successfully promoted to a pseudo-deity, it is a great thing for him. At least, since then, he no longer has to be so jealous of the mysterious mask man. The air suddenly flashed a figure, and the smile of He Yiming’s mouth suddenly became bright.

He has already heard that it is exactly one hundred and eight. In front of his loved ones, no matter how worried He Yiming is, he smiles and tries to prevent his relatives from worrying about themselves.

Pa: I went to school this morning and went home at noon, sweat...

It may be difficult to code the four chapters today, but the white crane does its best!

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