Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 231: 5 lines of big handprints

"Hundred brothers, hard work." He Yiming said sincerely.

In the three years of his retreat, the merits of the hundred and eight are a great contribution. Whether it is the connection with the Northwest family, or go to the Crystal Palace to get the medicinal herbs again, all of them are in operation.

If you change a human, then even if you walk into the Crystal Palace and know the existence of the **** medicine, it is difficult to obtain. Because the hard walls of the crystal wall are not the same, even those who are oracles may not be able to destroy.

But unlike the hundred and eight, he can completely lengthen his arms, enter from the dark passages, and take out the medicinal herbs in the pool.

If this is not the case, He Yiming's two gourd **** medicines that they acquired three years ago are afraid that they are still unable to maintain such a large amount of consumption per day. Therefore, he is now able to promote the pseudo-deity, and it is really hard work. Unconsciously, I nodded a bit, and the hundred and eight calm words: "How is your strength now, and you can meet with the mask people, can you play too much?" He Yiming whispered, and hesitated a little.

His martial arts repairs are successful in the purchase price, and because of the continuous swallowing can increase the power of the soul, so the communication with the power of the heavens and the earth, coupled with the relationship of the artifacts cultivated in the past, let him directly have Fully belong to your own field power. It makes its own strength directly reach the real pseudo-reality, and saves a lot of time in re-condensing the field.

However, even so, but to say that he can overcome the mysterious mask man, He Yiming's heart is still a bit embarrassing.

Shaking his head slightly, He Yiming sighed: "Difficult."

A word in the district has already fulfilled the thought of He Yiming, but he is not completely depressed, but he sighs: "However, if I meet again with the mask person, I should not easily lose it.

When he said this, the light in his eyes was faint, his tone was dignified, but he had a strong confidence and confidence.

This is the self-confidence of the true pseudo-virtual strong, the kind of domain that has its own, and the feeling of controlling the world in one small world is not imaginable.

One hundred and eighty eyes slowly lit up, and he seemed to be calculating something.

He Yiming was dumbfounded, and he reached out and suddenly a red color appeared on his body.

In the hot field, this is He Yiming's direct transformation of the field of artifacts. It is precisely because of this foundation in the field of artifacts that He Yiming can control the power of this field so easily.

However, compared with the past, He Yiming is now complete, and truly controls this powerful field.

In this piece of red, there is no such extreme heat wave that can melt everything. The temperature in the hot field at this time can only be called mild.

Although it is not a real human being, he is equally sensitive to temperature. It’s just a moment that I understand the meaning of He Yiming.

Being able to control the temperature in the hot field to this level shows that his control of the fire has changed dramatically compared with the past.

Just as the mask man appeared in the past, a sword was swept out, and at the same time, three different means of attacking the enemy, treating the wounded, and breaking the void were released.

That person can play the power of light, and now He Yiming has the same means.

Perhaps, in the ultimate use of power, He Yiming is still more than a few years of cultivation experience. However, at this time, He Yiming has been promoted to the pseudo-deity, and the control of the power of heaven and earth is far from comparable. In the case of a large increase in the strength of the possession, even if it meets with the mask person again, it has the power of a battle.

However, even if it was one hundred and eight, it was not expected that He Yiming’s performance did not end, but only just started.

He Yiming's hands slowly changed, and in this way, a series of strange handprints were formed in front of the hundred and eight.

If the top powers in the five-door door see it, you may feel familiar. In the pair of electronic eyes of -108, there is a clear "seeing" of the change in energy.

The fiery energy begins to transform into a thick, dignified energy.

Among the five elements, the fire can be born, and He Yiming’s series of handprints is one of the five big handprints he learned from the rune master of the tortoise shell.

In the past few years of retreat and perseverance, He Yiming also studied the rune exercises on the shell of the tortoise while learning the origin of the heavens and the earth.

Through the communication with the main character of the rune, He Yiming thoroughly understood how huge the content contained in the countless runes inside the mysterious turtle shell is unbelievable.

If those runes can all be combined, it is simply an all-encompassing small world. When He Yiming communicates with the origin of heaven and earth, he can often find matching runes in the rune theme. Once applied, it will be able to achieve the magical effect of half the effort.

It was because of the combination of the Rune Master and the Shen Medicine Xian liquid phase that He Yiming’s progress was so fast that he was successfully promoted to a pseudo-deity in just three years. At this time, what He Yiming was doing was the power of the runes he had mastered. As his handprint begins - change! Subtle changes have also taken place in the hot field around the body. Although the red light is still the same, although the temperature is the same, it is slowly adding a little more alternative power, and this force is getting stronger and stronger, and gradually can compete with the hot field.

This is the strength of the yellow earth system, and it is also the field power born after the earthwork practice is cultivated to the extreme.

He Yiming actually relied on the five-line handprint method from the rune of the main character of the rune, and successfully joined the strength of the soil system in the field of fire, and formed a rare field of ignorance and fire.

At this point, his face was quite dignified, and his hands did not stop, but continued to change slowly. Earth can produce gold, and the next handprinting method is the special handprint of the earth system.

Although this set of five elements of the big handprints, He Yiming had learned all the time, but before he did not really promote the false gods, he could not wave the greatest power in this practice. At this time, it was also his first real attempt to release the full power of the five elements of the big handprint. If it is successful, then he will condense the five elements of the five-line field like the dragon and the lame.

The strength of the gold system is slowly increasing. Under the traction of the handprints, the power of the fire system and the soil system are constantly changing, providing ample foundation for the powerful gold power.

Within the dual field of He Yiming, a trace of gold power is looming and begins to pervade the entire field space.

He Yiming’s face showed a hint of joy. His eyes were shining, his whole body was already indulged in the mystery of the transformation of this handprint, and everything about the outside world is no longer care.

He didn't know that when he began to have more soil power in his hot field, Bao pig and white horse thunder and lightning had been waking up with strong stimulation.

After seeing He Yiming's success condensed into a dual field, the eyes of the two beasts are also flashing with infinite joy. The more power attributes in the field, the greater the power that can be released.

But for the vast majority of the false gods, the West, they can only have one domain attribute in their lifetime. Well, to smelt two different attributes together, this is definitely not as simple as one plus one and two.

Shenlong Samud, born with the talent of the fire department and the space system, chose the space field when he was promoted to the pseudo-deity, and it has not succeeded in the field of fire. Incorporate into the space field.

Although the integration of the fire system and the space system is far ten times more difficult than the integration of the fire and the dual-line field in the same five elements, it is also possible to see how difficult it is to integrate the dual-property field.

When He Yiming was just promoted to the pseudo-deity, he could directly condense the dual-system field through some means. If this matter is passed out, I am afraid that it will immediately cause an incredible sensation among the Shinto strong.

In the void, the power of the gold system has expanded, and it seems to have reached a critical point. Seeing that the rare earth-fire dual-attribute power will merge with new attributes and become a more powerful three-attribute field.

But at this moment, He Yiming’s face was slightly changed. His handprints had a slight deviation, and the whole space was suddenly crumbling, as if it would break at any time. Suddenly, He Yiming’s ten fingers began to dance like a piano.

Originally as heavy as Mount Tai, it seems that the finger that hangs the weight of the hand on the hand seems to be unloading the heavy burden and becomes lightly loaded. In an instant, his finger picked up a residual image to the naked eye. The degree of difficulty in seeing changes constantly. Every change has a subtle resonance with the huge power in the void, and the forces that are in a mess are slowly integrated into one. As the handprints continue to change, this space is gradually solidified. However, the good times are not long, and the gestures of He Yizhen are more and more complicated, and the power that is motivated is becoming more and more huge. Finally, when all this reached its limit, all the actions of He Yiming were one of them. His face suddenly changed, and the subconscious backhand made a gesture of congratulations to the sky.

Suddenly, the huge, once again unsteady integration of the three attributes of the power of insight is to rise to the sky, flying up to the endless sky. Then, the sky burst into a violent and unimaginable glow.

The strong shock wave spreads in all directions, and the black clouds that still exist around the island were suddenly devastated, and the impact was devastated, and there was no more use.

The rest of the shock wave did not scatter, and it fell into the sea. The chickens suddenly rose a few feet high, and the island was the center, and it was squatting around.

In an instant, it’s the dark clouds, the waves...

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