Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 47: Horror tree knife

Looking at the ice sword that was scattered with a strong chill, He Yiming couldn't help but sneak a glimpse of the fact that he had just tried to use his own instinct to condense weapons in his body when he was just promoted to the sky. But in the end it proved that doing so was nothing more than a gimmick. The weapon of a single end that is condensed by infuriating looks pretentious but the actual work is fragile.

Not to mention that compared with the big knife, even if compared with the ordinary sword, it may not be able to win.

So he left this idea aside and never missed it anymore.

But at this time, after seeing the Zhuo Wanlian hand-made ice sword, his heart moved again.

When the sky is in the realm of the sky, it is really fragrant and not condensed, so the sword of infuriating is naturally fragile. However, when he was promoted to the first line of the day, the acupoints in the body were already integrated into the infuriating atmosphere, and even if it was consolidating, could it really use the real sword?

Even if it is simply infuriating, then what effect will it have to use the method of Zhang Wanlian to condense the infuriating entanglement on the rest of the items?

A series of thoughts instantly formed in his mind, causing his face to burst into a rare blush.

Zhan Tianka’s heart sank more and he knew that this was a special manifestation of the practitioners after they learned on the martial arts.

The young first-line powerhouse seems to have learned again after the breakthrough.

Inexplicable in his heart finally made a decision. Such a terrible young strongman is also the master of the country of Tianluo. Such a character must not be left behind.

The so-called side of the couch makes others sleep.

If He Yiming grows up again, even if he can't control it, then will Tianluo be replaced by the reclamation country?

Hundreds of years ago, the lord of the country of the ruling country would force the lord of the former powers to give way.

He Yiming inexplicably hit a chill, but let him be smart and absolutely can not guess the sinister mind of Zhan Tianfeng's smiling face.

He also thought that this chill was a taboo from the heart of the sword in the hands of Zhuo Wanlian.

Zhuo Wanlian's sword stabbed the sword's extreme strength, although the hand held is the ice sword, but if you listen to the sound of the wind, it is no different from the real sword.

Seeing that the sword crossed the distance between each other in an instant, it stabbed in front of it. He Yiming subconsciously extended his hands.

His hands formed a magical handprint. The muscle in the middle of his hands was slightly bounced. The agitation of the film was subtle, but in the ears of Zhan Tianfeng and Zhuo Wanlian. But it is no different from the sound of the drum.

Sure enough, as the drum sounded, a number of red oblique instinctes were shot from He Yiming’s hands, and a strange angle was struck in the air to the body of Zhuo Wanlian.

Zhuo Wanlian sneaked into the ice sword in his hand and even gave birth to a suction. The few sharp fronts suddenly lost their goal and flew toward the ice sword.

In the unbelievable eyes of He Yiming, these needle-shaped instinctes dissipated as soon as they hit the ice sword.

This is the first time He Yiming has failed to return after exhibiting a needle-printing. He faintly sensed that he had to be more powerful and fierce than the one who wanted to deal with the first-line power.

Zhuo Wanlian's ice sword continued to move forward. He Yiming raised his hand and the muscles flashed a metallic luster and greeted him.


A slight collision suddenly sounded, and He Yiming screamed like a fly and jumped out.

The strength of the other side's ice sword is far from his imagination. It seems that with the ice sword in the hands of these wines, the ice sword has become a peerless blade that has left a long line in He Yiming’s hand. Scars.

Not only did the powerful cold power from the ice sword almost freeze him into a popsicle.

But as soon as these frozen gas entered his body, he was suddenly absorbed by the magical power in Dantian. So when he was in the air, his body had returned to normal, but the layer of hoarfrost covering the surface was still Some are afraid of people.

In an instant, He Yiming has already understood the horror of this ice sword. This is definitely not something he can resist with his bare hands.

Subconsciously touched the back of He Yiming's heart secretly complained that when he came here today, he was so dizzy that the knife was placed in the embassy area and he did not carry it with him.

His eyes glanced in the mid-air and saw the jungle not far away. His heart was suddenly overjoyed.

The two feet just landed on the ground, and he immediately re-emerged as the sinister gods rushed past the burning novel network.

Zhuo Wanlian is proud of his sword and his heart is so powerful that he has been attacked into the body of He Yiming. Even if the other party is a strongman, he is afraid of it.

But before he continued to attack, he saw that He Yiming was already rushing like a mad tiger and his eyes were completely a pair of fights. In his heart, he suddenly changed his mind and counterattacked to stand up and keep his eyes open.

At the same time, I saw that He Yiming’s lightning-fast body seemed to have no effect on the freezing air. He only understands that the younger brother once said that although this person is not practicing ice, but he is not afraid of the ice system.

It’s just that He Yiming’s idea of ​​how to do this is to make him puzzled.

He Yiming lightning-likely rushed to the past. He could even see that Zhuo Wanlian has become very dignified and that the tip of the sword is slightly trembling as if he would suddenly appear from a certain place. But at this moment, He Yiming’s face showed a smug smile.

Zhuo Wanlian’s Wei Wei immediately saw that He Yiming’s figure did not go backwards and did not attack but went far behind.

He was crying and laughing when he was at a glance. This little guy’s mastery of the momentum has reached the point of being superb, even though he can’t help but work.

But what is the meaning of He Yiming's retreat? But let him think about it.

However, he understood it in the next moment.

He "sounds like a fly into a woodland book reprinted here there are countless tall trees of the highest even reached a height of seven or eight meters.

When he came under a big tree, he suddenly burst into a punch and banged out two powerful punches and rushed into the sea. When he came out, he would give one of the four trees that was as tall as four meters. Break.

The power of this boxing is naturally shocking in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is not the case in the eyes of the first-line powerhouse. Zhan Tianfeng did not understand what He Yiming was doing.

However, the next move of He Yiming made them scared at the same time.

I saw that he had picked up such a huge tree from the tip of his toes and then held the tree in his arms with his hands.

From the work of He ~ Ming, there is a strong wood system, but the innate qi is just the beginning of the count. The whole tree seems to be filled with the powerful life energy of the wood system. He Yiming holding this big tree It gave them a very strange feeling.

It seems that He Yiming and the whole tree have merged into one. It is like the ice sword in the hands of Zhuo Wanlian has become an inseparable whole.

In the eyes, the light flashed and he heard again. He once again rushed to Zhuo Wanlian. This time his pace gradually stabilized. When he came to Zhuo Wanlian, he raised his big tree like a big machete. Knocked down.

For a time, both Zhan Tianfeng and Zhuo Wanlian were in the eyes. There is a moment of sluggishness.

They are all well-informed people who have dealt with countless innate powers in this life. But the use of this kind of thing as a weapon is not to say that even if it has been heard or heard, but they do not know that the weapon used by He Yiming was originally a nearly four-meter knife.

Although the trees used at this moment are too thick, but the length is similar to that of the big knife, the difference between them is not very good.

Zhuo Wanlian is only a slight glimpse of instant recovery.

He sneaked out a circle in a sword and shunned at the big tree worker.

However, he suddenly emerged that the other party's big tree is really full of powerful wood power, just like the ice sword in his hand is full of cold power.

Not only is the tree a rock-solid stone, but the power of the life of the wire is forced to work through the ice sword to make him feel uncomfortable.

This is now making Zhuo Wanlian almost shocked.

He was able to condense the infuriating so long ice sword and achieve this kind of hardness that is not inferior to the weapon of the gods, but it was only after ten years of cultivation after the promotion of a line of days.

He Yiming has been promoted to success and has been able to easily attach the wood to the tree and still be such a huge giant tree.

Such a huge volume is even beyond his reach.

At this moment, his heart suddenly flashed a thought, even if the master is not the old man, he may not be able to condense such a huge ice sword." He really can't figure out the strength of He Yiming's promotion to the first-line days. How can I do this? The truth of his own can actually resonate with all things in the world without any hindrance.

Of course, this idea is just a random guess and he has been killed. He does not believe that there will be such a strong man in the world.

If there is such a person, then there is no need for other people to live.

He Yiming is holding the big tree lightly and waving in his hand. This giant tree seems to be alive. Not only is the tree pole sweeping the erect, it contains unparalleled power, even the branches and leaves of the trunk workers are the same. Fluttering like a myriad of whip left their traces in the void.

Bystander Zhan Tianfeng was stunned by his dark towel and exchanged himself with Zhuo Wanlian, but he was sad that even if he shot, he might not be able to stabilize He Yiming.

The power of the weapon in this guy’s hand is too speechless. Zhuo Wanlian is more and more depressed. No matter how fast his body is, no matter how my own sword is displayed, even his swordsmanship is illusory. Even he himself went around and couldn’t figure out which one is real or not. However, as long as the other party gently shifts the tree to an angle, the swordsmanship that he painstakingly exerts is all useless.

This big tree is so big that he simply has no way to get it.

Suddenly his face was filled with a blush.

The original practice of his cultivation was the ice-based practice and he had already cultivated to the peak of the peak. However, at this moment, the abnormal color appeared on the face because of the radical exhalation of the whole body.

Then he slammed his hand and slammed the ice sword in front of him... the tree fell.

The sharpness of his sword is as fast as lightning.

In an instant, the part that comes into contact with the ice sword suddenly cracked, even if the giant tree with He Yiming’s congenital dead wood work blessed could not stand Zhuo Wanlian’s desperate efforts.

However, it was only after a while that the smile that Zhuo Wanlian’s face had just grown up was once again solidified.

His sword has condensed all the instinct of the whole body is indeed unstoppable. But he still ignored one thing. This big tree is still too big.

Moreover, the strength of the wood system in which He Yiming was instilled was really profound and profound, which made him feel deeply helpless.

Although his ice sword has broken the tree more than a meter in an instant, it has only reached a quarter of the whole big species.

At this point, his infuriating power has been taken over by the dryness, and the degree of progressing forward is also slow as a snail. This ice sword has been wrapped in layers of wood power, not to mention that even if you want to exit safely, it seems to be an unreachable thing.

He instantly realized that if he continued to hold on, then he couldn't break the big tree and he was afraid that when he was completely dry, the moment he was murdered on the spot.

In his eyes, he flashed a path of helplessness and flew back like a fly.

As for the ice sword in his hand, he has been deeply caught in the big tree and can no longer be taken out.

The loss of Zhuo Wanlian's instinct to support this ice sword in the big tree's "the power of the impact of the moment has dissolved and turned into a pool of wine in the air."

He Yiming was worried that the front fork had been broken by a quarter of the big tree. He was shocked to know that he was worse than Zhuo Wanlian.

However, he also sensed that the other party's embarrassing situation at the moment was suddenly a big tree in one fell swoop to continue to rush to the past.

The momentum between the two has gone a big change.

For the first time, He Yiming took the absolute initiative in the two-person confrontation. His momentum was like the rainbow. Some cracked trees in the middle of it were even more screaming and screaming like a ghostly cry. go with.

Zhuo Wanlian continued to retreat. He had to retreat because he could no longer accept such inhuman attacks.

He finally screamed: "Do not hit the hand."

Although He Yiming was unwilling but hesitated, he still took it. He knows that although he has the upper hand, it is just that the advantage of the big tree in his hand is too big. And occupying the work style is one thing. It is another matter to want to kill the opponent.

In the current situation, he wants to kill Zhuo Wanlian is undoubtedly an idiot.

When the wrist trembled, the tree suddenly hit his shoulder. He Yiming asked, "Why don't you fight." Sound Zhuo Wanlian didn't have a good voice: "Your kung fu is so strange, my freezing air, you can't take a fart. ""

He Yiming suddenly lost his smile but he understood it. Because he himself has a stronger freezing air than the other party, Zhuo Wanlian's maximum ability does not threaten him. Under such circumstances, he will naturally never be able to threaten himself.

Since it is sensed that Zhuo Wanlian is naturally going to take it down and then fight it down, it is not a self-deprecating boring.

Zhan Tianfeng laughed and walked the work and said: "Two good efforts make the old man open his eyes."

He "Ming" will naturally not believe that the old man is in the first line of Tianyi. The strength of the team is deep and that they can compare the two Zhan Tianfeng’s eyes to the big tree on He Yiming’s shoulder. Suddenly: "He brother gave me How about playing? ”

He "Nothing to hesitate to throw the tree over the past. Although this is a four-meter-tall abnormality, but in the eyes of the first-line strongman, it is just a big tree. Take this tree in your hand.

He Yiming’s heart secretly admire the movements of others, just like holding a branch-like appearance, but he can’t do it.

Zhan Tianfeng instilled the infuriating body into the big tree, but he soon appeared that although his infuriating spirit was far stronger than He Yiming at this time, he could only barely integrate into the volume of about one-tenth after entering the big tree~ Once this limit is passed, his wood system is no longer fully controllable.

Others can't see the clue from the outside, but he knows that if he uses this big tree to be the enemy of Zhuo Wanlian, he will definitely be easily cut off by most of him and eventually become unconventional. One powerful hand is so powerful.

His face changed slightly and there was an infinite question in his heart. How can He Yiming fill the woods with such huge size?

After a while, he put down the tree and smiled: "The two are said to have brought many good things to participate in the master trade this time. I don't know if the two can be interested in this?"

He Yiming nodded his head and said: "I just came to this place naturally." Zhuo Wanlian’s attitude towards He Yiming has changed a lot. In his heart, he has already blamed He Yiming. The freak class but the strong strength has indeed gained his approval.

After hesitating, he nodded and answered.

Zhan Tianfeng laughed and laughed and introduced them to the temple for a good hospitality, but no one could have imagined that there was an unimaginable strange thought under his enthusiasm.

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