Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 48: sensation

When He Yiming returned to the embassy district, everyone including Shui Xuan greeted him. At this moment, their attitude toward He Yiming is very different from the previous one.

This difference is not just about the surface but from their inner attitude.

He Yiming had dealt with half a ring and water dazzling and returned to his courtyard. After the screen retired, everyone shouted and hesitated: "He brothers have broken through to the first line of the day, are you still willing to join our small country alliance?" He Yiming said with a smile: "Water brother, this is they let you come Asked. "Water dazzling old face reddish: "Yeah, they are not at all worried, so let the old man I cheeky to ask." He licked his lips and explained: "But please rest assured no matter what you make We will not complain about the kind of decision." He did not lie in this sentence because he was guilty of complaints and did not dare to show it.

He Yiming considered for a moment and finally slowly said in the eyes of the water-hungry look: "I have already expressed my attitude to the old man of the water. Since Tianluo needs to be the master of the country of Tianluo, the younger brother will not refuse. "There is a sigh of relief on the face of the water, and the biggest worry after He Yiming was promoted to a first-line day is finally completely eliminated."

I took a deep breath and sighed: "He only brother, we have already agreed with Mao Lieguang and Mutian, and after seven days, when you are trading items, don't forget." He Yiming's heart is big. "Will they still participate in the wood?" Water Happiness smiled and said: "They are not here for this thing?" "But they are dead today." He Yiming Shen Sheng Road.

Shui Hyun smiled and said: "These two are the way to take their own death and since they are dead, then those who are willing to give them a head will be gone." He looked at He Yiming suddenly said: "Figure 藩The country will never offend a promising first-line powerhouse for a dying dying prince and a lost master of the celestial world." He Yiming suddenly realizes that the water is so bold that if he does not enter The first line of the day waiting for him will be a fierce thunderstorm, and even Hejiazhuang will itch. But when he advanced a line of days then everything changed.

The root of all this is still the word strength.

The two talked about the moment and went to the water. But before he left, he hesitated for a long time and finally couldn’t help but ask: "He brothers, how do you look at this person?" He Yiming said sincerely: "This person Very strong, especially the toughness of the heart is a very good opponent. "Water Hyun's face is slightly changed: So do you think he still has a chance to advance to the first line after losing one time? "He" Ming Weiwei can't figure out why he would ask himself for such a boring thing. Two serious thoughts on a moment, He Yiming said: "If the average person suddenly suffers a setback at the peak of his career, then the possibility of re-emergence will be It’s very small, but I’m not convinced that I’m sure I’ll be able to get back up and finally break through the first line.” Water Hyun nodded slightly. “It’s great.... He Yiming’s big puzzle is incomprehensible: “This has what's good? "Shui Xuan Cui's face flashed a smug smile. This sentence is actually Mao Liguang asked me to ask him. Naturally, he hopes that the wood will be so weak that he can feel at ease. The boss can make him wish." He Yi Ming slightly shaking his head is really not very interested in the intrigue of this country. After the battle of today, his greatest achievement is that as long as you have the strength and the overwhelming strength, then you can be arrogant.

Even the prince and one of the innate powers who killed one of the three great powers. People only have to smash their teeth and swallow their blood to find revenge. He is not interested in the promotion of the sky.

By the time he progressed to the front line, his cultivation in the martial arts was only afraid of leaving him far behind.

However, looking at the eyebrows and flying away from the water, Hyun Yi, He Yiming is also relieved.

The old man has been trapped in the realm of the sky for a lifetime. Nowadays, his life is not much. His thoughts are naturally different from his own.

Shake his head and He Yiming came to Yuan Lixun's room.

Before he left, he passed the wood and water system to let Yuan Lixun sleep peacefully. It is estimated that several hours now she should wake up.

Just thinking back to the things that happened during these few hours is really like feeling in a dream.

Not only did he successfully break through to the realm of the first-line sky, but he also defeated Zhuo Wanlian in a single fight. If such a change was made before, he could not imagine it. Gently pushing the door and looking at the side of the bed worker, Yuan Lizhen, especially the long whip on her face, He Yiming’s heart is a heartache, telling the truth after learning the pharmacist’s few months of study. He Yiming is also a glimpse of the path of medicine. He has absolute certainty to eliminate this whip mark. But it is unlikely that you will leave a little scar.

In the heart of the silence, he finally made up his mind. It’s just that it’s hard to do that.

The ear swayed a little. He Yiming said with a smile: "If Li Dong has already woken up, then hurry up." Yuan Lizhen’s eyelashes shook a little slightly, and then slowly opened her obedient and sat up. Intentionally or unintentionally, the half of the injured face was smashed into the past.

He Yiming’s heart sighed that she couldn’t pass the check of her heart, but she didn’t say that she just sat down on the bed and looked at her quietly.

Although her age is only seventeen years old. However, if a girl arrives at this grade with good nutrition and cultivation of internal strength, she will not be inferior to mature women.

At this time, Yuan Lixun, sitting on the bedside, wore a goose-yellow big coat. Although she wrapped her Tingting’s long body completely, she could see a slippery snow white from the neck, especially in the middle of the coat. A button in the place was loosely opened unintentionally, and even when the eyes fell on it, you could even see the thrilling ditch.

Yuan Lixun saw that his gaze could not help but immediately blush. Although she is not a giant who really does not understand, but in this kind of bare-boned naked eyes, as long as it is a big yellow niece, it will become so.

He "Hey, he coughed and he regained his gaze." Li Xun, you have peace of mind, I have already avenged you. ”

Yuan Li Xun’s reality followed: "You have just gone to the young master"

He Yiming slowly nodded: "The person who injured you is the four emperors of Tuguo, who has received the due retribution."

Yuan Lijun’s eyes are slightly red as Jinlin’s person. She naturally understands how the weight of the country is. But one of the three great powers in the northwest is just the same as the country.

The prince of the country is so honorable, but He Yiming has reconciled her for justice during the time she just fell asleep. This is indeed a big impact for a woman.

Of course, Yuan Lijun’s thoughts on Wang Zhong’s thoughts are that he is most likely to take a few whipes with his own person and his body. If she is to let her know that He Yiming is deliberate and arrogant, then she will be beaten by Stephan Cong, so she is afraid that she is not only moved but horrified.

Yuan Lixun broke into the arms of He Yiming, and the relief of the light reed was half-sounding: "I have seen the welt on your face."

The petite body that snuggled in He Yiming's arms suddenly became stiff at this moment. He Yiming's heartache softly patted her body slowly before Yao's back.

"Rui Yuwu has given you up to half of the wound medicines that the pharmacists have refinished."

This whip mark will be completely eliminated and the scars left will gradually shrink. ”

Yuan Li Xun’s entire mind is here to naturally hear the meaning of his evasiveness in his words. After a moment, she asked: "You are saying that this scar will never be robbed."

He Yiming indulged in a moment: "Stephan Cong is very heavy. He uses a special skill. If I guess it is correct, he used to use this whip method as long as it is after this whip. It is the application of the elixir, but in the end it is still difficult to completely heal the wound more or less will leave a little bit of epidemic."

When it comes to his heart, there is a surge of anger again. If Step Cong is still alive, he will definitely kill it again without hesitation.

The look in Yuan Lizhen’s eyes quickly faded down: “Master, I know.”

He Yiming raised his eyebrow and smiled: "The scent of this scent can not be eliminated by others. But this does not mean that there is no way for me."

Yuan Lixun immediately showed a hint of surprise in his eyes. He gently slammed his hand at He Yiming and seemed to be expressing the ups and downs of her heart. Only this power is too light. If He Yiming is completely concerned about her work, I am afraid that I still can’t feel it.

"What do you have for the young master?" Yuan Lixun was full of expectations. Although she is very confident about He Yiming, she will not be willing to be in any way without asking.

He Yiming erected two fingers: "Two methods are for internal repair and one for external application." Yuan Lixun has two eyes and dazzling eyes. There are actually two ways to really be innate.

"The drugs that want to treat the scars caused by this special whip method are all hand-picked, but the potential to cultivate themselves from the inside is so strong that when a certain achievement is achieved, such a small injury will be self-healing. ”

Unexpectedly, there was a bad premonition in the unexpected heart. She cautiously asked:

"You are a young master, as long as I am able to heal without medicine?"

"Yes." He Yiming nodded his solemn statement: "As long as the practitioners can reach a certain level, the whole body's scars will disappear as if they were newborn babies..."

When he said that it was white and tender, the corner of the eye looked subconsciously toward the spring of her chest.

Yuan Lixun's face was red. Her heart complained that she was already in a hurry, but he still had the heart to think about it. However, if He Yiming really didn't have a little thought in this regard, her heart would be uneasy.

This contradictory psychology is even incredible for herself.

The body twisted a little, and Yuan Lixun whispered softly: "What is the realm of the young master?"

He Yiming lightly coughed one voice: "Although it is not easy, it is not difficult."

Yuan Lixuan’s heart is so heavy that He Yiming’s reluctance to tell her is more serious. If it is something else, Yuan Lixun will never get to the bottom, but it is related to her own appearance. She really can't stand it and asks, "What is the realm of the young master?"

He Yiming licked his lips and finally said, "It’s very simple and it’s almost like Lu Xing."

"Lv... Xin Wen!"

Yuan Li’s eyes were staring at He Yiming. If she was not too admired for the people in front of her, then she would definitely leave her face and leave.

After half a ring, Yuan Lixun’s bitterness said: “Innate realm.”

"Yes, it is the congenital realm." He Yiming seems to have not seen the dim color in her eyes: "Once you reach the innate realm, you will introduce the heavens and the earth into the body and all the darkness and scars will be Completely disappearing is like the phoenix's Nirvana rebirth." Yuan Lizhen once again smiled and said: "Master, I understand that another way?"

"Another way is to find a material for refining Yan Yandan. If you can refine this anti-medicine medicine, then this is a small treatment mark on your face. Even if the face is cut, ten The seven or eight knives can also be restored as they were."

Yuan Lixun’s eyes flashed brightly and radiantly like two little stars.

He Yiming looked at her with a smile and laughed. "But to tell the truth, if I help you to advance to the innate, it is difficult, but still has some grasp.

But if you want to find the material of Yan Yandan and the smooth refining success depends on how lucky it is. "Yuan Lizhen was shocked and realized that the difficulty of refining Yan Dan was greater than that of the innate power."

She shook her head if she didn’t believe that she really didn’t believe it.

Only after receiving the guarantee of He Yiming, her heart calmed down completely.

Especially when I think that she has the opportunity to advance to the innate powerhouse, the strange feeling in my heart is really indescribable.

In the seven days, although the entire embassy district seems to be quiet, but there are indeed many people who are rushing for their own purposes.

Among them, in the second year, He Yiming has successfully broken through the life-and-death line from the ordinary innate power to the first-line Tianqiang. It has passed through all channels to the outside world.

And He Yiming rushed to the crown for the anger of the red prince to kill the four princes of the country and a congenital strongman is even more rumored to have a myriad of different versions.

After hearing this news, Yuan Chengzhen of Jinlin Yuanjia discussed the whole day with the old man Yuan Zeyu and finally announced a sensation in a small area.

That is, the next owner of Jinlin Yuan’s family is no longer his eldest son, Yuan Liling, but a famous son of Tao Li, who is not known.

In the announcement of this news, several highly respected veterans in the family raised objections. In particular, some of the older people who had witnessed the tragedy of Yuan Zeyu and Yuan Zewei entangled for decades as the head of the family, and the older generations were totally opposed to this decision.

Although Yuan Chengzhen took over the position of the homeowner, it is still a short time for some elderly people in the family.

However, at that time, he only said a word after the old men were suddenly stunned and no one objected.

Yuan Zeyu sent Yuan Lixun to He Yiming as a sly thing, even if it was not known to many people in Yuanjia. This is because they were initially worried about whether Yuan Lixun could finally get a good impression of He Yiming and finally stay with him.

If all goes well, it is a great joy for Yuan Jia. But if you can't please congratulate you, then this thing will be treated as never being born. However, no matter how much the Yuan and his father and son of Yuan Zhe, they did not expect to have such a day.

Yuan Lixun’s weight in He Yiming’s heart reached such a point that they finally decided to completely reinforce Yuan Lixiang.

From then on, as long as Yuan Lixun was around He Yiming, the Jinlin Yuan family was as stable as Taishan in the Taicang County.

Of course, after hearing this news, it will definitely be more than Jinlin Yuan’s family.

Almost all of the vast forces within the sphere of influence of the entire country have taken the most attention.

The four major families of Huowu are even more worried about the fact that they have suffered from the loss of their lives and the fact that they have not left He Yiming as a master of the country.

But the only thing that made Xie’s family happy was the news from Xie Mingjin that they had dreamed of it.

After receiving this news, Xie Zhien immediately rushed to Kailuan Guodu with the help of the other two ten-level masters of Xie’s family.

The entire Xie family up and down the biggest expectations for this matter.

Because Xie’s family has not seen another innate power for four hundred years.

Of course, the most affected by this incident is Hejiazhuang in Taicang County and Hengshan in the deep mountains.

When He Laibao got the news, he was suddenly ecstatic and sent a disciple from Ling Yaofeng to return to Hengshan.

The same elixir peak four elders and elders of the elders in the thunder after seeing the letter are all face to face. Even if He Laibao swears in the letter, they are also skeptical.

Finally, in the thunder, he personally took the 6 Zhengyi down to Hejiazhuang.

After all, this matter is too great. No one can believe it when he does not see He Yiming.

As for He Yiming at this time, he did not know that the Xuan Ran that he had caused was only accompanied by Yuan Lixun in the embassy area until the master trade fair after seven days. When He Yiming returned to the embassy district, everyone including Shui Xuan greeted him. At this moment, their attitude toward He Yiming is very different from the previous one.

This difference is not just about the surface but from their inner attitude.

He Yiming had dealt with half a ring and water dazzling and returned to his courtyard. After the screen retired, everyone shouted and hesitated: "He brothers have broken through to the first line of the day, are you still willing to join our small country alliance?" He Yiming said with a smile: "Water brother, this is they let you come Asked. "Water dazzling old face reddish: "Yeah, they are not at all worried, so let the old man I cheeky to ask." He licked his lips and explained: "But please rest assured no matter what you make We will not complain about the kind of decision." He did not lie in this sentence because he was guilty of complaints and did not dare to show it.

He Yiming considered for a moment and finally slowly said in the eyes of the water-hungry look: "I have already expressed my attitude to the old man of the water. Since Tianluo needs to be the master of the country of Tianluo, the younger brother will not refuse. "There is a sigh of relief on the face of the water, and the biggest worry after He Yiming was promoted to a first-line day is finally completely eliminated."

I took a deep breath and sighed: "He only brother, we have already agreed with Mao Lieguang and Mutian, and after seven days, when you are trading items, don't forget." He Yiming's heart is big. "Will they still participate in the wood?" Water Happiness smiled and said: "They are not here for this thing?" "But they are dead today." He Yiming Shen Sheng Road.

Shui Hyun smiled and said: "These two are the way to take their own death and since they are dead, then those who are willing to give them a head will be gone." He looked at He Yiming suddenly said: "Figure 藩The country will never offend a promising first-line powerhouse for a dying dying prince and a lost master of the celestial world." He Yiming suddenly realizes that the water is so bold that if he does not enter The first line of the day waiting for him will be a fierce thunderstorm, and even Hejiazhuang will itch. But when he advanced a line of days then everything changed.

The root of all this is still the word strength.

The two talked about the moment and went to the water. But before he left, he hesitated for a long time and finally couldn’t help but ask: "He brothers, how do you look at this person?" He Yiming said sincerely: "This person Very powerful, especially the toughness of the heart is a very good opponent. "Water Hyun's face is slightly changed: c So do you think he still has a chance to advance to the first line after losing one time? "He" Ming Weiwei can't figure out why he would ask himself for such a boring thing. Two serious thoughts on a moment, He Yiming said: "If the average person suddenly suffers a setback at the peak of his career, then the possibility of re-emergence will be It’s very small, but I’m not convinced that I’m sure I’ll be able to get back up and finally break through the first line.” Water Hyun nodded slightly. “It’s great.... He Yiming’s big puzzle is incomprehensible: “This has what's good? "Shui Xuan Cui's face flashed a smug smile. This sentence is actually Mao Liguang asked me to ask him. Naturally, he hopes that the wood will be so weak that he can feel at ease. The boss can make him wish." He Yi Ming slightly shaking his head is really not very interested in the intrigue of this country. After the battle of today, his greatest achievement is that as long as you have the strength and the overwhelming strength, then you can be arrogant.

Even the prince and one of the innate powers who killed one of the three great powers. People only have to smash their teeth and swallow their blood to find revenge. He is not interested in the promotion of the sky.

By the time he progressed to the front line, his cultivation in the martial arts was only afraid of leaving him far behind.

However, looking at the eyebrows and flying away from the water, Hyun Yi, He Yiming is also relieved.

The old man has been trapped in the realm of the sky for a lifetime. Nowadays, his life is not much. His thoughts are naturally different from his own.

Shake his head and He Yiming came to Yuan Lixun's room.

Before he left, he passed the wood and water system to let Yuan Lixun sleep peacefully. It is estimated that several hours now she should wake up.

Just thinking back to the things that happened during these few hours is really like feeling in a dream.

Not only did he successfully break through to the realm of the first-line sky, but he also defeated Zhuo Wanlian in his single-handed fight. If this kind of change was before, he could not imagine it.

Gently pushing the door and looking at the side of the bed worker, Yuan Lizhen, especially the long whip on her face, He Yiming’s heart is a heartache, telling the truth after learning the pharmacist’s few months of study. He Yiming is also a glimpse of the path of medicine. He has absolute certainty to eliminate this whip mark. But it is unlikely that you will leave a little scar.

In the heart of the silence, he finally made up his mind. It’s just that it’s hard to do that.

The ear swayed a little. He Yiming said with a smile: "If Li Dong has already woken up, then hurry up." Yuan Lizhen’s eyelashes shook a little slightly, and then slowly opened her obedient and sat up. Intentionally or unintentionally, the half of the injured face was smashed into the past.

He Yiming’s heart sighed that she couldn’t pass the check of her heart, but she didn’t say that she just sat down on the bed and looked at her quietly.

Although her age is only seventeen years old. However, if a girl arrives at this grade with good nutrition and cultivation of internal strength, then she will not be inferior to mature women.

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