Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 56: The true meaning of the wind

Sima Yin took the sword and rushed to the point where he had already swept his own obstacles to the limit.

Although the effect of his obstacles is greatly reduced in the absence of an arm, this method is not the best life-saving art, even if He Yiming can not distinguish his true position in an instant.

Between the chasing and the escape, they have already taken a few miles between the brakes. In such a short distance, He Yiming has almost chased each other three times.

What makes He Yiming even more shocked is that Sima Yin, even in this case, is not only looking for an escape but looking for opportunities from time to time to return from the original road.

As for the purpose of his return from the original road, the two people are well aware.

It is only Yuan Lixun that can make He Yiming hang on his stomach and possibly pull back a game.

If Sima Yin is intact, then it is very likely that he will eventually succeed if he kills Yuan Lixun and vents his anger, which is enough to make He Yiming regret it.

But this moment, he wants to really get the wind and ears of He Yiming, but it is a little too strong. After passing the magical and incredible wind movement, He Yiming did not really master this method but he The understanding of the wind power is deep.

This is reflected in his power when he uses the wind and ears.

Under his monitoring, even if he accidentally let Sima Yin deceive him, he can search for him in the shortest time. No matter how Sima Yin changes, it is difficult to truly escape the sound He Heming heard from the wind.

The longer the pursuit time, the deeper his understanding of the wind power is. His degree is getting faster and faster. The limit of the original Yunyu Feiteng has reached a new height.

If Sima Yin is better than He Yiming in the first place, then if the two people are fair, they will never be able to win or lose.

However, Sima Yin, who has broken an arm at this time, is not used to efficiency and is greatly discounted both in martial arts and in light weight exercises. If he had not been able to perform his fascination, he was already caught up by He Yiming.

However, both of them understand that Sima Yin is only a strong end, unless it is an accident, it must not escape.

The pain in Sima Yin’s gloomy extreme arm was far less intense than the pain in his heart.

He knows that this time the loss is due to a greed. If he is not because of the incredible light weight of the other party, it is impossible to have such an end.

His mind remembered the change that happened decades ago.

At that time, he was also a greedy word, so he would leave his hometown from the distant Dashen to the desolate northwestern countries and bear the favor of Zhan Tianfeng.

Nowadays, in the past few decades, when he thought that he was tempted to refrain from greed, he was once again ruined by this greed.

This is even more painful than his broken arm.

Looking at the front and getting closer and closer to He Yiming, Sima Yin’s eyes finally showed a hint of despair. There was a decisive color on his face.

After his determination was made, he did not have any reservations at the limit. It seemed to be faster and he could keep pace with He Yiming. And he never used any obstacles but ran along a straight road toward the highest peak nearby.

This unnamed mountain is indeed the highest peak in the nearby mountains. It has entered the cloud from the halfway up the mountain.

Running here seems to have the potential to step into the cliff at any time. However, whether it is He Yiming or Sima Yin, they are as flat as their degree has not weakened.

Finally, Sima Yin has come to the peak. At this moment, he rushed out of the cliff like an arrow from the string. In the midst of the mist, he returned to his head and flashed a glimmer of color.

The sinister environment of this place jumped from such a towering cliff, even if he did not have a full life-saving grasp.

This jump is not the same as that of the first-line tyrants, but at least it is a life-and-death.

He has already determined that the character of He Yiming will definitely not gamble on this half-life opportunity in order to pursue his disabled person.

And he has no choice but to go nowhere.

Only this time, if he is lucky enough to escape, he will surely do everything possible to retaliate. He wants the name Sima Yin to bring absolute fear to the whole northwest.

However, in this mid-air, he suddenly widened his eyes.

Although he did not see it with his own eyes, he sensed that when He Yiming came to the edge of the cliff, he did not have any reduction behavior, but learned his appearance and swooped out of the place and continued to move in the sky. His direction is chasing.

At this moment, Sima Yin has a real panic. This is a strong sense of loss of control that is not under his control.

The fierce wind rang from the ear and when He Yiming really jumped off the cliff, his heart was filled with a vague fear.

He is also a person. Although he has reached the first-line of the martial arts practice, the next three hundred and sixty acupoints have reached the height of reaching countless people's dreams.

However, there is still a strong sense of fear in this martial arts.

It’s just that he regretted that he had jumped down and pursued Sima Yin.

Sima Yin, he is not a bright and honest person. He is not Zhan Tianfeng, not Zhuo Wanlian or Wood. Those who will never threaten him with the safety of Yuan Jiaxun will not threaten him with the safety of Hejiazhuang.

This person has a strong hunch that He Yiming has to let this person escape, so he will regret it later.

For Hejiazhuang, for his own woman in Yokoyama, his heart is extremely firm.

Today, even if they are chasing the ends of the earth, only one of them can survive.

This is a strong belief that there is a belief that you will die and die.

Therefore, he was able to chase after the cliff without thinking in that kind of sentiment. This murderousness on his body is actually a bit stronger than Sima Yin.

In his body, the wind screamed in order to catch up with the other party. He did not use the innate temper to lower his degree, but the luck fell like a pound of boulder.

He even had a special feeling that if he let him fall like this, he was afraid that he couldn't bear the powerful force shock and was broken.

His heart hung up high. At this moment, his fearful body shook his mind and there was a strong voice shouting: "The power of reducing the wind reduces the speed of his body. Will change the properties.

However, there were countless familiar faces in his mind.

Grandfather He Wude, the full name of the mother, Lin Wenyu, the uncle, the third generation of brothers and sisters, and the old knowledge of the Yokoyama, and all the people he recognized."

Eventually, the volatility of his mind converges into Yuan Lijun's face with a smile on his face. The faint red color on his face is so shocking.

He thought of the heartache when he first saw the scar!

In order not to let this heartache appear again, he would rather pay any price for it, even if his life is not hesitating. His eyes suddenly condensed all the distractions have been completely abandoned by him.

Li Dong and my relatives, I definitely can't allow anyone to hurt you. You absolutely can't let his momentum burst into the air, as if the lightning in the sea is as high as hundreds of meters.

Once again, his spirit has become more and more extreme. It seems that he has left his body and came to the endless void.

There was a glimpse of He Yiming’s gaze. His eyes seemed to see something that should not be seen.

Everything in front of the scene has changed. The mountain is no longer the mountain. The water is no longer the water. The clouds are no longer the clouds and fog that fill the space.

He faintly caught the most critical place. His heart is full of joy to see through the mysteries of nature.

That is the line that is the wind. The lines in the clouds in the air have the power of wind in every corner of the world.

His body suddenly disappeared in the midst of the crashing fall. It was like a sudden crossing of an endless air squad. The next moment he came to another corner from the corner of the wind with a line of incredible degrees.

His body is the wind that is unaffected by the weight and is not affected by the volume. It is the omnipresent wind.

At this moment he finally mastered the power of the wind.

In contrast, the wind-sounding ear is just a small area and it is impossible to express the power of the wind.

His feet fell steadily on the ground. He looked up cold but full of confident eyes and looked at Sima Yin who fell from midair in the sun.

His heart is full of unprecedented confidence.

At this moment, even if Zhuo Wanlian Zhan Tianfeng and Sima Yin are the top three strong players, he seems to be able to win and win.

Even if they want to escape, it is impossible.

Of course, this is only the result of his self-confidence over-expansion at this moment, unless he is really an idiot because of arrogance, or he will never make such ridiculous things.

Sima Yin, who fell in the air, was also indignant when he was horrified. He first encountered such a poor chasing and slamming as if he was not swearing.

Some regrets in his heart were originally thought that He Yiming was just a new line of wood talents. However, after the fight, he did not touch the other side's stunts. But even so, he has fallen to the point where it is so embarrassing.

If he knew so, he would never return Zhan Tianfeng’s human feelings.

In his mind, he also turned a myriad of thoughts in an instant, but the thought of regret was flashed. Then all my thoughts were about how to get rid of the forbidden cow's candy behind me.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a strong pressure that almost suffocated him from the overwhelming pressure.

When he feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred乾坤 will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the gods, the lord of the world, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the empire, the empire, the gods, the gods, the sacred gods, the throne, the sacred priests, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, when the imperial family came to this momentum, the heart suddenly There is no luck in falling into the hail.

He already knows that He Yiming is determined to want to put him to death and is still the kind of unrelenting determination without a slight retreat.

He couldn’t understand why He Yiming’s resentment against him actually reached such a strong feeling that it seemed to be in the bone marrow.

At this point, his face finally flashed a trace of fear. From being full of self-confidence to losing one arm to fleeing and being forced to jump off the cliff and fleeing, even panic was finally a fear.

This series of changes has completely destroyed his confidence.

In his heart, he was resentful and frightened to think about how this awesome enemy he was provoked was a terrible enemy.

The instinct in his body has already been raised to make his fall as weak as possible. However, when he sensed the powerful killing of He Yiming, he suddenly squeezed his teeth and suddenly fell.

He would rather live to die than to face up with such a terrible enemy.

However, at the moment he was about to land, he suddenly felt different.

An equally powerful and incredible killing sentiment suddenly came from under the cliff. This killing is no less inferior to the above He Yiming. And along with this killing is the powerful and unbeatable power of the Secretary.

The singer from the stranger to the familiar and broken arm of the ice.

He saw a familiar face when he lowered his head in horror.

When he saw it clearly, even his gaze towel could not help but carry an incredible sluggishness.

This guy is not jumping from above, how can he land earlier than him?

Although he had seen the incredible degree of He Yiming, how the situation at that time could be compared with the fall from the cliff.

Even if his imagination is ten times richer, he can't imagine that He Yiming is actually like the epiphany. At this moment, he has mastered the essence of the wind power, so he can silently reach below him.

At this time, Sima Yin subconsciously extended the sword light in the hand as the night star flashed into a sky.

However, in his heart, there is a faint question whether he is mistaken or is God playing me?

The light silt and light piano He Yiming raised his hands with two palms, and his white snow was within the range covered by his palm. The stocks are far more powerful than the old ones.

At that time, the sword flower at the beginning of the day was still a little bit of a star, and then it became a white. It became slower and slower. It was like an endless hoarfrost that could no longer be waved.

Not only that, even Sima Yin’s own actions have slowed down, just as the old cow pulls the car slowly and slowly.

He Yiming’s palm passed through the sharp sword and was printed on the chest of Sima Yin.

Without any sound, Sima Yin’s body fell hard and fell back until it reached a big stone and bounced back.

But even if he fell from such a high place and reached the boulder, his body was not broken.

That's because his body has been frozen into ice sculptures that are harder than stones when they reach the stone.

The chill of He Yiming is obtained from the Wannian ice marrow in the bottle of dark green jade. The chill of the ice is actually more than 10,000 years.

If they are not so strong, they will not be eroded by this cold and cannot escape.

Even if the first-line powerhouse Sima Yin has to break away from this horrible cold, he can only escape.

However, when this strong chill of the extreme has passed the full release of He Yiming, the strong consequences are far from being able to resist Sima Yin, who is already at the end of the battle.

The former killer who had been mixed with the wind and water in the Dashen Empire would have lost his life in the northwest.

This is definitely something that no one can imagine, even if it is Zhan Tianfeng who wants to leave the division, he will never think of such a consequence.

He Yiming took a long sigh of relief and he also had a feeling of almost collapse.

Although he was able to release a strong ice-based instinct, the infuriating consumption of this kind of gas was greatly unexpected.

Among all the exercises he has mastered, except for the five elements that can release all the potential and the infuriating effort, it is the most powerful consumption of this cold and cold.

However, the powerful consumption also means that the powerful power can directly freeze the horrible effect of such a terrible Sima Yin directly, but also the same as He Yiming.

Looking at Sima Yin lying on the ground and no more cattle, He Yiming finally put down the boulder in his heart.

This time the pursuit is sinister, even his life is almost catching up, but his harvest is equally unimaginable.

Not only did he grasp the true meaning of the wind power, he had an incredible level that could cross a distance in an instant, and more importantly, his mind had undergone tremendous changes.

After this war, he is confident that he will be fearless and fearless if he encounters any strong enemy.

Because behind him is not just him but Yuan Lixun has He Jiazhuang has countless people who make him limitless.

As long as they have one day behind themselves, he has endless fighting courage.

Fighting for them is a responsibility that he cannot escape and cannot escape.

He looked up at the sky..."

The sky is already late in the sky, the stars are a little bit like the moon.

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