Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 57: Super unexpected harvest

Digging a big pit on the ground to congratulate Yi Ming’s current strength can only be done with a light touch.

Although Sima Yin is his powerful enemy, He Yiming’s heart is quite embarrassing when this enemy dies.

After all, this person is a first-line powerhouse and the first such level of power who died in his hands is like the old Lucin pattern. If he can completely ignore it, then pure...

It’s ridiculous.

Take the sword in the hands of Sima Yin and take it up. A chill of coldness suddenly rushed up.

He tried to enter a piece of infuriating power into the sword and suddenly had a slight humming sound. Not only that, but also the faint spurt of the sword's tip, the fierce swords and even the body of He Yiming had a goose bump.

He Ming’s brows were slightly wrinkled. He immediately knew that this was a rare sword or even a treasure that was not inferior to the Daguan knife.

The reason why this sword did not sway the power of Ying Tao was because it was frozen by his ice energy.

At the thought of this, He Yiming’s heart was also a scream.

Although he is absolutely cheap underneath, but if the strength of Sima Yin is matched with this treasure, then it seems that he really has nothing to do except the use of the five elements of one-on-one strike and strong freezing. .

In his heart, he felt that when his strength was upgraded to become a first-line powerhouse, the practice he had previously practiced seemed to be somewhat inadequate when he faced the master of the ranks.

However, only he will have such an idea because his advancement is too shocking to be absolutely unprecedented.

After receiving a bit of heart, He Yiming’s hand showed a fiery color.

His body surface was completely thawed when his palm was turned around on Sima Yin's body, but his body was stiff and seemed to have no signs of softening.

He Nei Ming took a look at his body and finally took two items.

One of them is the pair of shoes under his feet. These shoes don’t know what kind of material is made in the hand. It’s even soft. As seen from the outside, the burning novel network has run so long. But it is still spotless. The black upper is as smooth as a mirror, and the mysterious brilliance seems to be able to absorb the human soul.

He Nei Ming will infuse him with a slight insult and he did not break it.

At this point he certainly understands that this is also a treasure and is still an extremely rare baby. Perhaps the reason why Sima Yin can reach faster than before is related to the shoes. Second, put down the shoes and pick up another item.

This is a silver ring that seems to be an ordinary silver ring from any angle, but the engraving on it is strange. At least this kind of graphic He Yiming is absolutely unprecedented.

If this ring is worn on Sima Yin's hand, He Yiming will definitely ignore the past.

But this ring is not the case, but it was worn by Sima Yin with a fortune chain and firmly hung on the chest to preserve the meat.

Anyone who sees this scene will understand that this thing is definitely extremely expensive.

Moreover, although He Yiming could not recognize the origin of this ring, he simply felt that this thing was absolutely non-speaking.

Hesitating for a moment, He Yiming finally carefully poured a hint of infuriating into it.

All innate powers know that in this world, only treasures or treasures can withstand a lot of innate instinct and wave all kinds of magical effects with the entry of infuriating.

But in addition to this, if the innate instinct is controlled within a very small range, then it will not have too much impact on ordinary objects. This is the use of infuriating and freely.

When this infuriating gas entered the silver ring, He Yiming suddenly stunned.

Because this silver ring not only did not appear the kind of rupture that he was worried about, but had a strong suction to completely absorb the instinct that he instilled.

He Ming's eyes lit up. His heart screamed that he almost went away. The original thing is also a treasure that can withstand a lot of innate instinct.

A lot of real gas in his heart suddenly rushed toward the silver ring. However, what surprised him was that this silver ring was like a bottomless pit. The thirst for the infuriating amount reached the point where he was surprised by the internal kind.

However, this also caused his curiosity not only to not break the infuriating, but to speed up the degree. He wants to see what the silver ring that Sima was cautiously and carefully collected.

Finally, the silver ring has been filled with his infuriating spirit. At this moment, He Yiming’s face has emerged with a strange look to the extreme. Two unconsciously, he opened his mouth like a swallow. The frog's frog can't tell the weird and ugly.

The power of the strong man of the line has never been so ruined even when he was attacked by Sima Yin. But at this moment, He Yiming is really unable to control the inner cut he has sensed.

When the silver ring was filled with his instinct, he suddenly had a special feeling connected to the silver ring.

What this feeling brings is actually a space that appears in front of him but does not belong to the mysterious space.

Anyway, people suddenly feel that one of them is one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one Which one goes.

Suddenly, He Yiming’s eyes lit up. He remembered that he had grasped the key to the conversation with Wood.

This space world is definitely an independent, empty world.

Even if he has never seen a sample, there is absolutely no mistake.

In the narration of the woods, the space world is an extremely rare treasure. It is said that it is in the northwestern countries, even if it is above the entire big six.

No one knows where this thing is from. It seems that such items are only passed down from ancient times and the method of production has long since ceased to exist.

And there are only innate powers who can have a space world and be able to open it. Because the only way to open up the world of space is the instinct of the innate power.

There seems to be only one space world in the northern Xinjiang ice sheet that is much larger than the entire northwestern countries. And that treasure is in the hands of the masters of the two-level powerhouses of Zhuo Wanlian and Mu Tiantian.

It is because this thing is so precious that He Yiming will become a singer after unintentionally getting this thing.

The next moment of great joy drowned him. He Yiming’s eyes were so bright that the harvest was not too big but far beyond the limit he could imagine.

He took a deep breath and the boiling mentality slowly calmed down.

In the space where the imitation is nothing but the non-existent space, there is a stack of books as thick as bricks.

In addition to this there are many items but in addition to some rare and well-treated herbs, He Yiming can not name the most items.

But there are some things he still remembers.

There have been many items in the trade fair of the Kailuan Masters.

Being able to be traded or collected by many masters, as long as you think about it, you know that it is definitely worth a lot.

He stretched out his hand and gently touched the space in front of him. The hand seems to have passed through the magical space and caused a strange spin ride around it to appear in that empty season.

He Mingqiang endured the excitement of the heart and took out a thick book.

In addition to this state, he did not move other things. Second, put the book on the lap. He sang a random look at his face and flashed a touch of joy again.

What is recorded in this book is the blind eye that once made He Yiming a headache.

The so-called blind eye method is a kind of five-in-one and even contains many methods of cultivation that are not within the five elements. However, no matter which one is chosen, as long as it can be cultivated successfully, it will have an unimaginable effect on the improvement of personal strength.

Sima Yin is using one of the obstacles to get close to him as he wished.

If it is not the heyer of the ear, it is also a kind of secret skill, I am afraid that it will really be attacked by him.

Seriously considering the long time, He Yiming finally put the long sword and shoes in his hand into the strange space in front of him.

Hesitated that He Yiming’s hand was collected from behind the big knife and did not put the knife into it.

Then He Yiming took off the palm of the hand that covered the silver ring. The ins and outs that flowed into the silver ring suddenly broke.

The moment in front of the infuriating moment seems to be shaking and disappearing without a trace.

He Nei Jing was quiet and he stood up and left the place far away. And I tried again. After the silver ring absorbed enough infuriating, the mysterious space reappeared and the things inside still existed.

At this point, He Yiming was convinced that what he had obtained was indeed the most precious treasure in the world.

I sorted out the things on my body, except for the big knife, which is backed by the body. All the precious items, including the dark green bottle, are obtained from the hands of the wood. They are all stuffed into it.

After doing all this, he carefully placed the silver ring on the chain and hung his neck. Such precious items must of course be learned by Sima Yin as a meat stick. In his heart, the Bible has made up his mind that no matter how strong the sword and shoes are, he will never use it.

If people think of Sima Yin from these two things and finally suspect that they are on their heads, then it is really regrettable.

Although He Yiming is a strongman in the front line, he knows the value of this thing. If he is alone, he is still okay, but there is also Hejiazhuang and Hengshan.

These are the people and things that his weakness has made him have to cherish.

Therefore, this thing must not let other people know that even if Yuan Lijun had the ability to protect herself before she had the ability to protect herself, she might have to hide it. Maybe she would be able to share this secret with her when she successfully promoted her innate realm.

After the burial of the body of Sima Yin, he will return to his heart in the fastest way. He is not very worried about Yuan Lixun. Although she is a small woman, she is a seven-layer internal force. Acquired practitioners.

It’s just that Sima Yin is too strong so she will have no resistance.

But in addition to the master of this series, the general beast in the jungle is also difficult to get her.

As for the pros and cons of the beast, I don’t think that Yuan Lihuang will have a good shape, which can be rare.

However, Xiao is so happy that the degree of He Yiming is faster than the time of coming. He is running in the jungle with the power of the wind, even if the Sima Yin rebirth wearing the treasure shoes may not be able to stand with him.

What's more, when He Yiming suddenly crossed the distance of two points and one line in an unimaginable degree.

No matter how many objects between the two points and one line, he can easily cross over.

If someone sees the movement of He Yiming at this moment, then he will definitely be regarded as the demon and ghost of the legendary old forest.

It is only for the route of this wind power that He Yiming has not yet reached the point where he wants to do whatever he wants. And each time it takes a lot of energy and instinct. After playing a few times, he even has a headache and even the infuriating seems to have an unsustainable feeling.

Therefore, he immediately put away the thoughts of many attempts and rushed to the original Fengmao in the fastest way.

After an hour, He Yiming finally returned to his place.

Climbing from under the cliff and transporting it back smoothly without any delay or loss of the road, everything is going smoothly.

When he had not arrived, Vado became habitually shaking.

Under the inscription, he heard the subtle voice of Yuan Lixun from a giant tree not far away.

In his heart, he is pleased that Yuan Temple is a clever man, so he will take the initiative to avoid the big tree. So, in addition to being a strong man with a downwind or a congenital level, even if there is a sudden emergence of ten layers of inner strength. The person also missed her trail.

He Nei Ming laughed and his feet crossed and stepped on the tree.

The messy leaves seem to be non-existent to him. His body is like a fish-like fish that walks between the branches and leaves and appears suddenly around Yuan Lixun.

Yuan Lidong was shocked. She gently patted her chest: "Is the young master catching up?"

She asked in her mouth but her voice was filled with the color of trust. In her mind, since He Yiming took the initiative to attack, there was no reason to lose it.

He Nei Ming nodded proudly: "This person is not enough to worry about."

Yuan Lixun also breathed a sigh of relief after she had dealt with the cold as Sima Yin, even if she had a deep chill in the bone marrow.

There are already a lot of innate powers that she has seen alongside He Yiming.

Others or a lifetime have rarely seen one, but the innate power she has seen on the road has definitely passed the double digits and the attitudes of these innate powers are extremely timid and not because of her servant status. And have a slight contempt.

Similarly, among those who are innate, there are people like Mao Lieguang. But in any case, they can't do it like Sima Yin.

Every innate power has its own persistence and bottom line. They may retaliate against Hejiazhuang but they will never take the initiative to kill Yuan Lixun in front of He Yiming. Sima Yin is unscrupulous for him. If you can achieve the goal, then all the ethics and morality will not be taken care of by him.

Such a character is truly terrible and even more shocking than the cultivation on his martial arts.

It can be said that since Yuan Lixun followed He Yiming, he was still looking forward to the death of someone for the first time. Although this kind of psychological change is not enough for outsiders, it is so clear and firm in her heart.

It was after the death of Sima Yin that Yuan Lixun was relieved and finally relieved.

He Yiming suddenly said, "We are treated as a singer and we have never been born."

Yuan Li Huang Wei asked subconsciously "Why?"

He Nei Ming’s face has an indescribable dignity: “Because there is a big secret on this person, even if it is leaked, even if I am going to die, I will die.”

Yuan Lizhen played a chill, although she did not understand why He Yiming was so serious but she knew the importance of the matter.

A heavy bit of Yuan Laodong said: "Master, I understand.

He Neiming revealed a smile. He knew that as long as Yuan Lizhen agreed, she would never violate it. When she was hijacked by Gu Yuying and Bei Youhui, she was willing to brave. The danger of being killed did not tell Jin Dan’s hidden place. From that moment on, He Yiming completely trusted her and never had any doubts.

Gently pulling Yuan Lijun’s little hand, He Yiming said: “We entered the mountain.”

Yuan Lixun’s dexterity should have a glimpse of her gaze in the distant mountains.

The reason why they are here is because they are afraid of the followers behind them. At this moment, since Sima Yin has died, they naturally no longer have to be scrupulous.

The mysterious caves hidden in the Hohhot Mountains immediately evoke the curiosity in their hearts.

So in the depths of the mountains, the two people who are hand in hand can be seen from time to time.

After a few days, in a quiet and hidden place, if there were maps in the valley that were extremely difficult to find, they finally stopped.

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