Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 58: Dongfu

The mountains gradually become soft and the mountain shape is gradually softened.

The feeling of getting to the gel. Here the stream slowly lingers around every foot of the mountain.

There are several clusters of clouds floating on the top of the mountain, and the quiet canyon below the top of the mountain makes the people in it feel a sense of serenity and tranquility.

If it is possible, no one wants to destroy this feeling of warmth.

Even if He Yiming and Yuan Lixun came to this place, they also had a few points. They were attracted by the ethereal ethereal here, and even their purpose was left behind.

"The young master is really a good place if you can live here for a long time." Yuan Lizhen sincerely said that his voice turned around and his eyes turned around and seemed to be looking for something. After a half-sound, he affirmed: "It’s good that the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth is so rich that it is not inferior to the pharmacy of the main peak of Hengshan and the peak of Lingyao. If it is possible to live in seclusion for a long time, it will be of great benefit to our cultivation." ""

Yuan Lixun opened the red mouth slightly for the first time with a faint dissatisfaction.

Her full-fledged tenderness was completely broken by this sentence, leaving a neat embossing on the bright red lower lip.

This wood..................

However, I think that if he is not wood, then it is impossible to repair it at a young age. If he is not wood, then will there be only one person at his side?

Subconsciously, the heart of Yuan Li Xun’s heart flashed a strange idea or wood!

He Yiming looked at him with amazement. When he said the sentence, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit too different. It was only when he really noticed Yuan Lixun that she had completely recovered her normality. It seems that what she just produced is only a temporary illusion.

Yuan Li Xun meets He Yiming's gaze. Her euphemistic smile, although most of her face is still hidden in the face, but the smile in her eyes is revealed.

"You have found the young master?"

He Nei Ming’s heart is relieved to see that he is still very heart-warming.

He converges his mind and sighs slightly: "I found a place but I don't know if it is there." He said, he squinted his eyes: "You look for other places."

Yuan Lixun’s gaze also turned around in a circle, but her eyebrows did not see any suspicious spots.

She flipped her head and sighed after her wrist was turned over and the map was held in her hand.

"Young Master, I can be sure that the place we are in is the center of the map, but it is not easy to find the cave in this environment."

He Nei Ming smiled slightly and he extended his hand and pointed it to the right.

Yuan Lixun looked down the direction of his arm and the end of the valley was the stone wall.

After a moment of doubt, she looked at her for a moment and her pair of eyes suddenly lit up and said: "The young master, I saw it."

The stone wall looks like a hand at first, and there is nothing strange about it. But if you look closely, you can see that the smoothness of the stone wall here is like a long stroke of a human hand.

However, this difference is not obvious. If it is not the reminder of He Yiming, Yuan Lizhen may not be able to easily find this difference from this vast valley.

I saw the color of the joy in the eyes of Yuan Lixuan. He Yiming is also delighted in his heart. The reason why he can recognize it is entirely relying on the role of downwind.

After the battle with Sima Yin, he had a new understanding of the power of the wind. After the sounds entered the ears, the more clear and clear the mouth was, after the stone wall, it was obviously a huge hollow.

Moreover, the stone wall has not been completely sealed. A faint wind flows from the gap. In this case, if He Yiming can’t hear the mystery, then his downwind is really white. .

Before the two people came together to the stone wall, He Yiming looked at the eyes and smiled. "Lv Xinwen once said that he encountered an organ that he could not crack when he explored the cave. I thought Look to see if this institution can stop me."

His words are full of self-confidence and arrogance. He did not put the organs in Dongfu into his heart.

After all, today's He Yiming is already a horrible first-line powerhouse. If Lu Xingwen was in comparison with him, it would be a far cry from him. His self-confidence comes from his own strength. He is confident that no organ in front of him can stop him.

Yuan Lixun looked at his proud eyes and wondered why there was a thick feeling of sweetness in his heart.

Only when this kind of confident man is a woman will have the greatest attraction.

She quietly approached He Yiming in a direction close to a clear feeling of martial arts, the sacred king of the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the **** of the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned, the big empire, the night prince, the **** of the gods, the throne Proud of the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne to seek the magic of the world, the nine strongest days, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned The big Zhou royal family overflowed with a smile of happiness from his hot mouth.

He Ming stretched out his hands and flattened it on the stone wall. His infuriatingly entered the stone wall slowly. His face involuntarily revealed his surprised face.

This stone wall looks like a very ordinary hand and there is not much difference between the surrounding stone walls. But when his infuriating instilled into it, he realized that this thing was far from being comparable to ordinary stone.

"What did you do with the young master?" Yuan Lixun picked up his toes and looked at it from the back of He Yiming. He asked: "Is it here?" Wen Weiwei, the head of the literary head, said with a smile: "It must be here."

The stone in front of him has a strong ability to absorb the infuriating. Although He Yiming is not sure of the origin of this stone, he knows that if the stone is taken out, it must be a good refining of the inner part. The material of the treasure.

The utensils used to block the door are too wasteful and extravagant.

The instinct in the hand gradually increased. The stone wall slowly began to move in a fixed direction along his mind. The small hand of Yuan Lili gently clenched. If she used to be, she might not be so nervous. When he came to this place yesterday, He Yiming had told her that there should be a congenital Jindan in this cave. And this Golden Dan is just the water that can make her use the innate Jindan.

If she wants to promote the congenital realm to introduce the scars on her face, then this is the only way.

So when I saw that the door of Dongfu was about to open her heart, it was like a deer.

This feeling of suffering and suffering makes it difficult for her to maintain the calm of the past.

With the rumbling sound, this big stone was finally fulfilled and He Yiming was moved.

He shook his head slightly: "The great guardian of the big stone, the owner of this cave house can find such a material is really an interesting person."

Yuan Lidong nodded and smiled awkwardly: "Fortunately, the young master is coming. If you change to a post-cultivator, you are afraid that you will not be able to move."

It’s true that she wants to come and congratulate Yi Ming. It’s so hard. So if you come to a master of the realm of the day, you don’t have to be helpless.

However, He Yiming waved his hand and patted it on the big stone:

"The ritual stone is very weird. If a congenital master wants to move this big stone, it is really very difficult. But if a late-time practitioner is just a nine-layered practitioner, it may not be so hard."

The sorrowful sorrow and sorrow of her eyes, her eyes on the stone, so many strange things are really unheard of.

After the big stone is a dark and incomparable without a trace of bright caves from the outside to see the black air of a burst of cool breeze blowing out of the cave to give people a sense of creepy feeling.

He Nei Ming looked at each other and although they knew that there could not be any danger in this cave, but their hearts were somewhat embarrassing.

Slightly taking a breath, He Yiming's body's true airflow turned his body and seemed to be completely stable in the next moment. It is like the towering mountain peak that has a sense of standing. Yuan Shexun's subconsciously closer to him is closer to him. It seems to have become an indispensable part of her life. Erhe Nei Ming looked at the huge stone beside the cave. He finally took his eyes and pulled it back. The two men who lived in Yuan Lixun entered the dark cave one after the other.

The ground inside the cave turned out to be unexpectedly flat. Their two feet were on top of the road that was the flattest enough for the carriage to run.

Yuan Lixun’s little hand slightly clenched a little. They both understood that it must have been handled by the people. It’s just a matter of how well it’s handled. It’s a matter of self-experience or it’s hard to find out what’s going on.

Although the hole is dull, but how can it be difficult to fall down at this time, He Yiming, his eyes are faintly visible, and the ears are slightly shaking and listening to the endless sound that comes from the wind.

Among these sounds, there are many messages that ordinary people can't imagine, and they are caught by him.

Even before he even walked in, he knew that there was a corner in the front not far. This is the news that the sound of the wind brought him.

If you let the water dazzle know that his ability to follow the wind has reached such a point, then he will certainly sigh a successor and be self-satisfied.

Pulling Yuan Lixun’s hand and using it gently, He Yiming immediately gained undisputed leadership.

"There is a bend in front... Be careful."

Yuan Lixun whispered a sentence that she did not ask how He Yiming was present, just quietly following him behind him as if forever.

When they came to the end of this section of the road and turned to the ten bends, they were suddenly bright.

On the stone wall far away from the corner, there is a small pearl that is scattered with bright and confusing light to provide illumination for this dark stone wall passage.

In fact, the brilliance of this pearl is not only a faint halo, but even in this dark place, even such a halo is enough to satisfy people.

The two men walked forward and passed another ten steps. On the stone wall above the distance, there was another pearl and the same faint light.

After that, there is a similar pearl every ten steps or so.

He Nei Ming has a look of surprise in each other's eyes. Even if such a pearl is in the eyes of He Yiming at this time, it is a rare treasure. But at least there are dozens of them in this channel. This is definitely a big deal.

And since they entered the passage, they have been moving forward.

According to the distance traveled today, I am afraid that it has already penetrated into the mountainside. However, this passage seems to have no end.

The more he is deeply in the heart, the more shocking he is. He wants to build such a passage. I am afraid that it is not much easier than establishing the entire Hengshan.

It is precisely how much manpower and material resources have been used in sacredness to be able to hollow out a small half of the mountain and establish such a passage here.

Such a vast journey does not know how it can be covered and how it is concealed and not known.

This incision is like a faint uneasiness in the heart of He Yiming.

Finally the light in front suddenly lit up.

He Yiming looked at them and they knew that they had come to Dongfu.

Inside the cave house, there is a hole in the sky. There is a huge crystal sphere hanging from it. This huge unidentified object is full of bright light that shines through the entire cave.

He Neiming and Yuan Lixun looked at the huge crystals of the size of an adult man on their heads. Their hearts were full of shocks. "What is this young master?" Yuan Lixun whispered and asked her eyes to pick up slightly. I was so excited by the strong light that I couldn't completely open it.

This light naturally can't have any effect on He Yiming, but he is also shaking his head with his head looking at the crystal on his head. "I don't know," he paused and even used him. The tone of disbelief: "This thing has the taste of the sun."

Yuan Lidong Wei Wei immediately understood that she had bowed her head and said with surprise: "Yes, its light is as bright as the sun. The young master has read the book of rare minerals in Yokoyama but never I have seen similar records."

The light pearls that He Ming slightly pointed out outside are precious but not unique in this world.

But the light that hangs from the crystal above their heads in the cave house is not at all inferior to the midday sun.

Standing under this crystal, they can even feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the big princes, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens. The strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the arrogance, the world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty It came to an obvious heat wave.

If such a thing is obtained, the outside world will definitely cause a huge sensation immediately.

However, it is not just that the books in the library of Hengshan are not mentioned in the book. Even if the pharmacy and Shui Hsiao Gui introduced the treasures of the world, they never mentioned that there are such incredible treasures in the world.

Suddenly, He Yiming’s heart flashed a thought. Couldn’t even the two old people have heard of such magical items?

Deeply glanced at the bright crystals like the sun, He Yiming sighed with a sigh of relief. He lowered his head and carefully looked at the cave. When he first entered Dongfu, He Yiming and Yuan Lixun’s attention was slammed on the head. The strange crystals of the water are attracted.

This does not blame them. In fact, anyone who enters here is afraid that they will vote for this thing at first sight.

It is not easy for He Nei Ming to get rid of it so quickly.

Within this cave house, there are three channels in total. One of them is naturally where they come in, while the other two are divided into other unknown places. They are undoubtedly the two channels.

Looking at the two passages, He Yiming immediately pointed to one of the roads: "Robe.

This is the channel in which Lu Xin is living in peace. His innate Jin Dan is definitely hiding here. Let's go in. ”

Yuan Lizhen asked with amazement: "How did you see the young master?"

He Nei Ming smiled and said: "After you are promoted to the innate realm, you can feel it."

Yuan Lixun’s face immediately showed a eager expression. She gently said a little bit, “I will work hard for the young master.”

He Nei Ming’s gaze swept on her face covered with a face towel, although the scar had been covered by the face towel, but how could he get through him.

In his heart, he sighed that if he was not a whip, Yuan Lizhen would certainly not be so concerned.

Is this the legendary Savon who lost his horse and knows what is not a blessing?

He Nei Ming gave her a head and walked into the passage.

Although he knew that there would be no danger in this passage, Lu Xin can not be concealed before his death.

But when he entered, he was still cautious and dare not have the slightest Although the distance of this passage is not too short, it is far from the exaggeration of the distance when it comes in.

It didn't take long for them to enter this place smoothly.

It is still a cave similar to the hall, but the whole square is built like a room for ordinary people. The most striking thing here is that a huge stone cupboard placed in the corner of the cave is on the lookout. Open the stone cabinet before.

There are some books with yellow and yellow colors and some bottles and jars for unknown purposes.

Only the eyes of both of them fell on a crystal box that was almost transparent.

In this box, there is a medicinal herb with a white color and no trace of impurities.

This medicinal medicine seems to have an unexplained power as if it had a strong life.

He Ming’s face finally showed a gratifying smile. They have found the biggest gain of this trip!

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