Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 63: Ice liquid

The entire stone room seems to have been affected by some kind of power and the temperature has gradually increased.

Everything turned around and said, "What are you doing?"

He Yiming was shocked and he woke up. His face was slightly red and he said, "I'm sorry, my negligence, please forgive me."

At this time, his body is also scattered with a kind of red light. The sin of the indoor temperature is not caused by Yuan Lixun who is driven into the genetic fluid, but because of nervousness and involuntarily, the body is running high and subconscious. He Yiming, who used the innate firepower.

It was under the influence of innate truth that the temperature of the entire stone chamber began to increase suddenly.

Fortunately, if the time is long, it will be delayed for a while, but I am afraid that it will really affect Yuan Lixun.

Slowly dissipated the infuriating temperature in the room finally cooled down smoothly. Although Yuan Lixun's body temperature is extremely high at this moment, she is not an innate power to communicate with the heavens and the earth. Naturally, it is impossible to affect the temperature in the room.

After a while, Yuan Lixun’s body was so soft that he lay down unconsciously.

However, before she fell to the ground, she had already come to her side and reached out and hugged her.

Then He Yiming looked up and looked at the hundred and eight Shen Shen channels. "She has been unconscious. What should I do now?"

There are no ways to wait until the gene in her body has undergone the transformation of the genetic fluid and will automatically wake up. ”

He Yiming’s mind suddenly said, “If you don’t accept it?”

"That's impossible." One hundred and eight confident words "Only the long time and the short calendar can't be rejected." He paused for the first time and slightly aggravated the tone. "Before reaching the perfect gene state." No gene can resist the change of genetic fluid."

He Yiming’s eyes turned a few laps and he already understood the meaning of the other party’s sentence.

This kind of genetic fluid is estimated to be similar to the master of the innate realm. Yuan Lixun's original constitution is a future practitioner. In the face of the innate powers, the practitioners are indeed impossible to resist.

His gaze was taken back from Yuan Lixun's body and looked again into the cave inside. There are still five such blue glass bottles, if used properly, there will be five innate powers that can be born.

And this is the baby who can directly promote the innate strongman completely omits the process of cultivation to the top ten layers and then swallowing the innate Jindan. If this baby's message leaks out, then it can be guaranteed to make a whole sensation today.

Holding Yuan Lixun back to the original stone room, she put her flat on the only stone bed in the room staring. He Yiming sat silently waiting for the stone bed.

Although one hundred and eight times ensured that she would not have any life threatening, He Yiming could not be assured that he could maintain his own calmness only when he looked at Yuan Lixun with his own eyes.

An hour passed by the burning novel network. He Yiming gradually settled down. Although Yuan Lixun's heat did not recede, but after reaching a certain height, it never rose again and her face slowly eased to show that her body has adapted to this temperature.

According to the words of the hundred and eight, her genes began to undergo the transformation of the genetic fluid and the constitution was rapidly enhanced.

In the feeling of He Yiming, Yuan Lizhen’s body is indeed undergoing subtle changes. In particular, the power of the "life" in her body is as high as the sesame blossoms. Although it does not reach the standard of the innate realm for the time being, it is undoubtedly moving in this direction step by step.

He Yiming’s heart is arrogant that he has more confidence in this secret medicine called genetic fluid, and his heart suddenly bursts into a strong greed that he wants to take for his own. Quickly suppress this idea. It's not that he is a noble man who is a noble man, but the guardian of those secret drugs, but this inscrutable one hundred and eight.

In the absence of absolute certainty, He Yiming does not want to offend the human weapon that has lived for at least a thousand years.

Even if the effects of those secret drugs are big, this risk is not worth it.

Turning his head and looking at the face of the stone room, he sat quietly without any sound. Even when He Yiming’s eyes gazed to his body, there was no reaction.

He Yiming suddenly showed a very interesting thing. Since the moment he met with the hundred and eight, his eyelids have never been shaken. It was because of this that He Yiming firmly believed at the beginning that he was actually only a vivid statue. Suddenly, He Yiming’s heart is moving. “Can your brother’s genetic fluid continue to be manufactured?”


He Yiming suddenly was overjoyed by his eyes. If this kind of genetic fluid can really be manufactured in a big way, then isn't he really able to make a congenital power?

Yuan Lijun asked the Secretary to take the innate Jindan that because of her weak qualifications. However, the brothers and sisters in Hejiazhuang did not have this problem. At least the achievements of Big Brother 2 and the third brother can definitely prove this.

At the same time, there are also a large number of outstanding disciples who can choose from the above.

For a time, He Yiming’s mind showed a scene of countless innate powers born under his hands. This force is enough for anyone to be a monkey. He Jiazhuang and Hengshan have never been in the world for a long time. Ming long took a breath and shook his head. What kind of things are you thinking about? Is it even lost with the sharp increase of his strength?

He coughed a lightly, He Yiming said, "Hundred brothers, I want to use energy stone to exchange genetic fluid with you."

"Of course, there are still five genetic fluids in my place. As long as you give me five pieces of energy stone in the empty world, you can complete this fair trade.... He Yiming slightly shakes the right way. "Hundred brothers misunderstood me. Ten energy stones do not know if the hundred brothers can make some genetic fluids. ”

The strong light shining in the eyes of the hundred and eight seems to be greatly tempted by He Yiming's proposal.

Although there is no change in his appearance, He Yiming is vaguely thinking that this may be his excitement.

However, after a while, I am sorry. "I am sorry to be able to produce this kind of genetic fluid in my country. But in this environment, I have not produced the ability of genetic fluid."

He Yiming suddenly became dumb and there was an unspeakable disappointment in his eyes.

The idea of ​​using the genetic fluids by the brothers and sisters in the village and their parents, Grandpa and Grandpa, was completely broken.

He shook his head and fell to Yuan Lixun again. However, he has decided that as long as Yuan Lixun can successfully promote the innate power, he will exchange the remaining five genetic fluids.

Although the number of five does not seem to be much, it is better than nothing.

The two people in the engraved engraved room have no interest in talking, and they are silently flowing.

He Yiming is naturally unable to feel hungry in such a short period of time. The human weapon that has lived for thousands of years may not even know what is hunger. After a whole day, Yuan Qi’s body temperature began to gradually decrease.

He Yiming also sensed that the vitality in her body also reached a peak. Perhaps her breath was not strong enough to be similar to the ten-level cultivator in the day, but the powerful vitality was far away. The masters of that series will not be inferior to the old Lucin pattern.

Hundred and eight cold sounds sounded. "Give your Golden Dan to her. As long as it is catalyzed by genetic fluid, it will surely allow her to climb to the point of perfect genes."

He Yiming did not hesitate to take out the jade bottle. The ice system in the innate Jindan is important, but if it is compared with the status of Yuan Lixun in his heart, it is nothing.

Gently pinched her lips and fingered a piece of Jin Danton into her mouth and gently touched her throat and Jin Dan smoothly swallowed into the abdomen.

The innate Jindan is made up of five hundred years of congenital beast Nei Dan. The congenital beast itself has the ability to communicate with the power of the heavens and the earth to absorb this power and breathe. When their inner Dan became a congenital Jindan, the ability to communicate with the heavens and the earth was transferred to Jindan.

The acquired master of the ten-layer peak of internal strength is the opportunity to advance to the innate realm with this opportunity.

Now when Jin Dan entered Yuan Lixun's body, he naturally waved its magical characteristics.

From her body slowly swayed a chilly power.

Although her body gradually return to normal body temperature is slowly dropped in. However, when Jin Dan’s effectiveness was swept out, her body suddenly fell straight and faintly reacted with some kind of force in the surrounding space, so that the air around her body was affected and the temperature gradually became lower. 2 Hundreds and eights of the tunnel "You can transfer her to the freezer for her evolution will be of great benefit."

He Yiming immediately thought of the special room where the gene solution was stored. He only knew that it was called the freezer.

Feel wudongqiankun deities divine king made the night to kill Indian **** throne seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned the royal big week night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate abandoned little big week of the royal family will wudongqiankun Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the Yuan Li, the body, slowly becoming lower, the temperature Yiming did not hesitate to pick her up and lead the way.

Under the leadership of the hundred and they soon came to the freezer compartment. Although the temperature inside is enough for a normal person to leave at any cost. But He Yiming and Hundred and Eight did not care that this temperature had no effect on them.

And Yuan Li Xun since she came into this room seems to have looked lethargic in the stretch a lot.

In the feeling of He Yiming, the coldness around her gradually gathered around her body as if she would completely wrap her up.

Hundred eyes once again lit up like a little sun shine in these two light irradiation by Yuan "Ji's body from head to toe sweep back and forth two times.

"Unfortunately." No dull sound waves from the mouth of a hundred and although he said in the tone of pity but unfortunately has not got a taste.

He is not afraid to have the slightest intention.

"What a pity for a hundred brothers?"

"Gene fluid and your innate Jindan are good things, but your partner's original qualifications are really bad."

He Yiming’s face changed slightly. “Can she still reach the innate realm?”

"If you say that the innate realm refers to the owner of this cave, then you will be able to reach it smoothly."

He Yiming’s heart is as long as he can reach the level of Lu Xin’s pattern = \\"3874791_1es/1_f\\" That is enough.

However, Bai Ba 8 did not notice his face in accordance with the Japanese road. "If her original qualification is good enough, then she can go further. Now she can only make about half of the efficacy of genetic fluid and innate Jindan. This use. The rate is really a pity."

He Yiming hesitated and asked, "Do you have a remedy?"

The light in the eyes of the hundred and eight eyes flashed quickly. Although he was not long when he got along with him, He Yiming vaguely understood that this is his unique mode of quick thinking.

After a few moments, there is a cold ice store in my country. If I transfer her there, I can use the cold conditions of the outside to make the effect completely complete. But I can't find such a cold geographical environment here. ”

He Yiming’s eyes are abruptly bright. “Can it only make the external environment cool?”

"It's not getting cold but it's getting cold."

“Extremely cold?” He Yiming hurriedly asked, “Is it colder?”


He Yiming said that he had pulled the silver ring on his chest and pulled it down. The powerful infuriating infusion was only a breath of gas. It was filled with his infuriating and smooth. The world has opened.

This time, the hundred and eight is simply not moving and there is no attempt to **** it. This also proves from another aspect that he really did not want to seek this precious space world.

He Yiming took out a dark green bottle of his towel.

When this small bottle was taken out, He Yiming also released the silver ring in his hand. In the infusion of the powerful instinct, this space world swayed like a wave of water and then completely dissipated.

He Yiming lifted the bottle in his hand. "The coldness inside is extremely strong. I don't know if I can replace the grade cold storage that you said."

One hundred and eight out of a hand touched the dark bottle of dark green.

His movement paused and seemed to be frozen by the chill on the jade bottle. He Yiming’s face changed slightly and “be careful.”

However, the performance of the next moment was to open his eyes.

From the palm of his hand, a white scent of scent quickly spread, and almost all of his body was covered in a white frost.

But even then he seems to be ignorant, "Yes." After that, he came to Yuan Lixun's side and pulled the bottle cap to pour the liquid inside Yuan Lijun's two palms. .

He Yiming’s expression was immediately serious. His chill on the dark green bottle had a deep brake experience.

Not to mention the liquid inside, even if it is touched by a bottle, it is enough to freeze the general innate strong. It is the first-line powerhouses such as Sima Yin who are forced to break their arms to break free from this cold to the extreme chill.

And all this is only the surface that touches the jade bottle. If the liquid that Sima Yin directly touches inside is only attached to him, he will not have the opportunity to escape.

But at this moment, the 108% directly poured the liquid inside Yuan Lixun's palm, although there were only 2 drops, but it has already made He Yiming's heart hung again.

In an instant, the 2 drops of liquid have penetrated into Yuan Li Xun's palm as if her palms had become a piece of cotton that absorbs water and absorbs 2 drops of liquid without leaving a trace.

Then a chill of chills came up from her body, and it was a chill that could not be endured by He Yiming.

Compared with this chill, whether it is the best of the woods or the cheapness of the grass, it seems that it has become a pediatric thing that cannot be compared with it.

Slowly, Yuan Li's body became more and more chilly, and even her body became a marble-like ice sculpture.

However, what makes He Yiming amazed is that the colder her body, the more vital it seems to be.

This level of vitality seems to be infinitely close to the first-line powerhouse.

Of course, He Yiming does not think that she can step into the sky to become an exaggeration of the first-line powerhouse. But one thing is certain that her harvest at this time is great. If she succeeds in waking up, she will only have a strong innate strength. It’s After a while, the ice on her body seems to have slowly disappeared. But He Yiming knows that these chills are not dissipated but bit by bit. Within the body.

At this point, He Yiming also felt deeply unbelievable. The human body is so wonderful that it can accommodate such a strong chill.

He suddenly thought of the evolution mentioned in the hundred and eight mouths. Is it the way of cultivation that is the so-called evolution?

After a few hours, all the chills were collected by Yuan Lixun. At this time, her body surface has completely recovered. Normally, like the temperature of ordinary people, there is no feeling of burning and icy cold.

Suddenly her eyelashes moved slightly, and the eyes under the closed eyes were slowly turning.

This is the foresight to wake up. He Yiming’s eyes are also lighted up by Xi Shi. The 208 of the hand was returned to He Yiming, “Successful.”

With his words, Yuan Lixun’s eyes finally slowly opened up.

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