Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 64: Employment

There are only a few faint rays of light from the top of the dim stone room.

If it was before, then Yuan Lixun's vision would be greatly affected, but this moment when her eyes swept over, it suddenly appeared. Her eyes seemed to be far-reaching and far clearer than before.

Her head is still a little confused and confused. It seems that she does not want to understand what happened.

He Yiming’s eyes were slightly worried because of her happiness after waking up.

"What do you feel like ritual?"

Yuan Lixun suddenly heard a very familiar voice in her ear. After a glimpse of her head, she suddenly saw her face and looked at herself with a nervous look.

There are countless memories in her mind, especially the things related to this face, such as the tide of the tide.

Her brow wrinkled slightly and then she remembered everything immediately. "Young Master, I am fine."

He Yiming Pingping extended a hand palm and placed it in front of Yuan Lixun.

Yuan Li Huang took a look at it and then heated up. This is the common method used by the elders of Hejiazhuang to test the inner strength of the younger generation. She took a deep breath and began to raise the internal strength of the body according to the previous method and raised her hand to touch the big hand of He Yiming.

However, when she was just lucky, Dantian was suddenly powerful and incredible. The power of that power was far beyond what she could imagine and control beforehand.

Not only that, when her infuriating air is gathered up, the surrounding temperature suddenly drops down. Secondly, the temperature in the freezer compartment is far lower than that of the outside world, but if it is compared with the coldness of Yuan Lihuang’s shattering at this time. That’s what it’s like.

The raging power is accompanied by the coldness of the chill that is enough to make people live and freeze into the body of He Yiming.

Yuan Lixun was shocked. Although she had long felt that her body was different, she knew that if she broke through to the innate realm, the internal strength of the body would turn into infuriating.

But this kind of instinct is so powerful, but it is still far from her surprise.

She tried hard to recover the infuriating but sad, her instinct is like a group of disobedient children who simply ignore her command. Once these instincts are released, although they are not countered by them, it is undoubtedly delusional to control them as they please.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night killing gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest discarding, the big Zhou, the royal family, the powerful, the real, the flock, and the ear Yiming himself is also chilling and screaming. His heart is a surprise. The strength of Yuan Lizhen’s instinct is even stronger. In his prior expectations, he can definitely say that Yuan Lihuang is definitely a Congenital powerhouse is also a natural master who has passed most of the sky.

As for his surprise, Yuan Lihuang’s ice energy is even stronger than him.

In his heart, he naturally understood that the coldness in his body was produced by a jade bottle, and Yuan Lixun directly absorbed the liquid inside.

Therefore, it is only natural that she is inferior to her in terms of chill.

Fortunately, He Yiming is a first-line strongman and the Dantian in the body is a melting pot. No matter what kind of infuriating gas enters Dantian, it will become chaotic.

So he just returned to normal immediately after a chill.

As for the infuriating sentiment from Yuan Lihuang’s palm, it’s not even in his eyes. After Yuan Yuanxun’s exhaustion and half-hearted effort, the infuriating body of the body converges back. Looking up at He Yiming's gaze and smile, her face was turned red.

He Yiming screamed and laughed. "You are successful."

Although Yuan Lihuang had been expected for a long time, but at this time, it was still a feeling of excitement. "Master, I really became a master of innate?"

He m chicken nodded slightly and reached out and gently dismissed her face towel.

The scar that was originally on her face has completely disappeared. Her cheeks are white and red and moist like jade. The slightly taller nose and a pair of bright, bright eyes sparkled with a radiant glow. If the former Yuan Li Dong was only a flower bone that had not yet fully bloomed, then after reaching the innate realm, her body was full of charm. And there is a faint sensation of insensitivity. Although the innate realm can not change the appearance of a person, it has a great influence on a person's temperament.

If Yuan Lixun at this time met in the middle of the avenue and met with the prince of the prince, then the prince of the prince who came from Tuyuguo was afraid that he would not easily whip the person.

After a slight sigh of relief, He Yiming smiled and said, "The scent of your scar is already good."

Yuan Lixun extended a hand and stayed in a place less than three centimeters from the face. Then he took the courage and gently stroked it up.

Sure enough, the tentacles were slippery and no longer felt any scars.

Her eyes were filled with a happy feeling and even a thin layer of water mist. She snuggled into the whisper of He Yiming's arms. "The young master thanked me. For her, the promotion of the innate realm is worthy of happiness, but the scars on her face are the things that really make her feel excited.

He Yiming shook his head and smiled. The feelings of girls who are more important than appearances are somewhat unfamiliar. However, as long as Yuan Lihuang was happy, it would be enough for the second turn to see the quietness of the one hundred and eight, and He Yiming suddenly remembered a thing and gently let go of a """"""""""""...... ... hunted and took out the little white stone of the thumb, and took it out of the basket to ask for a temporary charge. This is the energy stone, please smile."

One hundred and eight unacceptable took over the stone and then opened his mouth and threw the stone in.

He Yiming and Yuan Lie looked at him with a stunned look. Although he knew that he was not in contact with humans, it was still unacceptable to eat the stone as a food.

After half a ring, the body of the hundred and eight has suddenly appeared in a variety of colorful colors and flashed slowly and slowly along a certain law. In particular, his eyes like gemstone beads have a strong light.

The reunion and the two men looked back and took a few steps back. It is necessary to retreat to the entrance to stop the pace of retreat.

Young master..."

"Don't call me a young master." He Yiming's eyes are staring at one hundred and eight but the mouth is fast saying "You are also a congenital strongman, you must have the strength of the innate power. Call me later." Yiming province makes other people laugh."

Yuan Lihuang bowed his head and seriously thought about it and finally said "~". ”

"Good thing."

Yuan Li Xun sighed with a sigh of relief before her first voice was still uneasy. But I didn’t expect to call out the first sound and got the answer from He Yiming.

It became fluent. "What is Mr. Yimingbai doing!"

He Yiming shook his head and he remembered that the dialogue with Bai Santian could not help but change his face. Maybe he is just like you... evolution.

Yuan Lixun’s involuntary screams, though not big, is very surprising.

"He... is it innate?"

"It should be." He Yiming said indefinitely that "at least it is the level of the first-line."

He Yiming and his teammates are extremely short, but the masters can only roughly determine how the other party's strength is.

"He is already a strongman in the first-line world. So, do you still need to evolve?" Yuan Lizhen asked puzzledly.

He Yiming smiled bitterly. "He is not with us."

Yuan Lixun slowly nodded and she very much agreed with this sentence.

After a long time, the light of the body was slowly disappearing. When he returned to normal, He Yiming felt faintly that there seemed to be some novel changes in his body. It’s just that it’s all that makes him look bad.

One hundred and eight eyes recovered and calmed. He stepped forward to the center of the room and lifted the strange box to the front of He Yiming. "You exchanged."

He Yiming stunned his eyes and felt that although this guy is not a human being, his behavior is much more refreshing than human beings.

He took out the silver ring on his chest. He Yiming began to pour a lot of infuriating into it. When Yuan Lihuang did not advance to the innate realm, He Yiming did not want her to know this secret. But now that Yuan Lixun has become a genuine innate powerhouse, then he does not need to hide it again.

In a moment, in front of He Yiming, a space world appeared strangely.

Yuan Lixun's eyes widened. She followed He Yiming's side for the first time. She saw him for the first time and took out something she didn't even know.

He Yiming turned back and smiled. "Ren Xun is a treasure that I got after I chased Sima Yin. But I want to use this thing to promote to the innate power and have enough infuriating."

Yuan Lizhen nodded slightly. "I understand."

He Yiming turned and put his hand into the empty air of this wave. For a while, he had six white stones of the same size in his hand.

He spread the stones in his hand and he changed it. ”

One hundred and eighty placed the box in front of He Yiming and took away five of the white stones from his hand. Then his gaze fell on the last piece of white stone. Although his eyes were stunned, there was no trace of human appearance, but He Yiming knew that he really wanted to get this energy stone.

After I took the box and stuffed it into the space world, He Yiming cut off the infuriating loss.

He coughed a bit, "What kind of baby can you exchange energy stone with you?"

One hundred and eight thought about the moment, "No."

He Yiming’s suspicious way “Is it really gone?” He glanced at the room and told the truth that even the strange air-conditioned room was far more valuable in his mind than the white stone in his hand. .

After all, there is a large white boulder in the White Rock Canyon. Compared with these small stones in his hand, it can only be regarded as stone slag. The room he was in was a bit unbelievable. If he built a house in Hejiazhuang, then the mother and the elders could enjoy it here in the hot summer days.

Shen has a moment of helplessness. "There are some weapons in the area, but these weapons cannot be handed over to you. Otherwise, they will violate the Interstellar Convention and I have the danger of being destroyed."

Although He Yiming did not understand what he was scrupulous about, he was able to hear it. He said that there was no exchange of things.

Slightly shaking his head, He Yiming said, "Hundred brothers, I remember you said that as long as I am willing to pay for Baishi, then you can protect my safety as my bodyguard."

"Yes, but you refused."

"I am changing my mind now." He Yiming's face is not red and not breathing. "I want to use you now, you can offer it..."""""""""""... How was it in the beginning? At the same time, He Yiming believes that this is not a human being. However, even Yuan Lihuang has become a master of innate realm at the moment. He Yiming naturally has a good impression on him. Then he thinks of the other powerful one. He was tempted by the strength of the first-line powerhouse.

If there is such a mysterious master as a bodyguard, then even if he meets Sima Yin again, he has an absolute grasp and can stay with it.

One hundred and eight eyelids lit up again, "Do you want to hire me?"

"Yes." He Yiming paused for a moment. "But if you accept my employment, then you can't mention your origins in front of others and can't actively reveal your identity, such as pointing at one hundred and eight eyes." He Yiming said seriously that your eyes can't be as dazzling as the sun, otherwise people can see your inferiority at a glance. ”

"This is very simple."

Hundred and eight, it seems that the eyelids embedded in the eyes are dexterously moving. He Yiming is speechless. If his eyes are so long, he will never believe that this guy is a so-called human weapon. .

"Are you satisfied now?"

"Satisfaction is of course satisfactory." He Yiming said quickly.

"According to my calculations, the energy stone can be exchanged in my country.............". After telling a reversal that He Yiming could not understand, the price can be shouldered. Commission a new liquid evolution body for a year."

He Yiming’s heart knows that this number represents what it means, but since a thumb-sized energy stone can hire him for a whole year, He Yiming certainly won’t be heartbroken.

"Hundred brothers, I want to hire you with energy stone to do things for me. Do you agree?"

"Of course promise."

He Yiming has handed over the energy stone in the past. Although it is precious, but he has a lot of nature, he will not cherish it.

One hundred and eight took over the energy stone, but this time he did not directly swallow but put the six energy stones together in the palm of his hand. After a while, when he spread his palms, he was already empty in the palm of his hand. Hehe and the two men’s hearts were wondering if they had a space-like world in his body. It’s just that I didn’t see any clues from beginning to end. I really don’t understand that he was so that the six stones disappeared.

One hundred and eight received the energy stone and asked, "What is your name?"

"He Yiming, this is the wife's wife Yuan Lixun."

One hundred and eight unconsciously clicked on the head and continued. "According to the law of the mercenary mercenary rules, the liquid evolution body accepted the original resident He Yiming's employment period of one year in the year of liquid evolution. Hundred and Eight will guarantee the personal safety of He Yiming and provide them with some consultation services that do not involve red secrets. The contract is established and ends in........."

He Yiming squinted his eyes twice except that he couldn’t understand the specific date.

The inexplicable He Yiming has another trust for him. But if he wants to truly trust him completely, he must see his actual actions in the future.

After the completion of the paragraph, it was once again sinking, but no matter where He Yiming went, he would keep up with him and let him not leave his sight.

He Yiming and Yuan Lihuang did not leave the place immediately but lived in this hidden cave house.

For a full three months, Yuan Lixun was practicing the sudden and infuriating instinct of her body.

They didn't dare to leave here without controlling this instinct to the point of doing what they wanted.

After all, in the extreme cold of the extreme cold, even if He Yiming can't say that it can be easily withstood, let alone other people.

If you encounter any friends and relatives and contact with Yuan Lihuang, the result is that the cold is inexplicable...

The consequences can be chilling as long as you think about it.

Therefore, before they can completely control the coldness of the cold, they still have no choice but to stay here. There is no idea of ​​leaving. Of course, during this time, through a deep discussion with the hundred and eight Ming knows some past events.

When the hundred and eight came here, I met the first owner of the cave. The master seemed to be a master who reached the Shinto. However, this Shinto master hurriedly left after half a year and never returned to the second until Lu Xingwen appeared to let him see the second person.

It’s just that the strength of Lu Xin’s pattern is too weak and there is no energy stone that can attract his attention, so they have not formed a real exchange.

He Yiming is the third person to come here, but the strength is not inferior to the present, and there are things in his hands that make him dream. It is no accident that they can achieve a partnership.

As for the silver necklace that grabbed He Yiming at the beginning of the hundred and eight, it was because he did not regard He Yiming as a partner but only regarded him as an uncivilized indigenous two. Out of a powerful force not inferior to him, he regarded the other side as an equal existence.

Although human weapons do not have human feelings, this does not mean that he does not have human wisdom.

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