Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 70: No face, no skin

Beans are almost up to the skyline and there are two pieces of white clouds that are bright and colorful. The shells of the beautiful women's winter jackets are like Under the white clouds, it is a black and white outline; it is a curve of random painting.

The daylight that came to the forefront slowly emerged. He Yiming flattened his hands and spread the obvious metallic color on his palms. On the other side of him is the one hundred and eighty who repelled the two first-line masters under the two punches of the big gods yesterday. careful. ”

With the sigh of He Yiming, his body leaned down a little, and the slight force of the toes was already flying in front of him.

The palms of the hands were flat and stretched out until the sharp, piercing sound broke out.

Hundreds and eights of the same raised hands are only worse than his hands but the Japanese is the usual color without any changes.

The four palms collided in the air and burst into a crisp collision.

He Yiming’s face suddenly changed. Even though he felt that there was an incredible force from the palm of his hand, this force has indeed reached the limit of his tolerance. He passed his finger from the palm to the arm. Elbows and shoulders.

It is like an ordinary person who just scratches the martial arts but uses the power of the whole body to hit the steel plate.

A violent pain even made him wonder if his arm had broken.

At this point, He Yiming finally understood one thing. Why did Thunder and Zhuo Wanlian immediately flew back after a palm in the palm of their hand and never dared to play against him hard. And they are still so sure that the one hundred and eight are the masters of the three flowers.

If you don't know the details of the hundred and eight, you will only have the same understanding.

He turned a rib in the air and He Yiming steadily fell to the ground.

When he played against the hundred and eight, he really enjoyed much better treatment than the people like Thunder. As long as he retreats one hundred and eight times, he will never pursue it.

The violent pain that he reached out and gently twitched his arms, but not the slightest disappointment, was stronger.

A quintessential woody infuriating spreads toward his arms. This intense pain after the infuriating movement of the arm is much better.

He Yiming took a deep breath and his heart secretly changed himself into a wooden fish head. He knew that this guy’s body was a bit harder than King Kong but he had to be hard with him. Isn’t he looking for death?

Shaking his head, He Yiming's eyes suddenly rose and his body disappeared in place.

The moment he appeared was already behind the hundred and eight.

The fist with a huge infuriating shackles in the vest of the hundred and eight vests is a powerful one, and the power of the infighting in the boxing is almost the same as he can gather in the instant. The point of the apex.

A loud bang was finally blown out by this boxing. Under He Yiming's full blow, even he could not maintain his body balance.

However, his flat arms stretched in midair and his arms were changing in a very different way. The far arm seemed to be flat at this moment, just like the bird's wings glided in the air for a while and then fell to the ground.

He Yiming looked at him with a stunned look and thought that the form of this person could be changed as he wished. In his heart, it is the person who made such a perverted human weapon. No matter who is meeting him, it is estimated that he will be tossed by him.

Looking up at the rising red sun, He Yiming’s heart suddenly burst into the air.

Although he has said to himself many times, don't touch this guy who is not human. But at this time, when the sun was rising, his heart was filled with an idea that he did not understand.

His body slowly squatted down from his inexplicable inexplicable battle. The power of the gold system slammed like a wrath in his work.

The knife that turned his back on his back had appeared in his hands like a ghost.

This is how he uses the infuriating muscles to move the knife from the vest to the hand. Although this process is very complicated, he is doing a simple and freehand brushwork with a natural feeling that is natural.

The hands are tightly held by the big knife. He Yiming’s eyes are awe-inspiring. It is a force that is close to the devout faith. It is He Yiming’s powerful and incomparable knife that has never been shaken. Strong confidence.

With the confidence of the big knife in the hands of this violent expansion, his momentum is also rising from the sky with him as the center of the blasting in all directions. There is a trace of vibration in the air that cannot be observed by the naked eye. This is the result of the instinct running to the extreme and the communication between the heavens and the earth.

Several people appeared on the high wall in the distance.

In addition to the shocking Lei Zhuo Wan 6 Zhengyi and Yuan Lixuan, there are even more innate powers in the Kailuan Masters Hall.

They are Mao Liguang and Cheng Fu, both of whom have worked with He Yiming.

It’s just that everyone is watching the distance far away, no matter how shocking their hearts are, they are afraid to approach this place.

He Yiming held the knife with both hands and slowly lifted it up. The four-meter-long big knife seemed to be as heavy as a thousand inches and one inch in the hands of He Yiming.

Every time he pulls up, He Yiming’s momentum is strong. His eyes are tightly locked in the distance. It seems to be between the whole world... only he is left alone.

The wind that is invisible in his body around the circle is flowing gently as if he is a big wind, and the blame is full of powerful explosive power.

Zhuo Wanlian's throat faintly swayed a few times. He looked at He Yiming's eyes full of taboos and even a trace of fear.

When he first played against He Yiming, he was once forced to go by the tree with He Yiming.

At that time, he thought that He Yiming was the best at the woodwork.

His talent in woodwork is unparalleled.

But at this moment, when he feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandoning The martial arts will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest discards, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the royal family, the After the strong momentum above him, he was the most powerful of He Yiming. It was not the woodwork, but the sharpness and unparalleledness of the goldwork that could be used to break the sea.

His double fists have clenched his friends unconsciously. There is a problem in his heart that is always mad.

If the dispatcher He Yiming used this Daguan knife, which is a hundred times more horrible weapon than the tree knife, what would happen?

At this time, all the energy of He Yiming has already reached a point.

In his body, the true airflow of the water system turned around and then the wood system fire system finally re-agglomerated into the gold system.

The Five Elements When the power of these five different attributes passed through a big reincarnation and then became the power of the gold system, the momentum of He Yiming has already condensed to the peak and can no longer continue to enhance.

At the moment, in the eyes of everyone, He Yiming’s figure seems to have reached a point where he has grown tall.

Under this kind of inhuman and powerful pressure, everyone has a feeling of struggling. Even the thunder and the 6 Zhengyi were shrouded in a feeling of fear. They looked at the sorrowful thoughts of the big knife that shined in the sun.

If this is not the strongest of the three flowers, it is their words. Then they have absolutely no chance of surviving.

Although everyone knows that He Yiming is very powerful, but the newly promoted first-line powerhouse can make the masters of the ranks have such feelings, it is a frightening thing.

However, the moment when He Yiming’s momentum converges to the peak and is about to go out.

Hundreds and eight have made a thing that makes everyone unbelievable.

He suddenly turned around and escaped from the courtyard in the eyes of everyone in the distance. The absolute degree that he showed at this moment turned out to be no less than the full strength of any innate power.

Everyone has a moment of sluggishness.

In fact, under the unparalleled power of He Yiming, no matter how powerful and unbelievable the strength is, even if it is a palm like a fly, He Yiming will not be so surprised.

Because in their minds, it is a top-level three-flowered level master.

But now one hundred and eight have actually escaped.

In front of He Yiming in the first-line days, he did not choose to be a war with one, but chose to take the initiative to withdraw.

This is like a congenital strongman in the confrontation with the powerhouse of the day after the day when the strong powers condensed all the strength to fight hard when the innate power is the same as the deserters.

He Yiming, who held the knife with a big knife, also had an unbeatable depression. He even had an impulse to vomit blood.

If he is the master of this series, he will not use the last trick, but if he intends to disregard everything like a slap in the face, he will take out the hard work of the bottom of the box.

Then the first thing to do is to completely lock your opponent.

After all, this is the ultimate desperation of the two losers. If even the opponents are locked, then it is not necessary to hit the empty space and then the mermaid.

It is impossible to fail when the ingenuity of a congenital strongman is completely provoked. Even if the other party is escaping, even if the strength of the other party's light-weight exercises is far better than their own, it is difficult to avoid this desperate trick.

But one hundred and eight did it.

He Yiming, who had turned his own momentum to the top when he turned around and ran out with the fastest speed, was dumbfounded because he couldn’t lock the breath of the hundred and eight. out.

He even forgot that one hundred and eight is not a person but a human weapon similar to a rare metal.

Everyone has their own unique atmosphere. This is innate. As long as the creatures born from the mother's womb are inevitably more or less have a fixed atmosphere.

It is precisely because of this unbearable breath that has been possessed since birth. Therefore, in front of the innate powers, they can lock their enemies through the atmosphere, as long as one party is timid or ran away, waiting for them. It is the breath of traction, even if they escape to the ends of the earth, they can't get rid of that terrible breath.

However, although He Yiming did not understand which part of the horns was drilled, one thing is certain that he definitely did not come out of the mother.

He is like a big stone, but this big stone will move and will jump and run.

Even if He Yiming can lock a master who is far stronger than his level, but in the face of a stone, in addition to the use of the eyes, these means of air traction are all scrapped.

Even a strong person can't lock a stone by breath... The powerful momentum is boiling intensely. After losing the object of venting, He Yiming's body is like a huge gunpowder barrel that can explode at any time.

Cui Wanlian and others are all face-changing. Their clear sense of relaxation is the power of the Pang dog in Heming.

Under the pressure of this power, they are all like a falling ice, and they don’t dare to move their fingers and rub their eyes.

Their hearts have infinite fear. If He Yiming vents the anger of this knife to his head, next year will be his own day.

However, the more surprising they were, the one that He Yiming was in the string and the volcanic blast was not really released.

Although He Yiming’s face is very unsightly, it’s like constipation. Three days and three nights are like someone who owes him millions and doesn’t. But there is no doubt that the momentum in his body is still slowly converge.

His body suddenly seems to have become a huge, limitless sponge that is absorbing the momentum that is about to be sprayed out.

I don’t know how long it took for all the talents, including Yuan Lihuang, to grow up after He Yiming’s momentum finally converged. They are afraid of their hearts.

However, except for Yuan Lihuang, the rest of the crowd are well-informed older people.

After this time of watching the battle, they looked a little more different in the eyes of He Yiming.

Even if it is already confined to the two flowers, it is also true.

When a person's momentum gathers to the peak, especially when Xi Heyi is so unpredictable, he has succeeded in stimulating his potential far beyond the peak of the first-line power. It is capable of not accepting it.

If you want to forcefully withdraw this full arrow, it is not something that can be solved with a little internal injury.

If you want to do this, it means that the momentum released by He Yiming has not reached the real peak.

All the innate powers have an incredible look in the eyes of He Yiming.

He" has even spared!

However, they did not know that He Yiming had already ignited his own momentum and wanted to climb a trace. It is impossible.

The reason why it can be recovered smoothly is because his system is special.

It is difficult to extract the instinct from the inside like a black hole, but there is no problem if you want to return the infuriating.

Even the coldness of the old dark green jade bottle was absorbed by it and turned into one of the power attributes of He Yiming, not to mention the impact of the momentum.

Slowly put down the big knife, He Yiming, the knife was split into three points and repackaged back in the work.

Although his work has this baby in the space world, the knife is even more important. Of course, it is impossible for this level of weapon to be used at any time when it is life-saving.

Yu Jinglei converges on the heart as a face-changing smile, and comes to He Yiming’s side and laughs. “The younger brother’s knife can only play a real role in your hands.”

He Yiming's eyebrows and his eyebrows mention that his heart towel has a strong sense of pride. Zhu Wanlian and others are also surrounded by work. However, Mao Lieguang and Cheng Fu are in He Yiming. In front of him, there is a sense of restraint in the unconscious.

This is the natural reaction of the weak in the face of the strong. Even if He Yiming does not reveal anything, it is all natural.

He brother, your knife method really opened my eyes. "The principle of Zhuo Wanlian's sincerity" is that it is amazing to let the predecessors do not fight and retreat. ”

Yu Jinglei also nodded and added that "the younger brother's method is really powerful. Even if the hundred predecessors retreat, they can be stable and never pursue. It is really a good for the brother."

Although Zhuo Wanlian did not speak, but as long as he looked at his face, he knew that his thoughts were also inseparable.

He Yiming’s heart is so devastating that he doesn’t want to pursue it. The problem is that he can’t use the air machine to lock the other side. He only sighs with his eyes and ears. He knows that he can’t explain it, even if he explains it, he won’t Believe.

After all, it’s a hero who is more powerful than them. So as long as they don't get their heads in, it's impossible to try to lock in the breath of nothing.

If someone has made such an action, then he will be provoked in person, no matter if he is being smashed on the spot, no one will be in their heads.

In this world of work, especially when faced with a more powerful master than himself, no one will do this self-seeking dead end.

Suddenly a figure ran back from a distance. It was the one that went back and returned. Everyone immediately used his mouth. Even if he didn’t care, he wouldn’t be an idiot to face the challenge. The majesty and patience of his old man.

Hundred and eight came to the front of everyone. He Yiming Yu Yue’s way, "How can you retreat without fighting?"

"Why are you so savvy that I am not sure how to catch it? Why can't I retire?"

Everyone is completely speechless..."

Hundred and eight turned to He Yiming and then returned to his house.

Everyone has a chill in their hearts.

This kind of fascinating master of the three-flowered realm with no face and skin is really the first time I saw it.

At the same time, they made up their minds in their minds. Even if they are offended, the king of Laos must not be offended by this person! Absolutely not

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