Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 71: 3 series of fellow practitioners

After the sound of the footsteps, the sound of the footsteps rang out from the courtyard outside the house. There was no straightness in the courtyard, but it stopped outside the courtyard and whispered with the disciples of Hengshan, who was guarded by the courtyard.

I haven't waited for the disciple to go back and tell the 6 Zhengyi that I have personally greeted it.

He smiled and handed the ball. "Before you are old, please come in directly." Zhuo Wanlian laughed happily. "Isn’t that too rude or a good pass." 6 The face of Zhengyi’s face is not In my heart, I was quite sighed. Before He Yiming’s elders did not come, the first-line powerhouse from the northern Xinjiang Icefield came in and out of the courtyard but never reported it.

However, due to the identity of his first-line strongman and the huge division behind him, even if he did not show the slightest dissatisfaction, he was very happy with him.

At this moment, He Yiming’s elders came back and showed the powerful unrivalled strength to the Tao people, and Zhuo Wanlian immediately became honest. I also learned to invite people to pass through here.

This shows that this world is truly a world of strength and work.

As long as you have enough strength, there is no problem no matter what you want to do. But if the strength is not enough, only the tail is a person.

When Zhuo Wanlian was introduced to the courtyard, 6 Zhengyi glanced at one of the directions in the courtyard. His heart was filled with emotions. It was a matter of glory. what.

The gaze of 6 Zhengyi’s sight fell to the middle-aged man who was behind the towering.

This is a middle-aged man who looks quite rigorous. His eyes are calm and stable.

Seeing the sight of the 6 Zhengyi, the person deeply said, "The younger generation of Zhaihao met with the predecessors." 6 Zhengyi's face changed slightly. If other people were saluted, he was accepted and no one dared to blame him. Congenital strong two but Mu Zhanhao is different. He quickly hugged his fists. "It turned out that Mu is a long-time name." Mu Zhanhao smiled and said, "Predecessors are the masters of the innate realm. This is the role model for Mu."

6 Zhengyi slightly stunned and then is modest. "The elders of the wooden brothers and sisters have promised to bless the meridians for you. As long as the impact is congenital, we are equals." If they are only by age, they are actually almost the same. And seeing the other side will enter the same innate realm 6 Zhengyi naturally will not be as careless as the ordinary ten-layered after-day practitioners.

Three people walked toward the inner middle and came to the hall just after the seat. He Yiming was shocked and the three men of Yuan Lixun came out one after another.

This is also because there is a reason why Zhuo Wanlian personally asks for it. If ordinary people want to see them, it is also difficult to work hard.

Mu Zhanhao's eyes are bright and the 6 Zhengyi introduction is already a step forward.

"The younger generation of Zhanhaohao sees the predecessors of the predecessors Yuan predecessors." Yu Jinglei nodded slightly and ignored it.

He Yiming and Yuan Lihuang have a strange taste at each other.

He Yiming, who has been promoted to a first-line day, has not felt anything but Yuan Lixun, who has just advanced to the innate realm, is enjoying this treatment for the first time.

Seeing that this age is even bigger than his father, he kept saying that his seniors had a faint blush like a rouge.

He Yiming was dumbfounded. He had encountered similar scenes at the beginning and felt the same at first. But as long as he experienced several times, he would get used to nature.

No need to sit down. ”

He Yiming's big sleeves waved a soft force to his body. Wood Zhanhao stood up and stood up. His eyes had a hint of envy.

This is the unique ability of the innate power.

However, once I think of my horseman, I have the opportunity to advance to this realm. The envy of his heart suddenly disappears, leaving only the stronger desire and firm confidence.

He Yiming’s infuriating spirit lifted him and he also explored his meridians a little while he was not aware of it.

The brow slightly lifted up. He Yiming suddenly said that the body of Mu Zhanhao's body represents the vitality of life far better than ordinary after-day power.

Although it can't be compared with the masters of the innate world, but in the day after tomorrow, it is already very rare.

His eyes glanced in the direction of the 6 Zhengyi. He Yiming remembered the situation when he helped him advance to the innate.

If the 6 positive instruments in the realm of the future are different from the vitality of the two in the future, there is at least one time. If this is not enough to make He Yiming look at it differently, then the three lines of strong infuriating in his body will really make He Yiming move.

Tujinshui.........Three different forces are slowly flowing in his body. These three forces have reached their peaks of the day after tomorrow. And there is a faint feeling of connectedness. It seems that the three forces of the district have already had the characteristics of the preliminary five elements.

Today’s He Yiming’s insights are far from being able to hesitate a little more than his face’s face. He asked “Mu brother...” Mu Zhanhao said deeply, “Predecessors and your family’s generations Just call the name of the younger generation."

He Yiming's brows are slightly wrinkled. "Your horseman will be a congenital master. Since you have to change your mouth sooner or later, you don't need to be so troublesome." After hearing this sentence, he is the face of Mu Zhanhao. Ten are showing a bit of relief and brittleness. After He Yiming and others were seated, he seemed to be casual. "Mu brother, although I am not a blessing of the meridians, but for the third-line fellow practitioners, the practitioners of the day after tomorrow are still the first time." What is your practice?” Mu Zhanhao immediately sighed that “the younger generation is the three-line imprint of the earthen gold and water in the Five Elements of the Law.” Zhuo Wanlian also added that “He brother’s practice is from the distant East. The single rumor that comes from the five lines of the Shenzhou is indeed one of the best in terms of the power of the power. It’s just that this slogan is so profound that it’s hard to achieve something on it. He Yiming nodded slightly, “If it’s me It is expected that this set of seals should be congenital. "It is." Mu Zhanhao deep down Dingtou in his eyes has a submissive color.

If you know the origins of this set of exercises, then it is not surprising that this is a congenital school. However, listening to He Yiming’s tone is the first time he touched it, but it’s the moment he met with him, but it’s amazing to see it.

He Yiming indulged in a moment and frowned slightly.

Mu Zhanhao and Zhuo Wanlian looked at each other and looked at the same cold.

A light cough, Zhuo Wanlian said, "What is wrong with He Xiong?" He Yiming shook his head slightly. "The three series of fellow initiates should be more difficult to support the meridians than the twins." Zhuo Wanlian two people's heart towel Hey, this is not nonsense. If it’s not so natural, why wouldn’t it be worth the suspicion? Instead, I would like to give these two pieces of treasure to you.

He Yiming looked at Mu Zhanhao Road with both eyes. "If you cultivate ordinary ordinary martial arts, then I can completely ignore it. But your qualifications are very good. You can also master certain innate secrets in the realm of the day after tomorrow. This is a good thing. It’s a bad thing for me to bless the meridians when I hit the innate realm. If the relationship between the two is not big, I can barely control it all. But if the three fellow initiates have any accidents, then I can protect you. But I can't guarantee that your body's meridians are not hurt." Zhuo Wanlian's face flashed a hint of dignity and hesitation.

It is natural to understand that they are repairing on the martial arts. He Yiming is not intentionally intimidating and shouting but seeking truth from facts.

The cultivation of congenital exercises in the realm of heaven is indeed a journey against the sky. Although the power is much larger, the same is true when the impact is congenital.

Although they have considered this point, they are not as serious as He Yiming thinks.

After all, the so-called variable is accident. No one knows whether it will happen before it is born.

After a long time, Mu Zhanhao sighed a sigh. "Predecessors have decided to attack the innate at all costs. If it is really a change, the younger generation will not dare to blame the predecessors." He Ming brows wrinkles "Mu brother will be two treasures If you don't succeed, I will give you the opportunity to treat the two treasures as your own." Zhuo Wanlian and Mu Zhanhao saw the surprise and excitement in the other's eyes.

If other innate powers encounter such a situation, then the most is to bless the protection of the law as to whether they succeed or not. And once the shots are paid, the rewards are even more indispensable.

However, He Yiming is not the same as the average person. This kind of chest makes them both very grateful.

How good a person is really a rare sight among thousands of people in the world...

He Yiji is so low that he is silent in the hall.

Zhuo Wanlian and Mu Zhanhao naturally did not dare to speak and interrupt his thoughts. Although Jing Lei and 6 Zhengyi did not agree, but at most they were a few words in their hearts but they were equally embarrassed to speak.

After a long time, He Yiming looked up. "You will use your strength to show how much strength you have to use. If you have some strength, you will be at your own risk." Mu Zhanhao was overjoyed and hoped that he would do whatever he wants. If you have a hand, it’s too ignorant.

He took a big stride to the center of the hall, his knees bent slightly and put an offensive posture while his hands raised and slowly formed a strange handprint.

The handprint method is a unique kind of warfare technique. The mysterious and complex nature is extremely great, but if it is learned, it will not disappoint.

Mu Zhanhao sighed and screamed toward He Yiming and simultaneously exerted his full strength to sway what he learned.

In the face of the first-line powerhouse like He Yiming, he does not seem to have to consider whether he can hurt the other side. And the fact that the work is so much, no matter how the attack of Mu Zhanhao, even if his internal strength is very powerful, He Yiming has only gently raised his hand and has all the attacks all understated and even did not let his internal strength damage. Any utensils in the room.

Under the guidance of He Yiming, Mu Zhanhao is more excited and he has never had such an experience. Just keep on attacking and it’s unscrupulous.

This feeling of heartyness gives him the desire to continue and never stop.

I don't know how long it took him to suddenly feel that he couldn't resist the strong attack. He suddenly turned his back and turned his head to the ground. When he landed on his feet, he was already standing at the beginning.

He Yiming nodded with satisfaction. "Good Zhuo Xiong is tonight. If everything goes well tomorrow, how can you be more powerful? If his words are plain, but there is a kind of majestic momentum." The strong confidence of the stock is even more important.

Zhuo Wanlian’s two people liked it immediately and they did not agree with it. And their inexplicable confidence seemed to be a bit more.

Although He Yiming promised to bless the meridians for Mu Guhao's law-protection, no one would dare to guarantee 100% before the impact. Even those who are optimistic don't dare to take a guarantee.

However, in He Yiming's sentence, there is a kind of sturdy taste that seems to have a magical power to expel all the last doubts in their hearts.

Although they do not know why they have the feeling of this water, but inexplicably in their hearts, they feel that He Yiming seems to have such convincing power.

Mu Zhanhao is nothing, but Zhuo Wanlian’s heart is surprisingly incomprehensible.

This feeling he used to feel only in the body of the teacher. Suddenly, he had a thought in his heart. Does He Yiming really have the potential to become a master of the ranks?

The effect was slow and the guards were heavily guarded on the night.

It is not only Zhuo Wanlian and the ambassadors of the Tuo Kingdom who are enemies, but even the disciples from Yokoyama are equally restless.

After all, this time the impact of the innate realm is He Yiming's shot protection. Since it is related to the elders of the Taigong, the relationship between the thunder and the like is naturally not to sit down.

In an empty courtyard, Mu Zhanhao closed his eyes and He Yiming pressed a palm of his hand behind his vest.

Although their external joy is calm and waveless, but in the body of Mu Zhanhao, it is a powerful conflict of surging strength. It is far better than the degree when 6 Zhengyi and Xie Zhien both innately attacked. Under the control of these internal strengths can not hurt his meridians.

He Yiming’s attention is mostly on the walking route of Muzhanhao.

In fact, the strength of his five elements and the repair of the woods is not so cautious. Although the three-line fellow initiates caused an unknowable change, how could they get rid of his control.

The reason why the alarmist is only because He Yiming feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the sacred god, the god, the throne, the sacred Abandoning the Little Zhou Emperor's martial arts and 乾 将 将 将 夜 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The strange thing in the internal strength of Mu Zhanhao's body is the first time he encountered the heart of his curiosity.

Although there are countless collections in the same vein, the five-line tactics of this vein are not included.

During the day, Mu Zhanhao’s full force was given to He Yiming’s thorough understanding of his martial arts. Those handprints have made him feel like an unexpected surprise.

At this time, feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The way and He Yiming's thoughts in the heart of the testimony are even more so that he has a feeling of swaying the two elements of the five elements of the same line of practice is really different from the individual five elements. Especially for those who are doing this kind of five-line repair, it is even more invaluable.

However, He Yiming’s hidden secrets are not to mention that Mu Zhanhao himself has no idea that even the thunder and Zhuo Wanlian are not aware of the tricks. They also thought that He Yiming was a conscience, so he would strive to be foolproof.

Of course, this is not to say that the two first-line powerhouses are too stupid, but because the strength of He Yiming and the difference between Mu Zhanhao are too far to the point of Daoli.

Even kill them they can not even believe He Yiming name from the wood high total body work by stealing the idea.

At this point feel wudongqiankun Holy, holy king made the night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned the royal big week night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned royal big week military action God of heaven and earth will kill night throne of God and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned royal big week night to kill the **** Indian **** throne seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned royal big week with wooden body that accounts for three-ho of the same strain Department of Gong Yiming running surface indifferent but his work is already excited want the sky and shouts.

He has an implicit stable strange feeling to be top three flowers together the three kinds of virtual real infuriating coagulation method has slowly been about a prototype of his mind.

As long as he persists in his unremitting efforts, one day, one day, he can reach this step. However, even if he can’t think of the first step toward the top of the three flowers, it’s the first step in this situation. A tremor on his body, a huge internal force suddenly broke through the body of the mad gun and the outside world of the heavens and the earth gave a subtle connection ~ ~ a quintessential innate gas from his body Rushing in.

The turbulence of the heavens and the earth caused by the promotion of the three-line strongman was far greater than the promotion of the second-line strongmen. All the innate powers in the city were paying attention to this direction.

Their hearts are full of thoughts and thoughts.

Zhuo Wanlian's eyebrows danced with joy in his heart. Although Mu Zhanhao was not his grandson, he knew the meaning of the innate powers of the three series of fellow initiates.

If such a talent is cultivated carefully, then it is not necessarily known that the future is naturally the future. Even if it is a master like a master.

Then his gaze fell into the body of a person but there was a hint of hesitation.

If the innate woman with a strong incredible ability can follow the master's side to learn the cold, then how will her achievements reach?

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