Martial God

Vol 5 Chapter 4: He Yiming’s breath

Moonlight quietly shines in the backyard's groves and reflects the hustle and bustle of the moon. A few cold stars in the sky flash in the air, not bright brilliance, bringing a touch of color to the earth.

The night is so quiet, a fragrance, I don’t know what the wind has blown in, it is easy to enter the dream.

The main peak of Hengshan is the most towering place among all the peaks. It is also the most important place in the whole Hengshan Mountain. This time, the number of disciples of Hengshan disciples gathered on the main peak is also the largest.

Under this special circumstances, Yu Xichen has ordered the disciples to make a round of the night.

Although it is still far from the point of three steps, one post, five steps and one whistle, there is a world of difference compared to the previous relaxed atmosphere.

A group of three-person disciples walked through the mountain road with a vigilant gaze. Their eyes were as sharp as the eagle in the sky. Anyone who has missed six of the same door will be wary of twelve points.

However, when they patrolled the past, they burned a few faint shadows in a dark corner.

They are so cleverly hidden that even the patrolling disciples do not have their existence.

These black shadows slammed forward and they walked forward and walked to the front with a huge black wolf.

Although this black wolf is huge, it is the most dexterous one.

Its four feet landed all over the body as if there was no weight at all, it was just a little lighter than a swallow.

After a few moments, the dark shadows have come to the half, and no one can show them from beginning to end. Although the disciples of the night patrols are already cautious, but they have not come to the nearby wolf, they have already smelled the human taste.

Whether it is patrolling in the clear or the lurking dark whistle can not cover the body odor.

And all the humans in the nose of this giant wolf are swaying and there is no one in it.

It is relying on this giant wolf that has been psychic so that the few black shadows behind can easily escape all the bright whistle and come here smoothly.

Suddenly, the leading wolf stopped and its nose was so hurried that a pair of blue eyes flashed with a strange light.

The old man with this giant wolf’s eyes lit up. He whispered softly and said, “Is things near here?”

The giant wolf opened his mouth and showed his tongue twitching and gasping.

It seems that it is able to understand the old man's words and its head is moving up and down.

The old man’s face suddenly showed a very fierce color. He hated the voice. “It’s really our luck here. It’s better to run without a white.”

The people behind him also exchanged a look. Everyone has an excited color in his eyes. No one can think of their group as soon as they can complete the task so smoothly.

Once I think of the generous rewards that will be obtained for the neutrality of the family, their hearts are even more fascinating, and even the lines on their faces are particularly obvious.

However, just as they were excited, a soft voice suddenly sounded. "You are welcome to come and let it go."

Although this voice is not very big, it is smooth and powerful, just like it sounds in the ears of everyone.

Everyone was shocked and they turned their heads in the direction of the sound.

I saw a young man with a blue shirt behind them, carrying his hands and looking at them with a taunting look. In those eyes, there is a look that makes them feel guilty.

The low voice of the "chicken" came out of the mouth of the giant wolf, but its gaze was full of fierce but also a bit of doubt.

Especially its big nose is deeply sniffed and seems to be hesitating.

After this person appeared, the wolf suddenly smelled the smell from him. But the fact that he had nothing to see before he appeared was naturally confusing.

But unfortunately, although it can understand people's words, it can't be expressed in human language. The only way to teach people is to use their own way to intimidate.

The person who appears in this person is naturally He Yiming.

When he was thinking about the blind eye, he suddenly heard a few unusual noises to the extreme.

Shunfeng ear skill is really a useful method in the world, although it does not have much effect on the force, but in the exploration, it is rare that the remaining exercises can be the best.

After hearing the subtle sound of the extreme, He Yiming immediately understood that someone was secretly sneaking into the mountains. If the Yokoyama disciple is naturally bright and walking in the mountain road, then the person who is careful and sneaking in is the person who is coming in. Just don't ask.

For their arrival, He Yiming not only did not have the slightest fear, but was overjoyed.

It’s just that it’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.

He has come out of his courtyard from Grandpa and has come to them with a lighter skill.

As a congenital powerhouse, He Yiming deliberately isolates his own breath. In this case, his body is like a piece of wood and even a trace of smell is not naturally impossible to be seen by the giant wolf.

The old man was slightly surprised that he turned his head and splattered with He Yiming.

He Yiming’s gaze was on their bodies and they finally decided that they really came from a certain totem.

At least people outside the mountains can't leave such strange faces on their faces.

Why are you who want to go to me? "He Yiming Shen Sheng" and the six disciples who are missing from our Hengshan are in your hands? ”

The old man laughed and used a very difficult and half-baked words. "You ask who we are, but I still want to ask who you are." He Yiming is very proud of his chest. "I am convinced by He Yiming." "He Yiming? Are you He Yiming?" The old man asked for a moment of surprise.

He Yiming Daqi, he heard the strange taste of the other party's speech. In the heart, is this person coming to Yokoyama to come to me?

"It’s just that I am. You are from the wolf totem family." He Yiming’s gaze was slightly wrinkled in the body of the giant wolf.

This giant wolf walked all the way like a ghost like He Yiming did not sense his breath. But at this moment, once it was called, it suddenly showed an unusually strong life. This intensity seems to be almost the same in the memory of He Yiming as the two-headed beast that he had encountered before.

Since it has such a huge life, it is naturally one of the beasts.

This is the first time He Yiming has seen the peace of mankind and the beast. It is naturally very curious.

The old man raised his eyebrows and said, "We are from the great wolf totem family." He looked at He Yiming and said a few words. "Yes, you are really young." He Yiming said that this person is so speechless. It seems that this group of barbarians who live in the depths is not very good at dealing with them. He sneaked a sigh of "You are also a congenital strongman. You must not be a nameless person in the wolf totems." One of the messengers of the old wolf totem, you have to remember the wrong. The old man said sullenly.

He Yiming nodded slightly and told the truth that these people had similar faces on their faces.

If you are not very familiar, then the possibility of acknowledging the mistake is still quite large.

However, since it is a congenital strongman, then after remembering the breath of the other party, basically there is no possibility of admitting it.

I waited for no reason at night to enter the Hengshan Mountain along the way. I don’t know what to do. "I started to smile and laugh" for no reason? Haha, I heard that you have a saying in Shanzhou that there is still a saying that there is still a word to do and not to be indecent. This is what we mean here today. "He Yiming heard the brows and wrinkles. These two sentences were actually from the distant Eastern Dashen Empire. It was only this person who used it here to make He Yiming unexpected."

His face turned cold. "Is it the beginning of the hug, do we have a person who went to the wolf totem family?" At the beginning, he screamed and laughed. "You finally admitted." He Yiming turned helplessly when he turned his eyes. I have admitted that I have only seen the person’s appearance as a matter of course.

At the beginning, I stepped forward and stepped forward.

His body was relaxed before the attack, and even the harbinger of the game was no more than two. However, once the hands-on, it was immediately shot, and there was no such thing as a sneak attack.

He Yiming screamed after a battle with Sima Yin. He Yiming did not have much affection for this kind of person.

His hand went down to the next block of a sharp innate temper, and suddenly he rushed to the other side to eat a bitter, so a shot is a powerful gold system.

The fierce wind and the sound of the wind rang at the beginning of the hug when it was a big change. He screamed and suddenly slammed his hand and then jumped out of the lightning. The whole movement was coherent and even had a sense of pleasing pleasing.

He Yiming was a little surprised. This person was able to suddenly borrow in the air and he used to distinguish it from a strange body, a lightning bolt and a different direction of bouncing. A familiar taste.

As he hesitated, he suddenly felt that the temperature in front of him had risen sharply and he felt an extremely dangerous feeling.

His gaze saw that the giant wolf had opened his mouth, and a bright red **** mass in the huge mouth had formed.

He Yiming’s face changed slightly and the congenital beast’s breath. This power is quite a taboo even if he is.

The body shape shook a bit. He Yiming’s toes had turned a few times in different directions in an instant.

The breath in the mouth of the giant wolf suddenly stopped and it had a very sad look in its eyes.

Although He Yiming did not leave the place, his movements showed a strong meaning to the extreme. The big wolf is so able to feel that as long as its breath does not hit He Yiming, it will greet him as a headache.

And it is still sad that with the seemingly random shaking of He Yiming, it has produced a feeling that it is impossible to lock the other party. Therefore, this hard-sucking card is in the throat and can not spit out.

It's like a sip of a thick mouth that doesn't get up at the neck, making it uncomfortable to die.

At first, he snorted and slammed him again. But this time his movements became more and more weird. The whole body seemed to be a bit sloppy.

He Yiming’s eyes lit up and he finally understood why he seemed so familiar.

At the beginning of this time, the beginning of the hug is like an old wandering attack and a ferocious person.

There was a glimpse of his feelings in his heart. It was a wolf totem. Even the action was like a wolf.

However, at this time, He Yiming naturally would not be too concerned when facing a hundred days.

He waved his hand at random, but this time the palm of his hand was calm and thick, and it was simply the feeling that the earth under his feet could not be shaken.

In the face of the strange to the extreme wolf attack method He Yiming chose the most stable soil system. He wants to see what other ace in the other's hands can make him tempted.

Seeing the strange martial arts practice and wanting to secretly steal the teacher is already his greatest advantage but also his biggest drawback.


The flaming breath finally spurted out. The feeling of the coyote's eyes was just like the feeling of being suspended in the air.

As long as this breath is sprayed out, it feels extremely refreshing whether or not it is built.

On the way to He Yiming’s first trip to Hengrang, he encountered a fire-breathing breath of the double-headed beast, but he spent a lot of effort to get rid of it or get rid of it.

But at this moment his eyes spilled a sneer into the fast-paced fireball. The huge power in the body turned around and the huge force suddenly accumulated in his throat.

Then he also opened his mouth and learned how the giant wolf looked like "shou" and spit it out. The giant wolf actually has no less than human wisdom. After seeing this scene, its two giant eyes have been highlighted. At this moment, it almost thought that they had encountered a companion.

What came out of He Yiming’s mouth was a breath of water.

This water condenses into a white flower in midair, but this flower is not strong and the color is very faint.

Flowers and fireballs meet in a mid-air. A strange sound is like a flood of water and a fire that burns the water.

The next moment, the flower of water and the fireball disappeared at the same time. Only the white smoke that slowly rose in the original place proved the fierce collision of the state.

He Yiming’s eyes flashed with a bright brilliance. When he saw the breath of the double-headed beast, he was extremely envious of that time and thought about it. If he could have this ability, he would be fine.

This time, after being promoted to a line of days, he showed the invisible tangible double-flowering power in the thunder and thunder, so that He Yiming had a feeling of swaying.

Today, trying to consolidate the flower of water, although it failed, but also has a little bit of experience, at this time, the water system is really squirting from the mouth, and the power is really small, even the small fireball that used to make him feel helpless, has not been fully formed. The flower of water has been ruined.

At this moment, He Yiming’s heart is full of desire for the real three-flowered gathering.

If it is really possible to achieve the three-pronged realm of three-legged completion, then the power of the breath he has mastered should be farther away from these beasts, even if they are less than the mutant beasts that have lived for thousands of years. Alright.

There was such a strange scene in his mind.

I am alone with a spirit beast and stand alone. One of the beasts constantly breathes innumerable bursts of sound. The sound of the thunder in the sky, the thunder and the water, the fire, the enthusiasm, the enthusiasm, the enthusiasm of the spirit, the idea is really terrible!

"Golden soil water you really have the power of the basic five elements." At the beginning of the sigh, he suddenly screamed that his voice was full of hatred and resentment.

He Yiming smiled coldly and his ability was already known and there was no need to hide it.

"What's the good thing for you to teach?" The fierce flash in the eyes of the beginning seems to be the hatefulness of He Yiming. But he knows that he and others are not their opponents. He suddenly screamed and shouted. The whistle was sharp and quirky, and it seemed to be like a lone wolf.

Then I Shi Shi turned and fled in the distance with the fastest speed.

Once this person is fully motivated, it will be a little confused with a wolf.

He Yiming smiled coldly if he let him escape like this and he also became the first-line powerhouse who mastered the power of the wind.

It was only the giant wolf that he just wanted to jump up behind but he also made a gust of wind and fled in the other direction.

He Yiming’s body has arrived in the air, but when the giant wolf is planning to escape, He Yiming’s figure has already turned This is a congenital beast, compared to its value. Far better than the old man who escaped.

The number of sounds and shouts from the foot to the foot is clearly that the pharmacists and others have heard the voice here is to rush to reinforcement.

He Yiming’s voice spread far and wide. “Someone fleeing to the northwest is the master of the innate realm.” He said that the action was not slow and the giant wolf chased down the mountain.

Their degree is naturally very fast, and soon they enter the jungle under the mountains.

Until now, the ears of Heming trembled fiercely. There was no strong presence within the range that he could monitor, and no one paid attention to it.

The spirit of his eyes is highly concentrated. Everything in the world seems to have become a root line at this moment.

His figure suddenly disappeared and the moment had already appeared in front of the giant wolf running.

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