Martial God

Vol 5 Chapter 5: Ecstasy

Instantly moving in the first step of the Landian step, moving the weeping is the power that He Yiming grasped after he realized the true ridicule.

Although he has played several times but knows this secret and is still alive, there are only Yuan Lizhen and Bai 08.

All the way to catch up until here He Yiming really reassured this limit.

This is his life-saving trick, and he does not want to let any outsiders know.

The speed of the giant wolf is especially slow in the jungle, and it is not as slow as He Yiming. And it is so confident that it is very confident in its endurance and perseverance.

Although this enemy behind him is really terrible, it still has the confidence to finally get rid of the other side. However, when it let go of the wolf leg and rushed to the fastest, it suddenly felt a dangerous moment to the extreme. in front of.

The degree of this cutting has been applied to the limit, even if it is impossible to change direction in the middle is impossible.

A loud bang crashed into the shadow of the sudden appearance of the giant wolf.

It was like hitting the iron wall of the copper wall, and Germany was hit by the huge peak that stood in the world for thousands of years.

Although the fierce wolf is extremely fierce, but it is also heavily tumbling out and slamming in the air and falling to the ground.

He Yiming put away the palm of his hand and was also shocked by the two palms. However, the strength of using the soil system and the gold system is absolutely powerful. However, after the second palm, although the head of the beast was blown, his palm was faint.

It can be seen that the strength of the muscles of the beast is more above the mutant of the two heads.

But the next moment was even more shocking to him.

After the giant wolf fell to the ground and hit a few rolls, it suddenly jumped up and changed direction in a direction that was not inferior to the previous flight. Second, this time the tail of the giant wolf is already tight. The position of the enemy in the mind of the enemy behind his legs has risen to the level of horror. It has no more provocative thoughts.

He Yiming's eyes are sharp and round. This wolf is so powerful that the two palms are like nothing to continue to escape. This is too exaggerated.

His heart is also cool, but the foot has been forced to follow the giant wolf. This time, He Yiming became cautious. Many of them did not continue to use this kind of ecstasy. Instead, they followed the giant wolf and left behind the giant wolf to let it escape.

After a while, He Yiming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The size of this giant wolf has been slightly slower than it was originally. Although only a little bit, it made He Yiming completely relieved.

This shows that the two palms just had a little effect and at least the wolf was injured.

If he can't even fight this giant wolf, then you don't have to chase it. It's better to go back to sleep.

Subconsciously touching the back is still too confident. If this time comes out, the big knife will be brought to the state to ensure that the giant wolf can lie down directly.

After running through a valley, the giant wolf suddenly stopped. It turned his head and stared at him. He Yiming was like a beast that was hurt, but desperate but also became fierce.

He Yiming also stopped and smiled slightly. "I know that you can understand my words. The beasts are very smart. If you follow me, I won't kill you." His words contain strong self-confidence. If the head of the beast is the object of the Lord, then if you kill it, you will kill it. You can get it in the first day.

But this guy is obviously a spirit beast that the wolf totem family hatches or is raised. So He Yiming has the heart to kill him but he does not want to immediately put it into action.

If it is because of killing the wolf and let the wolf totem and the Hengshan have a dead hatred, then it is worth the loss.

After all, the six disciples who disappeared from Hengshan’s veins fell on the spirit wolf.

The giant wolf is like a limb that has not heard him. The limbs are slightly lower and a little violent.

The beast that was wounded is the real dangerous beast. This is no doubt that this beast that has no way to go is no different.

The black light flashed the giant wolf has been vacated and the open mouth of the big mouth is shining with the light of death, a stinking breath is even more.

However, I saw that in the true sense of the **** basin, I heard it, but I didn’t care.

He has a metal luster in his fists and fists. He wants to injure this giant copper wolf and even snoring. He only uses the most powerful goldwork in the five elements.

The body that stepped out of He Yiming suddenly disappeared.

In his place, it seems that there is a mist like a misty rain.

A gust of wind blew through the clouds and suddenly filled the wall to completely wrap the giant wolf.

At about the same time, in the clouds, there was a loud noise and a screaming horrible wolf howling.

After a quarter of an hour, all the rain and fog disappeared. He Yiming had calmly stood in the same place. His hands were carrying his own smile on his face.

There was a giant wolf at his feet, but this giant wolf and the previous appearance had come up with a big change.

The black hair of the original oil that is smooth and bright on the body is already a lack of power in the east. I’m tired of the situation, but I still have a sigh of relief, but it’s terrible to hurt this point.

Looking at the huge wolf that has been unconscious under his feet, He Yiming is full of pride.

A year and a half ago, on his way to Hengshan, he also encountered a powerful beast. He was able to kill the double-headed beast with all his strength and even the five-in-one knife.

But now, in the face of a giant wolf that is a little stronger than the double-headed beast, even if it is empty hands, it can stun its living.

This change can be thought of when he first entered Hengshan.

Feeling a moment, He Yiming caught the giant wolf in the middle and flew away like a fly.

When it was light or engraved, when He Yiming returned to the main peak of Hengshan with a giant wolf, it was already a long time.

Whether it is He Yiming's long laughing wolf totem ambassador's anger at the beginning or the medicinal tract and other people echoing the whistle has already awakened people in the entire Hengshan vein.

The things that were born on the main peak are like wings that spread throughout the Hengshan.

In addition to the careful guards under the command of the commander of the peaks, those in power of the peaks came to the main peak to find out the first-hand news.

He Yiming’s time to chase the giant wolf was a little longer. When he returned, the pharmacists and others had all arrived and waited for a long time.

After seeing the giant wolf in the hands of He Yiming, the face of the pharmacist showed a faint color.

He Yiming said slightly, "Did you take the person away from the drug elders?" On the top of the cross, there were five innate powers who went after the instructions of He Yiming. According to He Yiming's mind, the beginning of the hug is actually the possibility of a smooth escape from the encirclement of the five of them.

The pharmacist smiled a bit. "The elders of the elders are anomalous and there is a kind of stimuli that can quickly accelerate the escape. The five of us immediately let him escape from it." He Yiming shook his head slightly. Since this person has already escaped, what counts of his followers? It’s not going to escape.” The pharmacist quickly said, “The six people who followed this person arrived in the ninth floor. Or the tenth-level masters of the day after tomorrow, they also fled to the mountains in the same batch as the other people. After the interception of many disciples, they killed three people on the spot, but there were two people who eventually suffered from internal injuries. Going." He Yiming's slow nod to Yokoyama's disciples can be much better than the five innate powers.

When the giant wolf in the hand was thrown at the ground, it splashed a dusty mouth. "This is the giant wolf that I caught. It is also a congenital beast." He Yiming said proudly.

The possibility of the congenital beast and the ordinary innate masters fighting the beasts is great. He Yiming takes the giant wolf down and naturally makes the five people feel the face burned.

He Yiming indulged in a moment. "Where are the three people who are elders of medicine? You have asked why they are coming to Yokoyama."

In fact, He Yiming is the first person to be their own and they have heard their conversation before they understand that they came here to find something.

It seems that this thing has something to do with him, so He Yiming would be so curious.

The pharmacist shook his head. "Those who have already caught it but have a strong tone are not willing to speak anyway."

He Yiming brows slightly wrinkled but listens to Xu Cheng’s long and open mouth. “The drug elders please bring them up. Maybe I can give it a try.” The pharmacy person looked at him with amazement. “Xu brother, those people are totems after all.” If you are afraid of using them, you will be scornful. "Don't sneak a sigh." Don't forget that we have six disciples missing." Two of the six disciples who are missing are the fans of Fenghuofeng. Naturally, it is a resentment against these people.

6 Zhengyi is also a slight nod. "The pharmacist brother, we have killed one of them. This hate must have been **** with the details of the inquiries, so it will be better in the future."

The pharmacist just nodded slightly. "Since everyone is all this, I also want to know why they are coming to find us in the middle of the mountain." The eyes of everyone have fallen on the body of Xixi, not only the main peak but also Xi Chen was also the congenital elder who was in charge of trivial matters in the martial art.

It is natural to find him now.

Yu Xichen is not nonsense. He has commanded a few natural disciples to bring the three men up.

These three people are all in the same costume. The pattern on the face of a black dress can be done before they enter this room. It seems that because they know that it is difficult to escape, they are so arrogant. But when they enter the room, they suddenly look at it. When I arrived at the stunned giant wolf on the ground, I suddenly changed my face.

One of them even screamed and said a language that no one could understand.

However, the giant wolf on the ground has long lost consciousness and can still respond to him.

Xu Cheng suddenly sneaked a sigh of relief. "You don't want to talk nonsense. This giant wolf is the same as the elders of Hetai." The man’s eyes are not stunned. The degree is much faster than the innate power. It is impossible for you to catch up with it. You must have used the mean and shameless means to calculate it." He Yiming was surprised to see that this person would also speak the popular language of the northwest. And still very fluent.

But now he also understands that the beginning of the hug is because of the unparalleled confidence in the degree of the giant wolf, so they will escape alone. If he let him know that the degree of the giant wolf is not necessarily able to pass himself, he is afraid that he will not be easily separated from the giant wolf.

However, the degree of the giant wolf is indeed very fast. If you encounter a general innate power, even if it is like a thundering tyrant, you will be thrown away by this giant wolf.

These wolf totems are full of confidence in the production of the giant wolf.

The pharmacist smiled and said, "The spider at the bottom of the well is not enough to talk with it." The other elders have seen the light-weight exercises of He Yiming. At this time, the corner of the eye is also showing a mocking smile. The head of the road, "You wolf totems are not living in the Wolf Mountain. Why should you stay away from home to Yokoyama?" The man was really excited after seeing the huge wolf who was lying on the ground, but he heard Xu Chengchang’s question and calm. It’s down. He sighed heavily. "Kill me or have something to do to see if we have a wolf totem." After listening to his words, everyone's brows were slightly wrinkled.

They are all men of the month. If only one of them is present here, then they may use torture instruments, but so many are innate together but no one is willing to take it out.

Xu Chengchang smiled slightly. "I advise you to honestly say it well, otherwise it will be too late." The man laughed and had a strong sarcasm. "I am here, you can try it." No, squeeze out something.” Xu Chengchang’s face is still with a gentle smile. He whispers “Good.” Then he turned and came to another 20 people and gently touched them on their necks. .

The two immediately closed their eyes and stunned the past. If their mouth and nose were still breathing, they were afraid that they would have died.

Then Xu Chengchang turned his eyes and locked the big man.

Although I saw the companion coma in the past, but this big man was still steadfast in the eyes and did not shake a little. And the faintness in the eyes has a trace of disdain. "The innate power has the ability to go against the totem messenger to play the prestige here to the monkeys?" Xu Chengchang smiled and said, "You seem to have forgotten who is today. Even the spirit beasts of your family have been smashed." The man suddenly said that the words were too strong. "There are too many innate powers. If the number is equal, you will die." The smile on the ground suddenly has a strange color. "You keep saying that you are fair. Then you can know that the six strongest disciples of Hengshan are the strongest, but the inner strength is the weakest, but the inner strength is six. They are what you are in front of you and why do you have to deal with them." The man finally blinked in his eyes.

At this moment, Xu Cheng suddenly sighed and sighed. "Look at me. This sound suddenly appears to the person as a thunder like a thunder in his heart. He subconsciously turned his head and looked at Xu Cheng. The pair of gods in the moment was immediately sluggish.

At this time, Xu Chengchang’s eyes were filled with a strange color. His eyes were even more faintly diffused. The infinite sea like the ocean was so fascinating. The two hehes and others noticed that his eyes were all in his heart. It’s amazing.

Several of them looked at each other and realized why Xu Chengchang said that he was sure to ask about it.

It turns out that he has cultivated such a powerful spiritual But not everyone is suitable to cultivate this magical practice. Therefore, although the pharmacists and others are stunned, they are only happy to know that this time gain something.

And He Yiming’s gaze is inevitably more than that of Xu Chengchang’s body. I really don’t know if he can practice. But in any case, he has already made up his mind. Once the trial is over, he will go to the relationship and find a way to learn.

The person's eyes are like pushpins that are attracted by the magnetic mother. Even if they want to remove their eyes, it is impossible. His mind slowly confuses that he doesn't even remember who he is.

At this point, Xu Chengchang was slow and asked, "Why do you want to come to the cross?" This question is undoubtedly the simplest, but it is because of this simple problem that you don't have to think about, so the talent does not hesitate. "My name is the Onda Wolf Totem. This time I came to the mountain sword to follow the beginning of the ambassador to find the totem." Totem? He Yiming asked softly.

Xu Chengchang made a pause gesture and Onda immediately stopped. Then Xu Chengchang said seriously that "every race believes that the beasts are not in the same division but there will be at least one totem in every race. This is indispensable for their historical testimony."

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