Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 147: Suggest

. "Yimong, what are your plans for the future? Hao Hao's voice seems to have come from a distant place, interrupting He Yiming's contemplation. He looked up and stunned for a moment, then said: "I intend to return to the northwest. When he said this, his voice was filled with a kind of mourning feeling. Once he thought of being able to return home, his heart suddenly became eager.

He Yiming first came out to travel, in order to break through the limits and promote the Supreme.

For the twenty-year contract, he has already left everything. But what I didn't expect was that all of this would be so smooth. After leaving the Northwest, less than a year later, he has once again made a smooth breakthrough and reached the goal of booking.

When it comes to returning home, He Yiming even thought of the expression of the people after the news of the thunder and the Hengshan, I think they will be overjoyed.

There are also grandfathers and relatives in the family, as well as Yuan Lihuang who went to the Northern Palace Ice Palace.

I don't know if their bodies are well-being. I don't know if Li Huang's practice in Northern Xinjiang is going well.

In this... engraved..., he thought of a lot of people, thought of a lot of things, so that he even produced a sense of urgency to return immediately.

Hao Hao’s eyes flashed through the sorrowful color. He licked his lips and said: “I heard Jin Shijun said that you have a twenty-year contract with the deep mountain totem family.” He Yiming’s heart is tight. Shen Shen said: "Yes., although he has been promoted to the Supreme, but mentioned this behemoth of the deep mountain totem, his heart is still quite a jealous... hidden.

Hao Hao nodded slightly and said: "Yimong, the old man has a suggestion." He Yiming quickly converges his mind and swears: "Please give me advice." "Although you have been promoted to the Supreme, but after all, it is just promoted. Not long after. In the deep mountain totem, there are powerful sages who have been promoted for decades, and who have been in the military for a hundred years. With your current strength, even if you go to the mountains, you may not be able to come out safely." Said with a strong heart.

He Yiming took a deep look at his head. He did not say that he killed three of his followers. This is the biggest reason why Hao Wei estimated his strength.

But some old ones, if they can hide it, still hide a little bit better.

Hao Hao continued: "The gods of your promotion to the Supreme are the imitation of the five elements of the artifact. And you are the body of the five elements of the natural world. If you go to the totem, you can fully understand the water and the wood. The flowers of the Five Elements are used to control the five elements of the ring. Then, you can go to the mountains and have the absolute self-protection power.” He Yiming’s eyes flashed a trace of fineness. It seems that this old man also does not know that the power of the Five Elements Ring is so big. What is the point. If he knows, it is estimated that he will not say this.

However, what his old man said is true. If he can be a five-in-one, then the grasp of the deep mountain totem is much greater.

"What advice do you have?" "The old man hopes that you can travel to the East China Sea or the South China Sea in the past two years to see the vast sea, which may have certain benefits for you." Two years later, I hope that you can go to the life and death circle together with Jin Shizhen and Wei Shizhen. "He Yiming Wei Wei, said: "Northwest Life and Death?" "Good." He Yiming suspiciously said: "But as far as I know, the realm of life and death is the place where we fight the totems with the totems. Is it necessary to fight with the totems two years later?" Hao Hao glanced at him with a grin and smiled: "Non-speaking Eight Roads, the life and death world is a magical space that the former generation of the Shinto masters spent a lot of effort to accommodate the power of heaven and earth.

The Eastern world of life and death, like the heavenly **** of the West, is the best place to try the nobles who have just been promoted. He paused and said: "However, in order to seize the affiliation of the life and death world, we have also played against the mountain totems several times. Both sides suffered casualties. Until more than a hundred years ago, they set a contract for mutual enjoyment. . He Yiming suddenly realized that when he thought that the past two demons had left, it seemed that they also had a covenant between life and death. It is obvious that they also know this.

He suddenly remembered Hao Hao’s words and asked: “Golden brother, Wei Xiong also successfully atomized the soldiers?” Jin’s campaign smiled and nodded. “This time Wei’s brother took Jia Huang Dan, and finally it’s one step. Breaking through the limits, the successful atomization of the soldiers. Two years later, he will certainly be able to advance to the Supreme." Hao Hao's eyes are unpredictable, said: "Two years later, engraved... this time the life and death circle opened At that time, the nobles who were promoted in the East, North, Northwest, and parts of South Xinjiang in the past 50 years will go to the life and death world." He paused and aggravated the tone, saying: "Including deep...

Totems, the totems who reached the Holy One within 50 years, will also appear there. "He Yiming's heart has turned a myriad of thoughts in an instant, turning his head and saying: "Golden brother, what is the trial of the new sage?" "There was a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the Golden Battle. "When a thousand years ago, several Shinto people in the West joined forces to lay the heavens and hell, where they left a lot of slightly hatched items and brought various attributes. Tiandi Dongli is introduced into it. The descendants of the descendants of the province can get the corresponding benefits by virtue of their own opportunities. Therefore, the powerful Shinto people in the East also painted the gourd, built the life and death world, and left many treasures of heaven and earth in it. It is said that there are many instruments used by Shinto people. These instruments are naturally dismissive in their eyes, but if they are in our hands, it is a rare treasure. Hao Hao sighed softly and said: "Jin Shizhen, you should know what is the most taboo in the realm of life and death." "The battle of gold was slightly changed, and he suddenly said: "Uncle Shi, Xiaoxiao is wrong. He Yiming looked at them inexplicably, not knowing what the beans were.

Hao Hao looked awe-inspiringly and said: "Yi Ming, in the realm of life and death, although there are items in the Shinto people, but those items are not in a very short and dangerous place. Unless it is a coincidence, then don't even think about it. If you want to ask for these items, then even your life will stay there. So if you enter the spirit of hunting treasure, then you should stay outside as if you were honest, so you can leave a life." His words are so eloquent and unrelenting.

He Yiming’s heart, hey, hey, respectfully should be, keep it in mind.

Hao Hao just sighed and said: "In the real life and death world, what really attracts people is not the treasure left by the Shinto masters, but the source of the power of the heavens and the earth with different attributes. This is the most fundamental of all the saints. Things." "The power of the heavens and the earth is urgent?" He Yiming suddenly flashed a vague idea, but this thought is not clear, as if it was a flash of light, it has disappeared.

It’s just that this sentence is equally remembered in his heart.

"Yes, the source of strength in heaven and earth." Hao Yuzheng said: "I can't describe everything there, but when you see that scene, you will personally risk the mystery. And comprehending all of this is us. The real meaning of entering.” He Yiming and the Golden Battle looked at each other. In their hearts, they constantly guessed the mysterious, but in the end they found nothing.

Shaking his head, He Yiming left all this behind, no matter what the mystery is there, as long as he enters the moment, he can know. In this case, the current cranky thoughts will not only have the slightest benefit, but will disturb the mind and even lose more than gains.

Raised his head, Hao Hao's eyes were flat with a hint of encouragement, and He Yiming's original intentions were shaken.

Beyond the Ghost Cry, when faced with the cooperation of the three Sayādaws, he was unable to win in a fair battle. Then, when you go to the deep mountain totem in the future, what kind of feelings will you encounter?

He thought of the Golden Battle and thought of the Xu Zun who worked for Tianchi. Both of them are vowed to accompany themselves to the mountains. Even if it is for them, they must have more powerful strength.

Taking a deep breath, He Yiming finally decided.

Seeing the perseverance of He Yiming's eyes, Hao Hao is also extremely satisfied.

The practice of martial arts is difficult and difficult. If He Yiming returns to the northwest and gets praises from all, he may be loose, and it will definitely be a hindrance to his future growth.

And if he is sent to the South China Sea in the East China Sea, then whether he can understand the flower of the water, but at least he can guarantee that he will not be comfortable with the guide. In order to let He Yiming continue to advance in the work of martial arts, Hao Hao is also painstaking.

"Hao brother, where do you think I should go?" He Yiming asked quietly.

Hao Hao had already prepared, saying: "The East China Sea and the South Xinjiang are both good choices. However, in contrast, the first large-scale school in Nanjiang, Wanli, has a deep friendship with our Lingbi Hall and the Northwest Tianchi. If you go to southern Xinjiang, you will get their care and save a lot of trouble.

He Yiming’s eyes flashed intentionally or unintentionally on his chest.

Bao pig took two things from the dragon crying nest of the ghost crying ridge. One is naturally the dragon snake's horn and the other is a topographic map. The place indicated by the map worker is the Penglai Xiandao in the East China Sea.

If there is no such map, perhaps He Yiming will go to southern Xinjiang as Hao Hao said.

But since I remembered the map in his heart, the attitude is naturally different. Shaking his head, He Yiming said righteously: "I went here this time, in order to realize the flower of water."

If everything is arranged, it will not achieve the purpose of trial. So, "He Yiming said: "I went to the East China Sea. "Hao Hao is very happy in his heart, nodded again and again, praised it."

Xiao is the thickness of He Yiming's face is not what it used to be, but it is praised by his old man, but there is still a faint blush. In his heart, if he let his old man know that his choice of the East China Sea is not so sorrowful, he does not know whether his old man will come straight.

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