Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 148: farewell

In the wrong morning courtyard, the sound of birds is like a gap, and the wind blows, bringing the leaves of the apricots.

He Yiming rarely played a set of boxing methods in the court. Although he did not use the infuriating spirit, he still had a calm and calm attitude. It seemed to have a strong and compelling momentum between his fists and feet.

After being promoted to the Supreme, even if it is based on the powerful and powerful momentum of the body, it is enough to shock many people.

The opposite door opened, and the Golden Battle strode out. He stood on the steps and looked at He Yiming's eyes with a hint of envy. However, for him, as long as one year of hard work, can also achieve this realm, so envy envy, there is not much feeling of jealousy.

Perhaps, because there is such a friend excited around him, he will pay more attention to the cultivation of the martial arts.

Nearly the car, the ink is black, this is not an empty talk.

He Yiming is like not paying attention to the existence of the Golden Campaign. He is still dancing and kicking his own hands. On his body, there seems to be a special atmosphere that allows him to integrate with this environment. It became a picture of existence.

The corner of the gold campaign ran a little, this kind of realm like heaven and man, he can also enter anytime, anywhere. However, it must be done in the case of using infuriating. If you do not use infuriating, it is really difficult to enter this realm with just one set of fists.

At this moment, he even had some doubts. At this time, He Yiming has entered a state of enlightenment, otherwise how can he do this.

However, she immediately shook her head, and if the state of epiphany was so easy to enter, it would not be so concerned by everyone.

After a while, He Yiming’s fists seemed to be getting faster and faster, and under the sun, it suddenly produced a strange light.

The eyes of the Golden Battle were condensed, and he seemed to have seen it. He Yiming had disappeared for a moment.

It is like the whole person has disappeared into this space, and it has become a vain in front of his eyes.

Although the flowers and trees and the courtyard houses have not changed, the one who dances in the middle has disappeared.

However, this feeling is only a moment, even if there is some doubt in the Golden Campaign, whether it is wrong.

He looked at the whole mind and concentrated all his spirits on He Yiming's body, but until the last moment, he was still a show and won.

Finally, He Yiming sat down on his horse and took a sigh of relief, ending the squatting practice.

The Golden Campaign shook his head again, and the heart was secret. It was because of his recent refining of the dragon gun, so he became suspicious. It seems that we should pick a ecliptic as soon as possible, and refine the dragon gun.

He Yiming looked up and smiled: "How is the boxing method of the "Golden Brother" younger brother? ”

His heart is filled with a feeling of gratification and self-satisfaction. This boxing method seems ordinary, but there is another mystery. That is, he slowly combined the technique of stealth with the distortion that was stolen from Hao Xue.

It seems that there is no use of infuriating, in fact, the strange instinct flies in the body, and at a certain moment; when he feels that his body and the power of the heavens and the earth have the greatest degree of fit, they have used it. This modified version of the distortion.

At that moment, He Yiming even had a kind of change of light, just like his four tangible flowers, the perfect concealed feeling.

Of course, the difficulty of concealing a real big living person and concealing the flowers of the four invisible and tangible lines is undoubtedly far from heaven. Even if He Yiming at this time, it can only be done in such a moment in a state similar to a coincidence.

However, this is already a considerable improvement. He has strong self-confidence. One day, he will be able to hide his whole person like a hidden flower. Even in the broad day, he will not let anyone Feel your own existence.

However, to achieve this step, God knows how many years of research is still needed.

The Golden Battle looked strangely at He Yiming and said: "Your martial arts repair is really good. The simple boxing method actually has the feeling of harmony between man and nature. It is really worthy of the sage."

He Yiming laughed and said: "Golden brother, you are boasting about me, or boasting yourself, don't forget, for up to a year, you are the honor."

There was a faint smile on the face of the Golden Battle, but his heart was equally gratified.

Sometimes he is thinking, but fortunately, he has also achieved a breakthrough, otherwise he will see the current He Yiming, afraid that it will be self-defeating, and thus alienated from it.

It is still very reasonable for people to divide this sentence. The relationship between a saint and a tripod is no better, there will be, the invisible ditch, the distance of their tense is unconsciously opened.

It seems that I suddenly remembered something. The Golden Battle turned into the room, and in the inexplicable gaze of He Yiming, it quickly came out.

When he came out, he carried a huge parcel on his body and held a book in his hand.

He handed over the books in his hand, and He Yiming’s heart was happy. After taking it, he read it and said: “Golden brother thanked this book for the book’s cheats of the Western practice. The text has long been replaced by a large text, and some of the pictures are also meticulously redrawn.

He Yiming just looked at it and suddenly understood that the Golden Campaign had been used for it.

After all, such a cheat, if you want to completely release it in a few days, is definitely not an easy task. If the reconciliation is not a martial arts master of the Golden Campaign, it is impossible to complete this task.

The Golden Battle smiled and said: "He brother, you said it is good, the way of martial arts, and the change of the martial arts, the Western school has its own uniqueness. This cultivation method can make the infuriating and the soldiers The breath forms a new essence, although it is impossible to record this true element, but it is of great benefit to the gods themselves, and can further consolidate the soldiers and make it more compatible with us."

He Yiming has a surprise color in his eyes. Since the Golden Campaign has said this, then there must be such an effect. For them, it is quite satisfactory to be able to achieve this step.

The smile on the face of the Golden Campaign converges and says: "He brother, when are you going to come out?"

He Yiming will: "The younger brother plans to leave today."

The look of the Golden Campaign glimpsed, saying: "The vastness of the overseas region, the incredible thoughts, the brothers you travel overseas, the business ... must ..." Heart one or two.

He Yiming’s heavy nod, smiled and said: “Hao brother said, I will prepare a strong ship for me, and with the younger brother’s cultivation, at least I can protect myself.”

The Golden Campaign is also a laugh. He Yiming is now a genuine sage. This kind of character goes out to sea, even if it is a dangerous situation, the grasp of leaving and leaving should still be there.

He Yiming's ears suddenly swayed, his eyes looking toward the door.

The closed door didn't know when it had been opened. Hao Hao walked in with his big sleeves fluttering in, and behind him, he followed a 30-year-old bald man.

The two of them quickly went to see the ceremony, and they all looked at the eyes of both of them with full appreciation, and even a trace of love.

The Golden Campaign is the most outstanding disciple of the Lingbi Hall, and He Yiming is the person he values ​​the most. He also treated Zhang Zhong Egg. For them, Hao Hao is definitely looking at it.

I have already arranged everything. "Hao Hao pointed to the person behind him, saying:

"This is Chen Yulin, the outside disciple of the door in the East China Sea. It happened to be here by the way, and I was called by the way."

Chen Yulin's bronze skin is like a piece of steel-like high protrusion. After hearing Hao Hao's introduction, he immediately stepped forward and bowed down respectfully. The loud voice: "Chen Yulin, a younger generation, meets the sages." ""

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse. A three- or 40-year-old person called himself a junior in front of him. This experience is still relatively fresh.

With a gentle wave, He Yiming said: "Chen Xiong, this time I am tired of driving, thank you."

Chen Yulin's face changed slightly. He came to the Lingbi Hall many times, but the number of times he can meet the Sayādaw is only a handful. And all the sages are arrogant, and in their eyes, they are just like ants.

However, He Yiming in front of him gave him a feeling of being unconcerned.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Yulin was respectful and respectful. "It is an honor for Yulin to be able to work for the Hezun."

Hao Yu gently waved his hand, and Chen Yulin immediately retired. He knew that in front of these three people, he did not have the qualification to speak at all. If this time it was not He Yiming who needed a ship, and he just happened to come to the Lingbi Hall, he was afraid that there would be no chance to even meet.

Hao Hao took out two jade bottles from his arms and said: "Yimong, although you have been promoted to the Supreme, but you have to go abroad, you still have to be cautious. This is the two bottles of the old man's refining ~www.mtlnovel .com~ A bottle can treat internal injuries, and a bottle has a miraculous effect on most poisons. Although it is not a good old man's return to life, but the victory is large, you will accept it."

After He Yiming thanked him, he accepted it. He said in his heart that the Golden Campaign and Hao Hao were so cautious about the facts. It is obvious that overseas is not a good place, and they traveled outside, but they could not care.

The Golden Campaign put the package on the back to He Yiming and said: "He brother, this is the gift I sent you, I wish you a good trip."

He Yiming took the parry in amazement. Although he didn't open it, the touch in his hand told him that there were some bottles and cans and a semi-circular object. Nothing is wrong.

The mysterious smile of the Golden Campaign, said: "This is my heart, lonely overseas, will definitely be useful to you."

He Yiming asked suspiciously: "What is this?"

The golden battle of the eyebrows danced: "This is the spatula I have carefully selected, and a lot of seasonings, enough for you to spend the next two years."

He Yiming"

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