Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 156: Black iron

The old man’s stomach is very big. Although the hundred and eight are grilled a lot, the old people are all eager to eat.

Seeing the good riser like the old man, even He Yiming was provoked by the locusts, but after reading the feeling that the other side had not eaten cooked food for forty years, his face was even thicker and embarrassed to go forward. A bite.

Although these fish are caught by the pigs, the seasonings are provided by him, even if the work of the barbecue is also done. However, in He Yiming's heart, he still respects the elderly very much, so when the old man's request is just a few indifferent grilled fish, He Yiming is more than happy to satisfy his wish.

After a whole half of the hour, the old man was finally full of sorrow and satisfaction.

If it is an ordinary person, in the case of not using cooked food for forty years, suddenly eating so many grilled fish, even if you are not living dead, you have to eat bad stomach, diarrhea, eat How much is pulled.

However, this old man is more than an ordinary person. He is a figure who has reached the realm of the Supreme Master. He has been cultivated as a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sin. A little grilled fish naturally can't bring him any harm, but after the satisfaction, the old man's face suddenly shows a glimmer of color.

For decades of deserted island career, apart from the white horse on the island, he never met with outsiders.

Nowadays, after eating so many grilled fish from the other side, all the memories he used to travel in the world have been recalled one by one, and his face is naturally red.

Of course, this is because he has already seen that whether he is He Yiming or Bai 108, even the pig that catches the fish is not a leisurely generation, so he will have such an expression. If He Yiming and others are just ordinary people, then the old man will never care about this little thing.

Ordinary people's food, eat it is to eat, there is no big deal at all. But it is too embarrassing to be rude in front of the masters of the same rank.

He Yiming and Hundred and Eight have not looked at the old man. They seem to have not noticed the embarrassment of the old man at the moment, so that the old man’s cold heart has an unexpected warmth. Only the treasure pig has a pair. Small eyes, glaring at the old man, because all the fish that he had worked hard to eat were eaten by the old man, and even one did not give it to it, naturally it made him feel indignant. However, in the case of He Yiming and Bai 98, there is nothing to say.

The old man hesitated for a moment, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he quickly stood up and ran like a fly to the place where he lived.

Bao pig came to the foot of He Yiming, arched with a long nose, and slammed.

Its action seems to be in the complaint, after the old man ate and patted his **** and left, or the fish that my treasure pig worked hard.

He Yiming smiled and licked his small belly bag and said: "Bao pig, if you have not eaten grilled fish for 40 years, it will definitely be worse than it."

The pig creaked and came to the side of the hundred and eight arches.

After getting along with it for a long time, although I can't understand it, I can guess one or two for its action.

Bao pig should say that with the hundred and eight, it is impossible to eat without grilled fish.

Seeing this little family's laughter-like performance, He Yiming couldn't stand it anymore and laughed loudly. However, after a while, He Yiming converges on laughter, and the sun looks in one direction.

The shadows in the jungle flashed, and the old man was already going back.

He came to He Yiming and held out a hand, in his hand, with a huge iron piece. Subsequently, he carefully placed it in front of He Yiming.

In doing this movement, his eyes have a thick color of disappointment. However, this old man is also very human, even if he is not willing to give up, but since he has made a decision, he will never regret it.

After a deep look at the iron block, the old man turned around and instantly disappeared into the sight of He Yiming.

He Yiming opened his mouth and was inexplicably confused by the actions of the old man.

The old man returned a glimpse and took this iron piece to him. Could it be that he wanted to exchange the grilled fish he had just eaten with this thing?

I haven't waited for He Yiming to understand the relationship. Bao pig screamed twice, then there was no image on the iron block, and the front hoof tightly hugged the iron. For example, when the first sight was seen in the past, the whole child was hung on the body of one hundred and eight, and he refused to leave.

He Yiming’s heart is a glimpse of what a treasure pig is. He certainly knows it clearly. When he sees this movement, he understands that this iron block is definitely a different kind of thing. It is absolutely impossible for the outside world to be everywhere. Big road goods.

Gently caught the pig's neck, He Yiming picked it up. But the front hoof of Xiaojiafu is still holding the iron piece and not letting go, and a pair of small eyes stare at He Yiming with pity, causing a strange sense of guilt in his heart. .

It seems that taking this iron block from the hands of Bao pig is an unforgivable thing. He likes to turn a blind eye, open the silver ring space, pick a moment from it, and take the shortest dragon. The corner of the snake comes out.

The dragon snake's horn was thrown and thrown in his hand, and He Yiming didn't even look at the pig's eyes.

After half a ring, He Yiming felt that his trousers seemed to be being pulled by something. He looked down and saw that the pig was holding the iron in his hand and kept lining up on his lap. The little eyes were dead. Staring at the corner of the dragon snake in He Yiming's hands.

He Yiming smiled slightly, and sent the dragon snake horn to the hoof of Bao pig like a child, and picked up the iron piece.

Looking back, it happened to be - seeing the phoenix-like eyes of the hundred and eight.

I don't know why, He Yiming thinks that this pair seems to have no slight feelings in the eyes, but suddenly a little more gentle color.

However, when he set the sight of God, the eyes were the same as in peacetime, and there was no difference.

He Yiming shook his head, and his heart was suspicious. Maybe he was wrong. How could he have human feelings?

The treasure piece was replaced with a dragon snake horn obtained from the dragon snake's nest, and He Yiming smashed it, and his heart could not help but change slightly.

The weight of the iron block is far beyond his imagination. It seems that it is not a fist-sized iron block in his hand, but a giant iron stone equivalent to a table.

Confused with the eyebrows, the contents of the world's rare treasures are recalled in my mind.

After a long time, He Yiming’s face changed slightly. In the rare treasures of ore, he seems to have seen a description of such items.

It is said that in some giant iron ore mines in the East and West, some iron ore with extremely high iron content will be produced. These ores are much heavier than ordinary iron ore. If there is a fire system, the innate strong will use these iron ore. Constantly refining, then over time, the purity of it will become higher and higher, and eventually become the mysterious iron known as the king of iron.

The mysterious iron is one of the best items in the five elements of the Golden Army. If it is a magical weapon that can put the size of a finger on the size of a finger, then its hardness will have a great degree. Improvement. If the whole weapon of the gods is made of black iron,...

This possibility is negligible, because the amount of ore raw materials that can be recrystallized into black iron has become less and less, and more importantly, if you want to smelt iron ore, you must have a strong innate fire. Everyone uses the fire system to train and train, and it is necessary to greatly influence the improvement of their own strength.

Therefore, unless it is among the big sects, it is impossible for anyone to have a large amount of black iron. In the real big martial art, I am afraid that I will not really waste so many black irons to build a weapon. . bar.

He Yiming’s heart turned a few thoughts in an instant, and he even thought of the kind of painful color that the old man took when he took out the mysterious iron.

However, since the old man can take this out, it shows that one thing, although this mysterious iron is precious, but in his eyes, there is far less emphasis on the mysterious iron.

In the meantime, He Yiming remembered the mountain depression. At the center of that weird island, no matter how much power a person and a horse can throw, they cannot collapse the nearby mountain walls.

Nodded slightly, looking at the black iron in his hand, He Yiming already knows that on this nameless island, there must be a large number of ore that can refine the black iron, and the old man stayed on the island for forty years. It must have been a lot of Xuantie.

With the strength of his sage, nature is far from being comparable to an ordinary innate fire master. The degree of refining the black iron is certainly a lot faster than J1. Forty years, the amount of mysterious iron accumulated is only quite impressive.

If this is not the case, even if the craftsmanship of the hundred and eight is no better than ten times, the old man will not be able to send such a precious gift.

After a long delay, He Yiming threw the black iron in his hand to the hundred and eight, saying: "Hundred brothers, this thing is very hard, if you find it useful, you may wish to eat a little."

Hundreds and eights passed by His eyes lit up instantly, and the light of the sun shone on the iron block - and finally reached out.

This one hand shone in the light of the sun, and the next moment turned into the head of the knife.

A slash of the knife was cut, and the iron piece was cut off by a third.

He sent a third into the mouth and swallowed it.


A strange sound came from afar. He Yiming and Bao pig were shocked. They turned their heads and looked at it. The same stunned, some were overwhelmed.

Not far behind them, a white man with a long horn on his head was rounding his eyes and looked at him in horror.

Its mouth is the boss, it gives people a feeling of sluggishness.

Underneath its head, there is a lively fish that is dying on the ground.

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