Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 157: Unicorn

In the face of this beast, He Yiming can not have the slightest negligence. Although it is only a congenital body, it still does not reach the horror level of the Holy Beast. But even the one-of-a-kind white horse of the innate body already has the strength to be able to compete with the strongman of the Sayādaw level.

And more importantly, in the confrontation with the old man, he did not fall into the wind.

However, the performance of this white horse is quite different from the previous one.

Its daylight is full of hundreds of eight, it is a hint of fear, the big eyes are turning slightly, as if they have to turn around and flee at any time.

He Yiming has seen it in Jing Zun, knowing that as long as it moves, then he and others will never want to catch it.

Looking back at the hundred and eighty-one eyes, He Yiming also some understand why this white horse will show such an expression.

One hundred and eight large open mouth, even swallowed the mysterious iron directly, this kind of thing in the eyes of unsuspecting people, will definitely think that they met the legendary monster.

Although this white horse is not a human being, but seeing how he gets along with the old man, he knows that his intelligence is absolutely not under humanity.

It is estimated that this time it was scared by the hundred and eight, otherwise it will not be so weak because of its strength.

Bao pig suddenly jumped up, its four hoofs smashed, and immediately came to the white horse.

He Yiming "has been shocked by the big man. The white horse is so powerful that he has his own eyes, even if he does not need the one-horn on the top of his head, even if it is with its strength, degree and solid skin, if it is angry, kick the treasure. The pig is a foot, and the little guy is enough.

The infuriating body in the body instantly gathered, but He Yiming’s body did not show a point of momentum, because he was afraid of the hostility of the white horse because of his imposing manner. And with its degree, if you want to hurt the pig, you can't save it anyway.

However, let He Yiming feel incredible things.

The white pig came to the side of BMW and even took the jumping fish up, so he lifted it to the side of the hundred and eight.

In this process, the Unicorn White Horse has countless opportunities to harm the Bao pig, but it is just watching the Bao pig in front of it, and even taking the big fish away, there is no disappointment. Just a pair of big eyes with the silhouette of the pigs up and down, it seems quite relatives.

Yes, He Yiming can see from its eyes that it is a relative to the feeling of Bao pig, as if it is the kind of feeling between relatives, it seems abnormal.

He Yiming’s brow wrinkled slightly and looked at the pig that brought the big fish back. His heart was full of suspiciousness. What is the origin of this guy?

One hundred and eight took over the big fish. He turned a blind eye to the existence of the one-horned white horse, and began to barbecue as usual.

Soon, the rich aroma floated again, and the pig waited quietly at the side of the hundred and eight. When he took the iron sign off the barbecue shelf, the pig was too much to wait for the big fish. Hold it up.

It stretched out the two front hooves, and made a slight stroke, and immediately divided the big fish into two halves.

Later, it opened its mouth and swallowed half of it into the belly, while the other half was sent directly to the white horse.

The white horse turned his head and seemed to be evaluating something. He finally put out his tongue and gently rolled it, and immediately took the half fish away.

He Yiming rounded his eyes in the back. He looked up at the sky and only thought that the world was too crazy.

By his side, there was already a white pig eating fish, and now he saw a white horse eating fish...

Although the shape of this horse is unique, but the horse who eats fish, it seems that it is not good.

The pigs screamed like a treasure, and the one-horned white horse was also a long scream, and a happy call was made.

He Yiming looked suspiciously at this pig, he never knew that the two things could even be so happy to talk.

Then, the white horse turned around and, with its unparalleled degree, suddenly fell under the sea.

He Yiming was awkward, and he didn't understand that the two guys were very smooth, and why the white horse suddenly left. And not to return to its old dye, but to drill down the sea.

However, very soon, He Yiming understood what happened.

The white horse has once again emerged from the sea, but this time in its big mouth, there is still a big fish with the thickness of the whole arm.

He Yiming’s gaze was on this big fish, and his heart was secretly surprised.

He also lived on the seabed for a while, and he is no stranger to the fish in the vicinity. At this moment, the big fish caught by the white horse is the hegemon of the nearby fish, even if He Yiming has been attacked by them.

It’s just that He Yiming’s cultivation is that these fish are just looking for a dead end.

But this kind of overlord-level fish is very clever. After he collided with He Yiming once, he immediately knew his power. Since then, this fish group has seen He Yiming, how far it is to hide.

Moreover, their embarrassment is very fast. When they are swimming in the water, even if He Yiming has a feeling of catching up, at the moment, after encountering the white horse, these fish are also unlucky.

Bao pig took over the big fish, and the joyfulness was given to the hundred and eight. The white horse did not stop, but turned again and entered the sea.

Although Baima can only catch fish once every time, it can't stand it fast.

Soon, in front of the hundred and eight, there are already a group of small mound-like fish.

If you change someone, look at the seal and fish to barbecue yourself, afraid that you are already impatient, or cut corners, want to finish quickly.

But one hundred and eight is meticulous. His hands are as stable as a mountain f-J, and there has never been a slight shake.

He Yiming looked at these three special combinations, and his heart was filled with a strange feeling.

He slowly lay down on the sand that had been soaked by the sun, slowly relaxing his heart.

In such an environment, He Yiming believes that no one can hurt him.

Ever since he got the adventure at the bottom of the lake, he has never had such a comfortable relaxation.

Here, he doesn't have to think about anything. Just relax, relax, and relax.

I don't know how long it took, He Yiming woke up from the confused feeling. He opened a pair of eyes that were still awkward, and there was a long-lost comfort in his heart.

This kind of comfort seems to be the feeling of infiltration into the bones, letting him once again indulge in it.

He opened his eyes and it was already an endless night sky.

The sky is dotted with countless stars, at this moment it looks like that beautiful Taobao women's cats Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coats are absolutely unique.

He Yiming was silently immersed in this feeling, and he suddenly felt that the air around him seemed to have a subtle change.

In his sense, the air here seems to be no longer the air, but the water, the water that is omnipresent in the depths of the sea.

It seems to be instinctive, and He Yiming’s body moved.

In this way, he stood up from the ground in a strange way, and then he took a step and walked step by step.

The way he walked was quite weird, like a man who drank a wine, and even walked and began to sway.

However, this way of swinging makes people feel abruptly, and there seems to be something strange in it that makes people dare not approach.

Slowly, the sooner He Yiming’s body twisted, the bones of his body seemed to have disappeared. The whole person was like a boneless fish at the bottom of the water, twisting in its unique posture.

Every time you twist, you will have a strange power that will drive He Yiming to perform the next move.

This 31, He Yiming has completely indulged in a realm of his own.

At the bottom of the water, he had watched some kind of boneless fish swimming, and he had a deep understanding of it. But somehow, when he wanted to incorporate this sentiment into his own body, he encountered great problems and could not succeed smoothly.

At this time, after throwing away all the minds and letting go of the heart, the secrets like mountains were all temporarily abandoned by him. He Yiming turned the ghosts into the most crucial step.

Although his body is writhing, but every step of his foot, it seems to contain the heavens and the earth, and is perfectly combined with his original cloud and rain.

Not far from him, one hundred and eighty are still grilling the fish that seem to never be grilled. Bao pig and white horse rarely look at He Yiming, they also seem to be He Yiming. I realized something in the dance.

However, He Yiming's method of display is rather bizarre, from their eyes It seems that this method may not be suitable for their own path.

Finally, He Yiming’s constantly dancing body stopped. He stood quietly on the beach, his eyes closed, and his mouth seemed to be muttering. On his face, there is a smile of joy and joy.

This time's success is definitely an unexpected joy. Although the body of the strange fish is not a flower of water, it is also learned from the water. Being able to master such a magical body has great benefits for him to realize the flower of water in the future.

A long breath spit out, He Yiming turned his head and looked at the hundred and eight and Bao pig, and finally fell to the white horse.

In He Yiming's eyes, there is no half-point of fierceness. The gentle daylight is like a wave of water. It seems to have a strong ability to communicate without using language.

However, after seeing this gaze, the Unicorn White Horse took a few steps back. It whispered a few whispers, and suddenly turned around and flew like a lightning bolt.

He Yiming reached out and wanted to summon, but in the end, no sound came out. He just looked at the direction of the one-horned white horse, regretting and disappointingly sighing.

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