Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 159: Hazel armor

He Yiming sighed with a sigh of relief, and he gave a deep look at the old man.

This kind of thank you is sincere and sincere, and this detailed discussion with the elderly has at least saved him more than ten years of exploration time, and after mastering this combat skill, he has greatly improved his own defense ability.

At least it can resist a full blow from a Sayādaw level.

This time I came to the East China Sea. Although I didn’t understand the power of water and condense the flowers of water, I learned this secret skill and it is definitely worthwhile.

Once again, he faced the East, calmed down, and the infuriating body began to frantically surging.

According to his mind, the hot air flowed between the tongues.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the strange power, He Yiming Opened the mouth, three tangible flowers suddenly sprayed out.

As if driven by some kind of mysterious force, these three tangible flowers began to spin on the head of He Yiming.

A large number of heaven and earth gas gathered toward the three tangible flowers. After that, the surrounding heaven and earth became suddenly tangled up, and it seemed that there was an invisible big pole constantly stirring.

The old man nodded slightly, and his heart secretly sighed. This person is really genius.

Just after hearing it once, it can be fully and correctly displayed. Although his movements are very unfamiliar, if he is in the formal battle, such a slow movement, then he has not been waiting for him to successfully condense the armor, it has to be cut into 17 or 8 paragraphs.

However, the old man knows that since this young and powerful person has mastered the most correct side

Law, then when he practices for a while, the degree will gradually increase. Maybe years

After that, he will be able to condense the physical armor between himself and himself.

Slowly, three tangible flowers burst open.

But this time it seems to be different from the last time. The three tangible flowers that popped up did not re-aggregate into a mixed flower, but directly blended together and covered his body. And go.

The various forces in his body are constantly flowing, exchanging, and gradually forming an absolutely balanced system of power.

Finally, when all the power was at rest, He Yiming opened his eyes.

He looked down and looked at the book to provide the latest chapters. On his body, he was successfully covered with a layer of three-color armor.

Because this armor is completely condensed by his own instinct, it is a perfect combination of his strong comfort after wearing it.

This is the difference between physical armor and real armor.

Real armor, even if it is tailor-made, it is absolutely impossible to have this feeling of unity at the first contact.

Gently moving his arm, He Yiming could easily feel the enormous power gathered in the armor.

However, the only thing that made He Yiming feel a little dissatisfied is that this armor is really too expensive. Even if he is the strength of the moment, he feels a heavy burden.

No wonder the old man was not on the sling from the beginning to the end when he was fighting the white horse.

Array, only when the white horse used the stunt, he showed the armor.

The real reason is that the real gas consumed by this armor is too strong.

Big, even the Sayādaw can't stay in this state for a long time.

As the instinct of Dantian continues to surge, the feeling of He Yiming becomes more and more obvious.

However, just here, He Yiming’s sudden appearance, the whirlpool of the haze in his dantian began to make subtle changes.

They feel like they are trying to move, as if they want to come out of Dantian.

Ji Wei hesitated a moment, He Yiming immediately released the constraints on them in their hearts.

Since the formation of this vortex in He Yiming's Dantian, he has been exploring its role. But what disappoints him is that although this thing obeys his instructions, he can't integrate with the instinct in his veins, and he can't attack as he pleases.

As a result, the vortex group has undoubtedly become a chicken-like existence.

However, at the same time, in the strong output of Dantian's infuriating, this magical vortex group suddenly reacted, and naturally let He Yiming be overjoyed.

He wants to take a look at what magical power this thing has.

In the next moment, the vortex groups that lost their restraint seemed to have independent ingenuity. They poured into the meridians and rushed toward the outside of the meridians.

Just a breath, these strange forces have already left the chaotic Dantian and have come to the vast world outside.

As soon as they touched the outside air, they suddenly turned into a grayish black color, and quickly spread over the visible armor.

However, in a flash, the gray color has spread throughout the armor and melted into one.

The old man was quietly watching, and his heart was quite a bit emotional. But at the moment, the muscles on his face were violently trembling a few times.

This set of exercises is his own creation, for this set of merits

The cat teacher understands that no one in the world can understand more than him. So lazy is very clear when the three flowers merge and become a physical armor, what kind of armor will be formed.

Although the practice of each individual is different, the practice of cultivation is not the same. But as long as it is a human being, the armor they condense will not change much.

However, the gray-black infuriating from the body of this young and powerful man at this time made him feel extremely inexplicable.

His heart is turning, is this person who has practiced some kind of sinister phlegm, so will there be such a strange change?

This is not the old man's cranky thoughts, but the appearance of He Yiming at this time is too shocking.

On his body, there are small, whirlpools of gray and black that are constantly turning. These vortexes keep turning and flow freely in the irregular direction on the surface of the entire armor. At first glance, it was like being covered with a gray-black mist of armor that was rotated by countless numbers.

This armor shrouded his entire body, and even his face was no exception.

However, what is really terrifying is that these vortices are not stable, they sometimes burst

From now on, it seems that a huge spike is constantly expanding and contracting.

Also, when these whirlpools appear, the whole space is filled with a kind of deep and sinister ghosts, even under the scorching sun, it can also make people feel the martial arts, the holy king, the sacred king will kill the gods. India's throne seeks the devil, the world's most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the strongest Abandoning the Great Zhou Dynasty and making the gods will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, and seek the devil to be proud of the world. The most powerful and abandoning of the big Zhou Dynasty to a huge and strange pressure exists.

Since the old man is a sage, he is naturally a well-informed figure. Although he has lived on this desert island for decades, he has never left. But when he was young, he also traveled the world, made countless masters, and had handed over with many of his sages.

However, with his rich experience, it is still not easy to see the good book reading network, which is the kind of exercise.

Of course, if you have such a sullen temper, even if you think with your toes, you will know that it is a powerful evil trick.

The power of this kind of exercise is indeed huge, but on the road of practice, it is far more difficult and harsh than ordinary exercises.

The old man is not discriminated against the righteousness and evil spirits, but he feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred king, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the night god, the gods, the throne, the sacred Jiuzhongtian is the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts, Kunming, the night of the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment After the Zhou royal family reached this powerful haze, it was inevitable that some of them were shocked.

After all, although the strength of cultivation of evil spirits is improving rapidly, people's state of mind will inevitably be affected accordingly. It is said that people do not hurt the heart of the tiger. The tiger has the meaning of hurting people. After seeing the practitioners who practice evil spirits, there will be more and more precautions.

He Yiming took a long breath and his mood was very excited. When the armor finally formed smoothly, the joy in his heart could not be described by pen and ink, plus the sudden explosion of the haze. They are attached to the outer surface of the armor and flow endlessly. Although I have never tried it,

But he can be sure that this sullen gas will definitely add a lot of help to the armor.

After the armor has added a sullen atmosphere, it may not only have the power of defense, but also the means of attack.

A pair of armor, even has the role of attack and defense in one, this is really unexpected


Of course, He Yiming is still unable to define the true ability of this armor.

Unless it is tested in actual combat, he simply cannot give a satisfactory answer.

After all, some armor and sacred weapons seem to be very strong when they are just forged.

Big, but the performance in actual combat is not flattering.

Although He Yiming did not think that his own **** were silver guns and candles, his confidence was still somewhat inadequate before the actual combat.

Turning around and giving a deep ritual to the old man, He Yiming said with sincerity: "Thank you for your guidance.

point. ”

The old man was very arrogant, his eyes were unpredictable, and he looked at He Yiming’s heart.

After a while, He Yiming hesitated and asked: "Under the next thing, please let me know.

Show. ”

"You said old man screams

He Yiming raised his head and looked at him seriously. Shen Sheng said: "I don't know why He Sui can be overwhelmed by you. I can teach this set of exercises truthfully." He paused and said: If you have something to do, you can say it, as long as you can do it, never push it.

Resignation. ”

Indeed, although He Yiming is quite conceited, he does not think that he has reached the point where people are loved.

If it is just a few grilled fish, it will be able to let the old man give it to him. He Yiming is absolutely unbelievable.

Therefore, when he wants to come, the old man must have seen his own strength and the unpredictable strength, so he wants to use his own strength to use this set of exercises as an exchange.

The old man was a glimpse first, and then his face showed a hint of color.

His old man only lived here for decades, and he has not touched other human beings for a long time. However, after he met with He Yiming for a month, the dusty past has been mostly thought of.

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