Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 160: Hedgehog

The old man's gaze looked into the distance. After a while, he took it back. When he saw the porridge, he felt a little more emotion.

"This practice is the original creation of the old man." The voice of the old man is loud and powerful: "The old man taught you this, but he did not want this set of exercises to be lost in the hands of the old man.

Already. ”

He Yiming stunned the gods, and he did not think that it was this reason that the old man made a decision to pass the power.

The voice of the old man continued to scream: "The practice of your cultivation is really beyond the expectation of the old man. This magical physical armor, even if it is the old man, never thought about it." He rubbed his hands and suddenly said: "Old man I want to learn from you, I don’t know what you think?"

He Yiming’s eyes were bright. He was still thinking about who was going to find someone to fight. He didn’t expect someone to come to the door immediately.

Long laugh, He Yiming sang: "Since you have this Yaxing, you are going to be under

accompany. ”

The old man's heavy nod, turned and left, his footsteps are very large, step by step, from the toes off the ground to the tip of the other foot to the ground, suddenly a distance of one foot.

Therefore, although he did not use any special light-weight exercises, even if he came along this way, it was also a quick whirlwind.

He Yiming was amazed, and as the old man moved forward, it didn't take long before he came to a very familiar place.

Here is the mountain in the heart of the island. It seems that in the eyes of the old man, this is the only place where you can fight on the island.

Once the old man entered the mountain, the momentum of his body suddenly changed. His eyes were filled with cold eyes, and the eyes of He Yiming became extremely fierce.

He Yiming's feet and feet were separated and stood up. There was no precaution in watching the attack, but the old man noticed that on his body, the flow of the gray-black vortex has gradually accelerated. Not only that, but in his body, even a faint mist has appeared. In this fog, there is also a strong gray-black color, which is clearly the extension of those vortex forces.


Although the old man still can't remember the origins of these gray-black whirlpools, but as a powerful sage, he has a feeling that these things are definitely not good.

The old man snorted and spit out three tangible flowers from his mouth.

These three tangible flowers burst open on top of his head and covered his body like water.

This process is exactly the same as He Yiming's production of physical armor, but if it is in terms of degree, it is not the same.

He Yiming has always been careful when bursting the tangible flower and covering the whole body.

Dare to have a little negligence. But the old man's movements seem to be arbitrary, not in the process of covering the armor, it is just like breathing freely.

After seeing this scene, He Yiming’s heart was deeply praised, and he later made a decision.

Heart, if there is time in the future, it is necessary to use this warfare technique. It is necessary to train to the realm of the old man.

The armor of the old man is also the flow of light, but this is only the performance of the three lines of power, far less than the so fearful and terrible that He Yiming has shown.

The eyes flashed in the eyes, and the old man shouted: "Be careful."

He stepped out in one step and hit it with a single punch.

He Yiming raised his arm and crossed his arm across his chest.

There is no hatred between him and the old man. More than half of this test is to test the power of this magical armor, so He Yiming is very cooperative with the arm armor and wants to try the defense ability of this thing. .

The old man's punch hit the arm of He Yiming smoothly, and a powerful infuriating air came in like a fire.

He Yiming’s heart was shocked, and the strength of the old man was really unfathomable. His strength was strong.

The power of the power is above the imagination of He Yiming.

The armor of the arm broke out after only insisting on a breath.

He Yiming secretly smiled. After all, he was just condensing this form of armor. Whether it is the degree of cohesion or the strength of the armor, it is far from being comparable to the opposite old man.

The armor of the old man was even able to pick up the power of lightning from the unicorn white horse, and the armor that He Yiming had gathered was undoubtedly far worse.

However, the opposite person’s heart was secretly relieved.

He has carefully explored things for more than 30 years, although they have been imparted to He Yi without reservation.

Hey, but want to be truly in control, and where is the easy thing.

Although the armor of He Yiming seems to be very windy, the moment of the real confrontation is revealed.

He Yiming has great flaws on the overall control of the armor. Well, to fix these defects one by one, it is definitely not something that can be done in a day or two.

However, at this moment, one was born when both of them were stunned at the same time.

The gray-black whirlpool that had been hovering over the armor, after being hit hard, was like a cat that had been stepped on the tail.

Noise is up.

They are divided into two, half rushing into the breakage of the arm armor, and the other half

On the head of the old man, he entangled the past burning novel network.

One by one, like a huge gray-black rattan, began to wrap up along the old man's fist.

There was an angry roar in the mouth of the old man. He suddenly felt it. A sullen and sinister sullen gas ignoring the blockage of the armor, and began to flow into his body.

As soon as he came into contact with this haze, the old man’s face suddenly changed, and he finally remembered it. The gray color was seen from somewhere.

However, in any case, he could not believe that someone could bring this haze out of the ghostly crying ridge of one of the most horrible places in the world.

However, I know that this terrible old man is afraid to have the slightest scorn.

Sound, the armor of the body suddenly burst, especially on his arm, those places that were entangled in gray and black, but also ignited the raging fire, all the physical armor seems to be completely ignited at this moment. The fuel makes it burn out violently.

At the same time, the figure of the old man flew back, and he has already retreated several dozen feet away.

This series of changes is completed in the blink of an eye, since the old man feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the big prince, the empire, the night sacred god, the throne The enchanting world is the most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神After the Shaozhou royal family reached the gloom, the reaction was fierce and fast, and it was unparalleled, showing the power of a saint.

However, compared with it, He Yiming seems to be so stunned.

He stood quietly in the same place, as if suddenly it turned into a wood carving mud image, and then

I have never moved.

However, in his body, the powerful infuriating, the gray-black haze is more tumbling, boiling, and in his body, the darker the color is thicker.

The vortex that was originally attached to the armor seemed to be spread by some kind of power, and the rolling became more intense.

The old man looked at all this with a stunned look. His heart was full of surprises, but even if he borrowed a courage, he would not dare to touch these haze easily. He only had to be quiet. Standing in the same place, looking at He Yiming with a sullen look, my heart complained


Could it be that after I told him the carefully crafted exercises, what caused the wrong changes?

At this time, Yi Yiming’s heart was unhappy and sad, because all his energy was attracted to the past.

After the tangible armor on the arm was broken, the increased armor seemed to have been hit, and it seemed that the inch was broken and collapsed.

But at this time, the sullen gas rushed in, and there was a magical stickiness in these haze, like a strong glue, and it has already traveled through every corner of the armor. .

Under this sudden stickiness, the armor that would have been broken was magically reunited.

However, the reintegration of the armor is different from the one just now.

Among the powers of the three different attributes in the armor, there is one more magical attribute, that is, the sullen gas.

This kind of power is gloomy, but it has gained an absolutely dominant position at this moment. He Yiming silently sensed all of this, and he suddenly realized the intersection of the present.

The physical armor no longer consumes his infuriating power.

When the smoldering gas and the armor are melted into one, they constantly absorb the power of the heavens and the earth. And the degree of absorption is much faster than the original.

The gas of the heavens and the earth that has been absorbed is infused into the visible armor. With such a strong reserve force, the broken arm is swiftly squirming, and it is only in the blink of an eye that it has all been made up.

He Yiming raised his Carefully looked at the cracked place.

At this moment, the armor here is already intact, just like the injury of the punch just did not appear at all.

Not only that, but the strong atmosphere of the outside world is constantly flowing into it, and the armor seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

He Yiming suddenly has a strange feeling. As long as the sullen gas continues to wave its ability to absorb the temperament of heaven and earth, he can keep this state forever.

In this column, he seems to have turned into a dragon snake, manipulating the sullen gas to achieve the purpose of absorbing the air of heaven and earth.

In this way, he is like a hedgehog covered with thorns. If it is against the enemy, unless the other party uses weapons, this cockroach will no longer need to be played.

Silently raised his head, He Yiming looked at the front.

The old man was also stunned and looked at it all the time, until he was opposite to He Yiming’s line of sight. He just nodded as if he was awake, but in his eyes, he still had a stunned and unbelievable look. .

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