Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 52: Before the death

He went back and smiled at everyone, but his heart was "inexplicably sorrowful." He shook his head and was a little surprised at how sentimental he was. This time, there will not be too long time, and at most, one or two months is the limit.

But somehow, he just can't completely control his emotions.

A slight glimpse of the heart, this is not a good sign - o Ai Wenbin stepped forward, he lowered his voice, said: "He brother, when did you learn the magic of the **** operator?"

He Yiming stunned God and said: "What is the law of God?"

Ai Wenbin said with dissatisfaction: "When you just played against Huttel, the kind of calculation method used in advance to block, do you not even know the name of this combat method?"

He Yiming was dumbfounded and said: "Ai Xiong, the younger brother is really ignorant o" He paused and said: "In fact, using this method is also a temporary decision, and has nothing to do with the calculation of God."

Ai Wenbin bluntly said: "Why do you suddenly think of using this tactic to meet the enemy.

He Yiming shrugged his shoulders and said: "The younger brother suddenly remembered the situation when the hundred brothers and the gods were confronted. It was a whim, so they used it."

Ai Wenbin suddenly stunned. "It turned out that everything was totally different from what he thought. - However, his eyes became more and more weird. After a light cough, Ai Wenbin asked cautiously: "So Say, you didn't get the teachings of the gods, but you realized it yourself? ”

He Yiming hesitated a moment and said: "You can't talk about any comprehension, but just follow the method of getting the zero, and draw the gourd."

Ai Wenbin smiled again and again, this gourd has such a good painting.

After considering it for a moment, Ai Wenbin was finally 舫■色一正, said: "He brothers, since this is your own comprehension, then stick to it."

He Yiming is awkward and does not understand why Ai Wenbin encourages himself.

"When the adult gods did not enter the price of the five realms, they used this method to be enemies. After 20 years, his old man was promoted to the realm of the five-dimensional dynasty." Ai Wenbin is self-sufficient. The words of the language: "Although there is no evidence, but I believe that the reason why his old man is promoted is definitely related. But unfortunately, it is not easy to do this step, except for the old man who is a **** operator. No one can do it anymore."

He Yiming listened to his sigh of relief, and his heart was full of enthusiasm.

In fact, when he played against Hutdel, he had already felt faintly. If such a hostile way continues, then his control over spirit and infuriation will be stronger.

However, after listening to Ai Wenbin's words, he is really ecstatic.

Perhaps, he insisted on what he had for ten or eight years. It is also possible that, like his old man, he could succeed in the same way as the **** operator.

An accident turned out to be a deadly sorrow that he had been wondering for many days, and in front of him paved a bright avenue leading to the peak, He Yiming’s heart was naturally happy.

The Golden Campaign smiled and said, "He brother, are you going to stay here?" The smile in his eyes is clearly visible: "If you insist, I will not accompany you."

He Yiming didn't have a good voice: "Of course, I can't live here. I just want to take them away."

Ai Wenbin nodded and said, "He brother, the hatred between you and the totem family is better limited to the wolves and the snakes. If you expand the hatred, you will not even have the Kirin Lord. Not necessarily willing to give up."

He Yiming looked awkward and said: "How is the martial arts repair of the lord of Qilin?"

Ai Wenbin shook his head and said: "The old man has never seen it, but a hundred years ago, this master of the monarch once had a meeting with this person, and gave an unfathomable price."

He Yiming's face changed slightly. He gently nodded his head and made up his mind in his heart. Before the strength is strong enough, he can't be against the strongman of this series anyway.

When everyone talked, they entered the jungle.

There is a lot of danger that cannot be imagined in this dense forest of deep mountains that are almost obscured by the sky.

But for this group of people, they do not put the danger that this is absolutely fatal to ordinary people.

And each of them has an insect repellent on their body. Just gently swaying on the body will make the most troublesome mosquitoes in the jungle disappear.

He Yiming followed Ai Wenbin's side. After a long time of travel, he finally stopped.

Turning around, Ai Wenbin and other three old masters have a dignified face. Obviously, after arriving here, they have been reminded of some unbearable scenes in their hearts.

Ai Wenbin turned around, his face was extremely serious, solemnly said: "The crowd, the front is the entrance to the life and death world, everyone can watch it here. If you feel unbearable, then you must not be stubborn.

He Yiming and others looked at each other and they were all in doubt.

Ai Wenbin’s words are not in the head, and God knows what he wants to say. However, there is a bit of everyone who understands that the famous life and death world is in front of them.

Although they are all figures of the Sayādaw level, at this moment, everyone has a mentality that they can't wait, even He Yiming and the Golden Battle are no exception.

However, after everyone sees everything in front of them, it is not in the heart.

In front of them is a small valley. This valley is not big, even if it is looking out, it is clear at a glance.

The valley is empty, even if there is not even a weed.

There is an entrance at each of the two ends of the valley. From any point of view, it is a normal valley.

At the beginning, everyone was somewhat inexplicable, but very quickly, no one dared to report the slightest heart. Because they are all able to clearly sense, there seems to be an inexplicable pressure here.

This pressure is not the same as the battlefield of life and death outside the forest.

There are too many strong people who die because of the shackles, so they will accumulate a lot of haze, which is quite similar to Ghost Cry. However, the situation here is absolutely different.

When they stood outside the valley and began to stare at the valley, they felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night god, the gods, the throne. Seeking the devil, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the strongest Abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty royal family is a huge and unmatchable pressure.

Just like in front of them, it is not a deserted valley, but a master with a superb power.

The most bizarre part of this pressure is that it doesn't happen in an instant, but as you stand outside the valley and gaze at the valley for a longer period of time, the pressure will gradually increase. Although it will not increase to the point where the monks are overwhelmed, it gives a feeling that it can be increased if it is never ending.

As long as it is a normal person, it is absolutely impossible to withstand such inhuman pressure.

Just a moment later, there was a chill of sweat on the forehead of everyone.

At this point, they understood the meaning of Ai Wenbin's inexplicable words. In the face of this pressure, no one can compete for a long time, and choosing to retire will be their only way.

However, everyone's mind is also very clear, under this pressure, the longer the persistence, the greater the gain for them. And the one who can stick to the last one will definitely be respected by everyone.

Therefore, as long as there is a chance, no one will be willing to admit defeat.

For a time, the atmosphere here suddenly became tense. Everyone was resisting the pressure from the front without any sound. They put all their energy into it and wanted to stick to the last moment.

The three veteran sages have long since retreated to the rear. They looked at the new sages who tried to resist, and there was a gloating effect in their eyes.

"Ai brother, Yu brother, we have also withstood this pressure in the past, and now we should let them taste it." Hua Ruijin said with a smile.

Yu Mufei smirked: "No aluminum, these young people are mostly in the ghosts of the ridge, and they are adept at the advanced, and it is good for them to stand the test of stress here."

Ai Wenbin nodded slightly and suddenly said: "You said, who can stick to the last one?"

Three people looked at each other and said a name, "Golden Campaign."

"Li Jiangfeng.

"He Yiming.

Although the names of the three of them are different, they all acknowledge under the heart that these three people are undoubtedly the most powerful and tough people among the three forces.

The one who insisted on the last is definitely an umbrella among the three.

Half an hour past the burning novel network, there has been a slight gasping out of these people, but no matter how much pressure those people have endured, they still clenched their teeth and persisted an hour passed The pressure on the novels is getting bigger and bigger, almost to the point where they can break their spine. But even so, no one has chosen to give up.

The face of Ai Wenbin's three veteran sages no longer had the slightest smile, and their faces could not be said to be dignified and surprised.

For a whole hour, no one gave up. The perseverance of the newly promoted Sayādaws was far beyond their imagination.

The eyes of the three of them turned around on everyone's body. Some people's looks are already extremely painful. Look at that, they seem to give up at any time. But there are also a few people whose expressions are much better compared to each other. No matter how you look at it, it seems that you can continue for a while.

Yu Mufei worried: "It’s too long, don’t wake them up.” He paused and seemed to be self-explanatory: "These people are all good seedlings, and they will definitely be talented in the future. Thoroughly crushed."

Ai Wenbin and Hua Ruijin nodded each other. However, they just wanted to start, and one person could not hold on, and the body was stunned. It turned out to be a straight fall.

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