Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 53: Epiphany under pressure

This person is a new esteemed person Xu Daming of the 6th family in Dashen. At this moment, he was directly stunned by the over-stressed relationship.

Yu Mufei shook his head slightly, and he sighed for this.

The reason why Xu Daming can't hold on is not his perseverance and determination, but the practice he practiced is rather special, and he has a fairly fatal weakness in the confrontation of momentum.

If it is to do with people, Xu Daming will definitely not choose to confront the people with the momentum, but will use the weapons in his hands to let the other party know what is the most direct and practical.

But today, in this case, he has no choice.

But even so, at the moment he finally couldn't help but stun, he never gave up, and would rather die than take a step back.

The time of the Yutu flight was quite familiar with him, but he couldn’t see it. His heart had such a strong will.

After the first person withdraws, naturally there will be a second, third...

In the short period of time that Xu Daming fell, four people have already stepped back.

Once they retreated to the rear, they suddenly felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful Abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts and martial arts will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, making the night, killing the gods, the gods, seeking the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the less the big Zhou, the royal family That is a huge and unimaginable pressure.

But they are already exhausted at this time, their feet are squatting, although they are barely standing, but their faces are pale, which is a big expense.

However, in their eyes, there is an excitement and bright light.

This kind of imposing confrontation is extremely rare. Although they finally admit defeat, after that kind of intensity confrontation, they have their own sentiments, and naturally they are happy.

Subsequently, one after another of the new sages retired.

But for a moment, the sages who are still standing in front of the valley have only five people left.

Except for the three that Ai Wenbin mentioned, Yu Jiayu's dust and blood are among them.

After those who retired, after converging their minds, they once again turned their attention to the area where they felt terrible. Seeing the five people who are still insisting, the eyes of the devotees reveal a certain admiration.

This is a real competition, although the powerful momentum may not be able to represent the absolute combat power, but it is a very useful standard for testing the individual's martial arts.

Among these people, if they are to fight against Li Yajing who is holding the Kowloon stove, then except for He Yiming, the rest are afraid of being fierce.

However, in this occasion of the momentum, the gap between Li Yajing and some of their top new recruits is clear.

After nearly half an hour, Hao Xue and Yu Wuzhen finally couldn't stand it. They took a long breath and took a big step back.

After the withdrawal of more than ten feet, the two talents looked up at the same time, and the look of the eyes could not tell the helplessness and shock.

Until this moment, a lot of sweat was flowing from them, and their robes were soaked in an instant.

This shows how much pressure they have just received.

Although they are not the last ones to retreat, but everyone looks at them with the same respect, even Li Yajing, who has always been above the top, has extremely subtle attitudes toward their attitudes. change.

After a quarter of an hour, Li Jiangfeng screamed, and he turned and stepped out.

Every step of the way, a wet footprint was left on the ground. When he walked behind, the whole person was just like a fisherman who had just been fished out of the water.

However, there is no taunting color in the eyes of all people, but with enough awe.

Long breaths sounded from outside the valley.

At this point, there were only two people there.

The Battle of Jin and He Yiming, who stood side by side in the valley, had a straight back and no trace of the crushing of the big pressure.

Looking at these two guys who seem to be standing forever, everyone’s hearts are full of strange feelings.

Are they two, or are they people?

After a long time, the Golden Campaign finally retreated step by step, but his look at the time of his appearance was rather dull, and he was never as embarrassed as everyone else.

At this point, everyone was convinced that his cultivation in the martial arts was indeed better than Li Jiangfeng. The result of the thrilling battle of the past did not have any Leica.

When the Golden Battle retired, there was only He Yiming alone.

Everyone looked at this back that was not too high. There was a magical feeling in the heart, that is, this back is expanding inexhaustibly, filling every corner of their eyes, so that they can no longer see other Something is gone.

Finally, He Yiming moved.

All who care about him, whether it is Kosher’s goodwill or malicious, are nervous at this moment.

He Yiming finally couldn't hold on and wanted to come down.

However, in the next moment, everyone suddenly rounded their eyes, and even the Golden Campaign was no exception.

Because they actually saw a scene that they could not believe.

He Yiming did not retreat as they thought, but he opened his fists in the same place and began to punch his fists step by step.

Among the martial arts techniques that He Yiming is good at, it is undoubtedly the most familiar with the 36-style and hand-printing exercises.

But this time, He Yiming's performance is not the same as any of the two combat techniques.

With a wave of his wrist, the five-line ring has been silently appearing.

Then he waved the five-ring ring like this, turning around outside the valley, sometimes blocking the virtual space, and sometimes slowly going from top to bottom.

His movements are fast and slow, full of a feeling of freewheeling.

Everyone behind them looked at each other, even the eyes of the three old masters were covered with incredible eyes.

Over the ages, such things have not been seen before, and even I have never heard of them.

Opposite the valley, there is also a dense forest, from which there is a ripple! Xue Xue's slight noise. A few gaze passed through the valley in the distance, and stared at He Yiming who was waving the five-ring ring.

Both Bear Promise and Judeel are in it. They are also very concerned about He Yiming at the moment, and in their eyes, what they are revealing is extremely incomparable.

In the place where the totems of the totems gather, there is a man wearing a mask.

There is no sacred beast around him, and the rest of the sacred beasts have not shown the slightest friendliness to him.

But this does not prevent him from staying close to these people.

At this point, the man was also staring at He Yiming, his hands clasped and lived, and a slight creaking sound.

This is not just the sound of the flesh, but even a hint of metal collision.

He Yiming ignored everything in the outside world, and he devoted himself to his own understanding.

In the face of such a strong pressure, He Yiming thought of the first time is the **** operator.

Among the people he has seen, the God operator is undoubtedly the most powerful, and now the pressure he has endured is not inferior to the God operator, and there is a growing trend.

Finally, when this pressure reached a point where he could not afford it, He Yiming’s heart was also a retreat.

At this time, at his side, there were only two people in the Golden Battle and Li Jiangfeng. Even if he retired, it would not be a shame.

However, just as he was about to give up, there was a force from Dantian.

This power is quite familiar to him, and it is the power of chaos in Dantian.

After this force rushed up, he felt the martial arts in the week, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred The most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the week. The pressure from the royal family suddenly became a lot slower. It’s like a person walking with a hundred pounds of rice. Suddenly, the rice is ninety pounds less, and it feels unspeakable.

Moreover, when this pressure reached this limit, He Yiming’s mind was a sudden flash of thought.

These pressures are like a force that waits for an opportunity to move, looking for the gap between the opponents and constantly attacking.

With the pressure of this strange way, He Yiming is definitely a encounter.

But because of this, He Yiming would only make a move. He took the opportunity to take out the five-ring ring and waved in front of him.

He regarded the huge pressure in front of him as a master, and the pressure from these shocks became the power of numerous bombardments.

Therefore, He Yiming used his method of comprehension and blocked all the pressure from the stock.

In fact, the strength of the pressure here is definitely not something that a sage can resist.

If you change one person, the impact of stress on the whole body is too late, and there will be an empty space to study the difference in this pressure. And even if they want to study, I am afraid that I can see through any words and conditions, even if I feel the difference of this pressure, but I still want to learn how to read He Yiming, take out the weapon of the gods to resist.

After all, not everyone has a copy artifact in their hands, and not everyone has the ability to fight this pressure.

Chaos Dantian is also the only one of He Yiming.

As the five elements of the ring continue to wave, He Yiming's eyes are getting more and more fast.

He is faintly sensed. Under this pressure, it is the best place to exercise the spirit. He controls the five elements of the ring. While resisting the pressure, he is also exercising his spiritual strength.

If it continues, he will definitely enter the state of enlightenment, perhaps able to produce ideas in one fell swoop, and it is not impossible to lighten the soldiers.

His heart was full of excitement, and the five elements in his hand danced faster and faster, and seemed to have a bright radiance on his body.

However, at this moment, a stern scream came from the opposite side, just like a blue sky, letting He Yiming’s action pause.

Then, the feeling of flowing like a cloud disappeared suddenly...

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