Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 158: 5 gas harmony

The heart turned a lot of thoughts, and He Yiming finally put his own instinct into the horrible war of Dantian.

Although he still hasn't thought about how to deal with these complicated and chaotic Dan Tian instinct, but one thing he knows is that it must be done.

In the case of Mr. Yu Lao’s initiative to give up the resistance, this dantian will only become more and more chaotic. Although his old man is the closest to the peak of humanity. However, when Dan Tian became a mess and continued to show up. Even the human peak expert has only one dead end in the end.

Compared with the situation of the devil, it is that the little witches see the big witch, they simply can't be ranked. At this point, the chaos has not started for a long time. Now it’s time to sort it out, maybe it’s still too late. But if it is delayed, then it may not be able to resist these infuriating riots, which will cause Dantian to burst.

After the five elements of infuriating into Dantian, the same five elements of infuriating in it seemed to have paused, and then they were able to boycott this new, five-in-one instinct.

He Yiming's eyes brightened and carefully sensed the loss. The old man's Dantian changed, and his heart was overjoyed.

At this moment, He Yiming still had some doubts. The old gentleman had already foreseen the ending, so he deliberately gave up the resistance. Put everything in his hands. At this time, the five instincts in Dantian are still entangled as before. "There is no intention to relax at all. However, they are no longer fighting and swallowing each other. Instead, they are in He Yiming. Under the pressure of the five elements, they began to resist themselves.

He can be sure that Mr. Yu has never touched any hands and feet, so the only possibility is that these forces are quite repulsive to external forces. He Yiming slowly increased the number of infuriating, although He Yiming’s martial arts repair is indeed worse than that of Mr. Yu, but the increase of five times the strength and the five elements of the five elements are the same, the endless characteristics Next, his five elements of infuriating quickly took the absolute advantage.

Maintaining a certain degree, He Yiming suppressed the five indiscriminate instinct in Dantian.

Sure enough, under this almost irresistible force, the five instinct seems to understand that the power of the individual can never be countered, and they begin to actively accept and exchange each other's strength.

The power of the five elements of Dan Tianzhong was not only born to each other, but also to each other, and each other appeared in the same place at the same time. Naturally, the whole Dantian is confusing. "Even if it is a god, it is also a wish to straighten out this relationship."

However, when He Yiming used the same five elements to oppress the infuriating gas in Dantian, the five forces were only able to condense in the case of self-protection.

Under the pressure of strong survival, that kind of power began to become united.

Although it still twisted into a clumpless group. But the kind of relationship between them gradually subsided, and the characteristics of the five elements, the endless growth gradually increased...

At this time, He Yiming’s eyes were slightly dithered, and he seemed to be calculating what he was thinking. Inferring something, a subtle change to the extreme.

At this point, Mr. Yu, who has completely given up the resistance, can't detect it anyway.

The room was so sensitive that Yu Feiyang heard the change behind him. The confusion on his face had already made a big turn of 180 degrees and became warm and friendly.

Turned around, he smiled and greeted the number - go up.

On that side, four people walked slowly. The three appearances of the latter are somewhat weird. The three of them are Westerners. Whether it is the color of the head or the skin, the appearance of the skin is very different from that of the Orientals.

And they are self-sustaining, and they are not willing to accept the modification anyway, so they will still be dressed at this moment.

Many guards along the way looked at them with a hint of vigilance, but no one blocked them, because the one who led the way in front of them was the one of Yu’s singer, Yu Yu, who came to the air. In front of them, the gaze is first on the face of Yu Mufei, this seems to mean a bit of blame.

Yu Mufei bowed his head, although he was also a high-ranking person in Yujia, but in front of the three uncles, he was still cautious and did not dare to collide with it.

The eyes of the three men of Elvir were glanced at the winged room that was surrounded by them, and they were naturally able to sense them.

The two strong atmospheres within the wing. Among them, Mr. Yu Lao gave up his resistance. But he was already standing next to the peak of humanity, and the breath was unconcealed and suppressed, and the strong breath was exhausted.

The more you cultivate a person, the more you can appreciate the power and horror of this breath.

Although He Yiming is not as far away as Mr. Yu, but at the moment he is holding a five-ring ring. One of the biggest features of this artifact is the increase in power.

Whether it is killing people or killing people, or treating people with illnesses, as long as they pass the five elements of the world, they will automatically increase by five times.

In contrast, He Yiming seems to be even more sultry because of his infuriating power, and he seems to be better than Mr. Yu.

After a little induction, the three Western guests couldn’t help but feel awkward.

The three of them looked at each other and thought about it in the same way. The two of them could not cope with oneself.

Elvispi smiled and said: "Mr. Yu Feiyang, which master is there, is it one of those?"

Yu Feiyang laughed and said, "You think, Lord Els."

Elvi's face is dignified, no matter who. If you want to evaluate these human peaks, you will feel strange.

Cabinley headed up, like a yellow moving with the wind, his eyebrows rushed a few times, he sighed: "No."

Elvis whispered and asked, "Isn’t it?"

In the eyes of Cabinley, there was a glimmer of light, saying: "The man's breath is strong, but it lacks a sense of stability and vitality, like a rootless duckweed..." He thought about it, but his face also emerged. There is a doubtful color, as if to say to himself: "This breath, it should not be a humane peak, but what is it, except for the human peak, is there anyone else? Release such a strong breath?"

Mottchi smiled coldly and said: "What is so strange, there should be a five-powered person in it, he is using a rare treasure that can increase the infuriating."

Carbill looked at him contemptuously and said: "Respected Lord Motchi, may I ask in this world J1, which one - the treasure can enhance the infuriating power of the five-powered sage, and still enhance at least two More than double. In his induction, in order to achieve the effect of this rootless duckweed, at least two times the amount of infuriating power needs to be increased. This effect can be achieved not only in the eastern world, but also in the western world. However, those treasures are used by people below the level of the Sayādaw. If you really let the Sayādaw use it, then don't say it is an increase. It is a very remarkable thing if there is no burst on the spot.

In front of Motchi’s first finger, he said, “Is there a colorful light curtain? Although I don’t know what this weapon is, I’m sure that the person must have used the booster.” Outside the wing, the radiance of the five elements of the ring is extremely fluctuating. When it reaches the extreme, it will burst into a dazzling light. But if it is convergent, it is trivial.

Moreover, what is even more surprising is that. When the light shines, the breath of He Yiming climbs up. When the light fell back, He Yiming's breath became much weaker.

Cabinley’s eyebrows are picking up. It seems that he thinks the other’s words are quite reasonable. He is waiting to ask, and he listens to Yu Feiyang and sighs: “The two don’t fight, the Lord Mortchi said yes, this person should be using A five-row ring of the weapon of the gods to increase the infuriating."

The three of the West are all - a slight surprise, even the mind of the Motchi is also true.

"This weapon of the gods is called the five-line ring ~ ~ is a copy of the gods." Yu Feiyang continued.

The face of Elvir's three men changed at the same time. Motchi whispered: "Is the legendary five-ring ring?"

Yu Feiyang slowly shook his head and said: "It's just a copy of the militia."

Elvis said coldly: "Yu Feiyang, you let us come here, I don't know what to order."

Yu Feiyang whispered: "Three, if we want to help you with your family, and join the group, you will definitely have to pay a price. What do you think?"

He did not directly answer each other, but expressed his J&1t;f in this way.

Erdus snorted and said: "With the imitation of the militia of the five elements, how can there be no big power behind us? If we provoke it, what will happen."

Yu Feiyang smiled slightly and said: "Three people, this time may not be hands-on, but if it is really hands-on, then I promise that in the future, besides Yujia, there will be Huangquan old. An ancestor."

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