Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 240: Photochemical black turtle shell

There was a quiet inside of a hole, and there was not even a sound in it. The sound of the Lord’s breath was also unspeakable.

But the brilliant brilliance is more dazzling, and the entire cave is shrouded in this layer of dreamlike light.

In the center of the light, He Yiming sits cross-legged, and a slight and delicate light emerges from the five-row ring in his hand. These lights are like a thick thin line, connecting the five-line ring with the black turtle shell. Together.

The powerful force is driven by the five elements of the ring, and there are

The trend of gradual integration.

He Yiming's heart is full of surprises. Just when he wants to give up, this sudden change has made him once again strong confidence.

If he is alone in the power of He Yiming, then it is impossible to kill the legendary Shenzhou like the tortoise shell.

But with the five elements of the ring as a transit, the power of the five elements of the world is released, a little bit

When the mysterious tortoise shells merge, the situation is completely different.

Within the world of the Five Elements, even the world’s first fire artifact, the Kowloon Furnace, is able to settle down.

Therefore, what other soldiers can't accommodate it?

The runes in the middle of the five elements of the world have a powerful magical effect, and the light they release will completely entangle the mysterious turtle shell. The power of the five elements released by He Yiming’s body is

The world of the Five Elements is exactly the same. When the black turtle shell enters the world of the Five Elements in this way, it is equal to He Yiming's success.

Slowly, a magical light is changing here, and the stubborn black turtle shell has finally become a complete radiance into the world of the Five Elements.

At this moment, He Yiming's wrists swayed slightly, and the five elements of the ring suddenly disappeared, complementing his five elements. Countless runes light up again, the middle of the five elements of the world

Heart, that! The location of the rune has been replaced by the mysterious tortoise shell, which has become a huge turtle shell that can be compared with the Kowloon furnace.

When He Yiming's thoughts feel the martial arts, the sacred kings, the sacred kings, the night sacred gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred priests, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big princes, the night sacred gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment Zhouhuang martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神After the size, his heart is full of shock


Being able to change the size of one's own size is a special ability that only Shinto can possess.

Although the mysterious tortoise shell did not change size in the outside world, but only became a giant in the five elements of the world, but it also made He Yiming feel unbelievable.

Between the mind and the electric turn, He Yiming extended his hand and brilliance in his hand. In an instant, the mysterious turtle shell was transferred from the world of the Five Elements and came to his hand.

In his hand, this mysterious tortoise shell is still the size of a normal human torso, not the incredible giant in the world of the Five Elements.

Quietly watching the sound, He Yiming's face was quite dignified.

After successfully vibrating the shell of the tortoise with the help of the power of the Five Elements, He Yiming has a new understanding of the powerful life forces contained in this object.

The power of this thing is indeed above all the soldiers he has encountered, and even no more than a single Lei Zhenzi. However, if compared with the Kowloon furnace, it is a far cry.

However, He Yiming feels faintly that this mysterious tortoise shell does not seem to really have it.

All the power is released.

In this world, perhaps because of the serious shortage of heaven and earth, even the few dragons in the Kowloon furnace can only do this step.

The small eyes of Bao pig immediately shimmered after seeing the black turtle shell again. It rushed again and wanted to hold it.

Although it knows that this soldier has become the ambassador of He Yiming, it seems that there is no difference.

The mysterious tortoise shell was erected, and it was dripping on the ground. The two heels of Bao pig were gently squatting on the ground, and they played a different game.

He Yiming shook his head and closed his eyes again, and his mind entered the world of the Five Elements.

In the center of the world, there are some strange rune patterns, which are the result of the five elements of force, but in the light of the tortoise shell, these patterns all disappear, just like filling the mysterious shell A huge black hole like a black hole, no longer leave a trace.

However, He Yiming did not have any troubles because of this, because even the mysterious tortoise shell has become his lighted **** soldier. The rune pattern above is naturally a escape from He Yiming's thoughts.

He has firm confidence and can certainly explore the mystery of all the above runes.

The powerful ideas suddenly came out of the Kowloon furnace, and He Yiming’s heart was full of surprises.

He has tried every means to get in touch with the great ideas of the nine dragons, but these ancestors turned a blind eye. At the moment, they are once again actively contacting, this change makes congratulations

Yiming can no longer understand the thoughts of these ancestors.

After a moment of contact with the great idea, He Yiming’s brows were slightly raised, and his face flashed a glimmer of joy, but then it was a glimpse and became dumbfounding.

This idea conveyed him two messages, one of which is how to use this mysterious shell.

These fire dragons did not know before.

False God; less artifacts, but a turtle shell fortunately fell into their hands, this can be forged to this point in the current lack of power in the world.

The other message makes He Yiming completely speechless.

After the fire dragons forged a mysterious tortoise shell, it turned out to be unsatisfactory, so that He Yiming would provide another body of the beast and let them be addicted again.

If He Yiming has such a treasure in his hand, it is natural to ask for it. But the problem is God

The stuff of the beast shell, not to mention the era when the Shinto disappeared, even when the Shinto was rampant thousands of years ago, it is something that can be encountered and not available.

Shaking his head and throwing the requirements of the fire dragons out of his mind, this request is a matter of chance, but there are treasures around him, he can complete the boat probability should be much larger than others.

Reaching out and smashing the pig from the shell of the black turtle, He Yiming’s wrist shook slightly, and the multicolored light suddenly converges. The five elements entered the Dantian. At the same time, the mysterious tortoise shell is turned into a little bit of light and dissipated in the void, the whole room is filled with a kind of soft and strange colors.

He Yiming snorted, his body was full of enthusiasm, and the countless spots around him were

Constantly attached to it, just a moment, in his body has become a very special armor.

This is the method of use taught by a certain fire dragon. After the lightening of the black turtle shell,

You can cover your body as you like.

I have to say that in fact, compared with humans, the mysterious turtle is also a four-legged head, but there is only one tail below.

So when this black turtle shell armor is worn on the body, it is like wearing a vest.

Like, I don't feel uncomfortable.

However, this vest is really too big, and it seems to be falling off at any time.

He Yiming's hands and feet were slightly shrunk, and he was able to indent the big hole immediately, even if he was slightly bowed, he could also retract his head into the turtle shell vest.

Although the mysterious tortoise shell armor is not the body armor that He Yiming imagined, it seems to be less important.

Between the mind and the micro-motion, the sword of Aurora has appeared in the air, He Yiming with a little hand, the sword of Aurora stabbed like a fly.


The crisp sound rang in the cave. This Aurora Sword crossed the mysterious turtle armor. Except for a splash of Mars, there was no trace left.

However, this is as long as He Yiming expected, if the sword of Aurora can leave traces on this, then the mysterious turtle armor and the nine fire dragons are a pile of garbage.

What really makes He Yiming feel the surprise is that his body does not feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big empire, the night prince, the **** of the gods, the throne Seeking the devil, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the strongest Abandon the little Zhou Dynasty royal family to a glimmer of power impact.

The power of the Aurora Sword is quite powerful, but this power has been fully taken down by the mysterious tortoise shell, and it has not been transmitted to He Yiming.

This ability is much more powerful than the Shinto shield.

He Yiming’s eyes are faint, he hesitated, with a little hand, the sword of Aurora

A glimpse of the strange light suddenly shot, lightning bolted to the shell of the mysterious turtle.

Without any sound, this light was immediately bounced back, and He Yiming did not feel the slightest attack power.

This armor, even the North Sea aurora, which is said to have nothing to wear, can be easily reflected back. Its protective power is indeed only seen in He Yiming's life.

Deeply sighed, He Yiming forced the heart's boiling emotions to be suppressed, and then concentrated on the armor.

Slowly, the magical thing was born, and the mysterious turtle armor actually began to shrink and gather, to the most

After being attached to He Yiming's body, it is like being tailored. There is nothing wrong with it.

This armor, really can change the size as you like...

He Yiming’s face is even faint He knows that this time it’s really a baby.

Artifact, this mysterious turtle shell has the possibility of being promoted to artifact.

Of course, like the five elements in his hand, if you want to successfully promote the artifact, it is thousands.

It is difficult to do anything, and no one can have absolute certainty.

After a long time, he calmed down and tirelessly manipulated the tortoise shell. He wanted to completely control this powerful protective soldier in the shortest time.

After a whole day, He Yiming pushed the door out, his face was not moving, even Li Jiangfeng, who was waiting to wait here, could not see his mind.

However, at this time, I can choose to retreat. Anyone knows that there must be something big in him. It is just that no matter how people communicate and guess, they never know that He Yiming can actually lighten the third soldier. This Shen Bing is still a top-level protective artifact.

The next day, everyone left by boat and went to the depths of the vast sea...

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