Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 241: Temple Falcon

A big wave hit, splashing the waves of white flowers, the side of the condensate boat must slip past the burning novel network, and did not get able to hit the bow.

Today, it is already five days after Alpha’s departure, and everyone is on a sea boat to their mutually agreed star island.

This is the first time He Yiming has seen such a strange and dangerous place.

The shape of the whole island is like a star in the sky, but around the stars,

It is not the beautiful blue water of the Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall, but the undercurrent and whirlpool filled with infinite crisis.

I took a sigh of relief.

The vortexes here, one after another, have almost no calm seas, and even though they are far apart, everyone is still able to sense the powerful suction that comes from there.

At this point, all the people know that they are really too contempt for the danger here.

The Golden Battle smiled bitterly: "I don't think it is such a ghost place. If you know it, Kim proposes to change the location."

Xu Daming laughed dumbly and said: "Golden brother laughed. According to the younger brother, hundreds of years ago, our predecessors in the East also arranged their place of fight in an extremely dangerous place. Because of the preparation in advance, I became familiar with it. The terrain, so I finally got lucky. In my opinion, this time they played the same idea."

Everyone has a success, and when the real masters meet, the land is sometimes the key to success.

Li Jiangfeng said: "Xu Xiong said that it is good. I can be sure that some people will propose to fight against these vortexes later. Hey, the flow of these whirlpools is ever-changing and unpredictable.

Prevention, even for me, has a great impact. If you really fight on it, I am afraid that there will be a small amount of energy to be involved. ”

Xu Daming smiled and said: "If it is the previous few times here, I am afraid that we are difficult to win, but this time..."

His eyes turned toward He Yiming, and everyone was a heart leader, showing a smile of gloating.

I really don't know what the Westerners who have worked hard to set up will see when they see a five-powered person who can fly.

At this moment, even the Golden Campaign has some expectations.

Li Jiangfeng laughed a few times and said: "Let's go in."

He jumped down from the boat, his feet flat on the sea, straight toward the vortex

go with.

The rest of the crowd were all in a row, jumping one by one.

He Yiming took Bao pig into his arms and headed for one hundred and eighty and said: "Hundred brothers, you are waiting outside."

Hundreds and eights nodded slightly and did not answer. He Yiming's figure was swaying, and he did not use the light of the gods to fly, but followed the crowd and went toward the whirlpool.

This time, the fight is the thing between all the new and the nobles of the East and the West, so neither Huaruijin nor Baiyue has the qualification to enter.

Seeing that those people left the big ship, Hua Ruijin looked up and smiled and said: "Hundred brothers, they have not been able to come back for a few days. The younger brother has a thin wine in the cabin.

Please also share a drink. ”

One hundred and eight cold and cold roads: "No need."

Wherein he was cold and not swaying, but I was still worried, and there was nothing more anger.

With the powerful strength of being able to overcome the operator of the gods, let alone refute his face, even if he smashed the big ship, he would not be angry.

After an hour, when the distant He Heming and other people safely passed the whirlpool of the sea, Hua Ruijin re-invited the failure, and unfortunately shook his head into the cabin.

However, at the time of his entry, he looked back and saw that he stood straight on the bow like a marble statue. When the ship swayed back and forth at sea, he was not moving.

Hua Ruijin’s heart is faintly jealous, and I really don’t know which He Yiming found such a powerful person from the corner.

One hundred and eighty of the degree of concern for He Yiming, I am afraid that it is far better than the friendship between ordinary brothers and friends.

If it is not the same as the appearance of Hundred and Eight and He Yiming, he really has to doubt whether He Yiming is an illegitimate child.

Sighing and looking at the star island in the distance, there was a feeling of irritability in my heart.

However, he then completely abandoned this feeling. The struggle between the East and West Newcomers has lasted for thousands of years. Although it is difficult to avoid casualties during this period, everyone is obeying the rules and will not easily destroy them.

In this case, what is he worried about...

Just, looking at the sea and the sky, toward the huge sacred beast from the open sea, his heart is a bit embarrassing!

I hope that it will be smooth!


Although Li Jiangfeng is one of the southern giants, it is not familiar with the environment of the island.

Learn. Here, the cow is actually one of the famous dangerous places in southern Xinjiang. Li Jiangfeng is not likely to be here.

Run around.

However, growing up in the South China Sea all year round, he does have considerable experience with these whirlpools at sea.

In front of him, one by one

The rules are arranged, except for the larger vortexes, the rest of the seaweed industry will have smaller vortices, and it will continue to flow. These vortices are sometimes scattered, sometimes

And there is no calm place in the entire sea.

When watching from a distance, the whirlpool here is already shocking, when everyone is close,

The face is getting more and more dignified.

The suction from these vortexes is far beyond the imagination of everyone.

Even if they are close to each other, they can feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred heaven, the strongest, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred god, the sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens The strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the arrogance, the world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty To that huge pull

He Lizheng won the shake and shakes the possibility of apologizing.

Li Jiangfeng Shen Sheng said: "You, these vortex suction is very strong, it is not to be small

Hey, when you enter, remember to keep a steady word, and never be greedy. If you accidentally missed your hand, then you will not see it on your face. ”

What he said was a slap in the face, but everyone understood what he meant.

This is where the Western powers choose, they must have entered the Star Island early, and it is very likely that they are watching their movements.

If someone accidentally loses their water at this time, although they will not be life-threatening with their level of honor, this face can be lost. Even this time, I won the final victory.

Lee, I am afraid it is difficult to raise my head in front of the other side.

Li Jiangfeng step by step, he seems to be careless, but every step is out, it is as stable as Taishan. He avoided the most important vortexes and walked through a few dangerous places.

Behind him, Qilian Double Devil, Xu Daming and Lin Xiangqing are all close behind each other. They stepped out every step of the way, and they also followed the footsteps of Li Jiangfeng, and there were no mistakes.

When a few of them passed by, the whirlpool on the sea once again became unrecognizable, even though the people behind them wanted to move forward, it was difficult to do.

At this moment, Li Yajing is beginning to go to another road. She lives in the South China Sea as well.

In the year, the mastery of the whirlpool is not inferior to his father.

Behind her, the Golden Battle, Wei Zongjin and the three people from the northwest are equally fished.


Under the leadership of their father and daughter, everyone has spent this whirlpool in amazement.

Flowing, peace came to the island of stars.

As for He Yiming, he seems to be on the sea like everyone else, but in fact there is a strong power fluctuation in his body.

This is the invisible light of the sword of Aurora wrapped in his slow flight, and the action under his feet is nothing more than a cover-up.

After a clock, everyone came to the island, and they looked back, and there was a horror in their eyes.

If there is no such thing as a fifteen-year-old woman who has been living in the sea for a long time, they will not be able to successfully break through the blockade of the whirlpool and arrive here.

"Those Westerners really didn't feel well." Xu Daming stepped on the shore, and he snorted, "This dangerous place, without hundreds of groping and trying, is difficult to enter successfully, Lin. If you don't believe it, they can easily get in and out of this place."

Everyone nodded silently, only to be immersed in the situation, only to know the danger of this place, still in the legend


The gold battle brow was slightly wrinkled, said: "Li brother, here is how the vortex is formed? This kind of suction is too strong."

Even the people who feel the unbearable power of the lord, if they are replaced by ordinary people, no matter how familiar they are with the environment, they can only be sucked into the whirlpool.

And under this incredible suction, once it is inhaled, even ordinary innate powers can hardly break free again.

Li Jiangfeng indulged for a moment, saying: "The whirlpool of the stars outside the island has been around for a long time, but how it is formed, Limou is not known. But nature creation, strange, we do not need to go too far. ”

The Golden Battle has a brow and a brow, waiting to speak, but his eyes are suddenly condensed, and his fingers are pointing to the sky, saying: "The beast and the eagle."

Everyone looked up and saw that there was a **** bird flying far away from the island.


Although the distance is too far to be seen clearly, most people recognize the origin of this object at the same time.

The Western Temple is one of the two top forces in the West. Within the Temple, many outstanding talents have been trained, including those who are domesticated. Their strength may not be high, but their status in the temple is quite lofty.

These war hawks have come out of a certain ethnic group, have been with humans since birth, and enjoy the best treatment in the temple.

When they grow up, they will become the mounts of the top masters in the temple, carrying the gods and the mighty bottlers.

From a certain point of view, this practice of the temple is similar to the deep mountain totem. However, if it is based on scale, the Western Temple is a difficult time to shoot.

At this point, the war eagle in the sky fanned the huge boat wings, flew here and hovered around the heads of the crowd, seemingly spying on something.

He Yiming’s face immediately dignified, and he said coldly: “Not a beast.”

The Golden Battle was awkward and said: "He brother, what are you talking about?"

He Yiming Shen Sheng: "The Holy Beast," Warhawk! ”

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