Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 278: Human peak

The shape of the sway was a little bit swaying. Everyone cried and stood firm and did not ask him to swell! However, it shows a strong stun of the extreme.

Just a shout, you already have such a huge power, then what power will this person have?

At this moment, the people did not want to go to the horrible outer sea sacred king. After the powerful sacred beast set foot on the glazed island, it attacked the whole island with an earth-shattering anger. But now it seems that the power of the master of the tsunami is not under the horrible top sacred beast.

"He, succeeded Zhuang Munan whispered softly.

When he said this, his eyes even had such a moment of disintegration. Because he already does not know how to describe this hurried He Yiming.

After the first impact failure, it turned out to be another impact. This seems to be something that only a madman can do. But he was succeeded.

For a time, Zhuang Munan only felt that the experience he had accumulated over the past few years seemed to have become useless.

"Uncle Shi, he succeeded Li Jiangfeng's eyebrows and praised.

Once I thought of the world, I was born with one of the top leaders in the number of humanities, and the strong man still succeeded in witnessing his own testimony. His heart had an excitement that could not be concealed.

Zhuang Munan was awakened, and he immediately smiled, not his own experience. But He Yiming is not the same as ordinary people. I am still measuring by the standard of normal people. Of course, it is a thousand miles away.

He took a deep breath and calmed down the feelings in his heart, then swayed with his hands. Road: "Let's go check it out."

Everyone nodded one after another, but at this moment, even the Golden Campaign was a bit guilty. Because they are about to face it, it’s not just the old acquaintance He Yiming, but the one who is the leader of the humanity’s peak, He Yiming.


The power of the vast world and the earth rushed into the body from the outside world, and the emptiness of the meridians was completely blocked, and then rushed into the chaos of Dantian.

In Dantian, all the pieces of light have disappeared, and the three gods and the power of various gods have become a perfect whole. All the powers are completely blended and no longer separate from each other.

In addition, He Yiming was surprised that when the inexhaustible external forces poured into the body, he was able to clearly sense the power of each point. Whether it is the flow of these forces. Still these forces, he can be completely in the heart.

His ideas are many times stronger than before. A little bit of meditation, whether it is the internal organs. It is still skeletal muscles that are clearly explored by him. The human body seems to have no secrets in his eyes at this moment. He flattened his hands, and He Yiming watched silently, and a faint light flew out of his hand, rotating toward his body with an extremely slow degree. Passed the connection of ideas. He Yiming was surprised that his own control of the light of the gods has reached the point of near perfection.

In the process of the movement of the light of the gods, he did not waste a little bit of power, and the control of the soldiers also reached an extremely terrifying state.

He believes that if he goes out at this time and fights with the general five-powered sage, then only a sword of Aurora is enough to straddle the world.

Gently vomited, He Yiming's wrist turned over, and the light of the gods suddenly disappeared.

The ears shook a little, and he had already heard that Zhuang Munan and others were coming in his direction.

At the beginning of the crazy absorption of the heavens and the earth, He Yiming knew that it was impossible to win the masters of these sages, so he did not have any hidden thoughts at all, but opened the door to the door. Welcomed out.

His movements were casual and there was no intention to raise the infuriating, but when he opened the door. It was quiet and silent, but it was not seen by Zhuang Munan and others at the corner.

He Yiming’s heart secretly sighs, and the Jiuzhongtian realm is really extraordinary, even if it is unconscious. The strength he showed. It is already much stronger than before.

Zhuang Munan and others turned this corner. Immediately saw He Yiming with a smile, their footsteps slightly, and immediately accelerated.

Zhuang Munan has already respected the boxing in the distance and bowed his way: "Congratulations to the brothers and gods."

The rest of the people stopped their steps, and even the Golden Campaign did the same thing and said the same thing.

For those of them who have reached the realm of the Sayādaw, there is nothing that can be more admired by the North Humanity. Nowadays, suddenly there is such a character on their side, and naturally they dare not have the slightest rudeness.

He Yiming smiled dumbly. He gently waved his sleeve and said: "You are welcome."

A gentle force came in and suddenly helped everyone together.

They exchanged a look, and nothing was lost in their hearts. The means of using the infuriating to support each other is not great, even if it is a congenital strongman.

However, in the face of many of these sages, just now, He Ming would have used a car, and he controlled it just right. Everyone in Beb’s power is different, but they can all The stability of the other party's steady support, this ability to the extreme point is indeed impressive.

He Yiming is also somewhat faint in his heart, after all the forces of the gods and the power of God are merged. His minds have increased greatly, and the control of the body has reached a real peak. If not, he would not be able to understate it and let so many of the sages admire.

"He brother, congratulations on the gold battle to fight a few steps, whispered a sentence. Although his sentence is no different from Zhuang Munan. But for them both, it is another emotion.

He Yiming has a heavy head and said: "Golden brother. The younger brother has been promoted to the Nine Heavens, and will see you later."

In the golden battle, the eyebrows were picked up, and his heart surged. "You can rest assured that in this life, I will catch up with you."

Everyone looked at each other and thought about it in the same place. This wish is only quite embarrassing.

Zhuang Munan coughed softly and said: "The public, the old man has ordered the banquet. Today, everyone will have a drink, congratulations to the brothers for the success of the nine heavens."

Everyone smiled with a smile, although at the moment most people are jealous in their hearts. But for these hundreds of old people. Control your own emotions, there is still no problem.

Under the leadership of Zhuang Munan, everyone returned to the hall, and all kinds of delicacies were sent like water.

Zhuang Munan once asked whether Bai Ba Ba, Bao pig and Bai Ma Lei Deng were present, but he was rejected by He Yiming.

Today's white horse lightning is already the top sacred beast, and Zhuang Munan's respect for it is not a bit of falsehood.

After three rounds of wine, Zhuang Munan clap his hands. Suddenly, there were more than ten young disciples holding the trays with both hands.

These disciples are old enough, but each person's internal strength is good, reaching the height of the eighth floor. Although this repair is not for them. But the future of glazed islands can depend on them.

However, everyone's gaze was only swept away on the faces of these disciples, and suddenly fell on the tray. On this tray, there are even a round of inner dan, each of which has a strong life.

Everyone knows secretly, they all know. This is definitely not the inner Dan of the ordinary spirit beast, but the group of sacred beasts that they hunted.

Zhuang Munan laughed loudly and said: "The crowd, although the overseas monsters attacked, the bodies of some sacred beasts were re-entered into the sea, but the old man and others took the most important inner dan first. It’s a great fortune in misfortune.” He reached out and said: “But these wild sea sacred beasts are basically killed by brothers, so please ask the brothers how to deal with them?”

No matter whether the people are satisfied or not, no one dares to raise an objection at this moment.

He Yiming smiled slightly and he reached for a stroke. One flashed colorful and bright, and looming first, Ming Neidan was inhaled by him.

After playing for a while, He Yiming said: "I want this inner Dan to be enough. The rest of the family is also asked to release it. Let me make a commemoration. He hesitated, and said: "But this A foreign monster came to retaliate, which brought a lot of casualties to the glazed island, so He suggested that everyone take one each, and the rest will be handed over to Zhuangxiong. ”

Everyone’s heart is overjoyed and thankful.

Although they all know that He Yiming has taken the inner sea of ​​the huge sea otter shell, but no one will have a little bit of complaints.

On that day, if it wasn’t for He Yiming’s timely arrival, don’t say that it’s a lot of gains, I’m afraid someone will stay there forever.

As for the remaining share of Liuli Island, there is no objection. After all, it is a place for people, and because this matter has been strongly attacked by the sea monsters, it is a matter of course.

The Golden Battle laughed and he stood up and reached out and took a into his arms.

Since some people take the lead, everyone has followed suit. But for a moment they have each won a holy beast.

Perhaps the Holy Beast Nei Dan is nothing to He Yiming, but for those of them who are new to the Lord, it is a rare treasure.

He Yiming's method of distribution is a great joy.

Zhuang Munan nodded slightly to He Yiming, he knew. The reason why He Yiming is so generous is also to appreciate his book. If he did not come up with the cultivation experience of the glazed ancestors, He Yiming would also like to succeed in the promotion of the nine heavens today.

What is called compensation is nothing but an excuse.

He was so gratified in his heart that he had made such a humanistic peak and was the whole blessing of the glazed island and his own.

However, in this mysterious, his heart is inevitably a bit embarrassing.

I don’t know if I have the opportunity to break through the limits and promote the Nine Heavens in my lifetime."

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