Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 279: Signs of recovery

Straight white light passed by the sea Lancome, leaving a film like a phantom like Shenzhen Xincheng

He Yiming gently slammed the horse's belly, and the white horse immediately stopped lightly.

After the banquet, He Yiming immediately left the glazed island on a white horse, because he wanted to test what his martial arts practice had now reached. On the glazed island, it is obviously not a good place to shoot at will.

Looking up, there is an endless sea in front of you, and the sea and sky are far from being touchable and sighing.

The wrist is gently turned over, and the five-row ring has already appeared on the hand, although the weapon is still surrounded by colorful light, but it is obvious. There is a little more something in it.

He Yiming does not know what is more, but he can be sure that he is within this five elements of the world. It has been more stable and powerful than the original.

Gently waved his wrist, and the five strong lights suddenly came out.

With him and the white horse lightning as the center, a huge atmosphere rose up and spread out toward the body. The entire sea surface suddenly swayed a series of successive shackles, and the sea surface within ten feet of his body, even the one that had been hardened by the hard ones.

He Yiming’s eyes are bright, and this is the power that he released at this time. It’s already a lot more powerful than before.

The strength of humanity peaks. Sure enough, it was not comparable.

It seems to be the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the venerable world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abundance, the empire, the prince, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred Qiankun will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne to seek the demon. The world is the strongest to abandon the big Zhou Dynasty. The royal family will make the night killing gods and the gods to seek the magic. The world’s most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty to come from He Yiming. Strong atmosphere, white horse lightning is also a long sigh of unwillingness to sigh, from its body swaying countless electric circles, accompanied by the momentum of He Yiming swaying around.

He Yiming heart leader meeting. His instinct was immediately integrated into the white horse's thunder, and the first time one person and one beast used this method. However, the cooperation between them is tacit understanding to the extreme, as if they have practiced countless times before, and the tacit understanding is like one person.

The tremendous power has spread to more distant places, and the powerful momentum has shrouded a large area of ​​water. The momentum of He Yiming and Baima Thunder has spread, and there has been a "嗡嗡" in the air. The sound of trembling.

Huge self-confidence surged out of He Yiming’s heart. at this time. He even eager to find one. A good match with his opponent.

For him, only after the test of actual combat can he be sure what level of cultivation he has achieved at the moment.

However, I looked at the four empty seas. He Yiming quickly gave up this plan.

It is absolutely impossible to find a strong person in the humanity, or the top sacred beast here.

There was a weird feeling in the arsenal of Dantian. He Yiming’s heart glimpsed and immediately re-concealed his thoughts in Dantian.

Since the integration of all the gods and the power of God, He Yiming has been busy with entertainment, but at this moment, although he has got rid of these mundane things. But it has not yet entered the investigation in Dantian.

At this moment, when He Yiming’s thoughts entered the chaotic Dantian, the look on his face could not help but have a strange change.

In this, within Dan Tian. The only change is that all the power is no longer scattered, and they have formed a perfect whole under the force of light and dark.

This is the most basic sign of the human peak, melting all the power into one, and pushing the power of the human body to the limit.

If the martial arts practiced this step, then the human being itself became a key to open the way to the path of Shinto.

As long as you use the key to open the front door, then the achievement of Shinto seems to be no problem.

Of course, today's He Yiming will never easily go out of this last step. Let's not say that he has no similar experience at all. Even with the concentration of heaven and earth as it is today, he cannot support him to open the door and walk in safely.

At this time, it is not the radiance that has been smelted into one that attracts He Yiming’s attention. It was another quiet guest lying in Dantian, coagulation.

This guy, who was originally half-dead and did not recover, showed up after the integration of all the forces in Dantian. It turned out to show a life.

The quiet understanding sees the power from the blood coagulation. He Yiming's brows are slightly wrinkled, after the film is mysterious. He finally understood something.

At the time of his successful promotion to the peak of humanity. As all the powers merged, countless firepower madly poured into the body meridians and Dantian.

More than half of these forces are absorbed by Chaotian Dantian. In addition, half of them were immersed in Dantian, and those who were naked did not swallow them.

No one can think of this strange change, but it is precisely because of the moment when He Yiming was promoted to the nine heavens, the breath of the blood coagulation will become stronger, and even the precursor of the upcoming recovery. If not, God knows how long it takes for this guy to stay in Dantian in obscurity.

Between the mind and the micro-motion, from the light of the fusion

This force slowly approached the coagulation person and did not hesitate to contact it. Subsequently, He Yiming felt that the coagulation person was like a greedy child, and he swallowed up the power of the past. same. After consuming these dark forces, the life of the blood coagulation seems to be stronger. But there is only one point. The mistake is not the incredible cultivation of He Yiming. Otherwise, it is impossible to observe the party.

Mindful to electric, but also a ray of light toward the coagulation people shot past the burning novel network, but this time is the power of fire.

He Yiming carefully watched. The coagulation person once again absorbed all of this power. And the life of its own life is once again stronger.

However, if it is a single effect, this power is still worse than the darkness that represents the darkness.

Subsequently, He Yiming tried again with the power of the earth and the power of the wood, and the final result was exactly the same.

The coagulation person is not too picky about the level of strength. It seems that the power of the five elements and the suffocating gas can make its recovery faster.

Of course, He Yiming has not been stupid enough to try the power of the Guangming system.

If he does, it is estimated that the coagulation person will rebel on the spot, first to break his dantian.

After I found out this, He Yiming’s heart was stunned. If this situation continues, then after a few months, it is estimated that the blood coagulation will return to normal.

At the thought of himself, who will be able to drive this dumatro, He Yiming’s heart is mixed.

I really don't know how powerful the coagulation person can be if it is released. He Yiming is quite hopeful for this.

He took a long sigh of relief and stretched his gaze, staring at the sky, screaming: "Let's go down.

Only one hundred and eight people can be qualified to be with him.

Soon, one hundred and eight have already flew down with Bao pig. Bao pig's four-hoofed cloud, jumping from the embrace of the hundred and eight. Slowly swaying in front of He Yiming.

He Yiming’s relatives patted the neck of the pig, and he closed his eyes and let the mind go.

Judging from the momentum he had just released, the power he possessed seems to be no longer under the white horse thunder. In other words, if it is a martial art repair, then even if it is a human peak, he can give it a go.

Of course, this is only a comparison between the momentum. He Yiming naturally does not think that Yelang is arrogant. You can easily beat the power of a humane peak alone.

Because all who have reached such a realm, each one is the top person who has opened the potential of the human body to the limit, and in the hands of these characters. Definitely also have the best gods and endless treasures. Of course, more importantly, in these people's bodies, there is a strong force of God.

Because of this, He Yiming knows that even if he has five elements in his hand, he may not be able to easily defeat any of the nine heavens.

At this time, He Yiming wants to try. It is the intensity of his own mind.

He wants to see how much God has increased after he was promoted to the Nine Heavens.

Soon, this invisible and colorless power has spread in the fastest way, and only a moment has reached the limit of the past.

Of course, although He Yiming’s thoughts are powerful, he is far from being as exaggerated as the gods at the time of the crater, directly monitoring thousands of miles.

It’s just that compared to the past, his god’s thoughts are so powerful that he can’t count it.

Haha smiled, He Yiming suddenly jumped from the horse back, in the air, He Yiming shouted: "Thunder, we are more than one

The white horse thundered a long sigh, and its four hoofs flew instantly smashed forward, splashing a rain and smashing his face toward He Yiming.

The light flashed, and the sea water was blocked. He Yiming smiled and chased forward.

Sure enough, his limit is incredibly higher than before, after all the human potential has been fully opened. His degree is so fast that it is no longer much slower than the white horse.

At the peak of humanity, he finally reached these realms,

Suddenly, the sound of one hundred and eight is introduced into the horse that is being chased.

"someone is coming

Unanimously, He Yiming and Baima Thunder stopped at the same time, and they looked suspiciously toward the hundred and eight.

Although they can't see the figure here, they know that the one hundred and eighteen eyes are not a display.


"Yellow spring old fairy.

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