Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 304: The power of light

In the sky, the huge lightnings constantly hit the B, and the deafening roar is endless. The whole world seems to be under the clouds, as if it will break open at any time.

However, it is all the time to go to the end. A voice came out of the city's best.

It is like the first light of the dawn that has pierced the darkest world, and all the doomsday scenes are stopped at this moment.

Everything in the air is solidified.

The flashing electric mans in the sky suddenly stopped, and the **** big nets and giant pythons that represented the most powerful power in the darkness in the city froze.

As if suddenly there was a legendary fixation, all the power was swayed.

A light rose from the tallest building, and He Yiming looked at it. In this light, he saw a familiar and strange character.

Franklin, the highest power in the temple, wore a golden crown on his head, and the crown of the carriage was dazzling, as if it were an infinite halo floating up and down. On his body, the magical robes were rolling like waves, and the ray of light began to spread from his robes and gradually spread.

In his hand, the stick of light slowly lifted up to the top. This small, short piece of wooden stick seemed to have a heavy weight at this moment.

When the power of light begins to spread, everything in this heaven and earth has undergone wonderful changes.

The ordinary people below seem to have sensed this magical and subtle change. Their singer is more intense and pious, and the enormous power in the space is even more incredible.

As the brightest stick in Franklin's hands gets higher and higher, the pressure on the dark clouds in the sky is getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, when the stick of light was lifted over the top and formed a straight line with the crown on his head, an unstoppable light was suddenly emitted from the head of the stick, and it flew away toward the dark clouds.

All the sounds disappeared at this moment, and the whole world was caught in an absolute silence.

The roaring thunder still remained, but it could not be spread in the air. The fallen house remained the same, but there was no sound. Everything in the whole world was absorbed by the rising light, and even the fluctuation of the air seemed to stop. Finally, this light came to the thick clouds.

It is like the sun melts the snow, just like the fire burns the ice, the dark clouds there suddenly cracked and melted with the naked eye.

The strong sunlight shone from the air, and the light merged with the hand and spread to the whole city with great speed.

Under the sunshine, the dark clouds did not have the ability to resist, and they were quickly torn and idle.

The red big net and the **** giant cockroach that filled the city suddenly had a loud "squeaky" sound. They actually turned into a trace of **** fog under the sunlight, and then disappeared the same. trace.

Purification, this is the most powerful force of light, all the power of all aliens is excluded, and all the power of darkness is purified.

In an absolutely bright world, no power can be mixed.

White horse thunder has a terrified long scorpion, and it no longer dares to stand in the air, but flies back and flies back. The only remaining black clouds fly out of the four electric awns. Fourteen Lei Zhenzi of Baima Guanghua.

After flying out of the clouds, these thunders immediately came to the top of the white horse, and formed a big round here, and the flashing power of lightning shrouded He Yiming and others.

In contrast, the Shinto coagulant is extremely embarrassing.

In his body, the black mist that was collected very hard, was taken by the sun falling from the sky, and suddenly he made a slap in the mouth, and the sound of the sound of the road was loud and loud. Spread throughout every corner of the city.

However, the Pope’s majesty in the light was ignored, and his eyes did not even come in this direction.

He raised his head high, and from him, everything was covered by the power of light. He was the light, the most powerful force in the world.

The pope's contempt seems to be a thorn to the blood coagulation, and let this guy who only acts instinctively burst.

He raised his arm, and the power of infinite heaven and earth filled in the sky began to focus on him in the past.

The power of the heavens and the earth above the city is now extremely powerful, even more than the concentration of the heavens and the earth above them.

This is not only because of the relationship between the temple, but also the power of the white horse and Franklin. When they both played, the power used was very powerful, and with this power, it is easy to absorb more. The power of heaven and earth is for people to squander.

This discussion, the strength of the heavens and the earth here has not been reduced, but the more powerful it is.

Of course, if you want to squander the power of the world, you must have a strong strength. Even He Yiming, Franklin, and Gimhaven, these powerful people who stand at the peak of humanity, they can use a little power of God, but if they want to control the power of heaven and earth, it is impossible. .

Controlling the world, it is definitely not something that can be done with a little power of God.

Only God's realm can truly control the world. Among them, in addition to the great achievements that Baima Thunder has used half of the Thunderbolt to reach the power of the heavens and the earth, "Only the Shinto coagulation talent can truly use the power of the heavens and the earth."

The enormous power instantly condensed into the body of the Shendao coagulation person. He lifted his head, and the incomparable power of the heavens and the earth turned into his power, waving toward the prince of the front.

It's like a scythe, and the huge blade that can harvest life has already come to that light.

The enormous power that lingers and the earth is condensed at this moment, releasing a huge unimaginable power. This power is even stronger than the power of the Shinto in the sea.

However, at this time, Franklin in the light did something that everyone could not believe.

He turned out to lift the stick of light again. Above the stick, the light power suddenly burst, and the power of the vast boundless heaven and earth spread out.

Two forces that cannot be described by words are so slammed together.

There was a huge explosion in the sky, and the voice was astonishing, like a catastrophe, filled with every corner of the city.

All the people who heard this voice were stiff, their brains roared, and those who were weaker, even stunned on the spot.

The power of thought filled in the city suddenly weakened a lot, but what surprised He Yiming was that at this point, it seemed that the power of thought could no longer play any additional role in the light power that enveloped the whole world. It is.

Franklin, who was covered in light by a scorpion, didn't even move his eyelids.

The powerful force spread like a hurricane to the surrounding area. Countless buildings collapsed like dust. The whole earth began to shake. There were countless spider web-like cracks on the ground and spread to all sides. Open.

The impact of the earthquake, the power of heaven and earth and the power of light, is that half of the city has become a ruin under these two forces.

In contrast, the disaster caused by the huge lightning can not be compared with it.

When the ground gradually calmed down, the Shinto coagulation person flashed and suddenly landed and concealed under the cover of the thunder.

Within a hundred miles, all the power of heaven and earth was squandered at this moment.

However, what makes He Yiming unbelievable is that Franklin, who was hanging in the air that day, still has an unparalleled light power.

After resisting the impact of the huge world, the light power of his body is still strong, as if it is boundless and endless.

He Yiming’s eyes were firmly fixed on the crown above his head. He sensed that this bright force came from the city, and it was this top that was transformed by the bright forces in the city. Golden crown.

Vaguely, in He Yiming's heart, it seems that there is a flash of light. He seems to have grasped the thought of the rain, and there are countless thoughts in his heart.

The light power released by Franklin is not his own strength, nor is it the power of heaven and earth used by the human blood.

Even with a bright crown and a stick of light, Franklin couldn't handle the enormous power of heaven and earth.

But is in this city, but it has the origin of the power of light.

This power has existed for countless years. Just like the tens of thousands of years of the **** tree in the cave, like the crater of the glaciers of the glazed island, the power there has not been known for many years, and it has the scale of today.

In this world where the power of the heavens and the earth is thin, only these primitive forces that have gathered for countless years have the cost of arbitrarily squandering.

Therefore, Franklin, who got the control of the entire city's bright power, could ignore the power of the day, and after resisting the power of the heavens and the earth, there is the same powerful force.

As long as the power of these lights has not dissipated, then Franklin is an invincible presence here, unless it is exhausted by countless years of savings.

The eyes of Yan Yiming were collected, and he remembered the sea of ​​light when he left the world of life and death that day.

Finally, there was a strange smile on his face, and his body slowly rose up into the sky. He left the guardianship of the White Horse Thunder, and he came to the sky and looked away from the mighty Franklin, who is like a god...

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