Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 305: This is not your strength

All the light of the world seems to have poured into the body at this moment, and that feeling is so wonderful for Franklin who has the body of light.

He could feel that every cell in his body was jumping cheerfully, and they cheered for the bright power of this infinite element.

After resisting the impact of the powerful world, Franklin even had a feeling that he had already taken off the limits of humanity and reached the legendary realm. His mixture of gods spread infinitely at this moment, and everything was included in his own monitoring.

With the light power accumulated in the city for 10,000 years, his spiritual thoughts have spread without limit. Within a thousand miles, it seems that he has become his territory. Everything changes under his mind. It’s all right.

The believers in the temple are already suffering from heavy casualties. The temple that has not been attacked by war in the past ten years has become a ruin. However, in the center of the city, that great temple was proudly standing, and the cracked earth suddenly stopped before it spread to the temple.

Even the power of the legendary Shinto can't be able to do this powerfully like the boundless bright power.

The power savings of 10,000 have reached a terrible point. At this time, the man who controls this power is him, the great temple, the Pope, Franklin...

He is holding his head up, his chest is tight, he feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the **** of the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred world, the strongest Abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts and martial arts will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world's most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, making the night, killing the gods, the gods, seeking the demon, the arrogant world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou royals from A strange change in the body.

His spirit is constantly rising, and all the light power is filled in every corner of his body.

He has a feeling that he is the light, the light is himself, and the two have been completely integrated.

Vaguely, he has already sensed it.

Shinto, it turns out that this is the real state of Shinto.

In this infinite light, he has been able to control everything. He is the **** of light. As long as the power of light has not weakened, he is an invincible god.

His confidence was unprecedented, and in his heart, those devout believers, even if they died, could not have any influence on him at this time.

Because he is a god, and under the gods, they are all ants.

As long as the high spirit does not fall, then there will be countless ants adoring him and praying for him. As long as he is standing in the Word of God forever, then everyone in the entire Western world can become his devout believer.

The position of the **** of light will soon be replaced by him.

However, just as Franklin fell into a state of extreme madness, his eyes saw a figure.

The man flew up slowly from the ground, and he came to the place parallel to him, watching him with a pair of sneer and smile.

There was a strong, insulting feeling in Franklin’s heart.

Although this person did not speak, his expression was calm, without a little bit of surrender and fear. It seems that the two of them stand together, not the relationship between the gods and the ants, but the two people with equal status... or God! Franklin’s heart was filled with crazy anger, and he absolutely did not believe that there are still people in this world who can have the same status as him.

When he intercepted the crown of light and moved the jihad with the devout heart of all the believers in the whole city, and finally brought out the power of the printed light, he was the unique **** in the world.

Before these bright forces were exhausted, he was the supreme **** of light, and no one else could stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

The flat stick of the stick of light, the light on the head of the stick shines.

"The sinister, rude to the gods, will use your soul and life as punishment.

The bright voice spread throughout the world, and Franklin’s voice was filled with a power that was beyond doubt.

The huge light instantly broke through the space and flew toward He Yiming. This power is the power of light, the power to compete with the power of the heavens and the earth.

If there is no equivalent power, then everything will be purified by this power.

Franklin's eyes are no joy or no sorrow. He is like a true supreme god. He is watching a provocative little worm that will be turned into ashes in the power of light.

However, in the face of this force, He Yiming did not dodge, he just extended a hand.

There is no rod of light in his hand, and only one long and powerful palm.

His hand stretched out like this, and in a horrified daylight, he grasped the light that the claws flew toward him.

Then, he opened his mouth and put a piece of light that he had grasped with his hand on his mouth.

The piece of light that illuminates the entire earth suddenly entered his body, but it did not bring him any harm.

Franklin’s face finally changed, and his heart was hit hard, and his full confidence began to shake at this moment.

In the world of light and light, he is the only god, but the things that are born before him make it difficult for him to believe his eyes.

The power of light can't cause the slightest harm to this person. Is he also the **** in the light?

He Yiming patted his belly, his face was satisfied, but his eyes were cold.

"Franklin, are you very strange?" he asked with a smile.

In that light, self-confidence swelled to the limit, and Franklin, who had turned himself into a god, finally said after he sank for a long time: "How did you do it?"

His voice screamed like a thunder. Under this voice, the people who survived in the city once again collapsed. They looked at the majesty of the pope, which was shrouded in huge light. The thought that had already collapsed seemed to have The trend of cohesion.

He Yiming smiled slightly. He didn't care about the thoughts and actions of these people, because he knew that in this great city of light, this kind of power could not hurt him either.

"Franklin, what you are carrying: the power of light. But unfortunately, these forces are not your strength." He said coldly, with a hint of ridicule in the sun.

"Impossible, this is my strength..." Franklin's voice was full of anger, his anger was anger, his robes were more windless, and strong emotional changes caused more intense light power.

He Yiming’s sentence poked his pain, and made him feel like a god, and the cold ice of everything as an ant ant had a wonderful change.

After mastering this enormous power of light, Franklin really regarded himself as a true Shinto man, but in his heart, he had a sense of reason, knowing that he did not really break through the Shinto.

This thought was suppressed by him without hesitation, just like the secret buried in the deepest, and it was impossible to flood in any way until the power of light was exhausted.

He Yiming’s sentence made him have to face the facts. At this moment, a strong anger and anger turned around Franklin.

After suddenly mastering the power of too much power, the old man who was known for his calmness in his life began to become crazy.

With his shouting screams, a huge light-like group of light condensed from the stick of light. The power contained in this light group is not even inferior to the power of heaven and earth.

The stick of light squinted toward the front, and the light suddenly flew like a lightning-like wind.

There are a bit of fear in the eyes of Bao pig and white horse below. Although they have powerful power, if they compete with this obvious light power of humanity, it is not enough.

Being able to fight positively with this kind of power is afraid that only Wanniangu’s Wannian ancient tree and artifact Jiulong furnace will be.

Even if it is a half-set of the artifact Lei Zhenzi, it is also inferior, otherwise the power of heaven and earth led by Lei Zhenzi will not be dispelled by the bright power of the seal.

However, in the face of a powerful bright force, He Yiming still does not evade, he even opened his foot in midair, as if he had a light and avenue in front of him, toward Straight ahead is to go.

The huge light group came to He Yiming's body and suddenly enveloped him.

The power of light is one of the most powerful forces in the world, and no other force can exist in the light.

This is definitely the most special place for the power of light. For the power of other attributes, the only thing that the power of light can do is to reject and purify.

For this kind of power, if you are with other forces, you are not dead, or I am alive, and there is no third choice. Because the power of light is the power that will never compromise, and it is the purest power.

Franklin's eyes widened his eyes flashed with fierce light.

He wants to see that this promising young man is purified and lived under the most elite light power of the world.

Although this young man has a rare light and dark break, when he was promoted to the peak of humanity, the power of God chosen was not the power of light, but the power of the earth from the east.

Under the powerful light power, I can definitely feel the abnormality in him and completely purify it.

Although He Yiming’s body of light can allow him to absorb a little bit of light without damage, when this power is stronger than the power of the earth in his body, the power of light will come from Started to clean the heterogeneous forces in He Yiming.

At that time, even if the true light **** came to the world, I would not be able to save his life.

Franklin has a firm confidence, when the power of light bursts, that is, when He Yiming dies.

However, the eyes of the Pope are getting more and more round, and his mouth is open without any image.

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