Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 239: Opening of the conference

Looking at Lin Yi’s departure, Chu Yaoyin was silent, and he stayed for a long time. Then he turned around and said to Ye Dong: “Adong, don’t blame the master, he is good for me!”

"Well, I know!" Ye Dong nodded hard and looked excited: "Yaoyin, I am finally able to be with you!"

"Yeah!" Chu Yaoyin nodded heavily, and his heart was very relieved. The whole body relaxed: "With the help of the master, we will be able to be together. Even if there is a Hengshan gate, the master is also Can figure out a way, crack it."

"Lin Yi brother, is there such a god?" Ye Dong was amazed, with a hint of unbelief. He was happy to finally be with Chu Yaoyin, but Chu Yaoyin told him that they might even be together and become a husband and wife. This made him happy, and he was suspicious and could not believe it.

"Adong, you have to believe in the master, the master is a god. He has a great voice in the Wuyue Swords. He can also influence the five heads of my Wuyue Sword. Now I am a five-sword Everything works, almost all masters! You still don't know? The reason why my Wuyue Jianpai can be merged successfully is that the masters have done it." Chu Yaoyin began to talk about Lin Yi's story with excitement. .

Ye Dong listened and listened, and his heart became more and more surprised. He even made a scream from time to time. What did Lin Yi do, it was too legendary? The whole life of a person is a legendary life!

It can even be called a myth!

Time has quietly left.

Outside the room. Lin Yi five people sat on the second floor of the Dengtian Building to drink tea at the window, and then came the news that the tomorrow's hero meeting was officially held. And more Shaolin disciples from Kaifeng City came. Hand in the invitation, ask the people of Wuyue Jianpai to go to the Heroes Conference.

The Shaolin people were sent away, and Lin Yi played with the invitation letter in his hand, which was a post, and his eyes showed a thoughtful color.

Heroes Conference.

Holding this thing is a false name that Shaolin has come up with. It is said that it is a person who chooses a martial art and is convinced by everyone. To lead the hero of the world, to launch a counterattack against the magic.

But the essence is that Shaolin wants to gain control and control the heroes of the world.

Past life. The heroic conference won the lead.

The leader of this is the first disciple of Shaolin awakening monk.

The leader of this heroic conference will also be called the smaller martial arts lord. However, the top players are not included, and most of the people who compete for it are some arrogant, and few people from the older generation come to compete.

The big faction knows its unspoken rules. Their elders will not come out to fight.

The elders of the small-small group are also robbed and unable to grab, and they are not the opponents of the gods.

In some ways. The leader of this heroic conference is the future martial arts lord.

In the past life, after the rise of Tianjiao in this generation, after some people finally entered the top players, Shaolin’s first awakening monk also officially became the martial arts ally. It is also from that moment. The entire right path began to unite and the organization began to tighten. The power of the right path was unified for the first time, and a formal counterattack against the devil was initiated.

It was also after the birth of the martial arts martial arts lord that the righteousness began to prevail in the real war.

However, at this moment, there are still more than ten years from the time when the martial arts lord was born.

Do not mention it.

But this heroic conference led the world, and the leader who launched the counterattack against the demon, Lin Yi was going to sit up.

In order to take the opportunity to weaken the power of the Devil and Shaolin at this heroic conference, the leader must indeed be the one to be. If not, only the five-sword sword sent Lin Yi six people, can not complete this goal.

This point, when I came to Kaifeng City, Lin Yi had already thought about it.

However, if you want to win the position of the leader from Shaolin, it is tantamount to taking the chestnuts in the fire. It is extremely dangerous and will stand on the cusp of the rivers and lakes.

However, in order to accomplish this goal, everything is worth it.

In the past, the awakening monk was almost indeterminate, so the competition was not intense.

But in this world, Lin Yi wants to grab this position from the awakening monk, the situation, I am afraid it will far exceed the past life, the risk is great! However, risks and crises coexist, and this position can be grabbed. The benefits are also enormous.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lin Yi made up his mind.

The position of the leader of this heroic conference must be grabbed!

Even if you completely offend Shaolin, you must take it back!

If not, history will become a predecessor in general. The position of the martial arts lord is in the hands of Shaolin. I am afraid that the Wuyue Swordsmen want to rise, and it is not so easy.

It can even be said that there is hardly any hope to go beyond Shaolin.

This position is a war that he weakened Shaolin's strength and air transport.

This war is the battle for future air transport.

Can only win, can not be defeated!

Everything wanted to be transparent, and the determination was already underway. Lin Yi looked at nothing and waited calmly for the next day. And the people around him, such as Linghufeng, did not know that Lin Yi had this plan.

Still joking and ridiculing with each other

The second day, the blink of an eye came.

On the largest square in Kaifeng City, a large platform was erected early in the morning.

This is also the tradition of the world.

The world of the big rivers and lakes is dominated by Wu, and martial arts is the platform for exchanges with the heroes of the world.

If you open a heroic conference, there is no such thing as a collapse, and you will definitely be ridiculed by the heroes of the world.

The position of Shaolin is erected in the direction of the north facing south. This is the direction of the rostrum and the identity of the person who is holding it. Surrounded by Shaolin disciples, holding copper sticks, maintaining order.

On the rostrum, the awakening monk, accompanied by several leading elders of Shaolin, quietly waited for the heroes of the world.

All around. They are all placed in position.

The front row, the most spacious site, is naturally a large group of people to enjoy. The famous door is on the second line. As for the small door, there is no place. The people who arrived, almost all stood behind to watch the fun.

From the hero conference, you can basically see the ranking of the entire right path.

The first one is Shaolin.

The second place is Wudang.

The location of these two great giants is not questioned.

Only the position of the third Emei school before, at this moment, was occupied by the Wuyue sword. Wuyue Jianpai was established more than two years ago. The five factions merged and their strength increased. Although two years have come. The Wuyue Jianpai was detained by the demon, and there was very little news of the rivers and lakes, but the position of the Wuyue Swords was ranked third, without any doubt. Only the Emeis who were ranked fourth. Slightly annoyed and squeezed into position.

If they really want to comment, they can't say anything.

Who is the Wuyue Jianpai, and there are five factions?

The fifth place is the Qingcheng School.

The whole right way, the world is big, there are only five factions.

Among the famous, the top ones are Quanzhen, Ancient Tomb, Gangbang, Yipai, Kunlun, Gusu Murong, Mandala, Guiyunzhuang, Dali Duanjia, Luoyang Wangjia

Each location is written with a name, and each icon is unique.

A small group of people. Standing behind, looking at these positions, all of them are filled with sly colors. More is to want to put it. Replace it.

"Wu Dang elders Zhang Zhenbao Zhang Zhenren, and the Wudang chief disciple, Qiang Kundao, bring Wudang people to the door!" Outside the square, a Shaolin disciple was heard, and the sound of the voice was heard, and the voice spread throughout the venue. Almost everyone brushed and looked at the entrance to the venue, only two people. Carrying a long sword, followed by several Wudang elders and disciples. Come in.

Everyone, almost all brushed, looked at the two leading people.

"Zhang Zhenbao Zhang Zhenren, this is the most rumored person who has the chance to hit the top players. At the age of 30, he has already entered the first-class peak, and has already ranked eighth in the list. The combat power is half-step top. I heard that I practiced the two great schools of Wudang "Taiji Swordsmanship" and "Tai Chi Gong". But this person likes ease, if not, he is the next generation of Wudang."

"Hey, the chief of Wudang is not bad. The two great schools of Wudang have been trained and strong. But the existence of the fourth place in the Tianjiao list is extremely powerful."

The small-footed people are talking about it underneath. The protagonist of the heroic conference is not them, and even their position does not have them. They can only live a dry addiction and join in the fun.

After the people of Wudang sat in their positions, there was not much attention. All of them were staring at the entrance of the venue and wanted to see the people who came in.

“Emei’s chief disciple Zhou Wei and his elder brother and elder brother arrived!”

“The chief disciple of Qingcheng will bring the Qingcheng elder disciple!”

"Gusu Murong's young master Murong Yuan and Murong parents and old disciples!"

"The mandala Zhuang Shaozhuang, Wang Yulu, brought the mandala Zhuang elders to the church!"

"The whole truth is that the head of the party, Wang Qingming, is bringing all the elder disciples!"

The major factions coming from behind are all chief disciples or young masters, accompanied by a small head and a top-class elder, accompanied by several first-class elders and several second-rate disciples. Almost all of this lineup came to the Heroes Conference.

Very few Tianjiao came alone.

Less than an hour, almost the location of the famous big school is full, only the position of the Wuyue Jianpai is still empty, and the people of the Wuyue Jianpai are still in the future. The awakening monk is slightly frowning, what is the reason to ask. Suddenly, the voice of Shaolin disciples outside the venue came to the audience: "Lin Yi, the chief disciple of Wuyue Jianpai, sent five disciples to Wuyuejian!"

I saw a young man wearing a costume of the chief disciple of the Wuyue Jianpai, carrying a long sword and leading people. There are men and women, almost everyone is like a sword, and the sword is rushing.

"Hey, help the head, Ye Dong!"

Another voice came, only to see the 17-year-old boy, closely following the Wuyue Jianpai and others. (To be continued)

Ps: The second is sent, the cold, the nose is flowing, some uncomfortable, today two more.

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