Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 240: Goodbye Wang Yulu

With the arrival of the Wuyue Jianpai, among the crowds of the small gates, there was a hot discussion.

"This person is the chief disciple of the Wuyue Jianpai, and the second place in the Tianjiao list. I am on the first day of the arrogance of the sacred sword Xian Linyi? Hey! The sword is really young, this is less than twenty? Light, you can fight against the top of the peak, compared with him, I am really a year old to live on the dog."

"Can't compare, and no one can compare with the death of Jianxian. Half a month to practice internal strength, into the third-rate situation, then the ability to teach the seven masters of the same level, Lanzhou City, is to make a third-rate The situation is more and more challenging the feat of the second-rate peak. After entering the second-rate, he defeated the masters of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in Zhejiang and Zhejiang, and even the first-class masters were smashed by him. Soon, Huashan Tianjiao defeated the fox wind and sat on Huashan. After the position of the chief disciple, he won the Huashan school. Since then, he has been flying into the sky. In just one year, he entered the second-rate peak, Wuyue on the sword, and the sword defeated the four elders. Master. Back to Huashan, defeating the two top-ranking elders in Huashan ranked first and second. This person has done this for more than two years."

"Oh, two years later, that is, not long ago, he will help the lord and the lord, and the 18th squadron of the dragon will be defeated by Ye Dong. It is not long before the city, one person and one palm, even the sorcerer teaches 18 first-class masters. Ye Dong! Desperate Jianxian, this person from the growth track, in just over four years, it became the first day of the right arrogance, is the world's first enchanting, is the martial arts myth! Such people, you can go Than? Forced to compare. Self-inflicted."

"Wow, listen to you saying this, then this life-threatening sword is the first day of my arrogance. Is it the name?"

"Of course, I am on the right track. In all the big names, can you find someone who is more powerful than the sword-sword? He is not the first day of my arrogance, who is still?"


Lin Yi’s fabulous rise story, spread among the people of the rivers and lakes, all the small people. The eyes of Lin Yi have all changed. Many people are full of fanaticism on their faces, and Lin Yi is an idol. Crazy shouting: "Death swordsman!"

"Death swordsman! Desperate swordsman! Desperate swordsman!"

Lin Yi, who entered the venue, did not think that he would be so popular, and was shocked by this sudden and screaming fanaticism. But what scene has he not seen before? It won't be, and it won't move. Although some suddenly. But he quickly recovered, and smiled at the crowd who yelled at his nickname, and waved.

Arousing a group of screams, the fanatical shouts are even louder.

"Death swordsman! Desperate swordsman! Desperate swordsman!"

The voice spread throughout the venue, and many famous people from the door were secretly inquiring about Lin Yi’s deeds. Listening to Lin Yi’s deeds, many people have revealed the color of surprise. However, many people have also remembered the evaluation of the first day of arrogance on the road of the rivers and lakes. The heart nodded secretly. The person who said arrogantly on the first day of the right path is him? !

"Lin Shaoxia! Lin Gongzi! Desperate Jianxian!"

Walking into the famous site, some people greeted Lin Yi from time to time, and Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

Looked at Lin Yi is so popular. In the Shaolin position, his first big disciple awakened the monk and frowned slightly, looking at Lin Yi was extremely uncomfortable. It is not only Lin Yi who has had contradictions with him, but more importantly, at this heroic meeting, Lin Yi’s limelight almost completely exceeded him.

Watching countless rivers and lakes people say hello to Lin Yi. Passionate friendship. Even a lot of people are still famous, where will the awakened monk be happy?

This is the winner. A guest, the head of his master is over!

From the inside, he felt that Lin Yi would pose a great threat to him.

Not only did he think so, all the elders of Shaolin around him frowned slightly, and the goal of looking at Lin Yi was extremely poor. They also felt the same. The Wuyue Jianpai sentiment was not good, and they would be extremely threatening to them.

I was afraid that the Shaolin held a heroic conference and gave a wedding dress to the Wuyue Jianpai.

What did the people of Shaolin think, Lin Yi did not manage, too lazy to manage.

When he decided to participate in the Heroes Conference, he was ready to turn his face with Shaolin.

Originally, it was with Shaolin to grab the position. In the tiger's mouth of Shaolin, the people in Shaolin would have a good attitude towards him?

The situation is very good, greatly exceeding Lin Feng’s expectations.

Originally, he still wanted to do something, and he did what he wanted. However, after coming to the venue of the Heroes Conference, he found that he still stunned his reputation. His fame today does not need to do anything at all. Going there is the most beautiful person.

Countless people are yelling at his name, and many sects are greeting him. Among them, there are some strong names.

"Lin brother!"

When passing through the location of Gusu Murong's home, Murong's young master Murong Yuan was excited to say hello to Lin Yi. After three years of disappearance, the childishness on his face disappeared, and there were many vicissitudes and feelings about life and death. Obviously, in the past three years, he has experienced many experiences in the rivers and lakes. Moreover, it has also broken through the bottleneck of the second-rate peak and reached a first-class situation.

"Mu Rong brother!" Lin Yi arched his hand, smiled slightly, and continued to think about the position of the Wuyue Jianpai.

"Lin brother!" After passing the position of Guiyunzhuang, his lesser Lu Yi greeted Lin Yi, and he did not see it for three years. His cultivation was still the second-rate peak. There was no breakthrough, and his look was somewhat decadent.

"Lu brother!" Lin Yi also arched his hands, smiled and continued on.

When he passed the position of Mandala Zhuang, he stopped and saw the white lady in front, slim and smiling at him. It is the main rain of the mandala Zhuang Shaozhuang. I haven't seen it for three years. The girl of that year, the youthful atmosphere, has become a beautiful woman full of mature charm, like a ripe peach, and the body is full of charm.

The cultivation has also reached a first-class situation, but the character has been bleak. Looking at Lin Yi with a faint look, it seems cold, but Lin Yi can feel the brilliance contained in that gaze. Like a volcano that has not yet erupted, it seems normal, even colder than before, but once it breaks out, it will make a shocking heat.

"Lin Gongzi, long time no see!" Wang Yu fell and smiled, whispered, sounds like a fairy. It is as beautiful and beautiful as it was three years ago.

"Rainfall" Lin Yi's eyes are somewhat complicated. It seems that there are a thousand words, but I don't know where to start. In the end, I can only say one thing: "I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Hey!" Wang Yu smiled, like a snow-capped lotus, it seems that the whole sky is brighter, and there is only her smile and laughter between heaven and earth. Lin Yi looked a little bit faint, and heard a pleasant voice in his ear: "In the past three years, I have been paying attention to you! Congratulations, I successfully sat on the position of the chief disciple of Huashan and became the chief disciple of the Wuyue Jianpai. You have completed your goal and made a name for yourself! These days, in Kaifeng City, I heard you the most in my ear, the second in Tianjiao, and the first day of the sacred sword.

"Thank you!" Lin Yi smiled and nodded, and answered sincerely.

"Go to the position of your Wuyue Jianpai. Everyone is watching!" Wang Yu smiled and smiled. The jade hand waved and walked back to the position of Mandu Villa. It was free and easy to walk, without a trace of fireworks. .

I don't know why, Lin Yi has a flash of heart.

But very quickly, this is reluctant to be forcibly removed from his heart, and he is still far from thinking about the situation of his children. The heroic congress is famous, and it is his job to deal with this battle.

He paused a little, and soon he did not hesitate to leave.

In the Mandu Villa, a pair of beautiful, see him leaving, the beautiful flashes of a faint color. The master of Meilu lowered his head and said: "Sure enough, he will not stay." Just like the eagle in the sky, it will never stay in the earth. Even if it stays, it will only stay for a moment, and the next second will flap its wings. The vast, boundless sky is the world of the eagle.

There is nothing to keep it on the ground forever.

Not flying in the sky, is it still called an eagle?

Perhaps the only thing he can do is to work hard and become an eagle, so that he can fly together with him.

Sitting in the position of Wuyue Jianpai, only after Shaolin Wudang, Lin Yi nodded slightly. After all, I saw Ye Dong followed, and wanted to stay in the position of Wuyue Jianpai. His face sank, and the cold color shouted: "Go back to your gang position, you can help the lord, the dragon and the 18th squad, sitting in the position of my Wuyue Jianpai disciple, what do you want to do? Let me be righteous. , how do you think?"

Ye Dong's buttocks haven't been hot yet, and the ear is Lin Yi's head screaming, and his face is stiff, his eyes flashing with an angry color, and he is about to retort. But see Chu Yaoyin said to him: "A Dong, listen to the master, you sit back to your gang position."

"Okay, okay." Seeing Chu Yaoyin's words, Ye Dong suddenly had no temper, and he was dejected and got up. He just took the position of Wuyue Jianpai. He immediately turned back and said: "Yaoyin, I will be there. Looking at you!"

Hearing the sound of Chu Yaoyin's face, he lowered his head, and Ye Dong laughed and ran back to the gang.

"Less help!"

Several elders of the gangs, seeing Ye Dong coming back, all stood up and looked respectfully.

"Okay, let's sit down!" Ye Dong waved his hand and looked impatient.

A few gangsters, did not say anything, they shook their heads and smiled, and they did not blame them for their help.

All the staff arrived, and all the famous people from the famous gate arrived. The awakening monk saw this, nodded with several Shaolin elders, then got up and stood up. Looking to everyone, the internal force, the voice spread throughout the venue: "The heroes of the world heroes, have all arrived. I Shaolin invited everyone to come to participate in this heroic conference, the purpose is only one, that is, demon slayer!" (To be continued)

Ps: There are still six hours, just September. If you have a monthly ticket in your hand, you can quickly cast it, or you will be emptied immediately and abolished. Come on, don't waste, tell us from a little, it's shameful to waste!

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