The little maid and the coachman were obviously stunned for a while, then nodded and walked towards the front.

They don't know how to treat Xiao Yun at this time.

I always feel that if I continue to disguise, it is a blasphemy to this recognition!

But the little maid frowned, then pressed her palm to her waist and asked in a deep voice, "who the hell are you?"

Xiao Yun smiled and was about to answer.

"Well, Xiao He, come back."

A very gentle female voice came from the carriage.

With one sound, Xiao Yun's nerves twitched violently, as if some softness in his heart had been touched, and a tremor was released, which shocked him.

So he turned his head, some impolite, and looked straight in the direction of the carriage.

But it's surprising that the little maid has such a small name.

Xiao He immediately retreated and stood carefully beside the carriage, lowering his eyebrows.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted.

The voice came out before the man appeared.

"I'm afraid you came to us because you know that you have martial arts skills and are on this remote road. I'm afraid you suspect that we have done something wrong, so I came to test it. Now I confirm that we have no evil intention, and then I left. I'm tired of seeing things carefully and do things politely. I'm a dragon and Phoenix among people. I'm sure I'm not a lonely and unknown person, Xiao He Don't be unreasonable. "

Xiao He was stunned, looked at Xiao Yun in amazement, suddenly tilted his head and asked lovably, "childe, is that so?"

This time, she didn't pretend.

A little girl of this age should have such a temperament. It's just that her life experience like hell makes her forget her ignorance and naughtiness at this age.

Xiao Yun touched his nose and said: "You can feel your momentum when you are far away, but it's really hard for you to live in that environment at such a young age. If you were in the capital, you should have enjoyed the innocent happiness that a child should have. It's good and good that you might be capricious, sometimes unruly, or ignorant, sometimes stupid. But it's also because you have Through such experience, you have far more wisdom and city government than your peers. You can face things calmly and look forward to the future. This is good or bad, no one can say, but I think it is a good thing. After all, the days in the future are still long and more, and there is no need to complain about yourself because of the lack of childhood. One day in the future, when you stand on the head of many people and can even decide the life and death of many people, when you look back on the past, you will miss and appreciate the experience you didn't want to recall. Life is like this. No experience will be wasted... Hehe, is it interesting? "

The simple words stunned Xiaohe.

She did not know why, suddenly shed tears.

Then he wiped it hard. Don't turn your head and feel ashamed.

Maybe it's because the regret in her heart was said for the first time, or because her experience was definitely moved... Anyway, she cried and cried in shame, but she didn't think there was anything wrong!

At this time, the woman in the carriage had come out.

Lift the curtain and step out of the carriage, but the action is stiff because of Xiao Yun's words.

Her body trembled slightly.

Then he turned to look at Xiao Yun.

But he found that Fang Zheng was staring at himself with a kind of almost hot eyes. That kind of eyes... Look fanatical and evil, just like burning all his clothes with his eyes!

Thinking about this, her first feeling was not anger.

But feel incredible, and even feel that they feel wrong.

Not only will he not be angry because of Xiao Yun's too explicit eyes, but he will sigh secretly.

It's all because of her age.


She is no longer young.

At the age of 31, people are old. They have not only lived a woman's best days, but also doubled.

She stopped thinking about getting married in the future.

The illusion of youth has long been thrown out of my mind, because it is inappropriate.

In this world, a woman is a big girl in her twenties and eighties. It is normal to marry at the age of fourteen.

After 30, some can be grandma, but they don't even have a marriage

If this is counted, it should be a shame to the family.

The other party, who listens to the other party, knows that he must be a brilliant figure and a handsome childe with great wisdom, whether it's Chengfu or magnanimity.

The accuracy of looking at people, the emotion of words, the indifference of doing things and the calm of acting are definitely beyond his age. Even those old men in the civil and military dynasties of the Manchu Dynasty are rarely so transparent!

It's such a character. It looks like a childe in his early twenties.

Suddenly, with a kind of almost crazy, it seems that he will rush over at the next moment and look at himself with inverted eyes

That's definitely my mistake!

Because it's impossible!

And in fact

Xiao Yun's eyes are crazy.

This guy is actually a man of more than 40 years of psychological age!

For women... Teenagers are really cute and moving in his opinion. He also likes them, but he can't pass the barrier in his heart.

That's a child after all!

Junior high school or high school students, even primary school students!

How can he do it?

But the woman who came out of the carriage in front of me

A full body wrapped in white is almost perfect.

Not fat!

But the convex place is convex, and the concave place is also really concave. The small waist held by Yingying is gently swaying, which can make people intoxicated.

The elastic body "bounced" properly during activities.

Completely dazzled Xiao Yun's eyes!

This woman is white, full of charm, with long and smooth hair. Especially her soft and warm eyes can turn Millennium ice into warm water. It's neither cold nor hot. It's just right to drink!

The body is less of a woman's young fur, but bright and clean, with a dignified feeling that can be broken by blowing.

It's like a ripe peach, which makes people want to bite hard.


It is most in line with Xiao Yun's aesthetics in his previous life.

When I was training in the camp in my previous life, I once came into contact with such a woman, who was the Secretary of a high-ranking person. I would come down to see them only when I conveyed my personal life again.

Only a few times, all the demons and ghosts in the camp were conquered by each other's appearance and body, and because of each other's gentle, quiet and dusty temperament, they became willing to sell their lives to her!

Of course, at that time, they were only the lowest level trainers, and there was an insurmountable gap between them and each other. Everyone could only think about it secretly in their hearts, or even dare not think too much. They were afraid that they would be punished if they said it carelessly when they slept.

At that time, the insurmountable goddess in the center of people's eyes!

Now, there is the same... No, to be exact, it is more wonderful. After all, the tenderness contained in her eyes is the kind of tenderness that precipitates after really seeing big winds and waves, rather than the kind of social expression that deliberately imitates and dresses up. It is such a character that suddenly appears in front of her.

Xiao Yun, at this time, is the son of a rich family, the only young master of the Xiao family, and the only saint of Tianzi brand

He suddenly found himself qualified and qualified to contact the woman.


The madness and impulse that can't be stopped in the heart are directly revealed in the eyes and sprinkled on each other's body.

Yes, this kind of eyes can be called blasphemy and rudeness. It's not too much to say, but he just looked at it like that, and even looked upright and bright!

His eyes are too obvious.

The woman obviously misunderstood.

After getting off the carriage, I bowed my head and didn't see him. I just worshipped him from a distance

But this thing made Xiao Yun's mouth dry and his blood gas gushed up.

"I've seen you. I apologize to you for Xiao He's recklessness."

"How are you going to compensate me?"

Without thinking or even controlling, Xiao Yun subconsciously uttered such a sentence.

As soon as this remark came out, the woman was stunned.

Because let her imagine, I didn't expect Xiao Yun to say this.

Her expression changed rapidly. Finally, she could only turn into a bitter smile and asked, "how does the childe want the little woman to compensate?"

"What do you think of making a commitment by example?"

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