The woman was obviously stunned and reacted for a while before she was sure she had heard correctly.

She said with a wry smile, "you'd better not make fun of me. Since you can't think of any compensation for the time being, if you think of it in the future, you can come to Leng's house to find me. As long as you have the strength, you will work wholeheartedly."

Xiao Yun sighed, slightly disappointed.

In fact, he also knows that if he makes such a request, the other party can agree.

Such a wonderful person made in heaven can only be obtained by paying a certain effort and price. I don't need to rush for a moment. After all... I'm afraid there is no one who can enter Xiao Yun's eyes and deserve this woman at the end of the day.

After thinking about it, I felt it was too rude to ask the other party's name rashly.

But I couldn't ask, but I didn't want to leave.

He stood there and rubbed the horse's mane, but he didn't leave.

This is a challenge for women.

She didn't expect Xiao Yun to ask her name.

If she knew, she must have said it directly.

But if the other party doesn't ask and tells the other party directly, it will appear that he is too frivolous. I'm afraid people all over the world will laugh at him.

So, even if the two were deadlocked.

It made the servants of the two families confused.

Xiao He looked at Shangguan qinger blankly, and Shangguan qinger looked at the two horses blankly.

In her opinion, her young master just wanted the horse.

The other side is not on the road at all.

Just offer the price directly and sell the horse to Yunshao? Can you be so reluctant? No matter who they are, as long as they don't sell, they will offend Yunshao. They will suffer the consequences at that time!

After thinking about it, she also came up to touch the horse's mane, but she was sprayed on her face by a loud nose of the horse, which made her very embarrassed.

The coachman couldn't stand it. He hurried up to the woman and said, "Miss, the family are still waiting. If you don't go back, I'm afraid the family will worry."

Suddenly, the woman rushed to Xiao Yun with an apologetic smile and said, "I can't stay with you again. Now the little woman has just returned to Beijing, and my family has been looking forward to some time. If it's unlucky for the woman to return after an hour, please... Make way for me?"

Xiao Yun nodded in a trance.

He heard the coachman's "Miss" before.

This proves that... This woman is not married now! Before contacting again, she was asked about her personal commitment, and the other party didn't prevaricate with her marriage, that is... It's very likely that this woman didn't get married!

This is good news for Xiao Yun!

As for whether this woman got married before? He didn't pay much attention.

It can even be said that even if she married someone now, Xiao Yun would try to get it!

Other women are not worth it, but the woman in front of him is worth it!

I made up my mind, so I awkwardly stepped aside and let the carriage pass.

When the carriage passed by, Xiao He made a face at Xiao Yun. The coachman looked embarrassed and afraid, so he had to salute him from a distance.

After the carriage passed, Xiao Yun reacted, waved his hand and said, "go, follow up and see which woman this is."

Shangguan qinger rolled her eyes, He couldn't help but say: "Yunshao, if you want a good horse, it's right to tell the master. The master was on the shore of the desert and had some experience with the nomads in the north. Let them send some good horses at that time. Why don't you choose from them? Do you have to ask for those two horses to pull a cart? Besides, I don't see what's good about those two horses..."

Xiao Yunbai glanced at her and said, "you know a fart!"

Shangguan qinger glanced and said, "nothing else. In terms of horses, I always want to be less than clouds. You know more!"

"All right, all right, let's argue again. People are far away!"

Said, two people really followed up.

As a result, not far away, I saw the carriage stop at a small door.

The coachman called the door, the small door opened, the three entered, and someone drove the carriage to the other side doors.

This small door can't even enter a carriage!

I'm afraid it's a small door for people who send vegetables and water.

This made Xiao Yun very unhappy!

In his opinion, even if the three returned from hell, only the young lady born in a family should not be treated like this.

Cars and horses separate. People go through one door and cars go through one door. What's this like?

It's blasphemy!

Of course, there is naturally the element of loving the house and the black.

However, he was still angry and strode forward. When he came to the small door, he smashed the door madly.

It took a long time for someone to answer the door. While opening the door, he muttered, "what's the matter today? Why is this door still lively?"

Opened the door, saw the young Xiao Yun, despised him and asked impatiently, "who? How did you run to us?"

As a result, Xiao Yun raised his leg and kicked the servant out directly before he finished all the words!

After Xiao Yun kicked, he immediately stepped forward and put his foot on his chest. If the other party hadn't really practiced, he would be killed by his foot!

"I'm looking for your steward! I don't see your master with me! I want to see which family in the capital dares to be so rude! Abandon the ancestral rules and ignore the law of heaven!"

A big hat is directly fastened on the little man's head, which the other party can't afford.

Not only can't stand Xiao Yun's feet, but also can't afford Xiao Yun's hat.

Seeing Xiao Yunkai loose, he didn't even have the idea of shouting and scolding. He hurried to the hospital.

I even forgot that the other party broke into the mansion and beat the master's servants at will. How can it be said that Xiao Yun was wrong first

This is the so-called rational. As long as you are reasonable, you will be confident even if you do something quite rude.

He walked carelessly into the yard and sat casually in a pavilion.

Cross your legs and squint at the things in the courtyard.

Not to mention, there is a sense of familiarity, not seen, but the layout of the furnishings, which has a familiar style.

Shangguan qinger asked in a low voice: "Yunshao, let's come in so rashly and hit someone again. It doesn't seem very good?"

"You know shit!"

Xiao Yunbai glanced at her and said: "What's benshao's status now? A saint's product! The only saint's product in the state of Qin. If benshao's conduct is wrong, there is a problem with the evaluation mechanism of the state of Qin! Can there be a problem with the evaluation of the state of Qin? The evaluation involves almost all forces of all families. Who dares to say that there is a problem with the evaluation? If there is no problem, can benshao have a problem?"

"Since there is no problem with the evaluation, there is no problem with Yunshao."

"Since benshao has no problem, is it benshao's problem to beat people and break into the mansion?"

"That's naturally the problem of servants here, the problem of this mansion!"

Shangguan qinger suddenly became enlightened. She couldn't help laughing and echoed on one side.

But... When the steward of the family came over, the smile on their faces suddenly disappeared.

It's not because of each other's power.

It's just this steward. They know each other!

The Leng family is in charge. When he treated master Leng, he was busy before and after. Now he is followed by Han Shizhong behind him

Don't ask, this is cold home!

Compared with the embarrassment of the two of them, the manager of Leng's family, who obviously wanted to make a crime, was even more confused!


He turned to look at the beaten servant and asked, "is this childe who beat you just now? What else do you say that we are indifferent to ethics?"

"Yes! He's the one in charge! He beat the little one. The little one still hurts in his chest..."


The steward of the cold family suddenly swung his hand and gave the man a hard blow in the face.

Then he roared: "this is childe Xiao! A brilliant person in the capital! He won the saint's grade in the evaluation a few days ago! He is kind to our cold family! You said he beat you? And slandered our cold family? This is not pure farting? I think you don't want to live. You can frame others. Even Xiao Xiaosheng dare to frame? I think you're going crazy!"

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