The most indispensable thing in the world is smart people.

Leng Xiaohan looked at his palm and smiled bitterly.

"Boy, if you have anything to ask, just say it."

Xiao Yun didn't realize it. He asked, "when Ben Shao passed here today, I saw a carriage passing through the back alley and entering through the small door. People and cars separated. People entered the small door, but the car had to go through the side door."

"Is there such a thing?"

Leng Xiaohan asked suspiciously.

Then Xiao Yun's hand "shook" for a while. The golden needle crossing the acupoint was naturally painful, like millions of ants biting, itching and painful, which was unbearable.

Leng Xiaohan shivered and said with a bitter face, "boy, are you extorting a confession by torture?"

Xiao Yun said innocently: "How could it be? Leng Lao, you've thought a lot about it. How can the healing process be painless? This needle is always better than the previous one. Besides, I heard that there is a disease. To understand the texture, you need to use a steel needle a little thicker than my needle to Pierce from the back, penetrate into the bone and collect the spinal cord. There is the source of the meridians of the whole body, and the sensitive pain is naturally different 。”

"Is that true? And this disease?"

"That's that!" Xiao Yun smiled and continued to apply the needle, Then he asked: "It's rare that the woman's entourage should have returned from the battlefield. I was surprised before. I didn't understand how such amazing people could appear in the capital. I didn't want to understand until I saw them enter the cold house. If she was your family, I'd understand. It's normal for the children and grandchildren of the great pillar to go out to fight in all directions."

Leng Xiaohan twitched his eyes.

But finally he said, "I don't know what you're talking about..."

Xiao Yun's expression didn't change at all. He just pricked a needle to treat the disease.

But the technique is obviously a lot rough, and the pain caused is naturally unbearable.

"Hold on, it's normal."

He explained.

Leng Xiaohan immediately analyzed it.

Now the other party is treating himself, that is to say... He is pinched by the other party.

If he punishes himself with Xiao Yun's temperament, I'm afraid he will quit immediately. Who will heal his hands and feet at that time?

Now it seems that only by telling the truth can he stop.

But... That kind of thing can also be said to outsiders? Xiao Yun, in particular, is obviously not a reliable man!

He thought hard and didn't come up with a compromise. It's not without, but Xiao Yun certainly didn't recognize it.

But with his thinking, his crime didn't stop at all.

Unable to bear it, Leng Xiaohan asked, "why do you care about a woman you've never seen?"

Xiao Yun glanced and said, "I have a crush on it, can't I?"

Leng Xiaohan was stunned and then smiled bitterly.

I just think he's telling a joke.

Then he bit his teeth and was ready to endure.

Xiao Yun sneered in his heart, and his technique began to change. Apart from the degree of pain, if ordinary people bear these, I'm afraid they directly want to cut off their palms, and don't want to suffer another moment of sin.

But... Leng Xiaohan held back!

Sweating, dripping down his cheeks, he soaked his clothes in an instant.

Xiao Yun turned two means again. The other party still didn't say it, but it was an expression of generosity!

This surprised Xiao Yun.

It seems that... There is something important secret about your woman. If you press it rashly, I'm afraid it will backfire.

So the wrist turned immediately and the gold needle shook immediately.

Leng Xiaohan's painful feeling also disappeared in an instant, but became an unspeakable comfort.

He raised his head and looked at Xiao Yun in amazement.

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "it's helpless to suffer a little. Look at my palm? Now it's wrapped like zongzi, so there's always a gap in the way of force. I can't find the feeling until now."

Leng Xiaohan twitched violently in the corners of his eyes and asked, "why don't you give me a diagnosis and treatment after the injury on your hand is cured?"

Xiao Yun took back the needle and said with a smile, "naturally, I can't. Ben Shao will go hunting tomorrow. It's hard to say whether he can come back at that time. Where dare he linger? After all, this is what Ben Shao promised before. You have to suffer a little. I'll suffer a little and make it happen."

Leng Xiaohan was stunned.

Staring at Xiao Yun's hands.

When Xiao Yun had put away the golden needle, he sighed and said, "I will go hunting tomorrow. I have a waiter next to me. I will go with you and take care of your food and accommodation in the wilderness."


Xiao Yun said with a smile, "the old man at home also wants to arrange someone around me. He doesn't need it."

"When people live in the world, they always accept gifts from outsiders. It's impossible to rely on themselves alone."

"It's all right. I have Qing'er around me. Hunting? It's just a small matter."

"Why don't you listen to advice?"

"Hey, hey, just like this."

Xiao Yun stood up, moved his muscles and bones, waved his hand and said, "I'll go first. The medicine bath will continue and exercise will continue. I can move freely within this year."

After saying that, he turned directly to the door.


Leng Xiaohan said, "my granddaughter will pass this hunting. If you meet him, you can go together and take care of each other."

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "no, I said, I don't need to take care of it."

"I asked you to take care of my granddaughter. Can't you? Don't you even help me?"

"This..." Xiao Yun smiled bitterly, scratched his head and said, "OK."

Then he bowed his hands and walked out of the room.

When he left Leng's house, he looked in the direction of the back yard for a long time.

"Less cloud? Less cloud?"

Shangguan qinger called a few times.

Xiao Yuncai turned his head, smiled bitterly and sighed, "I don't want to touch flashy right and wrong, and don't want to provoke emotional reincarnation, but I don't want to suddenly plant a big somersault in this cold house. It's bad to have a thought in my heart."

"Think? Yunshao, do you really like that girl?!"

"Yes... If you think about it, you will have greed. The world is vast and floating. This greedy life will have defects and weaknesses. I'm afraid the waves will be difficult to calm down."

Shangguan qinger blinked blankly.

I think that woman looks older than my age. How can my young master not like older women?

It's said that rich children inevitably have some strange hobbies. Maybe... It's only ordinary.

Then he said, "since Yunshao likes it, he asked someone to go matchmaking and be a concubine to marry at home?"

"Ah? Oh, how can it be so easy? Return to the concubine room? Hum, you think your young master is too capable."

"Is it difficult?"

Shangguan qinger scratched her head and looked puzzled.

In her opinion, this is really an easy thing!

But the young master said it was difficult. Maybe there is something difficult.

Not considered.

Today, they came out to help Leng Xiaohan cure his illness. The most important task is to go to the blacksmith's shop.

That star iron can't be quenched into a weapon now, but Xiao Yun can't wait for the upgrading of forging technology without holding his hands?

So I came to the blacksmith's shop today to use whatever I can. I have to find a good guy.

Walking into the blacksmith's shop, er Gouzi directly greeted Xiao Yun. This usually dull boy has great respect for Xiao Yun.

This is the case with craftsmen. For those who have real skills, they always come from the heart.

Without much nonsense, Xiao Yun said hello and took over the blacksmith shop.

Oven, iron burning, forging.

The red iron changed shape on the anvil little by little.

Xiao Yun's hammer kept beating on it, beating... Beating.

Knocking and knocking became mechanical action.

Thoughts also fly out because of such simple actions.

I don't know why.

He remembered the past.

Previous lives.

Struggling in the mire and moving forward in the wind and sand.

I spend my life between life and death. Ghost gate has become the most common place to go. I always step on it with one foot, and then draw it back expressionless.

One of them.

Seventeen people go together and go home together.

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