It was a big sandstorm.

They fell from the air and crashed into the ground, announcing their arrival to a chaotic world!

Get rid of the fog and a group of people step forward.

Xiao Yun walked in front, and the other 16 followed.

All covered, each armed.

Go all the way, fight all the way.

See through the enemy's ambush, intercept the enemy's scouts, and be trapped in the desert. Rejoice because of a pot of water, revel because of a rain, and be lonely because of the departure of your companions.


Not sad.

Because someone always dies.

Someone always leaves, in all kinds of ways.

Their life itself will face one parting after another.

Even sometimes... It's yourself who sends your friends on the road.

This is some kind of curse similar to fate.

No one will choose to resist and rise up, but only choose to accept silently.

"This is life."

Xiao Yun said so.

Look ruthless.

But the most moving.

However, there will be happiness on the way to inevitable destruction.

Even if it's short.

But it is also worth fighting for and defending with your life.

Because the order they executed originally, no one can go back alive!

Or death squads, or can't live.

Once in a lifetime, the most important and final task.

When they saw someone fall on the way

Just pray for him.

Pray that in the next life, you can live in a peaceful world, live a peaceful life, enjoy the trifles of your family and feel the ups and downs of life.

Finally, I can lie quietly in the hospital bed and look at the family standing around me. I am glad, but I also regret to close my eyes.

Well, it must be... Fucking beautiful!

A ding.

Xiao Yun's hammer rarely fell into the space, and with the spark of the anvil, it sounded crisp.

He was stunned for a moment. In a trance, he went back to the past, stunned, and came to this time.

A long sigh.

But he grinned again.

It must have been the blessing of those teammates and had an effect.

In this life, although it has not been long, he feels happy.


So he smiled.

Happiness, you should laugh.

Might as well laugh louder and more rampant!

If it is too calm, it is worthy of their cheers, loneliness, galloping to him and blocking the deadly shells for him?

"Yun Shao, why do you seem so happy?"

"Well, I think of something happy."

"Then why are there tears?"


Xiao Yun wiped the corners of his eyes and pointed to the anvil in front of him: "Mars burst into his eyes."

Shangguan qinger was startled and hurried to help him blow.

Too hard, saliva flew into the eyes.

Now I really burst into tears.

"Go, go!"

Xiao Yun chased her away like a fly.

Make Shangguan qinger stand aside with a wronged face, don't turn your head and get angry.

Xiao Yun raised his head to peek at her. When he lowered his head, he smiled happily.

After knocking, quenching, grinding, drilling and rope binding.

The rope is wrapped with cowhide. It is strong and difficult to control, but it is better than nothing.

Especially around the wrist, it can be covered by wide sleeves. If you hang your hand, you can't see it.

Two small leather covers fit the arm to prevent the dagger from scratching the arm.

Shangguan qinger looked aside and asked curiously, "Yunshao, why don't you have a handle for this dagger? How can you take it then?"

Xiao Yun stretched out two fingers and shook them.

The black line on Shangguan qinger's face.

Finger clip?

Isn't that crazy?!

These swords and daggers are all afraid that the handle is too slippery or there is no tan mouth guard. They are afraid that they will hurt themselves when they are used.

It turned out that his young master was good, holding it with his hands? Wouldn't it be that the dagger is held in someone else's hand and cut on his own finger?

If you don't hurt each other, you must hurt yourself first!

However, she also knew that she could not persuade Xiao Yun. She could only sigh helplessly, as if she was coming out to play with him.

After these two daggers, it will be dark.

A whole day was spent in these two places.

Eat, sleep, and then sleep until dawn.

"Yun Shao, I'm going hunting today. Don't you rest for a day?"

"I have a rest. I don't have time to rest."

Xiao Yun said something that Shangguan qinger didn't understand.

But then she understood.

"If we come back safely this time, we'll set up an exercise rule for you, and you'll have to beat the sand every day."


Shangguan qinger immediately carried her palm back and shook her head desperately.

After all, it's a woman. She can't accept such a thing.

Xiao Yun just smiled and said nothing more.

But Shangguan qinger's heart kept falling.

She understood that the young master's attitude proved that this matter could not run away!


Hunting is a grand event.

Thirty miles north of the capital, there is a small grassland, followed by Honolulu.

This grassland has been called immortal's shoes by the world. It is said that an immortal stayed again and stepped on a footprint to leave such a plain in the mountains.

Of course, this legend is quite unreliable.

In Xiao Yun's opinion, it should have been an impact plain, that is, there was an ancient river here. The sediment in the upper reaches washed down and deposited at the bottom of the river, and gradually became flat. When the river changed its course, dried up and disappeared, the riverbed leaked out, and the land was fertile and rich.

This kind of place is most suitable for farming.

But I don't know whether the state of Qin is a loser or because it is too close to the capital. It's a pity that even cattle and sheep are not allowed to graze here on weekdays.

But at the same time, it's good to use this place as a venue for hunting every year. After all, the grass is rich and beautiful. It feels soft when stepping on it. The gust of wind brings a fresh taste and makes people intoxicated.

This is really a good place!

Of course, good places can only be used by dignitaries.

The place where ordinary people have no right to set foot in ordinary days has now become a place for rich people's hounds to shit.

Today, there are groups of people in twos and threes, and there are also places with concentrated contacts. Dozens of people gather together and make a loud noise.

At the front, there are several tents.

The biggest one in the middle is the Royal figure.

When hunting, there is always a prince in the royal family who nominally presides over the overall situation. In fact, it is to give a prince a chance to make friends with the next generation of talents.

Often the choice of a prince represents his Majesty's attitude.

It can also be regarded as a chance for the princes. Whether they can grasp it depends on their own.

If we fail to take advantage of this opportunity to establish our own prestige among the younger generation, we actually have no qualification to inherit the unification.

But this time, your Majesty's arrangement is particularly strange.

The prince sent here is... The fourth prince!

The recognized waste among many princes, and even all forces never cared about his existence.

The fourth prince himself doesn't know the specific reason.

Just sitting there ignorant, happy is naturally happy, confused, of course.

He was still accompanied by women disguised as men.

It's just that the men's clothes have been slightly feminine this time, and it's easy to see her woman's identity.

At this time, her eyes were full of joy. While there was no one, she stretched out her hand and rubbed the head of the fourth Prince for a few times.

The fourth Prince awkwardly removed her hand and asked, "sister, why did the father send me out this time? The king is not familiar with those big families, and they don't give the king face. It's been so long that no one has come to see the king..."

The woman disguised as a man sighed and said, "if they don't come to see you, you can't go to see them? This Chunwei event was originally attended by the young generation of various families. They are either high-ranking and powerful in the family, or simply future successors... In short, a Chunwei represents half of the great Qin State! You should seize this opportunity."

"Too... Too much trouble."

The fourth Prince is a little upset.

The woman disguised herself as a man and sighed again.

But he didn't force him to go out to socialize.

She knew that the reason why the fourth Prince suddenly had such an opportunity was because of the sage Xiao Yun!

Once upon a time, the dandy waste has suddenly become an amazing figure. This change is very shocking to your majesty.

That's why your majesty made a tentative plan to push out the most useless fourth prince to see if he can suddenly become amazing.

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