
It's not too much to ask, but the shopkeeper hesitated and said with a bitter face: "well... Young master, I have to wait for a distinguished guest today. She's coming to talk. If I don't see us waiting for her here, I'm afraid it will annoy the adult. I can't afford to bear it."

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. Go to the medicine shop next door. When people come, let the nearby store tell you. And it won't take you long. You can come back in a minute."


The shopkeeper knew that he couldn't resist each other, so he had no choice but to agree.

After the arrangement, he simply closed the store door and followed Xiao Yun to the medicine shop.

Half an hour later, the medicine was cooked. In the lobby, Xiao Yun carefully took the medicine pot.

"Bring a clean copper basin and a pot of hot water."

Soon, everything was ready. Xiao Yun poured the dark medicine juice into the copper basin. The drugstore shopkeeper and Han Shizhong hurriedly covered their mouth and nose and stepped back a few steps. It was obvious that they were frightened by Xiao Yun's words.

Xiao Yun ignored them, turned his back, took out a small jade bottle from his arms and carefully poured some white powder into the copper basin.

Then pour a pot of hot water into the copper basin.

The black medicine juice is mixed with clean water. The color is lighter, but it is still dark brown and can't penetrate to the bottom.

Xiao Yun took the stick and gently stirred it for a few circles. Then, in full view of the public, he suddenly soaked his hands in the water!


This startled Shangguan qinger and hurried up to pull him.

Xiao Yun couldn't help laughing and said, "how? Do you know you care about me?"

Shangguan qinger was stunned, took back his hand and spat, but he couldn't help asking, "what are you doing?"

Xiao Yun did not deliberately cover it up and said, "this is a good thing. It is a panacea for both martial arts practitioners and hard-working people! It can activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, remove dead muscles, produce tender meat, renew tendons and bones, remove corruption and poison. It is the most precious secret external medicine!"

When he said this, people around him were stunned. Naturally, they didn't believe it.

This basin is obviously a poison. How can it have such a great effect?

A group of people clearly didn't believe it. Xiao Yun didn't explain too much. Instead, he came to the blacksmith and asked, "what's your name?"

The young man said in a low voice, "my name is er Gouzi..."

The shopkeeper nearby hurriedly explained: "Er Gouzi was a homeless orphan. His family suffered a disaster and fled here. As a result, his parents left in a few days. Seeing his pity, he took him in and could start the shop. Alas... When his parents died, they didn't have time to name him."

The shopkeeper sighed.

Xiao Yun said, "then call it Er Gouzi. It's not an ugly name. Come here and put your hands into the liquid medicine."

Er Gouzi hesitated.

"What? Are you afraid?"

"I... I'm not afraid. You let it go, and I dare to let it go!"

"Let it go, but it will hurt. You have to hold on. If you take it out at once, it won't work."

"You are not afraid of pain. Can I be afraid of pain?"

Er Gouzi is simple and honest on the surface, but he is like a mirror in his heart. He saw Xiao Yun soak his hand in the liquid medicine for a long time. He is a young master with thin skin and tender meat. What else can he do for a pure man like himself?

As a result, he naturally did not care, put his hands in, looked around angrily, and showed his masculinity.

But in the blink of an eye, his expression froze.

The confident smile solidified there, gradually pulled into a painful face, the corners of the mouth also opened, and deliberately took a deep breath, and the mouth was about to scream out!

Xiao Yun was ready. He grabbed his arms and pressed them hard to prevent him from pulling out his hand.


But the scream could not be avoided. The two dogs' eyes were red with pain. While struggling all over the body, they were sweating all over in an instant, and their bodies could not help shaking.

"Pussy!" Xiao Yun suddenly scolded and shouted, "didn't you just say you're not afraid of pain?"

"I... I didn't expect it to hurt so much..."

Er Gouzi begged for mercy in tears and tried to go out.

To say that his strength was also quite great, Xiao Yun almost didn't hold it down.

"You waste!"

Xiao Yun suddenly scolded again.

"You can't be a master until you eat hard. Technology is eaten by hard work. It's a blister and a scar. You can't even hold on to this little pain. What else can you do? In the future, you can only be an apprentice in such a big blacksmith shop for a lifetime!"

Two dogs were called stupid.

Then he bit his teeth and didn't cry any more, even if his tears and sweat flowed desperately.

Xiao Yun nodded approvingly. In fact, this pain is really unbearable.

Half an hour later, the two dogs were in a trance and shaky.

At this time, the door of the medicine shop was knocked open with a bang, and a man came in with great strides in the stunned eyes of everyone.


A beautiful woman.

A cold face, showing a ruthless.

Like her sword.

Scabbard sword!

The snow is shining.

Keep the room dark and cold.

People are like their names!

Leng represents the most powerful family background in the capital. In his early years, Leng Guozhu "shocked the blood clothes with a long gun", which shocked the territory of the northern territory of the state of Qin, and also shocked Lengjia, a giant in the capital.

Congealing refers to her beauty. Her skin is like congealing fat. This description begins with her. When he was born, he was as white as jade. Li Guofu personally carved a white jade baby girl. It was difficult to separate it from her at the same time.

Shuang is her life experience. Leng Guozhu is an old grandson. The twins live as a son, making her the only legitimate daughter of the Leng family. It means unparalleled. This word is bestowed by his majesty! Also let the original children become unparalleled in the world, which is both regret and luck.

So she was spoiled unimaginably since she was a child. She was naturally rebellious, indifferent and reckless.

I don't know how many noble sons I hurt with the cold moon sword in my hand. It looks like a bully in the capital!

Seeing her face, the shopkeeper who was about to shout angrily immediately shook like a sieve. How did such an aunt come? Then he hurried to meet him, squeezed out the most hardworking smiling face in his life, and said respectfully, "it's Miss Leng. You're here? I said how I heard magpies barking all morning!"

Not only the shopkeeper, but also Han Shizhong, who has always been quite tall and cold, showed a smiling face.

The shopkeeper of the nearby blacksmith shop was even more frightened. He sat on the ground with a plop and said in a trembling voice: "you... Why did you come here in person?"

He is a very principled person and hates breach of contract.

Although it was the appointed time for people to come to the blacksmith's shop, they came here today when they had nothing to do, but they saw that the blacksmith's shop closed the door and there was no one. Naturally, they were very angry. They were afraid to hurt people when they brought the sword in.

Just before they started, they saw Xiao Yun and ER Gouzi grinning around a copper basin.

So he asked coldly, "what are you doing?"

Xiao Yun ignored each other, but calculated the time and suddenly said, "well, almost."

Then he loosened his hand, and the two dogs' palms immediately pulled out of the copper basin.

The palm was swollen like a pig's hoof, red and scary.

But then the swelling began to subside with the naked eye, like a deflated balloon.

Er Gouzi only felt that his hand was extremely unobstructed. When he shook it with force, he didn't feel the pain in ordinary days. Comparing his hands, it was obvious that the hand that had soaked in the copper basin was now a circle smaller than the other hand. The blisters on it melted, and the wound began to close without pain.

Condensing Shuang also came together, forgot to get angry, stared at Er Gouzi's two hands in a daze and asked, "what's the matter? This hand was swollen just now, but now it's like this?"

At this time, Xiao Yun turned his head and pretended to have just seen Cong Shuang and smiled gently, say: "When you work, practice martial arts, or often touch cold water, or cut and scar, there must be stagnant meridians on your palm, which will hurt your muscles and bones. When you are young, you don't feel anything, but when you get old, these old wounds will be found. Your fist is like a vinegar bowl, and your joints are swollen like jujubes. It's painful day and night. If you want to treat it, you can only stand after breaking and make your muscles and bones glow with new opportunities. My secret Medicine can cure the disease. Take Er Gouzi for example. Although he is young, he has many old wounds on his hands over the years. Although he can be cured, he needs to soak more times. This time alone is not enough. "

The second dog was stunned, looked at his palm in surprise and exclaimed, "it's amazing! My hand, my hand is not numb or painful!"

The blacksmith shop owner hurried over, stared at his palm, and then raised his thick palm to see

The fingers like the roots of old trees are strong and mottled.

Blacksmithing is a hard work. When the hammer falls, it will also be injured.

As a craftsman.

The first thing in the morning is to boil a pot of hot water.

Put a piece of bitter ginger next to the basin, rub each finger, and then soak it in hot water.

Only in this way can the palm hold the fist.

pain? Nature is painful, just used to it.

Looking at his apprentice, his palm is obviously much better because of a pot of potion, which has a strong impact on the old shopkeeper.

He suddenly turned his head and asked, "how can I sell this medicine? I want to buy it!"

Han Shizhong looked embarrassed and said, "this medicine belongs to the childe. We... Can't sell it."

At the same time, Cong Shuang rushed over and asked loudly, "sell me this medicine!"

Cold beauty, it is rare to speak in such a loud voice. Even before she was angry, her voice was gentle and calm.

But now anyone can see her excitement.

Xiao Yun smiled.

Sure enough, I got the right information.

After more than ten days of understanding, there is always a general picture of the Chinese side in Beijing.

For example, Leng Jia, a bully in the capital, has a pair.

And her grandfather, Qin Guozhu Leng Xiaohan!

He fought all his life and had almost no weaknesses, but years of battle not only brought him great glory and great industry, but also brought him all kinds of pain.

I heard that I couldn't get down to the ground a few days ago. My hands and feet were like the roots of a scar tree. I couldn't pick up my chopsticks.

As a famous filial granddaughter in the capital, how can I not be excited to see this potion?

He smiled.

He whispered: "it's impossible to sell. At least there are few books. He is also a scholar. How can he do such a business? Moreover, it's a secret story of the family. How can he easily show people? Girl, it's really belittling that there are few books."

With that, he turned directly and went to the door.

He also said loudly: "the shopkeeper, according to what he said before, prepare ten pairs of medicine for me, send ten more after ten days, go directly to the accounting room to get money at home and report the name of less books!"

When I came to the door, I suddenly turned around and said, "by the way, don't try to sell it or hand it over to others. The prescription given to you lacks the most important medicine. With it, this medicine is a good medicine for curing diseases. Without it, this medicine is a bone etching poison! I hope you don't make mistakes."

Then he really went out of the medicine shop and walked to the corner.

Shangguan qinger looked stunned and embarrassed, and then she could only follow up reluctantly.

Condensing his beautiful eyes with fire, he shouted, "which family are you from?"

Xiao Yun's head did not return and said loudly, "Ben Shao? Ben Shao's name is Xiao Yun. He is the eldest young master of the Xiao family! Also, girl, don't always call me. It's really impolite to call me Yun Shao!"

With that, he left quickly without waiting for condensation.

Walk naturally.

Cong Shuang was stunned for a while before he remembered to chase.

Ran out of the door and looked at the front of the road, but there was no trace of Xiao Yun?

She stamped her foot hard, her face turned blue and her eyelids trembled.

In fact, she really didn't expect Xiao Yun to really leave without a trace of stay.

"Damn it! Asshole!"

The young lady of the cool family, a bully in the capital, danced with a sword and a beautiful jade girl. At this time, she was scolded angrily in the street.

Care is chaos!

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