Xiao Yun naturally did not go far, but went out of the door and dodged into a corner.

Just happened to avoid each other's sight.

Shangguan qinger was puzzled and asked, "why don't you sell her the potion? Yunshao is afraid that he doesn't know the identity of the woman. It's condensing Shuang, the eldest lady of the cold family."

"I know."

"Then why not sell it?"

Xiao Yun turned his eyes helplessly and said, "you know a fart."

Shangguan qinger was upset, He said loudly, "why don't you understand? Although the old man of the Leng family is not in the court, the family power is also at its zenith. Leng Guozhu's name is not in vain. Now she sells the potion to Cong Shuang. She naturally inherits our love and may be helpful to Yunshao in the future. Now this favor doesn't sell, but annoys her. I'm afraid it's going to be a big trouble in the future!"

Xiao Yun was so angry that he turned and lit Shangguan qinger's forehead, one by one.

"Do you understand why you want to catch? Do you understand what you want to sell? You don't know how to cherish and appreciate what you get easily. Should you understand?"

Shangguan qinger's forehead was red. He hurried back a few steps, covered his forehead and said, "why do you always like to beat people?"

"Hum, let you have a long memory!"

Xiao Yun turned his white eyes and couldn't help muttering: "when can this guy qinger grow up? Or is this guy just an elm head and there's no development?"

Shook his head and went on.


On the other side, I couldn't find anyone, so I ran home with the potion that had been used once.

A famous female tiger in the capital walked on the road with a copper basin, which really attracted the attention of many people, especially the dark water in the copper basin

So all kinds of rumors appeared.

It is said that the condensation is carrying a basin of ink on both sides, and then evolved into carrying a basin of foot washing water. It is also said that when she hits people, her hands are black and her feet are black, so the foot washing water is as black as ink.

Keep evolving, and finally become a condensation, walking in the downtown with a basin of shit on both ends, I'm afraid I'm crazy.

At the gate of Leng mansion, the official who opened the door was also startled by the image of Miss Leng.

"Aunt, what's the matter with you? Why are you carrying a copper basin? Here... What is it?"

"Where's grandpa?"

Her character is that she doesn't like talking too much.

This can easily lead to misunderstanding.

Like now.

Because she was in a hurry, her clothes were dirty, her hair was messy, her skirts were loose, her head was sweating, and she still carried an unknown copper basin in her hand

It looks like being bullied outside!

That's enough?!

The cold house was in a mess.

In Wuyang, a group of people ran out. The men carried long knives and wooden sticks, and the women carried kitchen knives and scissors.

In particular, a group of servants guarding the yard, with hostility, rushed to Cong Shuang with red eyes.

They are retired veterans, or twilight, or disabled, but they are determined to defend to the death!

An old horse is not desolate. It is only waiting for the crisis. It should be a sword and a gun!

Cong Shuang was startled by the angry family and asked coldly, "what are you doing?"

The first old man with a broken arm said sternly, "who bullied our eldest lady? Just say your name. No matter who the other person is, the old slave will cut him to death in the street!"

He frowned and muttered, "there's a really annoying guy..."

"Ah, don't worry about that. Where's my grandpa? Where is he? I want to see him right away!"

"The master is in the back garden. Xiao B pushes him around the garden... Miss, who bullied you? Just say your name!"

"We'll talk about that later. Do the important things first!"

With that, she ran to the back yard with a copper basin.

People look at me and I look at you. They all look stunned. They don't understand what happened to their young lady, and they are even analyzing it.

"It seems that the bully must not be a good stubble!"

"I'm afraid it's a high power and great power, so I didn't tell us."

"It seems time to send his grandson elsewhere."

"No! This time we should destroy our appearance and kill thieves in the street, so as not to cause trouble to Leng family!"

Everyone said a word to me, and a "big plan to kill thieves" was decided. You can do it only when your eldest daughter tells each other's name.

On the other side, he quickly went to the backyard and found the old man Leng Xiaohan.

At this time, the big pillar country, which once frightened the enemy country, was just an old man in his twilight years. He looked down at a swaying bud in front of him in a daze. Perhaps he was also recalling his youth and heroic spirit.

Cong Shuang rushed up directly, acted with great vigour, ordered people to find a charcoal basin, put the copper basin up, and began to take off Leng Xiaohan's shoes and socks.

"Shuang Er, what are you doing?"

The old man was so frightened that he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Don't move!"

He shouted impatiently.

I'm afraid she's the only one who dares to talk to Leng Xiaohan like this.

And Leng Xiaohan was not angry. He looked at his granddaughter with a bitter smile, and his eyes were spoiled.

Leng Xiaohan's feet are like tree roots just dug out of the soil. They are bloated and mottled, full of scars and have strange shapes.

He was also ashamed of it. He subconsciously pulled back, but he was held by the condensation. Then when the liquid medicine in the copper basin was warm, he pressed his feet in it.

"Grandpa, it seems to hurt. You have to hold on."

Although the liquid medicine has been used once, its efficacy is still good.

It hurts. It really hurts. It's not a fake that two dogs died and lived before.

But Leng Xiaohan didn't even have a painful expression. He just looked at his granddaughter and asked with a smile, "where did you get the folk prescription? I didn't know where to get it last time. He had to make me a pair of iron gloves."

"That's almost finished. Bashi's very comfortable."

"You girl..."

Speaking of this, Leng Xiaohan suddenly twitched his eyes, took a deep breath and closed his mouth.

After a while, he was sweating and his face was red and white.

"Does it hurt?"

"No pain."

"No pain? Is it no effect? Or the temperature is too low?"

Condensate blinked, immediately pulled the charcoal basin over, raised the copper basin and wanted to continue heating.

Leng Xiaohan immediately said, "it doesn't hurt!"

Embarrassed, he smiled and said, "in fact, it hurts a little."


Push aside the brazier and say solemnly, "pain should be effective."

The time in the pain passed slowly. Leng Xiaohan couldn't help asking, "when will it be soaked? Should it be almost?"

"It seems to be half an hour."

"Ah? Oh... Oh, that's it."

In order to maintain his glorious and positive image, Leng Xiaohan naturally has to fight hard.

But now some want to give up.

Just between the tangles, I really survived half an hour.

Finally, when he said "it should be good" in his mouth, he immediately pulled out his feet.

As a result, I saw that my feet were like cooked bear paws, red and swollen, and became like Bigfoot monsters. My heart couldn't help sinking.

The seventh master of the nearby old housekeeper showed his teeth and said in horror: "Sir, you... Have to call a doctor? It's swollen like this. I'm afraid it's necessary to cut it."

"Cut a fart!"

Leng Xiaohan scolded loudly.

The seventh master quickly shut his mouth and lowered his head.

"What are you doing? Why don't you go to see a doctor?"

"Ah? Oh!"

The seventh master quickly turned and rushed out.

But he said, "I don't think so. Wait and see."


The blood vessels on Leng Xiaohan's eyebrows kept beating, squeezed a smile and asked, "good granddaughter, who told you this method and gave you this medicine?"

In those days, everyone was afraid of Da Zhu Guo. He had been practicing Qi Nourishing Kung Fu at home for many years, but now he is killed because of a pot of medicine.

The other party cheated his silly granddaughter and made himself suffer such a great crime. When he caught someone, he must be delayed!

Cong Shuang said, "listen to him. His name is Xiao Yun. He calls himself the eldest young master of the Xiao family."

"Xiao's family? Xiao's family of old devil Xiao?! what does this old thing want? Is that Xiao Yun who gave you the medicine?"

"No." Condensate shook his head and said, "I asked him if he wanted it. He didn't give it. I robbed it. No, it was also picked up. If he didn't take it away when he ran out, it must be thrown away, so I picked it up."

"Pick... Pick it up?"

Leng Xiaohan frowned.

He didn't understand.

His granddaughter naturally knows that he is rigorous in scholarship and gifted in martial arts. He is jealous of evil as hatred, but he is a little naive. He can't grasp the main points when talking and doing things. He looks righteous and can make people anxious to death!

As for Xiao Yun, the young master of the Xiao family, Lao Zhu Guo has also heard of it. After all, it is one of the famous jokes in the court.

While the two were talking, Leng Xiaohan suddenly felt the click of his legs and thighs, just like the sound and feeling of stepping on the ice floe in winter.

Even the thighs shook slightly twice.

Then... A numb feeling came from the feet and ran directly through the whole body, which was unspeakably comfortable.

He subconsciously lowered his head to look at his feet... The whole person was stunned on the spot.

The exaggerated redness and swelling have almost disappeared. There is a thick layer of dead skin on the surface of the skin, and the edge has been tilted up. You should be able to tear a large area as soon as you tear it.

But this is not the most critical.

What shocked Leng Xiaohan most was that the pain in his left and right limbs had disappeared!

He moved his foot slightly

It really doesn't hurt?

no It's a little, but it's not so obvious or even acceptable.

When he found this, he stood up excitedly, although he was still trembling and would fall at any time.

But he did stand up!

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