On the surface, Xiao Yun threw Tuoba Hong aside.

Then he said so many words to him. His words were inseparable from life and death, as if he wanted to persuade PI Jiang to live. It also showed the world that his killing heart was not so heavy. At least for PI Jiang, there was a great hope of survival!

After the layout, he came forward.

Pull away.

At this time, if a subordinate is excited, or if he rushes to save people with his horse's sharp knife

Horses rush, earth shaking!

The big gun that was not stable when it was inserted on the ground will immediately fall down and cut off your neck in an instant!

It would be even worse if it was half broken, blood gushing, and people covered their necks and struggled for help.

In this way, they become the people who kill the benefactor!

Although the outcome is that Pi will die, the difference between dying in the hands of Xiao Yun and dying in their hands, whether due to negligence or anything, is very different!

The only thing we can do is to kill Xiao Yun and keep it from outsiders. However, the power shown by Xiao Yun keeps telling them, "I want to go and I can go at any time"!

Then this will force them to a dead end.

Even if the victory comes back, it is difficult to escape death. Not only will they die, but also their families will be implicated.

On the contrary, it's better to die with you.

Either fight to death, or run, and then hide your name.

There seems to be no other way.

Is it easy? This layout is very simple and more basic than the most basic trap.

But it was almost successful!

Just because it is so simple that it is arranged in front of everyone, people will not think that it is a huge trap.

Tuoba Hong's face was iron green.

If he had shocked Xiao Yun's martial arts before, he would now be shocked by his resourcefulness.

This guy has been trying to solve his 3000 cavalry!

The most terrible thing is that he did all this in a light manner and in front of everyone. He made a huge trap at hand. If he didn't pay attention, it would be impossible to prevent.

Such an opponent is really terrible.

He took a deep breath and finally got off the horse.

Because of the shaky spear in front, he felt that the horse that had been with him for nearly ten years was dangerous.

Hesitated again and again, he still came to Xiao Yun.

"It's impossible to catch without a hand!"

"Yes." Xiao Yun nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "this is the attitude that we should have when negotiating. Bargaining is right. We have to go back and forth."

"What do you say?"

Xiao Yun turned to look at the benefactor and said with a smile, "why don't you tell me who he is first."

Tuoba Hong sighed and said, "you don't need to know the specific identity of the person who is extremely important to this general."


Xiao Yun touched his nose.

Bargaining, before such negotiations now, we actually have a clear idea.

They are taboos, isn't Xiao Yun?

There are so many dignitaries in the state of Qin, as well as Shangguan qinger and several people close to him. Now they are all his weaknesses.

Xiao Yun thought for a moment and said, "Ben Shao first infers whether Ben Shao is right. If not, Quan Dang Ben Shao didn't say. If it's right, we'll strive for a win-win situation."

"Win win?"

Tuoba Hong frowned.

Xiao Yun said with a smile: "don't be so confused. The purpose of many negotiations is not to squeeze one side, but also win-win. Both sides can achieve certain benefits."

"Hum." Tuoba Hong sneered.

"Your attitude is very problematic!" Xiao Yunbai glanced at each other, Then he said: "Ben Shao thinks so. When you found the great Qin earthquake in the Northern Wei Dynasty, you gathered the troops at the first time and prepared to take the great Qin by surprise, but the situation is urgent. Hundreds of thousands of troops, millions of troops or something are easy to say. If you really want to deploy them, where will it be easy? There are thousands of miles of wasteland to the north of here! Even if you walk through it on foot, you don't know how much luggage it will cost, people The war on that scale can only be achieved through the accumulation of more than ten or even decades. As for today's Northern Wei Dynasty, hehe, it's not that I despise you, but it's impossible. "

He paused and said, "Ben Shao thinks that even if you send out a large army, there must be a limit to the number. Ben Shao thinks it is 50000. What do you think?"

Tuoba Hong's eyes twitched violently.

Xiao Yun smiled, Continue: "This should be the number of several border guards. You can almost reach it if you gather from the nearby city. But in fact, this is not a simple thing. The cost of soldiers and armor guarding the city in the city is not the same as that of marching out. The number of temporary deployment is almost the same. As for your 3000 iron cavalry, it should be standing weaving, subordinate to the government road and wandering away It is precisely because of this that I sent you as pioneers to see the situation of Daqin, right? "

Tuoba Hong lowered his head to cover up his horror.

Although what Xiao Yun said is not completely correct, it's not much worse!

No one can say if soldiers and horses do not move food and grass first, but it is the capital of a great general to really use food and grass to judge the size and operation of the army!

And more importantly, these quantities.

This is the secret of the Northern Wei Dynasty!

If this kind of thing is easily known to the enemy countries and people know how you deploy and how many troops you have, then you can break through your weaknesses and break them easily.

But how did Xiao Yun know? Is there a leak at the border? It's impossible. If the secret was leaked, how could Daqin not know the trend of the Northern Wei Dynasty? It's impossible to be unprepared now.

Is it the boy who analyzed it? Guess?

If so

Tuoba Hong raised his head and looked at Xiao Yun with an opportunity to kill!

Xiao Yun was a professional counterpart. Naturally, he could feel the look in his eyes. He sneered and said, "as a top general, you can't be happy or angry. Your mood is written on your face. How did you climb to this position? Is it simple and honest?"

Tuoba Hong was stunned and his face turned red in an instant.

It's angry.

Xiao Yun continued to analyze: "Therefore, as the vanguard troops, you just try to come in with a tentative attitude. If you take advantage, you can also take advantage of the opportunity to let you occupy a border city first and use it as a stronghold to transport food and grass and gather troops. A little temptation can always fight, but I'm afraid it will take several years."

Tuoba Hong took a deep breath and said, "what's the use of you talking so much?"

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "I'll ask you one more question. Is the Northern Wei Dynasty Civil and military incompatible? It's said that the Northern Wei Dynasty valued literature and despised martial arts. It must have caused many troubles this time?"

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

There is no need to answer. Tuoba Hong's expression has given Xiao Yun the answer.

Xiao Yun nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "I'll say, how can the Great Northern Wei Dynasty be full of fools? Sure enough, it's still because of mutual oppression and struggle."

Tuoba Hong was stunned and his expression changed a little.

"What are you trying to say?"

He asked this sentence several times, only this time he really asked.

Xiao yundao: "When you invade the south, 3000 iron cavalry seem majestic. The idea of normal iron cavalry is to support the war with war. If you go on a long-distance expedition, you need one person with two or even three horses. You pursue mobility and plunder one place. But look at you, if you go alone, you are even more desperate to catch up with the earthquake and natural disaster! Now the whole northern region is afraid of people From the lost, home no longer, you support the war? I'm afraid there's only one way to eat people! How long can you walk? When Daqin reacts and attacks in many ways, you just need to block the northern border first, and then encircle, chase and intercept. You'll have to die here sooner or later! "

"This... Impossible!"

"Hehe, you sent the troops to kill me when I was ill, but first of all, there is no bargain here. Secondly, the rations of your army are not perfect. In Ben Shao's opinion, you are more like joking. Like death squads, you rush in to make a mess, but it doesn't play a big role. No one with a macro vision will Develop such tactics. "

"You're talking nonsense!"

Tuoba Hong roared.

But then, Xiao Yun's Yu Guang glanced at the general, then smiled and said, "it seems that this general is really a very important person!"

Tuoba Hong's pupils shrank into a ball in an instant, and sat there with a frightened face, sweating.

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