Tuoba Hong thought of a possibility.

Someone used the means of killing with a knife and took advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the benefactor!

stand a good chance!

One wants to gild, the other wants to harm others while he is away from the king's court.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

But he still narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Yun with some doubts.

Xiao yunha laughed, Said: "Ben Shao knows what you think. Ben Shao doesn't hide it. I just want you to leave here, or catch it with your hands, or destroy it all. Naturally, I'm not your friend. I'm full of thoughts about harming you, but we are enemies. This should be the case. I think you should worry about those guys who don't look like enemies on the surface."

Speaking of which, He sighed: "When I say win-win, that's why I met you and wanted to keep the power of the Qin Dynasty. The bigger the better, I can climb high enough to look down on the world. Then I can know what happened that year. Yes, I am the only child of the Xiao family. The General Xiao in your mouth is my father. My parents have been since I was sensible It can be said that we don't have much feelings for each other anymore. It's not safe to say that we should take revenge for them. I'm taking revenge for myself. I want those who let me lose my perfect childhood to pay enough! "

The voice was fierce and murderous.

That kind of breath emerged, which was more ferocious than Tuoba Hong, the battlefield murderer, and even made him a little afraid!

Xiao Yun continued, "as for you," that's right! "

Tuoba Hong's eyes were wide open and he couldn't speak.

Xiao Yun continued: "Besides killing them, killing them is indeed a feat, but every country is the same. Families and countries are separated. If the officials of the Qin Dynasty want to start a war, they may meet the strong wishes of all parties and work together. If the interests are contrary, they will be in great difficulty. I'm afraid the same is true of you in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Although the monarch wants the minister to die and the minister has to die, the strong backbone of all civil and military officials is not the same It's so easy to bend. You can knead it at will. Don't you deny that? "

Tuoba Hong nodded slightly. He didn't notice. He couldn't see it at all, but he didn't speak.

Xiao Yun turned to look at the general and sneered, Continue: "Therefore, according to common sense, it would be very difficult for our officials of the Qin Dynasty to send troops to the northern expedition. We need to accumulate strength for many years, but it would be great if these dignitaries were killed by you later! Our officials of the Qin Dynasty not only weaken the power of the dignitaries, but also fully support his great cause of the northern expedition. At that time, we will ask for food, money and people Both! Hei hei, that is to say, your indiscriminate killing brought you a small personal achievement, but it brought 30 years of border disputes to the Northern Wei Dynasty! "

Xiao Yun stood up. He was two heads shorter than Tuoba Hong, but he seemed to be tall and peerless, looking at the ground from a bird's-eye view.

"How can your emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty not know this? He will reward you on the surface, but secretly wants you to die and hates you very much. If you make a mistake in the future, it will be the crime of killing the nine families! Not to mention..."

Xiao Yun turned to the general again and said in a deep voice, "what you are doing now has touched the bottom line of your majesty of the Northern Wei Dynasty? Hehe, as a man, don't eat in the bowl and look in the pot. When the bowl is in, the pot is nothing, okay?"

Tuoba Hong trembled again.

He stepped back three steps.

He opened his eyes in horror and looked at the rubbing figures that could still be seen through the woods in the distance.

There are also three lovely little heads exposed behind the boulder not far away.

Shangguan qinger asked curiously, "you say, what's the matter with the young master? He was beaten to death just now. Now he caught a man. Why did he suddenly sit together and talk?"

Condensate Shuang couldn't help saying, "yes, I'm afraid the enemy general's brain is broken. If he can kill or not, he still sits together and talks. He doesn't understand."

Miss Wu smiled and said, "maybe there's no way to kill. You can't kill. You can only talk?"

Cong Shuang shook his head and said, "how could it be! It's the black cavalry! Although it's only 3000, it's no longer empty in the face of 20000 Daqin troops! But Xiao Yun's martial arts are really strong. Now I don't understand how he survived the impact, but he caught someone... I can't imagine!"

Shangguan qinger smiled and said proudly, "don't look at what our young master is? The only sage product in the state of Qin can't be imagined by ordinary people such as you?"

"Hey? You damned girl!"

Cong Shuang scolded and wanted to do it.

But he still looked at the direction of the battlefield.

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