Chapter 1301 Warning

“Get rid of Sky Academy Dean?” Yuan Tianyang almost couldn’t help screaming, as if he had been stepped on his tail, he jumped up.

Thinking of the silhouette in his mind, Yuan Tianyang trembled, like a shadow over his life.

Seeing Yuan Tianyang’s gaffeful reaction, the evil king “Han” and the Heiwu people were all shocked.

“This…” the evil king ‘聻’ cautiously asked: “Dare to ask Mister, is there any question?”

“What’s the problem? Ha, I tell you, this problem is very big!” Yuan Tianyang tried to stabilize his emotions, staring at the evil king’Han’, “I warn you, if you don’t want to die, Don’t provoke that Dean Mister! Otherwise, let alone me, even if your master is here, you will not be able to protect you!”

The evil king ‘聻’ suddenly felt a little unbelievable: “Mister, are you making a mistake?”

He almost thought he had auditory hallucinations, Yuan Tianyang Mister actually called that person Dean Mister!

What is the situation?

In his impression, that mysterious Dean, although it is suspected to have taken that step, is still far behind Yuan Tianyang Mister, right?

Regarding the 9th-order immortality, the evil king “Han” does not know very well, but he knows that even in the 9th-order immortality, this Yuan Tianyang Mister is also an extremely powerful figure, and it can even be said to stand in immortality. The poke at the top of the pyramid, and his master, the existence that gave them life, is the greatest existence in this endless time and space!

“Do you think I’m going to make a mistake about this kind of thing?” Yuan Tianyang glanced at the Evil King indifferently, “If I hadn’t personally experienced Dean Mister’s strength, how would I say that?”

The King of Kexie “Han” is still a little unbelievable.

If that Dean really has such terrifying strength, why didn’t he just kill him?

“When Dean Mister fought with you, the Divine Soul Avatar I left behind was also concerned.” Yuan Tianyang said separately: “I originally thought that Dean Mister was just a Peak Legendary hero, or a newcomer But now after experiencing Dean Mister’s true strength, I understand that Dean Mister is not unable to kill you, but takes the initiative to spare your life. If Dean Mister really wants to kill you, you don’t even need to do anything, just look at it. That’s enough.”

The evil king “聻” has his eyes rounded.

“As for Dean Mister why not kill you, I think it might be because he noticed that you are connected to Seal. If you kill you, Seal will collapse too…” Yuan Tianyang said slowly: “But I doubt that maybe with you The Dean Mister who fought in the war was not Dean Mister’s deity, but his Avatar.”

Of course, even Avatar still has the ability to kill the evil king, but it’s not as easy as the deity.

“Avatar?” The evil king’聻’ was a little confused.

He knew that Dean had an Avatar, and even Wu was the other’s Avatar, but was the one who fought with him really the Avatar?

“Yes, Dean Mister is almost invincible, but he shouldn’t shoot you personally, because it’s too bad. So, I guess it should be Dean Mister’s Avatar.” Yuan Tianyang said: “The structure is like this. The Avatar of Dean Mister shouldn’t be difficult for Dean Mister, because as far as I know, the Lord of Immortal Realm is also Dean Mister’s Avatar.”

“Lord of the fairyland, you mean, that ‘No’?” the evil king ‘聻’ asked.

Yuan Tianyang was taken aback and reprimanded: “You can call ‘No’? Remember to call ‘No’ Mister or Dean Mister in the future!”

It seems that the shadow that Dean Mister has caused on Yuan Tianyang is not small. Even in places where no one is there, he dare not show any disrespect to Dean Mister. Even Dean Mister’s Avatar is equally respectful to him.

“But didn’t you say that our master is the greatest existence in this endless time and space?” The evil king’s “Di” is a bit at a loss, unable to tell which sentence Yuan Tianyang is true and which one is false .

Yuan Tianyang was silent for a while, and said, “Before Dean Mister appeared, your master was indeed the greatest existence in endless time and space. The creatures of all races were all crawling under their feet. Even the Asura family in hell was afraid of him. Only the mysterious and terrifying nightmare can compete with him… But now it is different, Dean Mister turned out, that invincible power has even surpassed the boundary of time and space, as if reaching another unpredictable realm and The height, a height that even the presiding judge cannot reach…”

Even Yuan Tianyang himself didn’t notice how respectful his expression was when he said this, and there was even a trace of worship in his eyes.

“The greatness of Dean Mister, let alone you, it is hard for me to predict it.” Yuan Tianyang is like Dean Mister’s Number One fan. In words, he admires Dean Mister very much, and praises him very much. The tone of awe and surprise also makes it difficult to doubt the authenticity of these words.

The evil king “聻” heard this remark and couldn’t help feeling cold all over.

Have you ever fought against such a great existence?

Even if the other party is just an Avatar of that great being, it is enough to make the evil king “聻” feel extremely honored!

Moreover, He has fought against Dean Mister’s Avatar more than once, one time outside the fairyland time and space, against Wu Mister, and the other time outside God World, with another Avatar of Dean Mister In the battle, although I did not get any benefits twice, and even was directly maimed for the second time, I have not been relieved yet, but this kind of experience, looking at the time and space of Shenxu, and even looking at this endless time and space, I am afraid that there is only He evil. Did the Wang “聻” have it?

“Dean Mister didn’t kill you, it doesn’t mean he didn’t dare to kill you. You must keep this in mind.” Yuan Tianyang solemnly warned: “If Dean Mister is really angry, no one can keep you!”


The evil king “聻” couldn’t help sweating in cold sweat, feeling that he could survive. It was a fluke.

“Okay, I have said so much, I have done my best, even risking being blamed by Dean Mister, if you are still disobedient, go and provoke Dean Mister without Dean Mister doing it. I am the first I can’t forgive you.” Yuan Tianyang looked at the evil king’s, his voice was slightly cold, “Dean Mister is generous, not care about you, it doesn’t mean I won’t care about it.”

After finishing speaking, Yuan Tianyang was ready to leave immediately regardless of the reaction of the evil king “Han”.

But he just walked out, stopped again, turned his head and said: “I will warn you one more time, please do not provoke Dean Mister!”

“Yes!” the evil king trembled.

Yuan Tianyang was nodded with satisfaction, and then his silhouette flashed and disappeared in the river.

The Evil King “Han” seemed to be emptied of all his strength, and looked towards the direction of the true God World: “Do I have to hide in the river for the rest of my life, and I can no longer step into the turbulence of time and space? ?” He was very unwilling, but he didn’t dare to set foot in the turbulence of time and space, fearing to provoke the Dean Mister.

That is even the existence of Yuan Tianyang Mister who is jealous and even fearful, can he provoke it?

Just as the evil king “Han” was sighing in his heart, Yuan Tianyang’s silhouette appeared beside him without warning, and he was startled.

“Mister!” The evil king ‘聻’ hurriedly cheered up and said respectfully.

“Forgot to tell you, what I just said is not allowed to be leaked to anyone.” Yuan Tianyang said indifferently: “If you let me know that you leak this matter, I will not kill you, but believe me , I definitely have ten thousand ways to make you better than dead!”

Yuan Tianyang left again before the evil king “Han” answered.

He has to hurry to reinforce the remaining three Seals.


Dantian World, turbulence in time and space.

After an unknown length of time, Zhang Yu has refined dozens of time and space Spirit Treasures, and consumed those dozens of time and space essence. It is not enough to refine the time and space Spirit Treasure. Zhang Yu has drawn With dozens of time and space essences, a batch of time and space Good-Fortune Pill and the feast of time and space have been refined.

Naturally, the rewards for competitions don’t use so much time and space Spirit Treasure, but prepare in advance and be prepared.

As for the real Divine Item and the real Divine Pill, Zhang Yu still has a lot of inventory, so I don’t need to work hard to refine it.

“That’s right, you have to refine a batch of Spirit Treasures for Defensive Time and Space.” Zhang Yu looked at a bunch of Spirit Treasures that he had refined, and realized a problem. With the birth of Tier 9 Immortal, the identity order It’s time for the card to be upgraded. Originally, the highest grade was the golden identity token, but the defensive ability was no different from the purple identity token, and it did not reach the standard of the golden identity token.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu no longer hesitated, went out again to the essence of time and space, and began to refine a batch of golden identity tokens.

The golden identity token is still the highest grade identity token of Sky Academy, but its essence has risen directly from the original defense enchanting real Divine Item to the defense time and space Spirit Treasure, and it is better than the special level of time and space Spirit. Treasure has to be a bit more aggressive.

Zhang Yu didn’t stop until a large number of golden identity tokens were refined and almost ready for wholesale.

He can’t remember how long he spent in the turbulence of time and space. It was too long for him to remember. It may be 100,000 years or millions of years. In that endless Time Acceleration, he Just like a refining station with no emotions, repeating boring actions, when he stops, he has already accumulated a considerable amount of time and space Spirit Treasure, as well as some time and space Good-Fortune Pill, and time and space feasts.

“Competition rewards should be considered almost ready now.” Zhang Yu gently put out a breath, as if completing an arduous task, “Next, we should set up a martial stage.”


He stood up, ready to return to the wilderness of God World.

But he just walked a few steps, and suddenly stopped again, and a new thought came into his mind: “Wait, it’s better than the martial stage. It doesn’t have to be in the turbulence of the wasteland time and space. I It can be specially refined for this purpose than the martial stage!” As a nine-star all-professional, Zhang Yu still has confidence in this.

He even feels that the space-time Spirit Treasure he has refined before, can be used as a stage better than martial.

“Yes, I can refine a better than martial stage!” Zhang Yu’s eyes are getting brighter and even a little excited.

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