Chapter 1302 Time and Space Supreme Treasure-Yucheng!

Refining a stage better than martial, this idea can be said to be quite bold!

If Zhang Yu had not become a nine-star Refiner, he would naturally not be able to implement this idea. After all, even if he refines an enchanted real Divine Item, even if the enchanted real Divine Item is extremely large, it can hold millions and millions of creatures, but It’s also difficult to withstand the battles of the teachers and students of Sky Academy, because Sky Academy has too many True God powerhouses. Even if the immortals don’t participate in the battle, just the piles of True God powerhouses and continuous high-intensity battles are enough to destroy an enchantment. Divine Item.

Don’t forget that Sky Academy’s teachers and students have the ability to skip grades to battle. True God Upper Realm, although they are not the opponents of Legendary heroes, are compared to the so-called top True God Upper Realm in the fairyland. It is much stronger, almost beyond the limits of True God, even the enchanted Divine Item can hardly sustain such power.

It is different now. Zhang Yu is promoted to the nine-star Refiner division and can refine a special time-space Spirit Treasure as a martial stage.

“With the Time and Space Spirit Treasure, even the immortal can fight in it.” Zhang Yu thought the more, the more he felt that his method was feasible, “The Time and Space Spirit Treasure, especially the special time and space Spirit Treasure, is indestructible, don’t It is very difficult for ordinary immortals to be destroyed by the Lord of Time and Space, and these Time and Space Spirit Treasures that I have refined are more powerful than the special Time and Space Spirit Treasure, and they can definitely withstand the power of the immortal battle. Impact.”

Zhang Yu is very confident that this endless time and space can destroy the Profound Yellow Pagoda and many other time and space Spirit Treasures. There are very few people who are in the middle grade of time and space.

It is difficult to say whether the master of time and space in Middle grade can harm it.

“Since it is necessary to refine the martial stage, it is perfect.” Although the Profound Yellow Pagoda and other time and space Spirit Treasure can be used as the martial stage, Zhang Yu still did not do this, but instead planned to refine one. Time and space Spirit Treasure can be used as a martial stage for a long time in the future, and can even be used for enrollment assessment.

From a certain perspective, this is more of a martial stage, and it will become one of the facades of Sky Academy in the future. It is not sloppy.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu immediately took action and quickly extracted the essence of time and space. In an instant, he quickly gathered a hundred essence of time and space in front of him. The time and space essence of incomparable value, in Zhang Yu’s place, is like grass mustard. Generally cheap, the most shocking thing is that after extracting so many time and space essence, the time and space turbulence still has no effect. From start to finish, there is no change at all, or the slightest change is too much. It is subtle, even Zhang Yu, the creator, is imperceptible.

“What the hell is this Dantian World of mine?” Zhang Yu was happy in his heart, but he also became more confused about his Dantian World.

He has collected more than a thousand time-space essences before and after. If they are replaced with special time-space, they may have been squeezed out long ago and time-space will be exhausted. Even the legendary ninth-order world hell may not be able to bear it, but The Dantian World not only endured it, but was also unaffected, as if it had infinite life force.

The system is also out at this time, and its voice is also amazing and incredible: “The host’s Dantian World has unlimited potential. In a way, this endless time and space, including hell, is not as good as the host’s. Dantian World. I have been following Old Master for a very long time, and I have seen countless time and space, but I have never seen time and space like the host’s Dantian World. I don’t even know whether it is accurate to use the concept of time and space to describe Dantian World… …”

System has always spoken without emotional fluctuations. However, this time, Zhang Yu can clearly feel the exclamation in its tone, which shows how surprised system is.

“Ah, it’s okay, It shouldn’t be a shame for you Old Master.” Zhang Yu was praised to be airy, but his face was calm and indifferent.

But how can he hide the system?

The system knows what he thinks in his heart.

“Host, don’t be too proud. This Dantian World does have unlimited potential. Depending on it, you may even hope to surpass the height of the Old Master in the future. But…” system said, “This is just you Good luck that’s all. After all, no one would have thought that you could use the enchantment technique to create such a world. You didn’t expect it in the first place, right?”

Zhang Yu does not deny: “Luck is also part of strength.”

He did not expect to create Dantian World at first. It can be said that all this is too coincidental.

If there was no Dantian World, he would still be struggling with True God Realm.

“To be honest, for now, except for the Dantian World created by luck, nothing else can compare to Old Master.” System said: “The greatness of Old Master is unprecedented, and the host thinks To surpass him, you have to keep working hard.”

“It will be a matter of time to surpass him.” Zhang Yu doesn’t know what rank the system Old Master belongs to, but he has Dantian World, which means he has infinite potential, a future without limits, and naturally also has transcendence The confidence of the system Old Master, “wait and see!”

After communicating with system for a while, Zhang Yu regained his energy and adjusted his state to the best.

“Hope to succeed in one go!” Zhang Yu took a deep breath.

Use 100 time-space essences to refine the time-space Spirit Treasure, which has never appeared in the endless history of time and space, including the long history of hell, because the essence of time and space is too precious, and the essence of special time and space is even more valuable Comparable to the seeds of time and space, no one dared to use special time and space essence to practice hand, even the highest nine-star Refiner division, never used more than three time and space essence to refine the time and space Spirit Treasure.

And Zhang Yu, from the very beginning, is a hundred time and space essence, and it is a mysterious time and space essence that is much stronger than the special time and space essence. Such crazy behavior, if other nine-star Refiner masters know about it, I am afraid that they will go crazy.

But for Zhang Yu, one hundred essences of time and space can’t be considered. Even if it fails, he doesn’t feel distressed.

In this endless time and space, only Zhang Yu dares to be so crazy and dare to try so unscrupulously.

He simply doesn’t worry about failure. If he fails, he will come again at worst!

Anyway, Dantian World boundless is almost infinite. This point of time and space essence is just a drop in the ocean for Dantian World. As long as Zhang Yu is willing, he can extract 10,000, hundreds of thousand or more time and space essence at any time.

Of course, although the essence of time and space can be used almost indefinitely, Zhang Yu still hopes to be able to refining it successfully at one time, because the process of refining the Spirit Treasure of time and space is too boring and it takes too long. If it continues to fail, He didn’t know if he could keep going.

Shaking his head, Zhang Yu discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind, his expression became focused, and he entered the state of refining the Spirit Treasure of time and space.

He sit cross-legged in the turbulence of time and space, and his mind controls a hundred time and space essence fuse together, and then began a bold attempt.

Zhang Yu refining the dedicated space-time Spirit Treasure than the martial stage, more dedicated and focused than before, the whole process is meticulous, to ensure that any link will not go wrong, he sits in distress, looks serious, divine sense perceives time and space The subtle changes in the essence, Time and Space Strength jump in it like an elf, as if constructing a time and space.

One hundred essence of time and space is more difficult to control. If Zhang Yu is not the creator, it is almost omnipotent in Dantian World, I am afraid that it will be unsustainable at the beginning of refining.

The entire refining process is no different from the previous Refining Space-Time Spirit Treasure, but the control is more than a hundred times more difficult, and it takes longer. Zhang Yu guessed that perhaps even the Lord of the Middle grade Space-Time Unable to control so much time and space essence, if you act forcefully, it will only fall into the sand and fall short.

In the boring refining, time quietly pass, even if Zhang Yu is extremely focused, he can vaguely feel that time has passed for a long time, even more than the time and space Spirit Treasure, the time and space Good-Fortune Pill, and the time and space before. The time spent on the feast adds up to longer.

Because the essence of time and space is too majestic, it is simply unrealistic to refine an arena than the martial stage. If it is only to refine an arena, why does Zhang Yu bother to refine it? After spending so much time and space quintessence, spending such a long time, and enduring boring years, Zhang Yu’s goal is not to refine an arena, but… to refine a city!

A city of Spirit Treasure in time and space!

When this city shrinks, it can fall in the palm of your hand and is unremarkable. When this city enlarges, it can accommodate All Heavens Myriad Realms and dominate the space and time. This is what Zhang Yu in mind is more perfect than martial The stage ground is not only used to hold competitions in all circles, but also used as an entrance examination. Messaging can also be used as a place for cultivation and activities of Sky Academy teachers and students, and because of its special nature, it can be freely controlled. , Retractable, you can take it wherever you go.

This city is both defensive and offensive. It can be described as a perfect offensive and defensive city.

However, it is extremely difficult to refine this city. Even with Zhang Yu’s ability, it is also very difficult.

After not knowing how much time has passed, the majestic essence of time and space, little by little changes, eventually became the city that Zhang Yu had in mind, and it was not bad.

The entire city, like the flow of time and space, is connected, and the overall style is similar to Desolate City, just like Desolate City magnified countless times. It can easily accommodate millions and millions of creatures. Install the entire time and space.

After Zhang Yu injected the last ray of Time and Space Strength that contains good fortune, the entire city seemed to be suddenly activated, suddenly releasing brilliant colors, as if all the colors of this endless time and space were blended together , Giving people a strange and comfortable feeling, at the same time, the whole city also exudes terrifying power, as if it can break the long river of time and crush everything into nothingness.

“Really strong!” Zhang Yu’s heart was shaken, and he was a little excited.

This city even exceeds the cognition of Jiuxing Refiner.

Its level is probably higher than the special time-space Spirit Treasure!

Zhang Yu feels that he can smash a spatio-temporal autonomy by smashing the city in his hand!

It is not wasted that he devoted so much effort!

“It is more than ten times stronger than the special time-space Spirit Treasure…maybe it cannot be called the time-space Spirit Treasure.” Zhang Yu’s face was covered with a satisfied smile, even a little excited, “Maybe you should be called the time-space Supreme Treasure! This endless time and space, the first time and space Supreme Treasure!”

“As for your name, let’s call you Yucheng!”

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