Chapter 1303 The Eve of the Competition

When Zhang Yu’s voice fell, on the edge of the city and above the city gate, there were two big characters quickly: “Yucheng!”

After naming Yucheng, Zhang Yu’s mind moved, and the terrifying power and bright radiance of Yucheng quickly converged. The entire city seemed to give people a sense of ancient and majesty, as if it were just a general Ordinary city.

Next moment, Zhang Yu used Supreme’s will to refining Yucheng in a flash, and his mind and Yucheng were connected, like an arm swing.

After refining Yucheng, Zhang Yu also understands its power better!

This is definitely beyond the existence of the special time and space Spirit Treasure. Its power is more than ten times stronger than the special time and space Spirit Treasure recognized by the nine-star Refiner division. It is the Lord of Middle grade time and space. If it hits, I’m afraid it will fall on the spot.

Of course, this is only to say that Zhang Yu has the ability to threaten the life of the Lord of Time and Space and even the Chief Judge, but it does not mean that he can defeat the Lord of Time and Space or the Chief Judge. After all, the Lord of Time and Space The presiding judge’s understanding of time and space has reached an unimaginable level, and he has his own time and space, and he can completely avoid Zhang Yu’s attack instead of standing and waiting for Zhang Yu to hit them.

“But even so, Supreme Treasure in time and space is still very useful!” Zhang Yu has a smile on his face.

Before he was not sure to compete with the lower master of time and space, but now, with Yucheng, he has no doubt that under the master of middle grade time and space, no one can compete with him. As for the master of middle grade time and space, Maybe he can’t help the other party, but the other party can’t help him either.

You must know that Yucheng is the Supreme Treasure of both offense and defense!

In terms of attack, the master of time and space of Middle grade can hardly resist its Prestige of Single Smash.

In terms of defense, although it has not been tested, it is conservatively estimated that it is difficult for the master of middle grade time and space to break it.

“Now facing those masters of time and space, I am finally a little bit confident.” Zhang Yu looked at Yucheng, and became more satisfied with it. From now on, Yucheng will become his life-saving card when he walks outside, with Yu The protection of the city, even if the Middle grade Lord of Time sneak attacked him, it could not cause him harm.

After appreciating for a while, Zhang Yu thought about it, that city, which was bigger than the turbulence of time and space, shrank to palm-size in a flash, and then fell into Zhang Yu’s palm, although it looks small and unremarkable at all , But it contains a hundred powers of the essence of time and space, and is connected to Zhang Yu’s Dantian World, which can be continuously supplemented.

Compared with the terrifying power contained in Yucheng, Yuan Tianyang’s space-time energy within the body is far inferior.

Gentlely put out a breath, Zhang Yu instantly income it within the body, and the whole Yucheng is like a part of Zhang Yu’s body, becoming his extended flesh and blood. It is a very strange feeling.

He stood up and planned to return to Sky Academy.

Despite the implementation of Time Acceleration, he has spent too long in the turbulent flow of time and space, and he does not know how long it has passed.

But just when he came to the edge of nothingness, Zhang Yu stopped again.

“It is better to shield the breath, lest it be too swagger.” Zhang Yu immediately shielded Yucheng’s breath.

Only in Dantian World can he do all this. If it is outside, he can only stare.

After shielding Yucheng’s breath, Zhang Yu took out the rest of the time and space Spirit Treasure and other objects, all shielding the breath. In this way, unless the people of Sky Academy actively release its power, otherwise, No one would have noticed that they were hiding a treasure like Spirit Treasure in Time and Space.

After cleaning up the last breath, Zhang Yu put away a lot of treasures, and when he stepped his feet, he entered nothingness.

After a few breaths, Zhang Yu’s silhouette appeared in the wilderness of God World.

Sky Academy is still very quiet, only Zhang Haoran sits quietly in the small garden of Champs Xie Xiaoju.

“Father.” Zhang Yu appeared in the small garden and yelled softly.

“Competition rewards, are you ready?” Zhang Haoran asked as Zhang Yu appeared.

Zhang Yu nodded: “I should be rewarded and everything is ready. I believe that everyone will be satisfied.”

Zhang Haoran suddenly became interested, said curiously: “What reward?”

“After the competition is over, you will know, now, let me sell it.” Zhang Yu mysterious smiled, “Trust me, you will startled when the time comes!”

“Really?” Zhang Haoran was dubious, but seeing that Zhang Yu was so confident, he stopped thinking about rewards.

After Zhang Yu sat down across from him, Zhang Haoran continued, “Since the competition rewards are ready, then I don’t care. But, do you want to set up a martial stage? Although you will place the competition place. In the wasteland time and space, but if you don’t prepare for anything, it would seem too chaotic…”

Zhang Yu said with a smile: “No need.”

“No need?”

“I have solved the problem of better than the martial stage.” Zhang Yu still kept a mysterious smile on his face, saying: “when the time comes is not only True God, Legendary heroes and immortals will also be in the wasteland To compete in time and space, there is no need to go for a long time.”

Zhang Haoran frowned: “The time and space in the wasteland may not be able to withstand the impact of the immortal.”

“Don’t worry, father, I have a way to deal with all this.” Zhang Yu looked relaxed and did not worry at all. “I promise that the wasteland time and space will not be harmed at all, let alone Sky Academy Teachers and students, who are the masters of time and space, can’t hurt time and space in the wasteland!”

His voice is very calm and contains strong self-confidence. He has a well-established look, which makes it hard to doubt.

Although Zhang Haoran does not know what Zhang Yu did and why he is so confident, Zhang Yu has never made any mistakes since he served as Dean for so long, and everything has been done properly, so he I feel relieved to Zhang Yu. Since Zhang Yu has said so, Zhang Haoran no longer has to worry about the problem of the stage.

“The competition rewards and martial stage are all ready, and the details of the competition rules have been thoroughly perfected. Next, we don’t have to do anything, just wait for the competition to begin.” Zhang Haoran said.

“By the way, father, how long has it been here since I left?” Zhang Yu asked.

Although he can know the result by scanning his divine sense, if everything is like this, life will inevitably lose a lot of fun.

Zhang Haoran said: “There is more than half a day.”

“So long.” Zhang Yu was stunned, a little surprised.

With Time Acceleration, it took more than half a day, unimaginable, how long did he spend in the turbulent time and space of Dantian World… Especially refining Yucheng, it took more time than refining The remaining time and space Spirit Treasure, time and space Good-Fortune Pill, etc. add up to more.

More than half of the time spent refining Yucheng!

“Long time?” Zhang Haoran startled.

“It’s really not long after half a day, but what if Time Acceleration is millions or tens of millions of times?” Zhang Yu sighed, “Fortunately, I used Time Acceleration. Otherwise, I don’t dare to imagine that after so long, Sky What will Academy become…”

The long river of Dantian World has not been fully conceived, and Zhang Yu can only vaguely perceive its existence. Therefore, there are limits to the use of Time Acceleration. There is no way to stack infinitely. Its limit is less than 10,000,000 times. . This is different from the major branches of the world. The major branches of the world are because the world itself cannot afford more Time Acceleration, and the turbulence of time and space can withstand it, but there is no way to improve it.

The only blame is that Dantian World has grown too fast, and the turbulent flow of time and space has expanded so fast that the long river of time can’t keep up with its growth rate.

Before Zhang Haoran could speak, Zhang Yu asked again: “Father, has anyone walked out of the Secret Realm during the time I was away?”

Zhang Haoran shook his head and said: “There has been no movement.”

“The Ten Thousand Worlds Tournament is about to begin in more than a day, I am afraid they will not be able to catch up.” Zhang Yu is a bit regretful, Chen Gu, Ao Kun, Bei Long, Ao Yue, Ao Xiaoyu, Niu Xinghai are all Sky Academy The old people of, without these people, although this ten thousand world competition is not affected overall, it is not perfect after all.

“There is no way if you can’t catch up.” Zhang Haoran calmly said: “The Secret Realm is more important to them than the competition of the world.”

Long before everyone entered the Secret Realm, Zhang Yu announced the time of the competition. Everyone knows this time. Since they did not leave the Secret Realm, it means that they have more important things in the Secret Realm. Maybe it is accepting inheritance, maybe it is awakening bloodline.

“That’s right.” Zhang Yu nodded, although the rewards of the Ten Thousand Worlds Tournament are enough to make Middle grade masters of time and space covet, they are foreign objects after all, and even if they participate in the Ten Thousand Realms Tournament, they may not be able to get rewards. It is better to seize the present opportunity.

After communicating with his father Zhang Haoran for a while, Zhang Yu stopped speaking. The two sat quietly in the small garden, drinking tea while watching the 36 Secret Realms. What Zhang Haoran was concerned about was The situation of Chen Gu and the others, while Zhang Yu thinks more about it. In addition to the teachers and students of Sky Academy, he also has to pay attention to the situation of his Avatars.

Up to now, those super monsters Avatar, Dean Avatar, Old Man Tian Ji, Wine Sword Immortal, and 36 Time and Space Lord Avatar, there are still no signs of movement. Zhang Yu doesn’t know what they are experiencing, but they can Certainly, when they step out of Secret Realm, they will have an amazing transformation.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu couldn’t help but look forward to it.

Can the Avatar be completely awakened or get the inheritance of the Lords of Time and Space?

36 Avatar, the Lord of Space and Time, can inherit the will of the Lords of Time and Space, and even master their time and space?

Waiting quietly, time quietly pass.

Outside the wasteland time and space, a large number of creatures of all races have gathered unconsciously. The densely packed silhouette, hiding the sky and covering the earth, is crushed by darkness. At a glance, there is no way to see the side. These creatures of all races, Coming from different races, Cultivation Base is also different in height. Among them, the most eye-catching and most intimidating is a young man, the mysterious ninth rank from outside the turbulence of time and space… Yuan Tianyang!

Everyone avoided Yuan Tianyang far away, for fear that it would make him unhappy if he got close, and even Long Zu did not dare to approach him at all.

It can be said that Yuan Tianyang is the absolute focus of the field. No one can ignore the existence of a ninth-tier, and he is still a suspected top ninth-tier!

“What is he doing here?” Countless creatures are secretly guessing.

“Does he also plan to visit the heavenly world to compete?”

“Who is he? Where is he from?”

“Besides the turbulence of time and space, is there really another world?”

“Why are you not with him for the three ninth orders before?”

For the creatures in the turbulent time and space, Yuan Tianyang is too mysterious and too powerful. No one can ignore his existence.

Yuan Tianyang stood calmly outside the wasteland time and space, as if he was asleep, and waited silently without saying a word.

Yuan Tianyang, Long Zu, Emperor Yuwa, Emperor Lu, Wei Kun, Lu Wei, etc., all influence, powerhouses, and hundreds of millions of creatures are all waiting, waiting for the start of the competition of the world, waiting for the wasteland time and space The moment it opens!

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