Chapter 801

At the time Zhang Yu refined Grade 7 gods, the wounds of Wu Mo, Xiao Yan entire group were healed, and Wu Mo, more than Cultivation Base, went further from Parting Revolving Middle Realm to Parting Revolving Upper Realm, ranking with Xiao Yan. And Wu Chen, Wu Xinxin, Zhou Xiner, Deng Qiuchan, Xiao Yan and Cultivation Base have hidden signs of breakthrough, believing that it will not take long and that their Cultivation Base will certainly be further.

Outside the temple, people greet Wu Mo: “Congratulations on Big Brother!”

“Big brother, you’re amazing!” Wu Xinxin is jealous and proud, “not only did Alchemist reach six stars, but Cultivation Base also reached Parting Revolving Upper Realm, it’s me big brother! hehe!”

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

hearthis, Xiao Yan, too: “Yeah, we can do this now for Dean. If not Dean, why are we here today’s light?”

One time, Wu Chen, Zhou Xiner, Deng Qiuchan and the others, were all sad and indefinite.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

Wu Mo is a rock: “Senior is wrong, not that we’re delusional, but that’s true. Without Dean’s cultivation, we will never be able to achieve what we are doing today. As for innate talent, Senior would be mistaken if he really thought we were innate talent.”

“What does that mean?”

“Senior knows what we look like before we join Sky Academy?” Wu Mo did not respond immediately, but instead asked a question.


white eye swept the Wu Mo, Xiao Yan entire group and thought, “Though I don’t know what’s going on, do you think you should be one of them before you join Sky Academy? Now, you, the best genius in the cactus, even if you weren’t as bright as you were, in a small wilderness, should be among the top genius.”

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

“What, is it funny?” White frowned.

“Senior, if I tell you, I’ve only been in Sky Academy for over a year, and more than a year ago, I only had the Cultivation Base of Open Revolving 6th-layer, do you believe?” Wu Mo took a smile, looked at white, and said solsolemnly: “What kind of genius am I now 27 years old, more than a year ago, when I was 26 and 26 years old, Open Revolving 6th-layer cultivator? It is true that in Desolate City, where no one asks, I may barely call it a genius, a place where I can look, a place where I can see a country. Moreover, the whole week, compared to the endless part of the wilderness, is just a poppy in the sea.”

You mean, you really took more than a year, from Open Revolving Realm to Parting Revolving Upper Realm? Weren’t you kidding? ”

Xiao Yan and Wu Mo also talked about it before, but the White Heart has always doubted that it is not true.

But now she’s a little shaky.

“I don’t have to lie to you about this, and if you don’t believe it, you can ask the people of the wilderness.” Wu Mo faintly smiled, “not just me, father, I younger sister, autumn, Xiao Yan, Zhou Xiner, and even Bai Ling, are not so many people before joining Sky Academy, and if you don’t believe it, you can ask Miss Bai Ling.”

The white eye moves to Bai Ling, which has the meaning of exploring.

Bai Ling was silent, and then nodded: “Wu Mo said good. We did cant be considered before we joined Sky Academy.”

“I joined Sky Academy more than a year ago when I was 49 years old, Open Revolving 9th layer Cultivation Base.” Wu Chen said, “And now you see, my Cultivation Base, has reached Parting Revolving Middle Realm.”

“hehe, like Big Brother and Dad, joined Sky Academy more than a year ago, when there seemed to be a Cultivation Base with Open Revolving Double Cultivation Base, and now Parting Revolving Middle Realm. By the way, last year I was only 15 years old, and a ceremony for adults was held shortly ago.” Wu Xinxin smiled hehe said that she was also the smallest and simplest group of people in Age, and was regarded as Little Princess, such as all the stars cup themselves around the moon.

“I joined Sky Academy, less than a year.” Xiao Yan thought, and said, “A few months later than Wu Mo Big brother, me and Xiner, when my Cultivation Base, too, was open Revolving 3rd-layer. Now, I’m 21, Parting Revolving Upper Realm.” He had entered the intersection with one foot, but it was not wrong to say that Ou Shenfeng had taken advantage of his manoeuvre, which had led to his Cultivation Base regressing and eventually stopping at Open Revolving 3 rd-layer.

Zhou Xiner said, “I may be better off, when I joined Sky Academy, 18 years old, the Cultivation Base of Open Revolving 9th layer. Joining Sky Academy for less than a year now, Parting Revolving Middle Realm.”

Finally, Deng Qiuchan, her personality has always been atmospheric, without fear: “I joined Sky Academy with Xiao Yan and Xiner, and Age is much smaller than both of them and is now 24 years old, and as for Cultivation Base, my Cultivation Base was open Revolving 6th-layer, now Parting Revolving Middle Realm.”

“In our case, you can ask anyone in the wilderness to testify, believing that many people know.” Wu Mo said at this point, “Do you still think we’re genius like you think?” Their innate talent, in particular Zhou Xiner, reached Open Revolving 9th layer, and Desolate North as a whole, is not much better than her, but far away from the spectacular innate talent in the white fantasy.

White looks at them with shock, some unbelievable.

If Wu Mo entire group is not lying, then their entire group, one of whom may barely be called genius, the rest of whom have nothing to do with genius, is cultivator, not the wilderness world, not the fairy area, but Desolate North, all grabbed…

But it’s a group of people who, in just a year, have become the most genius demon in the Kanbi Fairy!


It’s still a little unbelievable, because it’s too contrary to the norm and it’s too difficult to understand.

What exactly is the means to make a bunch of extremely ordinary or even mediocrity cultivator, who, in a year, has become such a spectacular genius? In the opinion of Baptist, only Monster Beast, or Human Race powerhouse, Dragon Race Divine Dragon, can be called genius, and the rest is mediocrite, and she has not said Xiao Yan entire group is a waste.

“Girl, tell me honestly, are they telling the truth?” White watch Bai Ling seriously.

Bai Ling say with a bitter smile: “Old Ancestor, I just said, they didn’t lie.”

How many points has the white eye sharply sharpened: “Are you sure?”

“I’m pretty sure! Everything is real!” Bai Ling took a deep breath, solemnly: “Old Ancestor, Sky Academy has a lot of amazing places, and it won’t be weird when you get in touch. One year, such achievements, although indeed incredible, are true.”

She stopped and said, “In fact, it’s not just them, is my progress amazing?”

Bai Ling: “You?”

“Xiao Yan and I joined Sky Academy at the same time, when I had only Core Revolving Upper Realm Cultivation Base, with Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bloodline, but very rare, innate talent is far from as old Ancestor imagined.” Bai Ling explained: “Since I joined Sky Academy, my Cultivation Base advanced by leaps and bounds, and with Dean’s help, activated Bloodline, and then, with Teacher’s help, swallowed heavenly material treasure, reorganized the bones, Bloodline evolved, and, more importantly, got your inheritance from Old Ancestor, I reached Evading Revolving lower realm in less than a year.”

Less than a year, from Core Revolving Upper Realm, to Evading Revolving lower realm, such an exaggerated progress is also surprising.

“So to speak, you can achieve such a achievement, and Sky Academy’s credit… No, it’s Dean Mister?” White suck in a cold breath of air.

Bai Ling nodded, “More than a year ago, Sky Academy was silent, without Tutor, with no learners, only Dean, and now Sky Academy is growing thousands of times, with a group of Transcendent Realm Tutor, two Transcendent Upper Realm, Dean, with two Transcendent Division, with a lot of talented students, and even more than one Transcendent Realm participant… The Chambers are scattered all over the world, becoming a huge mass across the world, all because Dean!”

These old students, they witnessed Sky Academy development dots.

So far, they all feel unrealistic, when that weak Sky Academy, after just over a year of development, became a huge thing to stand up to all Heavens and Myriad Realms, and now, even if Dean doesn’t, a group of Tutor, participants alone, can crush one of the normal seven grades of Greater World.

Even if it’s the seventh class Greater World, Sky Academy has absolutely a place.

Sky Academy, you’ve got the capital to face all Heavens and Myriad Realms!

“Senior does not believe and is normal, let alone you, ourselves, have experienced all this, and now it’s time to dream.” Wu Mo’s sadness: “Who could have thought that in just over a year, a silent wildhouse would have grown to today’s height?”

Over a year, for those with a high Cultivation Base, that is to say, a sleeping kung fu, but in such a short period of time Sky Academy completed a remarkable change.

However, the most shocking is not how many Sky Academy teachers are, but how can Xiao Yan entire group grow into such a demon in just a year, from mediocrity to waste cultivator?

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Don’t say that Fortune Pill, the Grade 7, and even the higher medicine pill, is not so effective.

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