Chapter 802 Rebels

In a moment of sadness, Wu Mo looked again into White: “Do Senior think we’re genius now?”

White silence, and she doesn’t know how to judge that if Wu Mo entire group really didn’t lie, they might still cant be called genius, at least before they joined Sky Academy, they cant be called genius.

And as for now, Baek does not know that they are genius. After all, what they have achieved is nothing less than the upper genius in the fairies.

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

Xiao Yan nodded, endorsing: “Well, even if the others look up at us for the innate talent we show, that’s all, the only way to get respect, is to become a real powerhouse, like you, Tutor.”

And here he goes, and he says, “Of course, if a person’s innate talent is strong enough to be beautiful to Dean, or the two famous disciple of Dean, it may also be respectable to the other, no one dares to ignore it, but obviously we are a little further from that realm.”

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

Even a lot of Transcendent Realm Tutor, like Ao Kun, Chen Gu, are afraid of depression and Ye Fan!

When we see Wu Mo, Xiao Yan and the others, the others are prestigious to the depression, Ye Fan, the more curious the White Heart, what kind of innate talent are these two people, and how can they be judged like these demons?

“By the way, it’s not too early. Should we move to the temple?” Deng Qiuchan intervened: “We have destroyed the Dungeons, and now Heavenly Strength Hall’s people’s palaces and palaces have been destroyed, and I am afraid that we will not be able to go, and I fear that once the information is received from the temple, we will hide.”

Their actions were very rapid, and in a few days, they destroyed all the temples of the Dungeon and destroyed the Heavenly Strength Hall’s people’s palace and the temple, leaving only one temple.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

However, Xiao Yan entire group has also forgotten that they have a small number of temples, powerhouse, who say that they will not be allowed to return to the temple at any time, once they return and see their own chambers wiped out, I fear that they will immediately report and move on to the temple.

“Well, then let’s go now!” Wu Mo say with a smile.

He just breakthrough Cultivation Base, desperately looking for a war to prove his strength, and the temple, experts as common as the clouds, powerhouse layers out, trying to find a suitable opponent, should not be difficult.

Bai Ling, too, looks forward to it: “It’s been a long time, and I hope that Hun Miesheng doesn’t let me down!”

Soon, Xiao Yan entire group left the temple and went straight to the temple.

People have been resting outside the temple for a day, never before, and hate cannot be fought immediately with the temple, so they move quickly, fear a little delay, cause the temple to receive information and evacuate early!


sun shifted slowly in the sky and the shadow of trees grew, and when the sun fell to the horizon, Xiao Yan entire group finally arrived at the destination of the trip, the headquarters of the Temple, the Heavenly Strength Hall.


temple, unlike other branches, is dispersed in secrecy, but rather, as many sect Great Sect, is built on a well-known mountain, the entire temple, splendorous and majestic, is extremely luxury, much more beautiful than Pill Pagoda’s headquarters, far from looking, like a palace in the sky, and it is fearsome.

However, it is such a splendorous and majestic place that lives in a notorious group of people, acting in a negative manner, very ruthless, cruel, contrary to the building style of the Temple.

Many people know that the temple is built here, but no one dares to rush to the mountains.

Because the Temple is too strong, as the headquarters of the Temple, this place is where experts as common as the clouds of the clouds, with only a few, the strongest temple, Palace Lord Hun Miesheng, and more than a five-star martyr, and the most unusual rarely seen fighter powerhouse, without even much status, becomes a servant driven by Hun Miesheng.

At the foot of the mountain, Xiao Yan entire group’s eyes were attracted by the palace on the top of the mountain.

“Oh, this souls headquarters is not much worse than the fight against the World Chamber. Xiao Yan smashed his mouth, and it’s the strength of the soul that took thousands of years to build, and it’s the first power on the front!”

He took back his eyes and blindfolded Wu Mo and the others, chuckled, “What, are you afraid?”

Unfortunately, no one cares about him.



you’re afraid, you won’t come!

“Hun Miesheng belongs to me, the rest of which is allocated to you.” Bai Ling indifferently said, “okay?”

“The guy is the old-fashioned five stars, equivalent to Evading Revolving Middle Realm powerhouse. Only Bai Ling will be able to protect him. So even if you don’t say it, we’ll ask you to do it and drag this guy down.” Wu Mo quickly said, “But how it is arranged, it is necessary to look into specific circumstances before deciding that if a bunch of holy powerhouse suddenly emerges, it may not be possible for us to fight.”

Wu Chen said, “Miss Bai Ling, please look into the details of the temple.”

This is where Bai Ling is Evading Revolving’s powerhouse, and the conceptual coverage can accommodate a mountain even further.

“Wait.” Bai Ling threw down the next sentence and immediately freed his mind and covered the entire mountain.

As her Divine Soul power was rapidly depleted, very soon, the state of the temple became clear to her.

But when she recovered her mind, eyes opened, the face changed: Not well, there was a lot of hands on the hills. ”

At least Evading Revolving lower realm powerhouse, the lowland, can be called the best.

Listen to Bai Ling, Xiao Yan entire group face has changed.

However, it is not yet time for them to act, and every one of them is spreading a horrific smell of terror, one of them being the head of the mountain, and more so the chilling smell of the chestnut, the white fog, which jumps slightly, as if the flames were burning, but the flame and the color were very strange.

“Now that you’re here, stay.” The white fog with flames stopped in front of Xiao Yan entire group, “these days, the one who’s been secretly targeting the temple is you?” While he did not intentionally release the air or breath, the white fog that he jumped around, such as the flame burns, was deeply felt.


rest of them, though less than the fog terrifying, are also extremely dangerous to Xiao Yan entire group.

They surrounded Xiao Yan entire group and cut off Xiao Yan entire group’s way.

“The temple is not so high.” Wu Mo, calm down, stare at that man, “are you from the soul?”

The fog’s eyebrows were like, “Looks like you know a lot about the temple. You can even guess that!”

He’s smiling in his face, and seems to care nothing about Xiao Yan entire group.

“Be careful, these people are strong, they are just high fighters, and there are three, and the rest are moderate and low-ranking.” Bai Ling is in the mood, sound transmission: “The man who speaks is supposed to be a Nine Stars Dragon!”

Nine stars, even if they had just entered the Nine Stars, were extremely terrifying, after the three former Semi-Divine powerhouse, Hun Tiandi, a thousand years ago, and even qualified to fight the ancient Hun Tiandi.

“I think I should guess who you are.” Wu Mo stares straight at the fog, “to be exact, you should not be human, but rather… the bluffing of the ranked second, right?”

Xiao Yan, Wu Chen and the others are also gradually reacting: “Nine stars are sacred and resembling fire. Who else is there?”


second highest of the souls, no inflammatory, is the second of the opposite volcanoes, so important that they don’t remember?

“Yo.” Surprised, “you know that?”

He’s a little uncomfortable, you know, among the souls, he doesn’t have a lot of people who know who he is, and these kids recognize themselves at first sight, and it’s just not a coincidence.

“Not only do we know you’re not inflammatory, but we know a lot more than you think.” Wu Mo Lightning, “for example, you invested in the soul and helped Hun Tiandi do a lot of bad things, when you swallowed Spirit Race’s last patriarch to Spirit King, and it was your Predator, and it was a secret that the spirits were continuing and strong.”

There’s no swallowing eye, and there’s a slight rise: “What else?”

“We also know that the souls hide a lot of high hands and that the remaining distant ancient seeds are difficult to fight against you.” Wu Mo does not seem to be afraid at all, but rather, “Hun Tiandi, in your soul, is the rightful first powerhouse, the semi-state powerhouse, the soul goes into Divination Base, and the Cultivation Base is only one step away from it, and you are the second powerhouse, the Cultivation Base is about nine stars, St. Early-Stage.”

Uninflammatory eyes are becoming increasingly dangerous.

Wu Mo continued to say, “By the way, there are four seniors of the soul, who are born, shackled, spiritual, spiritual, and what else I forgot my name, but I know that these four seniors, who are eight stars, have a door of silence, four of them are able to build up and unleash infinite power.”

“The souls have four sacred spirits, slaughterhouses, souls, mirrors, souls, all sacred by seven stars, with unusual status.”

Wu Mo smiles and brings many secrets of the soul, like a few jewels, to the following: “The soul fiction, the first Medicine Refining Master in the soul, Grade 9 High Medicine Refining Master, Cultivation Base also reaches the Seven Star Medal Level…”

“The souls were strangely involved in the siege of Patriarch Xiao Shingen a thousand years ago, and although only six stars were Cultivation Base of St. Early-Stage, they were an invisible figure that was more dangerous than many seven stars!”

“Old Soul Man, five stars fighting St. Late Stage, the power will come.”

Wu Mo says every single word that the face of the vulgar is bleak, and the killing card in its eyes is weaker and older.

“That’s all that’s left, and I’m lazy to say, Cultivation Base is too low, and I’m lazy to judge.” Wu Mo says, “Not to show off, just to let you know, we really know a lot, much more than you think, how about now?”

To be honest, Wu Mo says this, even though he doesn’t know it all himself, but now an outsider knows it better than he does.

“Yeah, good!” Nonsense complexion ashen, in the eyes of killing intent.

“Wanna do it?” Wu Mo’s heart is vigilant, but apparently fearless, provocative: “If you do it now, I can respect you as a man!”

“To be honest, I must thank you!” ”

it’s time to go to Wu Mo, Xiao Yan entire group.

what the hell?

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

He turned around and swept a bunch of people around, “I promise, whoever the traitor is, it’s gonna be terrible!”

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