Chapter 804 Terrorist women

Half the air, everyone’s body is frozen, full of fear and blackmail, and brought together on the vague silhouette of that dust.

Nonsense, as well as many souls powerhouse, all hold their breaths and do not dare to make a sound.

Their eyes stare at a silhouette, and they don’t move, leaving this earth in silence.

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

They haven’t seen each other’s actions yet, and an eight star fighting sacred was killed and metaphorized.

Imagine who can stop the rest of them if they target each other?

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

It’s just that there’s no swallowing and no confidence to avoid each other’s attacks, and the instant erupts too much faster than he did, and in the face of this mysterious person, he feels like he’s confronted with a Great Desolate wild beast, which is more pressure than he felt when he was confronted with Hun Tiandi.


this moment, there’s a dead silence in the field!

See only that dust, a blurred, mild silhouette, slowly moving towards the direction of the people, as if it had come from hell, and every step forward, people felt powerless pressures, almost suffocating them.

Nonsense and the others, they all feel like hair, and they’re not comfortable.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Wu Mo is a rock: “No, this is not Illusion Domain Divine Fox Senior’s real strength. Don’t forget that the Cultivation Base and Divine Soul of Illusion Domain Divine Fox Senior were all seal’s power, and now she’s showing just her fleshy body strength!”

With fleshy body power alone, he punched an eight star fight.

Wu Chen, Deng Qiuchan and the others are not shocked, but only if they are seen in person can they be able to feel the creeping.

Her silhouette is also becoming clear as the white cloud slowly walks out of dust.

This is a woman with a fox skirt, a glimpse of body, somehow, with a pathological pale in her face, a perfectly flawed five-officer, as if she were the perfect masterpiece of the heavens, and she was as noble, sacred and desecrated as Goddess, but concealed a mysterious temper, two contradictory qualities that appeared on her at the same time, and it was extremely unrealistic.

“Well, I didn’t notice before, Senior injury, seems to have recovered almost as much.” Xiao Yan startled.

Wu Chen said, “Just the trauma recovered, the internal injury was not good, and only Illusion Domain Divine Fox Senior knew it.”

Wu Xinxin is a two-eyed light: “Illusion Domain Divine Fox Senior is too powerful!”

“Who says a woman is better than a man?” Deng Qiuchan is also admirable and worshippers: “Illusion Domain Divine Fox Senior, as our example!”

At that time, the white quail stopped walking, slight up, looked quietly at the silent whole group, and it was clear, and it came out of her mouth, “These Little Brat are the people I’ve been covering, you want to move them and ask me?”

Her voice was calm, and she didn’t show off anything, as if it were a simple question, but concealed a sense of hegemony.

“Who the hell are you?” The face of silent inflammation is heavy and tense in the heart.

Faced with this mysterious woman who merged all the advantages of a woman in the world, he felt unprecedented pressure because he hidden a breath of death, this woman, no, it should be said that the demonic beast of mysterious had absolutely the most horrible presence he had ever seen in his life, which was like an ancient monster, making his hair anesthetic.

The white pats are very random, the fox skirts, and they take out the dust on them, and they’re very unhappy: “Let’s do it yourself.”

Nonsense complexion greatly changed: “What!”

“I said, you guys do it yourself.” The white-collar grows slightly, and the moon grows, and looks at the disingestive entire group.

“Are you out of your mind?” Nonsense both shocked and mad, “even if you’re strong, you can’t see our opponent!”

While he felt that the woman was dangerous, he did not feel that he had no power to do so.

Besides, even if you can’t fight, can’t you run?

His body is a fire, life force is much harder than humans, demonic beast, and he doesn’t believe that he can easily erase himself!

Deep took a deep breath, forcibly pressed down anger, restrained emotion, said solsolemnly: “It is not appropriate for the grievances to settle, and if you stop, I can apologize for what happened before, and I can leave these children alone. Otherwise, even if you kill us, believe it or not, I can kill these children before you kill us all!”

That has been the case, with no inflammatory inflammation having to be encouraged and impaired in a timely manner.

If he really wants to fight, he doesn’t hold his life.

“Don’t forget, we’re from the soul!” The one who survived the noble festival is not threatened. “Are you not afraid that the souls will fight you with the power of your entire people?” Of course, he also said in his mouth that everyone knows what the Sky Academy is like, what they killed Sky Academy in private, nothing, but the soul even had the courage to kill Sky Academy.

With Sky Academy strength, it can be said without exaggeration that even if the soul is ten times stronger, against Sky Academy, it is no different from striking a stone with an egg.

“Are you done?” White question.

Nonsense with many souls powerhouse, all startled.

White lazy, slapped, silhouette disappears like lightning.

After hundreds of thousands of years of divine force tempering, enhanced fleshy body, the power of terrifying matchless is even enough to penetrate space and collapse the dome.

People can’t see her move at all, but see only a blurred shadow flash, and then one of those who threw a harsh scream in the mouth of the white jazz, went down straight to the bottom of the earth, smashed it, tremendous impact, causing the earth to tremble shake a few times, a mushroom cloud to slow up, hit the center, and there was a deep pit of more than ten zhang, rock turtles to crack, mud to float, grass to powder, and a wolf.

To that end, three high-ranking fighters, one without swallowing!


Dead silence!

Everyone died staring at that silhouette that slowed down from the sky, and the heart was like stopping jumping.

“Do you move them a test?” casually solved a seven-state sacred, white looking at no swallowing, indifferently said.

A drop of cold sweat, drained from the pale cheek, burned to the fog by the fire around it, and disappeared instantly.

If the first eight stars were killed by sneak attacks, the second seven were killed instantaneously, without even room for struggle, in defensive circumstances.

Obviously, the strength of the whites is stronger than they think!

No resistance!

“Run away!” Nonsense bites teeth and makes tough decisions.

At a time when their voices fell, each and all souls powerhouse, the time ran away, and the flame of non-inflammation erupted, as if the dome were to be burned, the space around it burned out of each and everyone’s holes, and many distorted black holes, even if not white opponents, remained a powerful display of terror, unleashed unintentionally, and could even erase a city if it erupted.

Nine stars, no one who was easy to deal with with with.

And when they ran away, the white cloud was suddenly moving, and she was like a charm, chasing down a lowlife, smashing his chest, smashing his guts, and then stepping down on that lowlife, chasing another lowlife, with his elbow on each other’s abdomen with countermeasures.

She’s like climbing rocks, and each and everyone are struggling with the sacred, middle class, just like her stepping stone, allowing her body to fly once in the sky.

Every time her silhouette shows up, it means a fight against the temple.

Immediately then, her silhouette vanished again, so circled and started again.

Shortly counted, the soul powerhouse, almost dead, with only one silent swallowing.

And when it appeared in the vanity of non-inflammatory front, it hit the past, and it was blown back by white fists, hitting thousands of zhang, hitting on the back of the mountain, shocking the entire mountain, burning between a piece of grass and a short amount of information, to ashes.

This is pure fleshy body power!

Strong fleshy body power!

With this power, white clouds can even interfere with the energy dimension, causing deadly shocks to the flame of silent inflammation!

“crackle.” On the waist, the flames are spreading, the sound of grass burning becomes the only melody between Heaven and Earth.

There are many powerhouse members of the soul, just between these moments, dead and wounded, even without inflammatory inflammation, and life and Death don’t know.

The battlefield was suddenly quiet, only white, walking from afar, and the wind blows her long hair and puts her face on a few feet.

Wu Mo, Wu Chen, Xiao Yan, Bai Ling and the others looked at each other, and then swallowed a spit.

That’s not swallowing. Nine stars!

And its object is the opposite fire of the ranked second!

Such a presence, isn’t it a combination of white enemies?

“Terror!” There’s a single thought in people’s minds. “Violence!”

And somehow, Wu Mo, Xiao Yan and the others, not thinking about Bai Ling, who was the same violence, hegemony, but the horror of his strength is far less than that of Bai Ling, it can be said that Bai Ling is a strengthened version of Bai Ling, stronger than Bai Ling, more violent than Bai Ling, less violent than Bai Ling, and less violent than Bai Ling.

You know, the people who died in white are sacred!

The lowly struggled sacred, moderate, high-ranking jihad responded to Evading Revolving lower realm, Evading Revolving Middle Realm, Evading Revolving Upper Realm powerhouse in the wilderness.

But a bunch of powerhouse, like a weak chicken, is slaughtered with white hands…

“cough cough cough…” In the waist of the hill, where there was no swallover, it came to a weak, painful cough, which had been heated and horrendous, as if there was a lack of energy, had been weakened more than 10 times, and seemed to be extinguished at any time.

The white eyebrows are a little surprised: “Are you still alive?”

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

“Energy life is more difficult to deal with than material life, but cant be considered as much as the evil Five.” Hundreds of thousands of years of white trespassing in the fairy area, and even more so with the experience of the five evil spirits, it is not surprising that a special lifestyle like fire, “special life in the form of flames is still very rare, it’s hard to miss you, it’s not easy, it’s time, I don’t erase your consciousness, go.”

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