Chapter 805 Restaurant

In the flames, there’s some unbelievable rise: “You don’t kill me?”

In this weak is prey to strong, the winner’s life, the loser’s death, is a common practice, and there is no doubt that he will die, but there is no doubt that each other will forgive himself.

He’s got a little creepy, a little unbelievable.

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

Nonsense swallowed a spit, sweating cold on the forehead: “I’m the one who got into this mess!”

The witch head?

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

Obviously, this mysterious woman, who is supposed to be a Monster Beast, the horrible building of Great Demon, is never forgotten!

“Speaking of that, energy life also belongs to one of the Monster Race branches, which is extremely difficult to produce and very difficult to cultivate.” White indifferently said: “The fairy domain is huge, but I’ve lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and I’ve seen very few energy bodies, and you’re one of them.”

“Hundreds of thousands of years…” with no inflammatory hair, he could not imagine who could live that long.


White said, “You were beaten by me and you were still alive, which means that you should not die, and this time, I gave you a break. Go back and tell Hun Tiandi that these Little Brat are the people I’ve got, and the temple is gone, and it’s better not to attempt revenge. If he really wants revenge, come straight to me, or I don’t mind going straight into the soul!”

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

“Junior must bring the words.” The silent heart is trembling, struggling to stand up and walking away from white.

White’s got it. Let’s go! ”

Blind eyes swept through Wu Chen, Wu Mo, Xiao Yan, Bai Ling entire group, and then retrieved the sight and flew in half the air.

But he just left, and suddenly stopped, and hesitated to say, “What’s Senior’s identity, Cultivation Base?”

“What, do you really want Hun Tiandi to avenge you?” White eyebrows.

“Of course not.” Nonsense frightens a jump, and the sound shakes a little, “Junior just curious about that’s all.”


White Dog is not ashamed of concealing identity, directly saying, “It’s okay to tell you that I’m Illusion Domain Divine Fox, Super Animal, who used to be Transcendent Upper Realm Cultivation Base, the superior fighter in your eyes, but now Cultivation Base and Divine Soul have Seal’s strength, leaving only pure fleshy body power. If you want revenge, come to me!”

One shock in the head: “The Emperor?”

He’s got some stupid eyes.


can’t believe this mysterious woman is legendary fighter, and he’s almost invincible upper fighter!

Jesus, when did the souls provoke such an enemy?

“Wait, her Cultivation Base… was Seal?” Nonsense reacts suddenly, and eyeballs stare a few times, “by Seal’s superior fighter, is that horrible?”

With fleshy body power alone, how horrendous should they be if they lose their armor?

He felt that the white quail was stronger than the soul patriarch Hun Tiandi, more terrifying than that half-emperor powerhouse, and never thought it was just a white jaw in Seal’s state, and he could have killed all of them if the white Cultivation Base had not been Seal.

Exactly legendary!

No, this one is more horrible than ordinary fighters!

“Senior was joking, and the soul made it bold and dared not to seek revenge from you.” Smile with no inflammatory, “but, if Junior’s curiosity, how could Senior be Seal Cultivation Base if he was the upper fighter, strong and powerful?”

He has something to think about.

As for Seal, I Cultivation Base, you should have heard of Sky Academy Dean Mister! ”

The reference to its Cultivation Base was made by Dean Seal, which appeared to be very calm and not as tense as ever.

“The mysterious Dean!” Violent eyes shrink, some surprises, “a great presence like you, or his opponent?”

White was silent, and then said with a bitter smile: “Dean Mister’s power is unpredictable, and I’m not even his rival. You don’t have to ask him how powerful he is, even if I say so, you don’t understand. You just need to know that all Heavens and Myriad Realms can be beautiful with Dean Mister, I’m afraid only a few people.”

Nonsense sucks a cold breath, the more shocking in the heart.

Capitol Imperial Capital isn’t that mysterious Dean’s rival?

“Wait, Senior, aren’t you Sky Academy? Dean, why Seal, your Cultivation Base?” Nonsense is a little dizzy.

White blindfolded him, indifferently said, “Who says I’m Sky Academy?”

“Isn’t that right?” So why do you… “He looked at Xiao Yan entire group,“ Asylum these Sky Academy participants? ”

“I think they’re looking at each other, okay?” White expressionlessly said.

She really cared that only Bai Ling had taken refuge in Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others, but wanted to sell Zhang Yu a face, hoping that Zhang Yu would be able, for his own benefit, to accept his request to join Sky Academy, but it was just a selfish initiation in her heart, and naturally not to tell the vervain.

“Yes, of course.” ”

White said so much, and she wasn’t interested in it anymore, and she looked at it naked: “You can go away.”

He took a deep breath in the white eye, raised his hand cup one fist in the other hand: “Word!“ ”

Turn around, no swallowing when moving towards a distance.

At the time of his arrival, he came with a group of souls powerhouse, known as Wind Wind, but when he returned, he was left alone, and the rest of his soul powerhouse had fallen, and even himself had been seriously injured, and the artificial fire had almost been dispersed and it was estimated that it would take months or even years to recover.

As for the temple, he has lost sight of it.

Look at silhouette and Xiao Yan says, “Senior, do you really let him go?”

“Or what?” White Path: “Although he tried to kill you, he did not succeed and was seriously injured by me, and his body almost collapsed, it was almost three years old, it was difficult to recover, and it would take months to take what medicine pill to recover, and the punishment would be similar, and there was no need to kill to the last one.”

Ultimately, Baptism forgives his life when he looks at his special status, and this is not the result if he changes his identity.

“What, this results, you guys not satisfied?” White looking towards Xiao Yan a few people.

“Nonsense has nothing to do with us lacking hatred and enmity, whether you kill him or not.” Wu Mo shakes his head and says, “On the one hand, we are destroying the temple for experience and, on the other hand, we want to clean up the world for a fight against the world so that it doesn’t get pissed off. Without the temple, it would be difficult for the soul to continue its plot, after all, to re-establish a power such as a temple, which is unlikely to be completed for hundreds of years.”

Wu Chen nodded, “Our goal is the temple, and as for the soul, we are not rivals or careless.”

Dean doesn’t have a natural soul. Why are they staring at the soul?

Maybe, in Dean’s eyes, the souls don’t have to be on the floor, like the same tiny ant, if Dean really wants to kill the souls, do his fingers and don’t have to bother them.

Bai Ling said, “Let’s not talk about the soul, let’s think about how to solve the temple!”

She threw her eyes at the top of the mountain, and she was like, “Without the soul powerhouse, we don’t have to look at anything.”

“Miss Bai Ling, are you sure the temple powerhouse is on this hill?” Wu Mo was surprised.

“They thought they’d invite the soul powerhouse to pick us up, and now they’re all on the hills.” Bai Ling’s mouth rose slightly, “just because they were afraid to dream, Old Ancestor would do something to get rid of that group of spiritual powerhouse, and even the Nine Stars fought with no swallowing.”

Xiao Yan eyes shined: “That’s right.”

They have destroyed the terrain, as well as the Heavenly Strength Hall’s people’s palace, the temple, which now leaves only the last temple, solves the temple and exterminates it completely.

“These guys are not as powerful as the spirits powerhouse, but they can be small and careful.” Bai Ling reminds me: “The five stars gave it to me, and the rest, you’ll figure it out.”

On the other hand, she flew straight to the top of the mountain, like the same stream of light, and seemed to fear that Palace Lord Hun Miesheng had fled.

Wu Chen, Wu Mo, Xiao Yan and the others were too late to say, and rushing to the mountains.

They just witnessed a war of violence, boiling blood, not yet calm down, watching a bunch of high hands waiting on the hills to greet them. Where can they wait?

As for the beating, it’s not a question they should think about.


has proved that, after many battles of baptism, their consciousness of combat has been greatly strengthened, and even if a group of powerhouse in the upper temple is allowed to fall into nothing, Wu Mo and Xiao Yan can cope alone with a four-style festival of the first middle-class, which, despite being oppressed, is not spared, while the rest, some of them, are struggling with the upper lowland, some are sacred and others are fighting with Peak.

It is difficult to imagine that this group of people, who recently bleed with the people of the temple powerhouse into a place of serious injury.

White walking up the hill, neither fast or slow, does not mean anything to interfere in the fight.

She was not concerned about Xiao Yan entire group security, and, although the Temple was extremely strong and the weakest was Peak, and the strongest five stars, Xiao Yan was also weak here, especially with Bai Ling joining them, who were like a tiger that had grown wings, generally overriding the temple.

When she went up to the top of the mountain, she stopped walking outside the battlefield, and expressionless looked at the battlefield, and her face was slightly cold and quiet.

However, she had no idea that the arrival of herself had exerted tremendous pressure on many powerhouse members of the Temple, even if she had not done so, to stand by the side of the battlefield alone, with great deterrence, causing great psychological stress and even frequent failures on the people of the Temple powerhouse.

Xiao Yan entire group, no matter how wrong they are, catching an opportunity is a shock, so that the spirits powerhouse will soon fall into the wind and the situation will be precarious…

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Since then, the first power on the Continent, the temple of the soul, is completely de-listed!

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