Chapter 806 Investigation of traitors


strength of the battle in the Temple is strong, and many people can feel it far from being shaken by that horrendous energy fluctuation, and even powerhouse at the holy level will not be near until the battle is calm, and the entire mountain will be burned to ashes, and people will be bold to sneak into it.

A few days later, a message that struck the whole fight continent, spread around the corners of the world.

The temple has been destroyed!

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

This information, as in the case of wings, is transmitted quickly from Zhong Prefecture to the perimeter, and not long ago, even remote places such as the Gama Empire know the news of the destruction of the temple.

One time, the whole fight continent, the crown celebration, everybody came out of the shade of the temple and saw the sun again.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

The soul patriarch Hun Tiandi was angry and frightened, and the temple was extinct, and he was furious, but the temple was only one of the forces supported by the soul, and it did not shake the roots of the soul, and he was really angry that a group of spiritual powerhouse brought with man had fallen into the hands of a mysterious demonic beast, a powerhouse that had been built by the soul for many years, so many hands, even souls, had died in a single time, and had some ravages.

Hun Tiandi, however, was furious, but he was afraid not to give a shit.

Because it was white, it was a superior fighter, and it was Seal’s Cultivation Base’s upper fighter!

Hun Tiandi was a very prudent man, who had planned for a long time and finally won, and he was naturally unlikely to go to revenge without knowing what was at the bottom of the white world, and since he was able to do it in one face, he would be terrified, and he was not necessarily right.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Also, the upper fighter, even if Seal had Cultivation Base, was not a half-day powerhouse like him that could get into trouble.

Hun Tiandi, despite the madness of his heart, has managed to restrain himself by returning all clansman who traveled abroad to summon in order not to encounter those stars and suffer from arrogance.

鈥減atriarch, are we done? If we don’t do anything, are our souls laughing?鈥?/p>

The rest are also looking at Hun Tiandi, waiting for Hun Tiandi to make a decision.

Hun Tiandi and the others appeared at the engagement party between depressed and lavender, leading to the re-emergence of the ancient eight communities.

Today, the existence of the ancient eight communities is no secret, but everyone with a certain status knows that the temple is the strength of the souls, and that the destruction of the temple is tantamount to the provocation of the souls, and, more importantly, to the many martyrs sent by the souls, and ultimately only one of them escapes back like stray dog.

I’ve never lost such a big face since the birth of the soul!

They were the only ones who bullied others, and now somebody dared to bully them, and they certainly couldn’t accept it!

鈥淒o what? What do you want?鈥?Hun Tiandi expressionless, who can’t see what he thinks in his heart, “with the power of the whole family, to confront a superior fighter?鈥?/p>

The eight stars frowned and said, “Isn’t her Cultivation Base Seal?鈥?/p>

鈥淭he Divine is immoral.鈥?Hun Tiandi looked deeply at him, and then he said, 鈥淓ven if Seal Cultivation Base was a fighter, we couldn’t get into trouble. We’re not fighters, and how do we know what we have? Are you trying to bring the whole soul to the temple?鈥?/p>

The eight stars seem to have detected Hun Tiandi’s attitude, concealed his dissatisfaction in Hun Tiandi’s words and, although still a little unsatisfactory in his heart, eventually shut up and dared to reverse Hun Tiandi’s will.

In the soul, Hun Tiandi is the god of the Supreme Ex – is – tence, and everything he says, and no one dares to turn back.

鈥淭his is over. Over there, when we never set up a temple.鈥?Hun Tiandi has tremendous vigour and rhetoric, and there is no doubt that 鈥渢he clansman who died, buried properly and gave their families the corresponding support, and I do not want those people to be disturbed by this. This thing, Spirit, you do.鈥?/p>

Spirit, young Patriarch, Second Star Treasure, is the descendant of Old Ancestor, with the soul’s divine Bloodline, which is not much less qualified than old lavender.

Spirit nodded, compliments: 鈥淵es!鈥?/p>

鈥淔or a while, don’t go out, all of you stop.鈥?Hun Tiandi said, “Sky Academy’s emergence has changed the pattern of the continent, and our souls, if not underemphasized, will soon be forced to extinguish the disaster. It must be known that Sky Academy sent a fighter to sweep us all over, and in front of absolute power, no one can resist.鈥?/p>

And the people look at each other, and they look down, and there is nothing to do with it.

鈥淭he search for soul body was suspended and the plan for the collection of Tajima was also suspended immediately.鈥?Hun Tiandi continues to say, 鈥淪imply put, all our plans have to stop.鈥?/p>

One of the middle fighters couldn’t help asking, 鈥淲ill you be too cautious?鈥?/p>

鈥淲e can’t risk this!鈥?Hun Tiandi’s voice is down, and it’s heavy: 鈥淭housands of clansman of the soul cannot bear the consequences of failure!鈥?/p>

And the middle fighter said, 鈥淲hen will the plan continue? Is that how we’ve been planning all these years?鈥?/p>

Hun Tiandi indifferently said: “Of course not. However, we cannot move until the situation is clear.鈥?/p>

He’s been planning for a thousand years, and naturally unwilling to give up, but for the sake of stability, he intends to wait a little longer, and now Sky Academy is too strong, and Shaw, Gun and the others are joining Sky Academy, and he is not willing to take that risk.

鈥淲hat a shame!鈥?A fighter, Clansman, couldn’t hold his fist, he was cranky.

鈥減atriarch, can’t we do anything now, just trapped in the soul, working day and night?鈥?Somebody asked.

Hun Tiandi’s eyes were slight, and there was a cold smile on his face: 鈥淥f course not doing anything. On the contrary, there’s one thing that has to be done, and it has to be done immediately, and it has reached an urgent point!鈥?/p>

People sceptically looked towards Hun Tiandi.

See only Hun Tiandi’s eyes sweep through people, as if they could wear a sharp eye through people’s hearts, as in the blade of profit, scratched on everyone’s eyes, and his eyes are stitched up into a sewer, with a dangerous meaning: 鈥淟isten to the falsehood of annexation, the Sky Academy people know what kind of tall hands our souls have if they know, or even name, about our souls.鈥?/p>

“I wonder, how do they know?鈥?/p>


soul community itself is an independent space created by Old Ancestor, a fighter of many years ago, who lives in the soul, with a soul Bloodline, a very covert place in the soul, a situation within the community, and only the people of the soul know, even the powerhouse of the temple.

In such a closed and independent space, aliens are simply not allowed to enter, and there is no reason to know what is happening.

Unless someone whistles!

鈥淚mpossible!鈥?Many of the core souls are complexion greatly changed, with collective silence.

One of the eight stars saints said, 鈥淲e are extremely covert, there can be no one to find, and there’s no way to get in! Even if someone comes in, it’s impossible to find such detailed and secret information!鈥?He’s looking for no swallowing, 鈥渁nd you’re sure they know all the secrets of our souls?鈥?/p>

The eyes of all people are thrown into vain, and there is no doubt in their eyes.

鈥淣ot only do they know the existence of many powerhouse members of the soul, but one after another read your names.鈥?Unswallowed indifferently said: “The souls seem to be stripped of their clothes, and there is no secret in front of them.鈥?/p>

People have a concussion.

A sevenstar fighting holy eyes staring at the man: 鈥淣onsensense, do you know what that means? Are you responsible for what you said?鈥?/p>

If the verbal word is true, then things can be big.

Silence is very calm: 鈥淚 have no lies, patriarch knows better than anyone.鈥?/p>

鈥淚 can prove that he didn’t lie.鈥?Hun Tiandi stares at people, and he refining himself long ago, just that he has not deprived him of all his spiritual wisdom, so the relationship between the two, some of the owners and servants of the demonic beast compact, Hun Tiandi, while unable to detect the perception that he is not guilty, can still feel it clearly.

At that point, the faces of the souls have become difficult to look at.

Even Celestial Emperor said that, doesn’t it prove that there’s a traitor?

Time, people are vigilant, looking for each other’s eyes, and there’s nothing to prevent.

Such knowledge of the souls must be high, so the traitors must be one of them.

Those ordinary clansman, instead of suspicion, can’t reveal anything important, even if they want to snitch, want to be a traitor.

鈥淔rom this day on, you will be honest at home and don’t go away.鈥?Hun Tiandi took a deep look at the people, and slowly said, 鈥淎fter all these years, the soul, too, should come up and start a self-checking, and I’ll take responsibility for this, and if you’re really okay, I’ll pay you back, and my soul will not injure any clansman, but…鈥?/p>

And here, his eyes are cold: 鈥淚f there is a traitor, I Hun Tiandi will make you understand what it’s like to live or die.鈥?/p>

The people were forced to fight with a little fear in their eyes.

Although they did not connect with foreigners, they did not sell their souls, but spent so many years in high places, and there were a lot of unscrupulous places, and even hidden things that could not be reported, once they were found out…


consequences are inconceivable!

At this moment, all people are somewhat down their heads, in a dark rush, and hate to go back and clean up all the evidence and traces immediately, and Hun Tiandi is what kind of person no one knows better than them, and if their things are found out, they don’t die.

And there are so few clansman, more soft legs, as if all the energy was empty.

Although they were calm and behaved with justice, they had little to lose.

The only thing that is not swallowing is always bleak, as if it was none of his business.

鈥淎ll right, it’s all gone.鈥?Hun Tiandi does not seem to see their fears and their hearts as false as they say.

As soon as the people were pardoned, they walked out of great hall until they left Hun Tiandi’s sight, they showed up the cold sweat of densely packed, as they had just recovered from the water.

鈥淟ooks like a lot of clean people!鈥?Hun Tiandi looked at the gate of Great hall, whispering, 鈥渢hese guys, really when I was blind, can’t you see?鈥?Those heartless guys, Hun Tiandi, have seen it clearly, just without the outbreak of that ‘all.

Silence is silent.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

鈥淚 don’t know if I can detect traitors, but I know that” the silent word slows: 鈥淚f there’s no accident, a bunch of worms should be identified, even if there’s a bad heart! As for traitors, since he, or they, can hide for so many years, from their ability, it should not be easy to find out!鈥?/p>

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